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LÊ HỒNG PHONG Ngày thi: 07/04/2018
Th i gian làm bài: 180 phút

Đề này có 08 trang.

 Thí sinh làm phần trắc nghiệm (MULTIPLE CHOICE) trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm và phần tự luận (WRITTEN TEST)
trên phiếu trả lời tự luận.
Trên phiếu trả lời trắc nghiêm, thí sinh tô thêm 2 số 00 vào trước số báo danh (bằng bút chì).
 Phần mã đề thi trên phiếu trắc nghiệm, thí sinh tô vào ô 002.


I. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (5 PTS): Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
1. – Jack: Did you know Jim’s car broke down on the highway late at night?
– Jane: Unfortunately, that’s a situation anyone ______.
A. might have to confront with B. might be confronted
C. might be confronted D. might have been confronted
2. ______, I haven’t seen Catherine all day.
A. Come to think of it B. To come to think of it C. Coming to think it D. Coming to think of it
3. ______ earning a great deal of money as a painter, Ivan Aivazovsky opened art school and gallery in his
hometown of Feodosiya.
A. Rather B. Since C. Upon D. Until
4. In your place, I ______ to others for help. There’s no way of getting the project finished yourself.
A. would have turned B. must have turned C. will turn D. would turn
5. ______ chair the meeting.
A. John was decided to B. It was decided that John should
C. There was decided that John should D. John had been decided to
6. We all wished to be treated ______.
A. as equal B. as equally C. as equals D. equals
7. The great French novelist Honore de Balzac would make ______ revision when he was proofreading his work
that ______ was left of the original text in the end.
A. too many / not enough B. such a lot of / a few
C. plenty of / not many D. so much / little
8. She ______ fainted when she heard that her son had died.
A. rather than B. nothing but C. all but D. near
9. I’ll be kind to her ______ she decide to leave me.
A. in case B. whereas C. so as not D. lest
10. Jasmine’s parents died when she was just a baby, so I ______ family she every had.
A. was all the B. was the whole C. have the whole D. have all the
11. He’s a tough politician – he knows how to ______ the storm.
A. run down B. keep up C. push back D. ride out
12. Don’t take ______ your bad friends anymore or you’ll regret it.
A. up with B. in for C. down at D. for
13. He was unaware that he was being ______ with out-of-date stock.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off
14. I was so tired that I just ______ in the armchair.
A. flaked out B. broke up C. dropped out D. fell over
15. I thought she was being serious, but she was only having me ______.
A. up B. on C. over D. round
16. – Peter: How old do you think Perkins is?
– Patrick: Oh, he must be getting ______ eighty, I’d say.
A. away with B. about at C. down to D. on for
17. Nobody from the President down should imagine they are ______ the law.
A. beyond B. over C. within D. above

18. At first the children enjoyed the game but quite soon the novelty ______.
A. went off B. died out C. died down D. wore off
19. When attacked by his opponents, the general ______ with a strong justification for his policy.
A. hit back B. struck up C. leapt up D. pushed forward
20. The free tickets for the band’s concert ______ within seconds by the enthusiasts flocking at the hall door.
A. run up B. broken up C. drawn up D. snapped up
III. VOCABULARY (10 PTS): Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
21. I found the information for the project in the encyclopedia but I couldn’t give ______ and verse on it.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
22. During the riots, hundreds of people broke into the city’s main department store and ______ it. There was
almost nothing left after the night had finished.
A. mugged B. looted C. conned D. stole
23. When his manager went on a business trip, Smith stepped into the ______ and chaired the meeting.
A. hole B. pool C. breach D. crack
24. The country has few natural resources and its economy had been ______ for some time now.
A. diseased B. unwell C. sickening D. ailing
25. Every time the government meets their demands, the union leaders shift the ______.
A. goalposts B. lamp-posts C. bus stops D. roadblocks
26. They worked from dawn to dusk with such ______ that they were exhausted.
A. boredom B. zeal C. crack D. debility
27. The Prime Minister will decide whether to release the prisoner or not; that’s his ______.
A. prerogative B. contortion C. derogatory D. abdication
28. The sheep were huddled into a ______ to protect them from overnight frosts.
A. pen B. hutch C. kennel D. barn
29. That human rights are ______ is unacceptable in a civilized society.
A. infringed B. impeached C. abrogated D. quashed
30. I overslept this morning and caught the last bus to school by ______.
A. the hair of my head B. the skin of my teeth C. the nail of my finger D. the skin of my heels
31. Since he is too old to be a porter, they have decided to put him out to ______.
A. the door B. grounds C. grass D. the kerb
32. Andrew Johnson was the first president of the US ever to be ______, primarily because of his violent temper
and unyielding stubbornness.
A. impeached B. overthrown C. overpowered D. dethroned
33. If she wins the prize again this year, it’ll be a real ______ in her cap.
A. nutshell B. gemstone C. feather D. landmark
34. Maggie is so moody and unpredictable. She’s apt to fly off the ______ without any real cause.
A. handle B. strap C. catch D. belt
35. Despite a string of ______ he retained his place in the side.
A. promising B. reasonable C. satisfactory D. moderate
36. The earthquake ______ 6.5 on the Richter scale.
A. weighed B. measured C. achieved D. counted
37. It was ______ clear to me what they meant by their cold manner.
A. blatantly B. fully C. abundantly D. acutely
38. The international conference of the Cardiological Association has been ______ in Cairo to discuss the
revolutionary discovery of doctor Gonzales from Mexico.
A. deployed B. collected C. mobilized D. summoned
39. I had a small accident with the car. One of the wings is a little ______.
A. stained B. jammed C. dented D. cracked
40. I’ve only been here for a week so I haven’t got into the ______ yet.
A. swings of things B. groove of things C. rut of things D. swing of routine

IV. GUIDED CLOZE (10 PTS): Read the texts below and decide which answer best fits each space.
Passage A
Plants are (41) ______ to attack and infection by a remarkable variety of symbiotic species and have evolved
a diverse array of mechanisms designed to frustrate to potential colonists. These can be divided into preformed or
passive defense mechanisms and (42) ______ or active systems. Passive plant defense comprises physical and
chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens, such as bacteria, or (43) ______ tissues unpalatable or toxic to the
invader. The external surfaces of plants, in addition to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry
spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either prevent feeding by insects or may even puncture and kill insect (44)
______. Other trichomes are sticky and glandular and effectively trap and (45) ______ insects. If the physical barriers
of the plant are breached, then preformed chemicals may inhibit or kill the intruder, and plant tissues contain a diverse

array of toxic or potentially toxic substances, such as resins, tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, many of which are
highly effective (46) ______ to insects that feed on plants. The success of the Colorado beetle in infesting potatoes,
for example, seems to be correlated with its high tolerance (47) ______ alkaloids that normally repel potential pests.
Other possible chemical defenses, while not directly toxic to the parasite, may inhibit some essential step in the
establishment of a parasitic relationship. For example, glycoproteins in plant cell walls may inactivate enzymes that
degrade cell walls. These enzymes are often produced by bacteria and fungi. Active plant defense mechanisms are
comparable to the immune system of vertebrate animals, although the cellular and molecular bases are (48) ______
different. Both, however, are triggered in reaction to intrusion, implying that the host has some means of recognizing
the presence of a foreign organism. The most dramatic example of an inducible plant defense reaction is the
hypersensitive response. In the hypersensitive response, cells undergo rapid necrosis ― that is, they become diseased
and die ― after being penetrated by a parasite; the parasite itself (49) ______ ceases to grow and is therefore
restricted to one or a few cells around the entry site. Several theories have been (50) ______ to explain the bases of
hypersensitive resistance.
41. A. likely B. inclined C. flexible D. subject
42. A. inducible B. causative C. influential D. medicinal
43. A. convert B. render C. alternate D. reimburse
44. A. embryos B. larvae C. larva D. caterpillars
45. A. immobilize B. demobilize C. deactivate D. depreciate
46. A. hindrances B. repellents C. deterrents D. expurgations
47. A. to B. for C. within D. under
48. A. efficaciously B. phenomenally C. fundamentally D. originally
49. A. following B. substantially C. procedurally D. subsequently
50. A. brought about B. worked out C. put forward D. laid down

Passage B
Some of the most impressive geographical features in North America are the many earth mounds (51) ______
around the continent. These earthworks are enormous artificial hills constructed by various Native American
civilizations for (52) ______ purpose, such as burials and worship, and they are thousands of years old, with the latest
ones being finished hundreds of years before Europeans explored America. Upon their arrival, European explorers
were impressed with the structures, but prejudice against the native tribes prevented them from (53) ______ Native
Americans with their construction. Instead, American settlers developed several theories that claimed a superior but
(54) ______ “mound-builder” civilization made the earthworks. Moreover, particular details of different mound-builder
theories reflected the specific prejudices of the people who supported them. For example, devout Christian groups like
the Mormons argued that a sacred Israeli society was responsible, and white Americans argued that only the Vikings
could have built such mounds because they believed that their European (56)______ were far superior to Native
Americans. The (57) ______ of these myths showed how for centuries Americans selectively examined evidence and
distorted science in order to support their own agendas (58) ______ the natives. Prior to the 20th century, many
Americans accepted the mound-builder theories as facts, despite the dubious evidence that supported them. For
instance, most believers argued that the presence of metal artifacts beneath the mounds showed that the natives
couldn’t have built them because they had no knowledge of metallurgy. Some tribes did in fact possess such skills, and
the presence of defensive walls around tribal lands indicates that Native Americans could indeed construct structures
such as earth mounds. Nonetheless, most Americans (59) ______ such evidence and instead considered other
potential candidates for the mound builders. Popular choices were ancient Chinese, Greek, or African civilizations, none
of which were in prehistoric America. Other people argued that mystical forces, such as God or people from mythical
Atlantis, built the mounds.
51. A. scattered B. extended C. stretched D. covered
52. A. philosophical B. infinite C. ritualistic D. opportunistic
53. A. commemorating B. accrediting C. recognizing D. endowing
54. A. bygone B. disrupted C. exhausted D. extinct
55. A. secretive B. divine C. celestial D. sacred
56. A. forefather B. ancestors C. foregoer D. ancestry
57. A. persistence B. perseverance C. insistence D. determination
58. A. for B. towards C. against D. from
59. A. missed B. refuted C. dispatched D. disposed
60. A. rites B. vigors C. powers D. motivations

V. READING COMPREHENSION (10 PTS): Read the texts below and choose the best answer to each
Passage A
Among all the abilities with which an individual may be endowed, musical talent appears earliest in life. Very
young children can exhibit musical precocity for different reasons. Some develop exceptional skill as a result of a
well-designed instructional regime, such as the Suzuki method for the violin. Some have a good fortune to be born into
musical family in a household filled with music. In a number of interesting cases, musical talent is part of an otherwise
disabling condition such as autism or mental retardation. A musically gifted child has an inborn talent, however,
the extent to which the talent is expressed publicly will depend upon the environment in which the child
Musically gifted children master at an early age the principal elements of music, including pitch and rhythm.
Pitch–or–melody is more central in certain cultures, for example, in Eastern societies that make use of tiny quarter -
tone interval. Rhythm, sounds produced at certain auditory frequencies and grouped according to a prescribed system,
is emphasized in sub-Saharan Africa, where the rhythmic ratios can be very complex.
All children have some aptitude for making music. During infancy, normal children sing as well as babble, and
they can produce individual sounds and sound pattern. Infants as young as two months can match their mother's
songs in pitch, loudness, and melodic shape, and infants at four months can match rhythmic structure as well. Infants
are especially predisposed to acquire these core aspects of music, and they can also engage in sound play that
clearly exhibits creativity.
Individual differences begin to merge in young children as they learn to sing. Some children can match
segments of a song by the age of two or three. Many others can only approximate pitch at this age and may still have
difficulty in producing accurate melodies by the age of five or six. However, by the time they reach school age, most
children in any culture have a schema of what a song should be like and can produce a reasonably accurate imitation
of the songs commonly heard in their environment.
The early appearance of superior musical ability in some children providence that musical talent may be
separate and unique form of intelligence. There are numerous tales of young artist who have a remarkable "ear" or
extraordinary memory for music and a natural understanding of musical structure. In many of these cases, the child is
average in every other way but displays an exceptional ability in music. Even the most gifted child, however, takes
about ten years to achieve the levels of performance or composition that would constitute mastery of the musical
Every generation in music history has it famous prodigies - individuals with exceptional musical powers that
emerge at a young age. In the eighteenth century, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began composing and performing at
the age of six. As a child, Mozart could play piano like a adult. He had perfect pitch, and at the age of nine he was also
a master of the art of modulation - transition from one key to another - which became one of the hallmarks of his
style. By the age of eleven, he had composed three symphonies and 30 other major works. Mozart's well-developed
talent was preserved into adulthood.
Unusual musical ability is a regular characteristic of certain anomalies such as autism. In one case, an autistic
girl was able to "Happy Birthday" in the style of various composer, including Mozart, Beethoven, Verdi, and Schubert.
When the girl was three, her mother called her by playing incomplete melodies, which the child would complete with
the appropriate tone in the proper octave. For the autistic child, music may be the primary mode of communication,
and the child may cling to music because it represents as a haven as a world that is largely confusing and frightening.
61. The word "precocity" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. strong interest B. good luck C. advance skill D. personal style
62. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the sentence in bold in paragraph 1?
A. Children may be born with superior musical ability, but their environment will determine how this ability is
B. Every child is naturally gifted, and it is responsibility of the public schools to recognize and develop these
C. Children with exceptional musical talent will look for the best way to express themselves through music-
D. Some musically talented children live in an environment surrounded by music, while others have little
exposure to music.
63. The author makes the point that musical elements such as pitch and rhythm ______.
A. distinguish music from other art forms B. vary in emphasis in different cultures
C. make music difficult to learn D. express different human emotions
64. The word "predisposed" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. inclined B. gifted C. pushed D. amused
65. According to the passage, when does musical talent usually begin to appear?

A. When infants start to babble and produce sound patterns
B. Between the ages of two and four months
C. When children learn to sing at two or three years old
D. Between ten years old and adolescence
66. According to the passage, which of the following suggests that musical talent in the separate form of
A. Exceptional musical ability in an otherwise average child
B. Recognition of the emotional power of music
C. The ability of all babies to acquire core elements of music
D. Differences between learning music learning language
67. Why does the author discuss Mozart in paragraph 6?
A. To compare past and present views of musical talent
B. To give an example of a well-known musical prodigy
C. To describe the development of individual musical skill
D. To list musical accomplishments of the eighteenth century
68. All of the following are given as example of exceptional musical talent EXCEPT ______.
A. a remarkable "ear" or perfect memory for music
B. ability to compose major works at a young age
C. appreciation for a wide variety of musical styles
D. playing a single song in the style of various composers
69. The word "haven" in paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. beautiful art B. safe place C. personal goal D. simple problem
70. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about exceptional musical ability?
A. It occurs more frequently in some cultures than in others.
B. It is evidence of a superior lever of intelligence in other areas.
C. It has been documented and studied but is little understood.
D. It is the result of natural talent and a supportive environment.

Passage B
The oceans’ predators come in all shapes and sizes. For example, one of the less infamous ones is the colorful
starfish, which feeds on plant life, coral, or other shellfish such as mussels for sustenance. A more bloodcurdling
example, especially to human beings and most other species of fish, is the shark, though most scientists agree that
only ten per cent of the 450 plus species of sharks have been documented as actually attacking a human. Still, there is
another predator lurking invisibly in the bodies of water of the world, one which poses one of the greatest threats to
all species of ocean life - bacteria. Though many types of fish are continually stalking and evading one
another for survival, they all band together in an attempt to keep bacteria levels at
bay in order to allow their own existence to continue.
Bacteria play a dual role in the ecosystems of the oceans. On the one hand, they are beneficial as they
stimulate plant life through food decomposition, which releases the necessary chemicals for the growth of plant life.
This is called nutrient recycling and helps keep the oceans alive. But, on the other hand, bacteria are a major
predator for all fish because they attack fragile, weaker individuals. If they are allowed to run rampant and not kept in
check, they could virtually suffocate the oceans. In water, bacteria prove to be an even greater threat than on land
because, as they proliferate, they reduced the oxygen levels necessary for organisms in the oceans to live. Further,
when fish populations become depleted due to factors like overfishing, microbes such as algae expand and threaten
the fragile ecosystems of the ocean. Therefore, ocean predators play a critical role by thwarting bacteria growth and
maintaining the oceans’ equilibrium by reducing vulnerable links in the food chain.
In many ways, the balance within the oceans’ ecosystems mirrors the human body. That is, all of their
components must work in harmony for them to stay healthy, efficient, and alive. If one of them is missing or deficient,
an entire system can be placed in jeopardy. In both the human body and the ocean, bacteria play a vital role because,
at manageable levels, they aid in protecting and cleaning each system of foreign agents that can be of harm. On the
other hand, if bacteria levels increase and become out of control, they can take hold of a system, overrun it, and
become debilitating. Therefore, both oceans and the human body have a kind of custodian that maintains bacteria
levels. In the human body, it is called a phagocyte. Phagocytes eat up sick, old, or dying cells, which are more prone
to bacterial invasion, and thus keep the body healthy. Like in the human body, bacteria can prove fatal to the living
organisms in the ocean.
Like phagocytes in the human body ocean predators work as antibacterial custodians of the seas. In essence,
they are the immune system and a vital link in the food chain because they remove small, injured, or sickly fish from

the ocean environment before bacteria can become too comfortable and multiply. By ridding the ocean of weaker fish,
predators allow the stronger ones to multiply, making their species stronger and more resilient. Without their services
and with their declining numbers, bacteria will blossom to levels that will eventually overpower and kill even the
strongest species of fish because of the depletion of their number one source of life, all important oxygen.
While the greatest battle in the ocean may seem on the surface to be the survival of the fittest fish, a closer
look reveals something completely different: fish versus microorganisms. Clearly, most living organisms in the oceans
are hunters by nature, but this way of life does not merely provide a food source for a dominant species. It also
maintains a healthy level of bacteria in an ocean’s ecosystem, thus ensuring the continuation of all species of life
within. Major predators are necessary, like the antibacterial cells of the human body, to keep this delicate balance in
sync. If their numbers continue to decline and humans ignore their vital role in the ocean, dire consequences will
definitely result.
71. The word “lurking” in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. attacking B. increasing C. waiting D. approaching
72. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of ocean predators?
A. The shark is the deadliest one for all other kinds of life in the oceans.
B. One of the most threatening to all fish populations is bacteria.
C. Starfish do little damage to the population of mussels and shellfish.
D. Most of the killers that hide in the oceans are unknown to humans.
73. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about bacteria?
A. They can be extremely detrimental to fish if their numbers increase.
B. They are able to feed off themselves when other food sources are limited.
C. They stimulate plant life, which in turn releases oxygen into the water.
D. They present themselves in numerous shapes and forms as well as colors.
74. The author discusses nutrient recycling in paragraph 2 in order to ______.
A. show how bacteria act similarly in the ocean and the human body
B. explain the different roles of nutrients and oxygen for species of fish
C. indicate that bacteria do have a positive impact in the oceans
D. note how chemicals from bacteria are able to stimulate plant growth
75. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the sentence in bold (“Though...
A. Evasion tactics help fish escape from the threats posed by an increasing number of bacteria.
B. Various species of fish prey upon one another in order to lower bacteria levels in the ocean.
C. High bacteria levels in the ocean help most species of fish to survive by providing them with food.
D. Rivals or not, all fish help one another survive by preventing bacteria from proliferating.
76. The word thwarting in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. encouraging B. preventing C. slowing D. sustaining
77. According to paragraph 2, bacteria are dangerous to ocean life because ______.
A. they have the capability to attack both strong and weaker fish
B. they could monopolize the critical breathable gas in the ocean
C. they get rid of vulnerable links, like dying fish, in the food chain
D. they blossom out of control when overfishing becomes dominant
78. The word debilitating in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. stimulating B. hindering C. elevating D. weakening
79. The author’s description of phagocytes mentions all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A. They rid the human body of potentially dangerous organisms.
B. They act in a similar manner as the predators of the ocean.
C. They dispose of bacteria to make weakened cells revive.
D. They are cleaning agents in humans to maintain bacteria levels.
80. The word “It” in the passage refers to ______.
A. nature B. way of life C. food source D. dominant species

I. CLOZE TEST (20 PTS): Read the texts below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
ONE WORD for each space.
Passage A
A gel that helps brains recover from traumatic injuries has been developed by scientists at the Clemson
University in South Carolina. The gel, which is injected in liquid (1) __________ at the site where the injury was
sustained, stimulates (2) __________ cell growth in the affected area. In terms of circumstances (3) __________
which it might be applied, the gel has the potential to treat a wide range of head injuries, including those arising from
car accidents, falls and gunshot wounds.

Serious brain injuries are notoriously difficult to recover from on (4) __________ of the fact that the affected
tissue can swell (5) __________ considerably, which causes additional collateral damage to the surrounding cells.
Existing treatments do (6) __________ more than attempt to limit secondary damage and are relatively ineffective,
certainly when it comes to repairing the damaged cells, so the discovery of a gel which stimulates cell repair is being
heralded (7) __________ revolutionary.
(8) __________ the wave of excitement now running through medical circles, it is important to note that
results so far are based solely on observations of the effects of the gel on (9) __________ rats. The development of
the treatment is very much still in its preliminary stages and human testing is expected to be some three years or
more (10) __________ yet.
Passage B
The Dolby family gift is the largest philanthropic (11) __________ ever made to UK science, and will support
the Cavendish Laboratory, the world-leading centre for physics (12) __________ where Ray Dolby received his PhD in
1961. Thanks to this exceptional gift, the University has now surpassed the ₤1 billion milestone in its current ₤2 billion
fundraising campaign. This is the second generous gift to Cambridge (13) __________ the Dolby family, who donated
£35 million to Pembroke College, Cambridge in 2015. The Dolby family is now the largest donor to the fundraising
campaign, and the (14) __________-largest donor to the University in its 808-year history.
Ray Dolby, who died in 2013 at the age of 80, came to Cambridge as a Marshall Scholar in 1957. He received
his PhD from the Cavendish in 1961, and was a student and later a Fellow of Pembroke College. In 1965, he founded
Dolby Laboratories in London and invented the Dolby System, an analogue audio encoding system that forever
improved the (15) __________ of recorded sound. He moved the company in 1976 to San Francisco, where it has
been (16) __________ ever since.
The new Cavendish Laboratory will be its third home since its founding in 1874, and was first announced by
the government in its 2015 Spending Review. It (17) __________ a £75 million investment in the Cavendish, which
has been confirmed today, (18) __________ maintain Britain’s position at the (19) __________ of physical sciences
research. The funding will be delivered by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Work
(20) __________ the new facility is expected to begin in 2019.


WORD FORMATION 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. Since his bad habits were never broken when he was a child, they are now __________. (CORRECT)
2. The ending was rather __________ considering the fact that the film had been so intense throughout. (CLIMAX)
3. Environmental quality will be the __________ for the 21st century. (WORD)
4. I found the last scene extremely moving and particularly __________. (DIRECT)
5. At that time, package holidays to tropical resorts were pretty much __________. (HEAR)
6. There is a craze for __________ foods in our country these days. (CANCER)
7. With free-market globalization, investment funds can move __________ from the rich countries to the developing
countries. (IMPEDIMENT)
8. Airport officials said there had been no hint of trouble until radio contact was suddenly lost three minutes from
__________. (DOWN)
9. Copyright is the __________, legally secured right to publish, reproduce, and sell the matter and form of a
literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work. (ALIEN)
10. __________ pain is the reason for around 5% of all emergency department visits. (ABDOMEN)
WORD FORMATION 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given below.
The issues for (11) __________ economies are a little more straightforward. The desired to build on (12)
__________ land is not born out of desperation of necessity, but is a result of the (13) __________ march of
progress. Cheap labour and a relatively highly-skilled workforce make these countries highly competitive and there is a
flood of (14) __________ investment, particularly from (15) __________ looking to take advantage of the low wages
before the cost and standard of living begin to rise. It is factors such as these that are making many Asian economies
extremely attractive when viewed as investment opportunities at the moment. Similarly, in Africa, the relative (16)
__________ of precious metals and natural resources tends to attract a lot of exploitation companies and a whole sub-
industry develops around and is completely dependent on this foreign-direct investment. It is understandable that
countries that are the focus of this sort of attention can lose sight of the environmental (17) __________ of large-
scale industrial development, and this can have devastating consequences for the natural world. And it is a vicious
cycle because the more (18) __________ active a nation becomes, the greater the demand for and harvesting of
natural resources. For some, the environmental issues, though they can hardly be ignored, are viewed as a (19)
__________ concern. Indeed, having an environmental (20) __________ or taking environmental matters into
consideration when it comes to decisions on whether or not to build rubber-tree plantations or grow biofuel crops
would be quite prohibitive indeed. For those involved in such schemes it is a pretty black-and-white issue. And, for vast

tracts of land in Latin America, for example, it is clear that the welfare of the rainforests matters little to local
government when vast sums of money can be made from cultivating the land.


The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.
1 Sport as a spectacle and photography as a way of recording action have developed together. At
the arrival of the 20th century, Edward Muybridge was experimenting with photographs of
movement. His pictures of a runner feature in every history of photography. Another milestone was
when the scientist and the photographer Harold Edgerton extended the limits of photographic
5 technology with his study of a drop of milk hitting the surface of a dish. Another advance was the
development of miniature cameras in the late 1920s, that made it possible for photographers to put their
cumbersome cameras behind.
The arrival of television was a significant development in the transmission of sport.
Paradoxically, it was having benefit to still photographers. People who watched a sport event on TV,
10 with all their movement and action, valued the still image as a reminder of the game.
Looking back, we can see how radically sports photography has changed. Early sports
photographers were so interested in the stories behind the sport as in the sport itself.
Contemporary sports photography emphasizes the glamour of sport, the colour and the action. But
the best sports photographers today do more than just simply tell the story of the event, or take a
15 record of it. They capture in a single dramatic moment the real emotions of the participants,
emotions which people looking at the photographs can identify.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
1. Frankly speaking, I do not think that nature and nurture are equally significant. (SUBSCRIBE)
→ To put _______________________________________________________________________ significance.
2. In the area, Thailand used to be much better than all other countries in football. (HEAD)
→ In the area, Thailand doesn’t __________________________________________________________ longer.
3. He hid the truth about the matter because he didn’t want to lose his high position. (CARPET)
→ For fear that ____________________________________________________________________________ .
4. He indicated very clearly that he would do anything to obtain the contract. (LENGTHS)
→ He gave________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. I didn’t dare to tell the truth because my father was there. (GUTS)
→ Had it not ______________________________________________________________________________ .
6. It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the murder came out.
→ Not for ________________________________________________________________________________ .
7. She was surprised when he suddenly asked her to marry him. (TOOK)
→ His ___________________________________________________________________________________ .
8. He seems to find the way Mimi behaves more of a source of amusement than embarrassment.
→ Far from _____________________________________________________________________ amused by it.
9. After the expedition, I realized that she was not an efficient researcher. (SHAKES)
→ It dawned ____________________________________________________________________ a researcher.
10. The accused may imagine a plan of killing the witness. (AWAY)
→ The accused may conceive ________________________________________________________________ .


Họ và tên thí sinh: ...................................................................................................................................................
S báo danh:...........................................................................................................................................................

LÊ HỒNG PHONG Ngày thi: 07/04/2018
Th i gian làm bài: 180 phút

1. B. might be confronted 14. A. flaked out 28. A. pen
2. A. Come to think of it 15. B. on 29. A. infringed
3. C. Upon 16. D. on for 30. B. the skin of my teeth
4. D. would turn 17. D. above 31. C. grass
5. B. It was decided that 18. D. wore off 32. A. impeached
John should 19. A. hit back 33. C. feather
6. C. as equals 20. D. snapped up 34. A. handle
7. D. so much / little 21. A. chapter 35. D. moderate
8. C. all but 22. B. looted 36. B. measured
9. D. lest 23. C. breach 37. C. abundantly
10. A. was all the 24. D. ailing 38. D. summoned
11. D. ride out 25. A. goalposts 39. C. dented
12. A. up with 26. B. zeal 40. A. swings of things
13. D. fobbed off 27. A. prerogative

41. D. subject 45. A. demobilize 49. D. subsequently
42. A. inducible 46. C. deterrents 50. C. put forward
43. B. render 47. A. to
44. B. larvae 48. C. fundamentally

51. A. scattered 55. D. sacred 59. B. refuted
52. C. ritualistic 56. D. ancestry 60. C. powers
53. B. accrediting 57. A. persistence
54. D. extinct 58. C. against

61. C. advance skill
62. A. Children may be born with superior musical ability, but their environment will determine how
this ability is developed.
63. B. vary in emphasis in different cultures
64. A. inclined
65. C. When children learn to sing at two or three years old
66. A. Exceptional musical ability in an otherwise average child
67. B. To give an example of a well-known musical prodigy
68. C. appreciation for a wide variety of musical styles
69. B. safe place
70. D. It is the result of natural talent and a supportive environment.
71. C. waiting
72. B. One of the most threatening to all fish populations is bacteria.
73. A. They can be extremely detrimental to fish if their numbers increase.
74. C. indicate that bacteria do have a positive impact in the oceans
75. D. Rivals or not, all fish help one another survive by preventing bacteria from proliferating.
76. B. preventing
77. B. they could monopolize the critical breathable gas in the ocean
78. B. hindering
79. C. They dispose of bacteria to make weakened cells revive.
80. B. way of life

1. form 5. up 9. laboratory / lab
2. stem 6. little / no 10. away
3. in 7. as
4. account 8. Despite

11. donation 15. quality 19. forefront
12. research 16. headquartered 20. on
13. from 17. promised
14. second 18. helping

1. incorrigible 5. unheard-of 9. inalienable
2. anticlimactic 6. anti-carcinogenic 10. Abdominal
3. watchword 7. unimpeded
4. well-directed 8. touchdown
11. emerging 15. multinationals 19. peripheral
12. undeveloped 16. abundance 20. conscience
13. relentless 17. implications
14. inward 18. industrially

LINE MISTAKE (0,5 pt each) CORRECTION (0,5 pt each)
4 the photographer photographer
6 that which
7 put leave
9 having of
9 sport sports / sporting
10 theirs its
12 so as
14 than just simply than simply
14 take make
16 emotions which emotions with

1. Frankly speaking, I do not think that nature and nurture are equally significant. (SUBSCRIBE)
→ To put it bluntly, I do not subscribe to the opinion that nature and nurture are of equal
2. In the area, Thailand used to be much better than all other countries in football. (HEAD)
→ In the area, Thailand doesn’t stand head and shoulders above all other countries in football no
3. He hid the truth about the matter because he didn’t want to lose his high position. (CARPET)
→ For fear that he (should) lose his position, he swept the matter under the carpet.
4. He indicated very clearly that he would do anything to obtain the contract. (LENGTHS)
→ He gave every indication of going / that he would go to any lengths to obtain the contract.
5. I didn’t dare to tell the truth because my father was there. (GUTS)
→ Had it not been for my father’s presence, I would have had the guts to tell the truth.
6. It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the murder came out.
→ Not for another five years did the whole truth about the murder come out.
7. She was surprised when he suddenly asked her to marry him. (TOOK)
→ His sudden marriage proposal took her aback / by surprise.
8. He seems to find the way Mimi behaves more of a source of amusement than embarrassment.
→ Far from being embarrassed by Mimi’s behavior, he seems to be amused by it.
9. After the expedition, I realized that she was not an efficient researcher. (SHAKES)
→ It dawned on me after the expedition that she was no great shakes as a researcher.
10. The accused may imagine a plan of killing the witness. (AWAY)
→ The accused may conceive of doing away with the witness.


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