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 Most of the medimix respondent’s age group lies between 16-30 with 59%

 The majority of the medimix respondent’s gender category is male when compared to
female with 64%

 Most of the educational qualification of the medimix respondent’s is under graduate

with 55%

 Majority of the medimix respondent’s occupation is student with 52%

 Most of the medimix respondent’s income per month is 10,000-20,000 with 28%

 Majority of the respondent’s use medimix soap with 83%

 Most of the respondent’s know medimix soap by TV with 55%

 Majority of the respondent’s buy medimix soap by its quality with 58%

 Most of the respondents like medimix soap by its hygienic with 57%

 Majority of the respondents prefer to by medimix soap at the rate of Rs 30 with 60%

 Most of the respondents have been using medimix soap since last six months with

 Majority of the respondents prefer Real Ayurveda with 42%

 Most of the respondents require one soap every month with 37%

 Majority of the respondents change brand one time in last three months with 66%

 Most of the respondents have seen the medimix soap advertisement with 90%
 Majority of the respondents don’t have any health issue on using medimix soap with

 Most of the respondent’s family members use medimix soap with 73%

 Majority of the respondents spend 50-100 for medimix soap with 75%

 Most of the respondents strongly agree that compared to other soap medimix is better
in quality with 63%

 Majority of the respondents buy medimix soap by its discount offer with 42%

 Most of the respondents are very satisfied with the product with 56%

 Majority of the respondents says they will suggest the product to their friends with

 Most of the respondents have given Five-star rating with 40%

The respondents may not aware of this product so they can give free samples and make
more aware of this product. Majority of the respondents know the product by TV and rest of
them know by various other ways by friends etc. so they can improve the advertisement way.
They can improve the package, colour of the product because majority of the respondents buy
medimix soap by its quality and rest by various other reason so they can improve other to get
more customers

Majority of the respondents prefer Rs30 so they can reduce the price of the product and
attract more customers to them. Majority of the respondents prefer real ayurvedic because of
its quality so they can improve the same in all other flavours also. Majority of the
respondents change brand minimum one time at in six months because the soap doesn’t
satisfy their need so they can improve all the requirement of the respondents.

Still some respondents have not seen the advertisement of the medimix soap so they can
make more ads in social medias, websites etc. so that all may come to know about the
product. Majority of the respondents don’t have any health issue on using medimix soap but
still some have problems like skin allergies so they can solve the problem and make more
customers to their product. Most people suggested that they like to see the soap in good
package even though the present packing also in good condition
Majority of the respondent’s family members use medimix soap but also some don’t prefer
that because it doesn’t suit them. majority of the respondents buy medimix soap by its
discount offer but also some respondents doesn’t prefer that they expect some other offers
like combo pack etc. some respondents are not satisfied with the product because of its rate
quality etc.

From this study its finding revealed that majority of respondents belong to teenage
group. They expect the company to provide the product in less price. The company can
increase its sales by reducing its sales and increasing its advertisement the company must
give discount's or offers at some special occasion majority of the respondents suggest to
provide free gifts

 John R. Dillon (1991) discussed various determinants of customer

satisfaction such as Income, age, sex, religion, and other socioeconomic
background and he came to a conclusion that the customers were very
clear in their choice.

 K.V. Charles and V. Kohli (1994) decided in their study on customer

preference of cosmetics that the customers ‘attention would be on the
price and utility of the products.

 Meenaghan (1995) noted that to build up a successful brand image, a

well-rounded marketing plan will be required focusing on all areas of
the marketing mix. It needs to focus on the organization's strengths in
all areas and ensure that the good/service is positively differentiated
from its closest rivals. Manchester. United has established a range of
global, commercial partnerships with certain blue-chip firms. Indeed,
this has helped put Manchester United on the global scene. Nike has
launched their new Cool Motion double layer kit, promoted by many of
the players such as Scholes and Ferdinand, wearing Nike Boots, which
have helped connect the famous market leader with this Premier
Football teams. Further, legends such as Canton have helped create this
maverick image for Manchester United, but also having such a
combination of powerful sponsors has brought the team a reputable
 Boulding et al (1993) stated another perspective of customer satisfaction,
which deals with the difference between transaction specific and
cumulative customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is viewed as a
post-purchase evaluative judgment of a specific purchase occasion
according to transaction-specific perspective. Cumulative customer
satisfaction is an overall evaluation based on the total purchase and
consumption experience with goods or service over tome. Cumulative
satisfaction is a more fundamental indicator of the firm's past, current and
future and its cumulative satisfaction that motivates a firm's investment in
customer satisfaction.

 Kotler and Armstrong (1993) stated that consumer/customer satisfaction

is determined by the relationship between the customer's expectations and
product's perceived performance.

 Fe and Ikova (2004) added that the perception of the word "satisfaction"
influences the activities, which a customer conduct to achieve it.
Researchers have also identified customer satisfaction as a
multidimensional in nature and viewed overall satisfaction as a function of
satisfaction with multiple experiences with the service provider.

 Giese & Cote (2000) studied various literatures and indicated that
customer satisfaction is a response (emotional or cognitive), the response
pertains to a particular focus (expectations,

 Anderson et al. (1994) states that when quality and expectations increase,
there is a positive effect on customer satisfaction in the long run, but
increased expectations may have a negative impact in the short run.
Expectations have a positive effect on customer satisfaction in the long
run because they capture the accumulated memory of the market
concerning all past quality information and experience.

 Ennew and Binks (1996) state in the study that service quality is seen as
a key antecedent to successful customer relationships. Arguably, this is
particularly so in the service sector where quality can be difficult to
imitate and as such can potentially provide the basis for a sustainable
competitive edge. Offering a superior service, which the competition
cannot match, provides customers with a reason for selecting and
remaining with a particular provider.
 Anderson and Sullivan (1993) have investigated the antecedents and
consequences of customer/customer satisfaction by analysing
representative survey of 22,300 customers of a variety of products and
service s in Sweden in 189-90. This paper has the following important

 Achieving the full profit potential of each customer relationship is Vital

for the organization. Grant and Schlesinger (1995) stated that profits from
customer relationships are the lifeblood of all businesses. Profits can be
increased by acquiring new customers- to increase the number of people
who use a product or service and enhance the profitability of existing
customers- to motivate people to engage in behaviours that generate higher
returns. The company must examine customer behaviours such as share of
use, costs of service, price paid and referrals for studying full potential of
target customers.

 P.K. Ghosh (1998) described in his review that the economic status
was the major factor to influence customers' attitude.

 V.R. Choudhry (1999) explained that the customer would be willing to

buy again and again when they were satisfied with their sentimental
feelings and they usually evaluate their buying decisions in terms of
expectations and satisfactions.

 J. Santhosh and Kamlesh Guptas (2000) listed various strategies of

customer satisfaction in the automobile industry and they concluded
that the customers’ attitude would be influenced by the price and value
of the products.

 Kincade, Doris H.; Woodard, Ginger A.; Park, Liaison (2002) in their
article on "Buyer seller relationship for promotional support in the apparel
sector" studied the Promotional activities offered to apparel retailers by
manufacturers. In his study they Concluded the retailer's perceptions of
the offering frequency and the importance of the support, and to
investigate the relationship between offering frequency and Perceptions of
importance. It was offered that monetary support was regarded as the most
Important promotional support .
 Hague (2016) explained that However, the product and its features,
functions, reliability, sales activity and customer support are the most
important topics required to meet or exceed the satisfaction of the
customers. Satisfied customers usually rebound and buy more. Besides
buying more they also work as a network to reach other potential
customers by sharing experiences.

 Rebekah & Sharyn (2004) pointed out that the value of keeping a
customer is only one- tenth of winning a new one. Therefore, when the
organization wins a customer it should continue to build up a good
relationship with the client. Providing the quality of goods and services
in the 20th century is not only to satisfy the customers but also to have
a safe position. Indeed, this has benefited the customers significantly on
consuming qualitative products.

 Hill, Brierley & MacDougall (2003) figured out such that mentation,
etc. Moreover, from profitability and productivity perspectives only
activities that produce value for customers should be carried out.
Hence, firms have to get to know their customers much better than has
normally been. However, the company should be able to build trust with
the customer so it is easy to get the feedback from the customer. This is
how customer-oriented product or service could be developed.

 Lovelock, C & Wright, L. (2007,86-87) pinpointed that Customer

satisfaction is dynamic and relative. Only the idea “customer-centric”
can help companies improve satisfaction and keep customer truly,
conversely, if competitors improve customer satisfaction, then it may
loss corporate customers. While improving customer satisfaction,
customer expectations should be noticed. Service quality, product
quality and value for money have a direct positive impact on customer
satisfaction. Employee satisfaction is equally important before
achieving customer satisfaction. If employees have a positive influence,
then they can play a big role to increase customer satisfaction level.
Satisfaction is a dynamic, moving target that may evolve overtime,
influenced by a variety of factors. Particularly when product usage or
the service experience takes place over time, satisfaction may be highly
variable depending on which point in the usage or experience cycle one
is focusing
 In 1995, a Harvard Business Review article by Thomas Jones and Earl
Sasser Jr. came up with the “satisfied customers defect.” This theory
debunked the clout of customer satisfaction. R.L. Oliver’s Expectations
Confirmation Theory held that customer satisfaction could be defined
by measuring the gap between the customer’s expectations and his or
her perception of whether those expectations had been met.

 Thomas Jones and Earl Sasser Jr (2017) showed that customer

satisfaction couldn’t be used solely to track customer loyalty, and in
fact – you should be looking at a range of customer satisfaction metrics
to gauge a better understanding of your customers and their loyalty.
Hoyer and MacInnes (2001) said that satisfaction can be associated with
feelings of acceptance, happiness, relief, excitement, and delight. There
are many factors that affect customer satisfaction.

 Kotler (2000) defined satisfaction as: “a person’s feelings of pleasure

or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived
performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations”.
According to Hans mark and Albin son (2004), “satisfaction is an
overall customer attitude towards a service provider, or an emotional
reaction to the difference between what customers anticipate and what
they receive, regarding the fulfilment of some need, goal or desire”.

 According to Hokinson (1995), these factors include friendly

employees, courteous employees, knowledgeable employees, helpful
employees, accuracy of billing, billing timeliness, competitive pricing,
service quality, good value, billing clarity and quick service.

 Ching-Chow Yang (2003) stated that customer satisfaction the strength

and the area of improvement in the quality of product, Continuous of
considered one of the important quality activities for a firm to pursue the
products. Through the continuous improvement actions, the enterprise can
satisfaction and raise profits.

 Berry et al (1997) service quality has become a significant differentiator

and the most powerful competitive weapon, which the service
organizations want to possess.
 Jain & Hundal (2006) revealed in their study that the choice of service
provider was affected by facilitating factor followed by coverage, quality
of services, and easy availability of connection and bill payment. Lt was
stated that neighbour’s choice had affected the respondent's choice to a
great extent.

 Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman (1996) study shows that companies

offering superior service achieve higher than normal market share growth
developed a conceptual framework of the behavioural and financial
consequences of service quality. Superior (inferior) service quality is
related to favourable (unfavourable) behaviour intentions.

 McCune (1989) suggested that due to increased public desire for ices the
dramatic growth in the service industry, companies has led to assess
quality of sets it an increased customer satisfaction.

 Herman nets al (2007) told that customer satisfaction is directly

influenced by price FTepüonsÄbeit1ndirectly, through the perception of
price fairness. The price fairness Itself and the way it is fixed and offered
have a great impact on satisfaction.

 Jamali (2017) "A study of customer satisfaction in the context of a public

private partnership" they explored that the purpose of this paper is to
present the results of an original satisfaction survey in the context of a
new public private partnership (PPP) in the Lebanese postal sector,
highlighting traditionally overlooked linkages between PPPs. quality
management and customer satisfaction. The ascendancy of PPPs in recent
years has been attributed to key drivers including greater value for money.
and enhanced service quality. very few studies to date have investigated
the success of service performance improvement in the PPP context, by
gauging customer satisfaction. The paper is a literature review and
customer satisfaction survey.

 Rhonda L. Hensley, Jeanne Sulek, (2017) "Customer satisfaction with

waits in multi- stage services", The purpose of this study is to examine the
relative importance of customer perceptions of waits in amuletic-stage
service. The stages included the wait at the point of service-entry, the wait
during the service stage in which the core service was experienced and the
wait at the service-exit stage as the customer was preparing to Leave
Satisfaction with the waits and satisfaction with the core service product,
employee’s' behaviour and the physical setting were examined in relation
to of service quality. Four measures of customers' perceptions of quality in
this study. These included overall customer satisfaction, willingness
recommends the service to friends, willingness to bring to the service
intentions. This study is one of the first to empirically examine of service
waits at multiple stages of a service operation on quality,

 M.Vijay and Dr. Suresh Kumar (2019) Determinants of customer satisfaction

towards herbal products in selected area of Tamil Nadu states that Ayurveda or the
„Science of Life‟ is an ancient, holistic for diagnosis and treatment, perhaps the oldest
system of medicine known to humanity. At Himalaya the research will begins with
the raw herbs chosen from traditional texts, both from observations and experiences
of indigenous plants. The objective is to find the current herbal products scenario in
India. The result of the study will help the company to identify the satisfaction level
of the customers and demand of various benefits provided and promotional activities
adopted by the company.

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