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Doubtiest enter through the left stage door to the center, lights are dim and focus on
center. We see Doubtiest come over to Devout who was lying on the old metal bed.
Doubtiest :
I'm so angry, Father.

Devout :
Angry?  What wrong my son?

Doubtiest :
I feel the world is very cruel and never wanted me.

Devout :
Oh no my son, you just need to be patient. God will help you and hear your voice.

Doubtiest :
God ? Are you kidding Dad ? I wish I could believe that.

Devout :
You can trust God and God never make you disappointed.

Doubtiest :
Never ? Did you say God never make me disappointed ? How many times have you
said that to me and can you see what happened to us. Where the God you say will
help us and hear our voices ? I don't trust him anymore. I am afraid of what will
happen every day and I do what you suggest, pray and believe that God will help me...
But after that still nothing happened. Every time if I go outside and I think about us, I
still feel fear and angry. I think there's something wrong. Something's not right.  
Devout :
My son every things will changing. I have sensed it too but we just need to be patient.

Doubtiest :
Be Patient ? And then what do we do?

Devout :
Trust in God.

Doubtiest :
Back to that again... How can I trust him?   How can I trust the one who took my
mother away? How can I trust the one who made my life and my childhood
miserable ? Every day I lived in fear,sad and angry. I would hide and pray to God to
help me. But God never did. My childhood gone and my only escape was adulthood.

Devout :
You blamed God for all that?

Doubtiest :
Absolutely yes ! Even if God didn't do it why did he let it happen?

Devout :
He will never give you more than you can handle.

Doubtiest :
I can't handle it though... I'm going crazy.. The fear is crippling me... I have to drag
myself out of bed and force myself to live each day.It’s so hard ..But sure, I put on
this happy face... People think I am pretty cheerful and never have problems... No one
cares to see the pain under my skin... The pain that's ripping at my soul.

Devout :
God sees.
Doubtiest :
I know.

Devout :
Have you sinned?

Doubtiest :
What? Every one in this world have sinned.

Devout :
Are you a sinner?

Doubtiest :
Yes, But i don't know why it’s just happened to me.

Devout :
Do you think about sinning?

Doubtiest :
All the time.

Devout :
What make you think about it?

Doubtiest :
Fear... Fear of what might happen to me... See, I'm afraid of everything.

Devout :
Your fear could be a blessing.
Doubtiest :

Devout :
Now it keeps you from doing wrong... It keep you from doing anything evil.

Doubtiest :
I hope so.

Devout :
Do you feel tempted?

Doubtiest :
All the time.

Devout :
What tempts you?

Doubtiest :
I'm tempted to give up... It's too hard to keep living.

Devout :
Perhaps you need something to live for.

Doubtiest :
I do.

Devout :
We will ask God to give you something to live for... We are all born with a
Then after long argument Devout paused in his argument and his face grew even
paler. Doubtiest frantically called the doctor. The light flickered very quickly, Devout
suddenly breathed his last.

Doubtiest :
God, are you not satisfied with all this suffering? And now you take the one that i
only have. After this what else are you going to do to me? But after it happened I will
try to trust of you for once more time and please show me that you never make me
disappointed like my father said before.


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