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ANTI-VIOLENCE AGAINST  She has an irrational belief that the

abuser is omnipresent and
ACT OF 2004 (RA 9262)
BATTERY – refers to any act of inflicting
(A) Definition of Terms physical harm upon the woman or her
child, resulting to a physical and
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND psychological or emotional distress.
THEIR CHILDREN – refers to any act
or a series of acts committed by any PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE – refers to
person against a woman who is his acts or omissions causing or likely to
wife, former wife, or against a woman cause mental or emotional suffering of the
with whom the person has or had a victim such as but not limited to
sexual or dating relationship, or with intimidation, harassment, stalking,
whom he has a common child, or damage to property, public ridicule or
against her child whether legitimate or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse and
illegitimate, within or without the family mental infidelity. It includes causing or
abode, which result in or is likely to allowing the victim to witness the physical,
result in physical, sexual, sexual or psychological abuse of a
psychological harm or suffering, or member of the family to which the victim
economic abuse including threats of belongs, or to witness pornography in any
such acts, battery, assault, coercion, form or to witness abusive injury to pets or
harassment or arbitrary deprivation of to unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the
liberty. It includes, but is not limited to, right to custody and/or visitation of
(1) physical, (2) sexual, (3) common children.
psychological and (4) economic
violence. (A) Against Whom Committed


refers to a scientifically defined pattern
of psychologically and behavioral a. who is his wife,
symptoms found in women living in b. who is his former wife, or
battering relationships as a result of c. with whom the person has
cumulative abuse or had a sexual or dating
relationship, or
CYCLE OF VIOLENCE (People v. d. with whom he has a
Genosa, G.R. No. 1395981, 2004): common child.

 Tension building phase; 2. The woman’s child

 Acute battering incident; and
a. whether legitimate or
 Tranquil, loving phase (non-violent
phase). illegitimate, within or without the
family abode.
Characteristics of the syndrome The violence committed must result in or
is likely to result in physical, sexual,
 The woman believes that the psychological harm or suffering, or
violence was her fault; economic abuse including threats of such
 She has an inability to place the acts, battery, assault, coercion,
responsibility for the violence harassment or arbitrary deprivation of
elsewhere liberty. It includes, but is not limited to:
 She fears for her life and/or her
children’s life; and
a. Physical Violence: refers to acts child of custody to her/his
that include bodily or physical family;
harm; b. Depriving or
b. Sexual violence: refers to an act threatening to deprive the
which is sexual in nature, woman or her children of
committed against a woman or her financial support legally due
her or her family, or
c. Psychological violence: refers to
deliberately providing the
acts or omissions causing or likely
to cause mental or emotional woman's children
suffering of the victim; and insufficient financial
d. Economic abuse: refers to acts support;
that make or attempt to make a c. Depriving or
woman financially dependent. threatening to deprive the
woman or her child of a
(B) Punishable Acts1 legal right; and
d. Preventing the
1. Causing physical harm to the woman in engaging in any
woman or her child; legitimate profession,
2. Threatening to cause the occupation, business or
woman or her child physical
activity or controlling the
3. Attempting to cause the victim's own money or
woman or her child physical properties, or solely
harm; controlling the conjugal or
4. Placing the woman or her child common money, or
in fear of imminent physical properties;
5. Attempting to compel or 6. Inflicting or threatening to inflict
compelling the woman or her physical harm on oneself for
child to engage in conduct the purpose of controlling her
which the woman or her child actions or decisions; Causing
has the right to desist from or or attempting to cause the
desist from conduct which the woman or her child to engage
woman or her child has the in any sexual activity which
right to engage in, or does not constitute rape, by
attempting to restrict or force or threat of force,
restricting the woman's or her physical harm, or through
child's freedom of movement or intimidation directed against
conduct by force or threat of the woman or her child or
force, physical or other harm or her/his immediate family;
threat of physical or other 7. Engaging in purposeful,
harm, or intimidation directed knowing, or reckless conduct,
against the woman or child. personally or through another
This shall include, but not that alarms or causes
limited to, the following acts substantial emotional or
committed with the purpose or psychological distress to the
effect of controlling or woman or her child. This shall
restricting the woman's or her include, but not be limited to,
child's movement or conduct: the following acts:
a. Threatening to
a. Stalking or following
deprive or actually
the woman or her child in
depriving the woman or her
public or private places;
Sec. 5
b. Peering in the order shall be enforced by law
window or lingering outside enforcement agencies.2
the residence of the woman
or her child;
remaining in the dwelling or UNDER THIS ACT:
on the property of the
woman or her child against
ORDER(BPO) –Issued by punong
her/his will; barangay, after ex parte
d. Destroying the determination of the basis of the
property and personal application, which orders
belongings or inflicting perpetrator to desist from
harm to animals or pets of committing acts under Section 5
the woman or her child; and (1) and (2) of this Act.
e. Engaging in any
form of harassment or Effective for fifteen (15) days. The
violence; and court shall schedule a hearing on
the issuance of a PPO prior to or
8. Causing mental or emotional on the date of the expiration of the
anguish, public ridicule or TPO.
humiliation to the woman or her
child, including, but not limited 2. TEMPORARY PROTECTION
to, repeated verbal and ORDER (TPO) – Issued by the
emotional abuse, and denial of court on the date of filing of the
financial support or custody of application after ex parte
minor children or access to the determination that such order
woman's child/children. should be issued.
(C) Venue
Effective for at least a period of
1. GENERAL RULE: RTC thirty (30) days and may be
designated as Family Court extended by order of the court.
has original and exclusive
2. In the absence of (1): RTC ORDER (PPO) – Issued by the
where any of the elements is court after notice and hearing. The
committed, at the option of court shall schedule a hearing on
complainant. the issuance of a PPO prior to or
on the date of expiration of the
(D) Protection Order TPO.

Order issued under this act for the Effective until revoked by a court upon
purpose of preventing further acts of application of the person in whose
violence against a woman or her child favor the order was issued.
specified in Section 5 of this Act and
granting other necessary relief. The
relief granted under a protection order Place of Effectivity Enforce
serves the purpose of safeguarding Filing ability
the victim from further harm, B Barangay 15 days Only in
minimizing any disruption in the P where the the
O APPLICANT barangay
victim's daily life, and facilitating the
resides where
opportunity and ability of the victim to applicant
independently regain control over her resides
life. The provisions of the protection
Sec. 8
T RTC/Family 30 days, Anywhere
P Court/MCT renewable in the PH
O where the until PPO is
P RTC/Family Effective Anywhere
P Court/MCT until in the PH
O where the revoked by
PETITIONER the court
resides upon
of petitioner


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