Multicultural Lesson Activity

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Find or develop a multicultural activity you would teach in your classroom. Plan 30-50 minutes for
the activity, depending on the age of the students

1. Lesson Objectives:
 Subject/Grade Level: Mae Jemison for kindergarteners
 Observable Objective: Students will be able to read and learn about Mae Jemison who was the
first African American women to become an astronaut. By the end of this lesson students will be
able to create their own paper rocket.
 Multicultural Goal: To promote a positive gender, racial, and cultural identities.

2. Materials: YouTube video: , Book called Mae

Jemison (You should meet) by Laurie Calkhoven, construction paper, pencils, glue sticks, school glue,
safety scissors, crayons
3. Instruction- learning Process: Create a detailed outline of the multicultural
activity following the teaching format below:

 Do First: Welcome the class and begin to ask class if they ever seen a space shuttle before? Show
clip from YouTube of Mae Jemison.
 Mini lesson: Once the video is over begin asking students what they saw in the video. Then tell
students they will learn more about the first African American astronaut to enter space, Mae
Jemison who rode in the first space shuttle like in the video. Explain and show photos of Mae
Jemison and ask what they see and what she is in.
 Guided Practice: Bring the book “Mae Jemison (you should meet),” and let the students look
through the book. Let them they talk about what they think it will be about and then at the end
talk about if what they got was correct.
 Independent Practice: Have the students build their paper rocket
 Exit Slip: Have the class show their rocket and share one fact they learn about Mae Jemison.
 4. Resources:
Roe, J. (2020, May 05). Mae Jemison’s Space Shuttle - a Black History Month craft. Retrieved
March 14, 2021, from

5. Reflection: What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.? Specific subjects that were
taught was to recognize what the space shuttle is and learn about Mae Jemison. What specific
multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved? Students were taught about Mae Jemison, the first
female African American to be astronaut and her being in a space shuttle. Evaluate the level of student
engagement in the teaching- learning process. Students participated by asking questions and giving
their thoughts. Also sharing a fact, they learned at the end. Lastly, list the strengths and weaknesses of
the multicultural activity. The strengths were learning about Mae Jemison and getting to make their
own rocket.

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