Additional Useful Vocab For Interviews

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TOzasionalyy am lryto Im excellent at! (uite/teasonably good at int very good at Maths / making decisions etc 1 could be peter at rm interested in fluent in Frenen'Spanish et. Tin able to delegate / work independenty ote | would lke tobe able to 1 an (sometimes Ad It fc to make decisions manage iy time eflectively ee 1 can be fa ite Bit) ndedisive sorgarised te | recently managed ta run a marathon / manage 2 project through all ts stages et. Personal characteristics decisive / indecisive Texbie tle wol-organised / disorganised persuasive Tunpersuasine Feliable/ unreliable Your qualifications | read EnglistuMalhs atc. at X university. Upole a Master's degree) an MB etc. Iwasa three-year course, semething ke a BEAIBS inthe UK BABS Hons first / 21 (2:2) T eaduated From X university witva BA an MSc etn SacologyFrench et | was award a senolarenip to read Business Studies / Modern Languages et | nave a Physieliistory degrae from X university, which is equivalent toa BSCBA in Physis/Mistory in the UK. Transferable skills teamworking skis ~ discuss an isu, contribute fo a mee seltconfidence resourcefulness Independence seltanareness| flenvtty determination Talking about your skills and experience ‘nalical skis Wnty a mistake, analyse data, conduct a Survey ‘creativity ~ invent a machine, suggest an alternative, solve a problem ‘communication skills write a report, explain an ia. give a presentation nterpersonal skis ~ resolve a dispute, ssten to someone's point of view. work with ‘ficult people negotiation skis ~ change comeone's mind, negotiate with someone, convince someone to do something leadership skis ~ chair meeting, motvate a team, delegate tasks organisational sls ~ meet desdines, decide on priorities, implement ap ne, support acoleague lneoigence ‘intercultural awareness seltmotvation Tay role was to Aste. lacted as ‘Within this ole was responsivie or eading a team of fve implementing the new strategy et, To do this effectively had to The nature of. meant that I had to My past experiance of. has brought me a greater Understanding of. 28 well 25, {implemented a new believe 1 can apply the sills obtained from my previous ‘employment to this position | worked atX fortwo years, where I learned that Working at helped me to learn the importance of I nave a strong history of Treeulariy | fee have significant strengthened my knowledge ar understancine of This experience has enabled me to buld on ‘My employment experience leads me tothe conclusion ahi that could bring My responsibilities incuded AAs you can see from my CV! have In the course of my current job Ihave [At present | am responsible for Aca ru White Iwas at. Iwas in charge of [As part of my degree couse in. Talking about your interests wid ailor dedicated rock gultarist committed ‘mountain climber expert reader reguiar tennis champion former bogser proficient sh instructor successul ballroom dancer pate stamp collector keen epesker of Portuguese quaited volunteer experienced Jewelery maker My past experience of. has brought me a greater understanding of... 5 well a5. As part of my degree course in. at. lam currently working as A present lam responsible for in charge of My responsiltles include Since | work wth ., Have developed eet 1 navesignincanty strengthened my knowledge and understanding of "neve I can appt the skills obained from my previous employment to this position, {fam confident that the combination of my an ideal candieate fr the poston and... makes me ‘Small talk This experience has enabled me to ‘Working in. helped me to learn the importance of During . suggested During my period of employment at implemented a new ‘These changes le to a significant increase in [As you can see from my CV | have "havea strong history of | think that could bring ‘gained Tow ar you? Tm very wal thank you ‘Thank you. te nie to meet you to / at lat. | cant belive the weather atthe moment! 1 know: igre Is there someuere | could leave my umbrella 1 got caught in the rain ''m very sorry I'm late was planning to be here over an hour ‘ago, but my tain was cancelled {nas ust aamiring the office ‘That’ quite all ght, (Thats olay. saw, ‘Bo you think | ould havea glass of water while Tm waltng? ‘bo you have a company brachute | could have a look at while ''m waiting? Do you think could use your toler to freshen up? ‘Ae there many other candkates schedule for interviews toaay? | had terrible problems parking here sit aways tis busy? +m ara Ym not feeting very well. Cou I sit down for afew minutes? No thank you, tm fine Clarifying ‘ould you explain what you mean by .? So, i understand you correctly Do you mean ..? ‘Could you daborate a ile on? Could you tell me what that would involve? Talking about yourself Ta and apply a) = aOpTDAC TOM WOT can speak Span ostyFeaonably walla Ubetieven | work ell under pessre in eam / autonomy his enabies me to | thik fm sue for he postion of. Decase Taleo abe to In this way am able 9 ee tat 1am ‘ny ast jb as responsible for negotting deals / have recently startet. improve European sales etc. ‘When | was at university | used to be Aaa tenth canes mane DERNES spe Sard. as eee « Venjoy Uhave a good knonledge of me, Talking about specific experiences "ike tine T wanted tobe a bit mare Taecded “There was atime when What needed to be done as Therefore! There was one station when Unfortunatly this meant shat organised 0) The problem was teas very imortane hat Soin order to. Probably the best examples fenae dear tat Tis resute in | eiscoverea that We actualy ended up This led to reatsed that Anya, what happened Was tothe ona \ageedta tmanagesta Talking about the company Before applying for this poetion [to univerly, [did a Jot oF rasearch ito tn te end I decided to. as twas clear that "had lok at your website and could see that you | deine fee, ram everything tve learnt about. that tis isthe typeof exganistion Ike to work fo. You came across on your website as Ie really something that atracted me to | want to work with your company because you havea realy excellentlstrongjoutstanding reputation, The work you do seems to be very fuliling worthhiesatsying | think working or you would be very erjoabletchallenginguilng Structuring your answer When twas at Bren since Soto sum uP ears 2g0 Following my degee! that et That's realy when sty. Secondly, Finally Softening negative information Tean bea bit ra) Tricor wo develop ean occasionally be atte rm ooking for an opportunity to ean get. at times "ee rm vest suited to | occasionaly have dtseulty making decisions / hanling Tm seeking the possibility to develop further professionally erties et rv seeking resh challenges. From time to time Emphasising positive information T putas much effortienergy as powsible ato Tam extremeviery pay a lot of attention to deta {enjoy a great deal about my current jo. make sure mat every single

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