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Dates of Survey: 10 October 1945-29 November 1945

Date of Publication: 1 September 1946








D ates o f Survey: 10 Octo ber 19 4 ;-29 N o vember 19 4 5

D ate o f Publicati o n: 1 September 1946

W ASH I NGTON : 1946



Thi s n'pol'i \'"a:-i writil'l\ prifll:,rily for ihc u~e of the l l. S. St- rnl cgil- 1.1.
HOllluillg :--;"n",') i ll tilt' prepal'ntion of further r ep0l't-s of a Ill0l'C (,C >I II preht"tlsi n ' fe
nat ure" Any (o nc11l sions fi r opinions expn·sscd ill tltis I't-'port mllst 11(' c"on ·
sidE' l'ed us iilliited t.o thp ~qwl"iHc IHatt'rial co ,"e rcd :Iud a:-isubj ett. to flirt her iu tel'· rei
pJ'ptation i n tilt' light of fllrth t- I' :-;Inti ies c"nllduett·d by Ow ~III'\" P y" '1'1

Jail S,

1\ ,' .
Tilt· Un itl'd ~j a (t '!i S I rall·g-i c llvnJiJi IIg SII IT !',)" I he A I'I lI y to th e l-xt -lit c,( 00 Pl' I'I'l! lIi , :Illtl frolll the
pstabl i:..:hed by III(' :-il'crctal'Y o f " ' ;\1: Oil : j Xu-
" "<1 :'1 ;\:"·Y ( 0 I he ex lell t 0 1' 10 pe rcen t. Jloth th e _\ rill,)'
,"cmbe r ] 044, purs uan t t o a Dircclive fro m th e a lld il ll' X;t\"y g-arc tile S IIITt·,Y :III po::=:sibl e :tsl"ist -
lat c PrC'sident R OUS('\' l, 1t. It !-. nJi:.:s ion Wli S to COIi - ali Ce. in fUl'ni !;hilig I1I CI1 , suppli es, transport, and
duct all impa rt ia l ;Inti expe rt study of t ho dl'cci s i llfo l'll wt iOIl . Th e Sll l' n ',Y ope l'a ted from hl'lld -
of 0 111' ae rial a tla c k o n Germ any, to be lI s e d ill COIl - Ijllarl t' r :-; c~ta b l i :; !tl\ d in T ukyo l'lIr1yill SeptcllliJl'I'
Il i..' dio ll with on Japan a nd t v c:;lablish
:t i l' fllta c l\ :-. 1!1-1:i . with s tluh cadqll:ll'tt' r:: i ll Kn;,!uya. 0 ·a ka.
:t ha :-; i:i fill' c,-;tiu ati l1 g' ti l{' iI1 1 p o rl:lll ('t~ alld p u l ell - Il il'oshima. fi nd ~HgaF: nki , and wilh ll10bi le lcams
t ial i lit':": u f ail' pu n-l'I";l S :.t1l i ll ~t l'UIll (' n t o f military flpl' l'atill~ ill ulhl- " part s o f .J apall. the i:;lallds or
stl'tll('g-y. 1'01' pl :ll l llillg th e f ui lll '\.' dt 'H' ]u pII1L'll l Ht: I li t' Pat il-ie, null th o A sinj"ic Inu iliialld.
the U nited :-;tfl tr s n l'lll l'c! -f(J rc·('~ . and for d l' t l' l'lllill - [ t w a:-: po :--:;; i l li c to 1'1'l'()It!' tl'lIri Hll1 ch o l' w: ll'l i m e
i ll ~ futul'c economic policies wilh res pect to the .Ja pall e!'c lu i I it it 1',)' pl :l1l II i ll,!!; alld l'xCI..' lltioll. cng ng e-
IHlt iOll nl d c- fe lisP. .\ H llllllla !'.'" rcport alld :-'Ollll' 111(' 111 by p n~a¥f'I11 (' nt. alld c:tlllpa ig'11 hy cailipaig-II,
:200 SlIpporti n:.r l'l' pol'l :-; r(J nLl i ll i ll~ thl' {jlld illg:; o [ and to ;o'('CII I'(, I'(' :t ~o llllh l .r :l tl' IlI'at l' slati ~ti cs on Ja-
til · kll r n .. y in Cil' t'lllal l.\' ha\'p 1'('\'11 pu b li ~ h cd. pa n's cc:ollom.,- a lid wa I' p l'od ud iun, pin nl by plant:
On ] rl . \ J lg ll St 10 1.1, Pt'e~ id en i 'It'lIl1la n rt.'qlll·sted :I III I illdl l:-, t ry II." i lldll:--tI'Y . J il addjt iOIl. stwli cs
tlwt tiH' Sur n ·y C()ll dlWt :I :-- ilililar ~ tlldy (If th e c f - wc n ' l'c'mtiuclI:d fin .J nplll1 :~ I)\'(' r -all strat eg ic pia liS
f(·ci:o: of :t Il t.r l )( ·~ o r a ir at t:t ck in th e " -:II' ngilill:O:l and 111(\ 1l;l(' lq.!TOltlid III' IIt' I' ('n t l',\' i li lo the war. the
Japan , submitting reports in d upli cate to lhe 'ec- illleJ'l l:ll d i s{, ll ~si on s fllld negotiati ons leadil1g to JIl'I'
l'ela l'Y of W a ,' und Lo t he :O;eCl'e[a l'Y u l' Ihe Navy, ;ICce.ptHll ec uf uncolldil"ional SlIITCllclc l', t h e COli r St}
T ilt· " niL-tor:, o f t ill' :-i Ut' rl',r (l ul'ing its .I :l I':l III·:-i1' cd' Itl':tith ,t lld 11101'.d" :l lIlu n;..! lltl' \· j,·ilian popula -
p l. a ... t · Wt' n ': lioll. lite (-fl't-d i\' f' IH':";s o r jitf' .Ja plIl\t"st~ cirili .lll tlt·-
Fr:t ll id ill ]),Ol ipr. ('11:l i n lln ll . I\-II:-'l' OI·;..!:l ll iz:t t illll , :lI ld tlte (· I1\'(·ls of 1I1l' :t1Ulllic '
I'aul ] I. 1\ itzl'. lh.·l l t"y C. :\I (-:\:<lI It!I-r , Vin - bOlldJ:': . ~ e p:1l';tto I'(' porl s wi l l be i ~~ II (!d cu n.:ring
Ch'liJ'lllell . (',H ' II plt nse o f Ill e HI Iid y .
]-JHITY L . IJO"'tr"l:l ll , J. ](I-llnet ll ' i.llhntitlt . Tlt e' SI11'\'C'Y int C' J'rogated nltll·t· I h:lll TOO Japa -
He n~is
L iker t, IIra ll \, .\ . -~ rCXa I Jl('c, .1 1'.: II t':-il' 111 ilitary, gow·l'lInH'llt. :1 lid indu strial o lli c ial :o:.
Fred ~c a1'l s, J r., .\1011 roc E . S pa g ilt , Dr. It :lI so I'cco,-crcLl and t l',lllSlatpd mall Y doc uments
Lew i:; H . TItOIIlI'SOI1 ) TI H~(ldf)rc P . " ' l' i ~1 If • \\"lti"h 1101 Old y h:I\'I' Ilcf' 1I IISt'f'l ti t o the Sun'cy ,
D in 'd o,,::;, bu t .d :-ill will rlll'lIi ~ 1t data \"d llaldc f ut' otli C'1'
Walt er Wild s, Sec relary. :--tlld it'!'. AITflll g t-IllCllt :o: h:l \"c 11.' (, 11 1I1 ilde 10 1111'11
The S li ney' complem ent lJro,·id eel £01' 300 oi,·il- on~ r lh ~ SIII'H' Y'S fil l':-\ i t) tite C"nl!':I] Intell igence
ialls, :330 ofHeel's, an el :'00 enlisted men. The mili - (.il.'oup: thl'otlg"1t ", hidl th ey will be anlilah le for
t nry !;('glllclil of tlt e org:llli z;l tio n was drawn from flll'1 hl'l' "Xlll ll ill :di nll ,1IHI r1i :;tl'ihu l iOIl.

It I

Purpo... p
f ll lrocillC liulI
Part I:
t. T he Hii lUI! jU11 ~ 2
2. T h~ ' M i:-(..; iutl __ _ 2
3. OI'~:ud)\111 iun alld C UlIlha.! Eqlliplllt'I IL _ 2
4. Am'ornp li:'l hll1 cllt5" .-.
:1. All riliulI:lt Cf):'I :-< n
n. Th e Air O,wnll iOlt 7
.'\ , TI l(' Twclilil'lh 1\1111 11 1('1' CIIlIllII:lll d ( 1II( Iia-Cl l ilttt. Upera ! jull ) 7
H. Th(' 'I' \\"('1I1,\'-lir.,;: , Botulin CUltllllltlld (:\ t nrinn:ls Ope ra t ioll ) !l
(I) Ph:L.. P 0111 ' III
(2) Pha",,' T WH 12
(II ) J m!! 'll diar.\' A t tad:,. nil P rillt' ipal l ' r-IIIMI J mll l:' 1rial Ar(,:1." II
(h ) 1111'f'lldi:11'Y All!1C·k ,. n rl SIII:dl el' lI r1ltl'l I lldlP·dl'i ftl Ar·C'tL :' __ Ul
(d li i,l!! l ":x pln:<i\'C A!tad;,. 011 I'l'il!rily I lldll:'lriat T:l I'~(,I :-: _ Hi
(d ) Tal'li(':11 Opt'ntliulI:' ill Sllpp!)r! fl f O ki111~\\"n I l1 v :I"..:iOlI_ 17
«(0) ~ l illillj.[ Opl'r:uiulI:' 17
(0 T IH' :1 1:'1 II WillJ! _ I '
(,I.{ ) T ill' Alnllli(' Bill II " Opf'nll iu ll 1;0;
(II ) ~ I 1:'('f'lIalll'oll :' 0pl'mllulI :-. • In
7, Pus l· \\'ar UIICl"alil)ll :' In
I'un II :
J, EIlI't!! y Oppo.-: itil)ll atld COIJU It ' l' tll( ':I:'tl t't ·:-; 1\)
2, Barllll' 21
3 , l \\"o,J ill1!L 22
4, Sea IlP" ('II P 23
:l. l\ I UlliliulI :' __ • 21
G. Ba.-:c Or~ !l nizalioll ._ 21i
i, Ohs tadt·:- a1ld I. illli lil l~ 1-':11'1("':- :W
A. \\" C:J.l liN 2()
H. T nClie!ll ll:lI q,(p uf Iht, Ii 2U AirpJ:w c 27
C. Tar!(CL Allal .\'sl:-- !Inri T :~l'g{,t :\ 'l nll' ril~1 27
I) . 'i' l'ainillJ!: 27
E. A1I x iliary ('ulIlllat Eqllipme lJl 28
F . Bn lio (If ('r('w:- 10 A i l Cl'IIfL 28
G . 1"\- 20 :\ l c thllll1t'nl'l'1'0 1l1111 '" 2$
I I . G Ollllllllllicnt iOll:O: 2~
I . Supply 2n
,I. Ph oto BI'C'Oll1l ui;o::-nttc{' 2!\
K. M i:--('('lIallt'IH1:o. O]lC' rat ioll:-:_ 20
f:iu ll1lllury _ _ 30
Appendices 33

('I mrl 1\0. I, V1I B Org:lllizaiion 011 1 l\ l llrch ln45_ . .... .... .. .. '... _ . .- ..
Cha rt. No, 2. "liB Orgflllizntioll 0 11 15 A llg , lM 5
(,:hnrt, No.3. Aircraft. IInr\ C rew Sl re ll ~\h •• ___ . __
Churl, 1\0, 'I. Bo mb 'I'O IlI1 :1gt' hy W ing .
( ' hMI, K"o. 5, G ro wt.h ill Opcrnt,illll al ( 'H]lnhilit,'·..
( ~ hl\r t :\0. G, Aircmft and (' re'w Mc mlw r At tri tioll 7
Chari :\0. 7. '\'we'lltiC'lh Ho mbe r Commallil Area of OpcrniioTl:-l ( 1IIfiia)_. 8
C hart. 1\0. 8. T\\'('nticth Bo mllf'r Com mn nd .'\ n' :I of O pc ra i i on~ (ChiTln.) ... n
' hart No, n, '!'\\,('IIt y·fir:-;1 Bomilf'r C'O llllllllllt! A nou or OpC'ratioll :-i ( i\ l aria11:I:-) . 10
Chart No. 10, l 'l i1i za.tioll of H 2ft A ircraft and ('n'w:". 13
C hart. No. I\. E ne m y 1 " i~hll'f n (,:lI'1 iOIl . 19
Chart 1\0. 12 . .I :l.p n ne~c Ai rtrnrt Lo,.:sC',.: 20
C hart No. 13. l hu t Ie D:unngc 21

PURPOSE l:<lfJ:lhilit y ill all c l1'ol'l. t o kn ock Japan 0 111 of Ihe
wal' h...·fol'c ilH'a :,ion ria." ,
The pllrpo C uf this n 'p,,,.1 i" to oUl liliC hrien,"
The dose of th o \\" '" f ound I he 'l'\\' 'IiLicth AF
the Illi ss ion, organizntion , ncco l tlpli shl1lcnt ) alld j llst 1J\.~l' o nlillg flllly opc rati o nal ami init illl \Init ~
altJ'itiollHl Ctl:-ts o f Yt' J'Y he;I\')' bOll llmnlnu.:! lIt of th e Eig-ltth Ali' moving into positio n in th e
(V]-In ) Hlld t o di :-;cIJss i ll IJI'id tenHS its elliploy - R Yllk,\'u; \\'ith il s fil 'Rt cOlliba t strike sch ed liled fOl'
llIent, :-<0 alle mpt will be mad e her e in to prese nt IlIid -,\u g ll. l 1!J.t:i, D eli,'ery o f th e 10:.,000 tOil S o f
II detail ed :Ilia lys is u f t he upc l':d inn o r al lY o f its he1111 II:; ;I1Hl Ill i ncs whi ch till' ullit::; uf the g r owin g
i'h il ~t:S . bill :-; illlp lX t v -late a!-: COIl t; isciy :1S pU::isible. TWt'IJiiC'th ,\.F !tad dl'l..I Ppcll 011 .J apall':; clilpil'e
what UIt..' B-~ !I organ i",a t illn wa S 1:ult 1posed u f :
.... ollid ha\,.' bl"'11 I'PIWlIlt'd ill l ess t hall 3 Illonths fol-
,,-ha l it ~et out to do, what il aCTu tllpli sli cd . :llIil ill lowillg th e cio!'ic o f t he "'lIl' by th e forces then opel'-
ge ne ral ho", ils ope ration WlI :-i (:u lltiu d l'(l. PaJ' t I
at iUlla\. Thi s Sallle tOllllage I'l'Vl'eselits less than 2
of the repu rt prese nts Lricfly th e slur,)' as o utlin ed muu th::;' eapal)ilit .Y of tilt! COI1Jbill cd TWclltieth 3ml
abo"" , l)aJ'L I I Ji Sc.: US:-:l'S :-:t'\'I' ral :-:ign iticllJlt fa <:- Ei{!hth _\ ir F OI'l'I'!'i when fully dt.' l'lo,Y('d and op ~
lars whith a ll'l'ctcd co ndu ct or ail' u l'c l':d i O Il !'" and l'rat io na l. Uy th c clld o f ihc \\':11' , ill addit ion t o
of wl d eh !:.UIIIC 1Il u.1cr slnndillg is required to gain tilt' 1\\'0 Yl-IH oq.!:tlliziltioIlS, three additiolla l nil'
it J'('a~oJl llltl c appl'i.:'c iatioll of tile !'-t ra lcgic a il' p ro -
fllrC t'~ m. i ll;.! ut il I..' I' a ir wl'apo ns Inul citllt'r taken lip
~I'lllll , Th e da llla gc a:'Sl'S:-'llIcnt f-ig ul'cs liSP" Il c!'cin
lite aHa('k 1)1' \\'l']'(llllorillg iuto po:-;ition to initiate
iln' bil se d on dula oblain cd fr um al'rinl photo- atta t' k 011 till' hUIllt, i:.:llIlHl s of JaplIll.
I!'l'nph s hll.;('11 {luring th e oppl'a i ion and IIi Udificd Yet d e; pih' Ih e fll ct thill' nllh' II t"I(p1I force of
ill . . ll fal':l s p()~~ iuLe by poshy;!1' finding:;;;, a il' hnd hl'PIi f' lIl ploycd , a el'omp l i sh i n~ its 1'(' -
pO\\'I ' I'

:" tllt !'l by operating g rr ati." in {' X l'{':'~ o f lIormal sus-

INTRODUCTION tained t.:apnbiliiy, :I nnlTo\\' nmq!in of on ly 2)12
,\. !,('\' it'w o f the n :- ry he;I\',\' l)onliJ;t l"dnlcnt st l'a- 1110111 11 8 l'('nlili l lt'll bd wcen .l ap:III':, ~ lllTl' l lllt.~ r al l<1
!l'gi c nil' <::lIl1paig n n ga in~t tb l' homeland of Jnpnll til p <laiC' r;.:lahlisll rd f o r OUI' f o n'p:-i to a s~ allit h pr
brin gs t(1 lighl ycry fu re ibly olle int e resting f ac!. :,ilol't,S,
The all lu·ks on Japan 's it ld ust r ill l prutlild io ll ell - '1'], (' illlJ"i~'at illli i:, ob"ioll:':, 'J'II H ('ul'a l)ilii y or
pacity and on li e ]' will Lo cUlltillllt' the \\'ar w(' r(' \'i..'I'Y he,I\'} IJolilbanlment was ne\'(' I' fllll y l'ecog-
l'ill'l'i ed out Ily onl y a ~ IIJlIlI pad o [ tiL e la rg e B - 2!) nizl,d and W:l S not: gi \' C' 1l adl"quat e weight in th e
fO l'ce whi ch wa s ll l.'~till ell 1'01' IIlt i lll ;ttc a tta t k 011 1'1 ;111:-; t':--tal ,Ji:-;hh l for l'O lldlll:1 of 1111' war against
the hOll1e i:-.; lallll s, All houg h 2 1 o f iil c uitilllat c ;J:) .Japan , The \'11 B "illilpaigll a:,!";lillst .Japall was
('o mbat gro nps Wl'!'l" ellgagt'd ill a tl i\'{~ tOl liba l up- (·II IH'l:i \'. ,t! i ll , ' ITl'l,t as a III l'an ~ t o all t' IH1. nn lllely
frnti on s at the l'l osc of Ilu ' war. m a ll )' of til.,s.· i m 'Il!o. i()lI. ratl, e r Ihall ;1:': 11 tll'('i sin' fo rt.:l~ within it-
groups li nd only r ecentl y Hrrived in th e th eate r, !'il'lf, rt is Iloi i ll tt'lltlcd 1(1 illl!,ly that II stl'lIi.c:.ric
DUl'in g th e 1.4 rn onths when the ~ro wjng B-2D
air-UOnlhal'cllllcll t prog ram sholiid be planned in -
foree WII S attu cking th e Japan ese . th e :I\'c ra ge
(JC'p<'lldrnt ly o f a ll utlJrJ' oppra t i o n ~, ] t is illtended
Illon t h IY f ol'ce n nl j In b l e was DIl ly 10,3 groll ps. The
til t'lll ph<l ~ iz.', \towl' \ ' ('1' , t ha i a fl PI' a lI:d yt ica I dcfin i-
job f fll' V.I-£B Wil S don e wit II I (;.i.OOO tOil S II f bomhs
t ion II f the d ('si l'pd objrcti \'C. ~Jn il eg i c :Ii l' bOlnbing
alld min ('s, pIll S 2 atonlic bonlbs, ,\ pp rox illHd cly
:-.llIlIlId be gi \"en ample till1r alld oppol'tullity to
00 PCI'Ci..' lI L o f this t onnage WiI , lh' li\'c l'cd durin;,!
the finnl .i months of the war, Du r il1g- thi s pe ri od exploi t jts clipaLi lity, and , \\' hel'e possiLle, 10 fOl'ce
the' 13-20 ·fol' ('(' opernt rd a t ('ollt-iIlIlOIl S 1I1i1xi ll lUI11 ::'lllTe ndcl' p ri or to iaunehin g all ill\'Jl sion,

I. THE SITUATI ON to ll ur 111t'l'c h :11I1 shippin~. :lml l'ol1lpJ te Sl" 'crance
flf Ilir ~ l1ppl." lilll' to thr . . onth W:l S impel1d ing,
\\"JWll th e HI':-i t "t'!'\" hen n - hombard m('ni fUl'ce On!1' :jJ)()1I cO lldml :Ii l'l'l'aft wrl'C di sposed in lle-
;.. j l'llc k Japa n ill .I llIIl: I!'+I. 'th(, wal' had a :;:;uIl1t·d Tense of the home i!-' llllllh;, and Ih e l(um ikaze had
a 111:1l.!'nitudf' whi ch fnllud tilt, .Jap ilH'ilpahle of ht-·l·n bill'l l. .TilP:lll('~t· i nilll:"tl'.". thuugh sl i ll pro-
pl'o \·j; l i llg i1 11 hi:- far -fllln:! 1'0]'(,1':"'1 \\' it Ii illlt -qnat:.' d Il e i li t! t lao \\'( 'n P Oll :"; (I f W:l1' :1 t n II i;.d I 1'01 t l' o f Ollt put,
w(lapo]l!; illid :-iupplir:-l. Il i:-- 111('I'('il;11 11 :-: hipl' i l\~ 1'00rlld itf-:C' lf in 1l10l'C !-'trillg'{'lli cil'culilstances ;tlld
!tail \)I.'t' llblll'ply ;l , I"quntl' til IlWI' 1 tlw dplIl i lll cl s o f ill ~OItIP ill :-:t:III Cf-'S \\':1 :-. p l'od lll,: it1~ in Il' ~~('!' quant i-
i ndll ~ ' n ' lit til<' IIf';,!illll ill;,! of tlll~ \\"al'. alld til<' 1't'ln - tit,S, du c to tilt" It!ol'ka d{·. Til t' Will' \\'fl S still dis-
lIalll :-:; ,,:(, 1'(' !lO \\" 111,\)(· ll·:--:ly l'Il~; I:I("d ill I'll IIl1 i II;..!' tht- 1:1111 1'1'0111 i llt, 111':11'1 Ii, alld tllf' wi ll 10 l'oll l illll r
t..... l1Il1 tl t,. of ail' HIIII :'1I1J111aJ'illl' al l :It ' \.: i ll all (· (J'orL 1't'1I 1:lilll'd :-Ollh~taliliall." ililad ,
~ ;t
in ll l a i ll1 :lill tll p :· mpply lillt' 10 I hp :-:()lItl1t~ J'J1 1'(' -
:'011 n 't's a I'l', !. \ r t' lin d f l e h ip\,(·d I 'lIni!" !' :-III p,' r iol'il y 2. THE MISSION c,
tliat- I Itt.'
; H l d W(' IT' ('(lIdidt'llt ill till' 1{ 11 0 wil·dgl'
f til(' .Ia 1':1 111':'1' FIt,t,t \\"1111111 lit· fll 1'1 lit,I' n ' -
lIalll :-; 11
J't'III -
.\ :-; :-;tatt,d ill '-Joint ('hit'f:-. of :-it al!' 'j"·I,:.! l:t. tlw
dll ced w!Jpn c \'t'1' J.(. dlO~r 10 t'illilinil tllt ' III , ~\ prill l:t I'Y III i!-':-o ioll of t Itt· ' l\n'llt it'I h .\ 11', tl1(' first
:-- uh:-taIJtinl plll'l of till' fil'~ t lillt, fi:!J.lill:,! :-;tl't'll.;!th \'I'I'\' IlL'H\' \' 1llllllb:ll'tl lllel1t 1I1',;!lIltizatioll ('ullimiit ed
III ~' H l ld)(t;, \\, :1 ~ til IH: lli{' \'I ' till' C;]l'IirsL po~sible
fit' both ti ll' .J ap'lIlt'~p . \ 1'1I 1y 011111 :\ 11 \'." .\ il' F o l't ·~·:-:
hOld 11('(' 11 pxpt' ll dt'd al o ll~ 1111' CillH lllt' l'f'd or II,\' - IJI'O;!I't· ~:-: i\'(' d i:- lo t'Ht inll of I l it' .) ;l\ )itIH·:'l' l1Iilit ary,
pn ~~t'd pC'l'iI11ptl'l'. and of g l't'; d :-.ignifi t';llIcr \\'a :-\ Iht· illd l1 ~ tTiHI. alld \'l'onollli (' s y :-. i PIII :-\ alld tn lIllder·
fad tilnt t ili:": iltil'ili OIl had al "'o l' la illl{'d .. (,{ 'I1 ~i dt'r­ IlI i rH' tllr 111 01';]11' of I Ill' .Tap(II H~:-i~· pl?op le tn a point
al dt · pal' t III' II If' I ' X IH-'l'it·II (·t·d p i lot ;.; i ll tIll' .L \F. \\·!tPl't ' Iltl' il' eap;ll'i ty alld wi ll ttl W:I,;!P \\·tl l' WilS
'fht' il1du:;t rial ht'art or .Inpan had IlIlt lu·t'li tOll c'lll'lI dl' cisi\·ply \\,l'a kl'lIl'd . Til t' :-'l'\'OI1t!;tI'y I lli s~ iott wa!'
.J ''I
fi ,',
hy I)(HlIII:- ( exn' ptll,\' tll t· l )IIt1 littlp l11 i:-~ i()ll ) alld tilt-' 10 oJlt'I't"lI(' ill :-.IIP I'01'1 of Pal' in( · tl pc mtioll ~,
hC:I\' Y i lltlll ;o; tl'Y hiddt' ll f1\\'ilr ill :\ralll' huria had 1 11 tilt' i1 ('{'ompli shttll~ l1t or
it:-. pl'illl1ll'y Illi ~.. ioll. (,I, i
IJf'(· II 'lIlllllnlp:-l:·tl. 111 dl1fell:--:' of Il i:-: hlJlIlI'ianrl. IIII' til(' 1I1d in -Cilillit -IJil i-('d B-:.!!I ~ :dht ckl'd hl':I\·." ill'
.J ap 11,1(1 di f- p0:--l·d on' l' :2,(iOO t 'on l ll:1I a il'l'l':d'i o f dll ~ II'Y (i ron <lilt! :-itt't,1 \\'01'1.;: :-;) Hild nin'l'aft JlI'O'
.'iI ,,,
n l l'it'd iypt·:-. \\·i l h -1:.0 Illlln' dd\·ll1lill;.! OI '('lIp it'd dtll'i'l ':-\ ill .I ap' l lI il :--t'lf ;llId h l 'a\' Y i l1tltt:-\II',\'. oil ill'
(, h ill:t. :Intl ;llIoilwl' ~,;O ;.;tfltiol l Pd ill d .. f(' n!-'r of :-; 1:tI1 Ht i llll ~. ain'l'afl plitll t ~ . l1it\'al ill st:llla litlu:"
'1' \\' (
.:H :IH('lllll' i a. 'I'll\' l\ 1 :lri : III :I~ \rt' I'(' Il lI dt'l" :I ~~, ttllt by a nti t I'llllsportati on ill " ;tlll'hlll·i:l. O'Tltpird Ch ina, The
()1I 1' :lllIplli IJioll :-; fl,I 'l'I':-; : Bink hnd fa lkll to 11:-0 011 ihr F tlJ'lIli1fo: i1 . BtlI'Il IH. illid ~I H I :t,,'~ i : 1. '1'11 1':': " attack. . 11 t<l II
rlliltl' to inra :--i lllt or tIlt' P llil i pp i tH'~ ' En'l'- \\'(' 1'1 ' ~IIPldl'lItt ' lltt'd 11." :Il'rill! Illi l l i ll;,! of ritallllll"
of se
ill l' I 'l'lI ~i ng' R lippl i l'~ (If Wl'apllll ~ hI till ' P:lt' i fi (' hOill 1,01 'S :llld shipp i l1~ lall {'~ fl'ollt P II\ Plllbnng to
ba se~
I-Il(' l' l1ilt'd SlIdt,:-; Ipf1 11 0 IiIJldlt I h.1i \ \ ' t · \\'/JI II !! lIt' ~hal l ~ hil i. T I IP :\I ill'iillla :;- h<l :-, pd B- :.!!1s at 11I l'k~1
cl eplt
\\,(.1\ t·qllipP f·d to (·olllph· tt· jilt' war a,!!a i ri :-.f .-1 "1':111 . lIlt' ai lT l'art i lldll :- t l'Y (If .T:l I';111 ililt l the urban ill, 1?1"
\ \'JU'II the ) l aJ'i· l ll<t ...:- h;I H ,d H-:.!!I~ illitiu ll·d op - dll ~ 'l' i; d : 11't'iI ~ ;I :-: t-ol' prioril." , . \ ~ th t· rH B a!-
Jl 0111 ('
(" ral inn :-: ill XO"f'llIlu'l' 1!)1--~ the .\.. \li e''' IIfl't' llsivp t:It,1i: pl'ogTP~~t'tl. ti ll' Il lillill~ (If " llt' lIt ." had,n!'... allli
a:!ain "': l .'<lpall \\':1:-: in filii ,"; Wil l g', F.x(,ppi fIJI" 111-
tn ck.
S(':I iI!'IH 'na <: III'~. :llIti :-\1I'iIH'!'i ;lg';lill:-i1 :11'I1l :-i ali(I Ilwnt
t'al fo: ltn 't'~~C':-, i ll China .• Iap 'II I':-- II(~;-;t I'lr\l l'l ~ h!ld 1'1'- 1I l l l1l i lio ll ~ p rod llt,Pl';o; "'l'n' itlil iat pd, alld dtll'ing l'l'll(.:ll
:-; 1I1t ~d ill a ~l'l' i f':; nf rI (' ft-';d ~ , :lI tll ill(' tl,· fl'Il :-iI·nf till' tilt· n lla l ~ Ia :,!t· ~ (If a!ta r l ~ . oil il1Sla ll atio ll!' ami d Oll S I
Ph i l i ppillP:-\ \\':I F: Ill'l" Itl:ljOI' (' 0 11 1'1'1'11. TIlt' ],,,t I1r II ' il ll ~ JlO l' t nlioli \\'p l'(, I'a i:-\\'d I n hi,.!!h pl'i"l'ity, rile
t e L'I 'ail
1'01' Leytl' \\'a ~ r :l;,!ill;,! :lilt! i ll\' <I ~i oll Ill' ~I illdol'o fi 1':-:1 a II at"!.; fill a II',t 11:-. 1)flrt :11ion t :Il'gl't tit k i Ilf! plal'e cluse r'
alld .L u zoll il1lll1illl' l1 l . '1' 111' In:;1 Ill' Iht-· .J :IP:lllt·:·.:[' j 11(' l a ~1 day Ill' hUlllhil1,.!! 0Pt· !'; t! i ()n ~ ,
fa c ilit i
t,:.llTit' l' a il'('I':lfl had IWPII Inlllll'lwd :llld t'limi -
PClldi l:
Il ai rd .' F v l' Ilt e· [ilia I (!t·j't·Il :--C' of tli l? Phil ippillt,!,> 3. ORGANIZATION AND COMBAT fO l'ce \\
,,' PI'C ('0 111'111 ill ('(I, a g'!'t· ,tf pari of hi ~ 1'l 'lI1airlilll.!
.\I 'IIIY nnd '\' .1\-." _\ il' Fol'ct's. " -\wi I'C'I II a i 11('(1 o f
sOll ll e l ,
the .la p'lI h,·:--1' fh'r j ('otl llJ liftt'd ill d( · I'f'II ~l~ \If til t, To il t·j ·fl l tt p l i:-. h HH' s tI'Hip~i l' IlIi :-.~ itJl1
of reI')'
ope,." 10
I' hilippil1P!'I wai- ill nighl toward I ht' 11I !lll1,lflllti , III':!".\' I lflll l hanll ll f' l lt. ill e T \\'t'lltit'lh .\ F \\'u~
th e log
~111J111i1 l' i n c :llId ail' :ll r ill '\.: llad ('x adl·t/ a flll'tlu-. I' ('!'l' afl'd ill .\ pl'i l J!)-~-I to fllll C' tilll1 din·d l." ullcler

~ . 0,:1(
th e J oillt Chi,'I', of S t"ff ( .J C~) , Th p he"Iiqu" l'- \\"onld en tail. Th e T wcn t ieth B om1;(' 1.' COll llnn nd
t(' ]'~ W:l :-: (·:-:tahli :·.:Ill'd ill ,,'a:-; l lillg! OIl , D . C .. with ~lll d th e F i fty -pigh1h\rill g \\"t' I'f' 10 p l'O vide ihi s
0" 11, II. JI. .\.1'1 10111 ill l 'u lll lll a ll d. H L':-;)lO ll:-;iIJi li t y ..':-;:-;I·lIt i: ll ill fOl'lll;] t i OIl ,I lid / ill.' deci sioll \\"ilS I'ea citell
fol' Ingi;;:t ic ~ IIPpO ]'t :l~ "'I' ll :1:-; t t'lt:1in ad ill i l li :it-ra - t u 1) \l CI":t te 1hl' vll ~h C h illa"
ti",' I't'spollsil d l i l ie:-; Wt' I'I' nosl,'d in t he the at el' T hr 'J' \\,i'llt it'l h B ()Ill bl' l' Comma lid Opt' I,;!tt'd f m ln
('OIl Jll l ill l dl' l' . T ltl' T \\"l' tll i l'l h .\F \'"as cOI llpo:-:etl llf ill(l i,"idll:ll gl'l Hl p I,<I :-- t':-i il l .I l1 riin :l l ld thr'Hl I:!'1! a<l ~
( we) I)/md ll ' !' CHltll ll:l ll ti :-;. til l' fi l'4 to ue deployed Y:l II .....·" sta gi ng- IJ:J ses in C hill:1. silH.:e tlt e ,"uJ ne l'a ·
bl'i ll,!! t Ill' Tlitl iil -C h j tla - l ); l ~('d '(' \'"t'll t iell! BOlldwr lJil i t y Hf. :IIHI d i fli t ult y of log i stic all y sli ppor/'ing-.
C OIi I ItI:ll ld a nd i lH ' ( Ith"I ' llt' i ll,!! til l' :\ial' ia ll :l s· lms(' d tI ll ' Ch ill n IJ :t :-i~'s \\,: I!i :-i l l .."h as t tl pl 't'~" lll d e tlwi l" de -
T W('III," -fi l':-: t iloll liw l' ('tl lllt llilll d . .\ s t"he wal' n' loplllPIII fI :oi 1H'I'IlI:t tll' nl h :I SI ':O:" Th e Pl'ujcc-If',l
p rog l'l's~{,l l t hl! T n-t' ll l-i('I l! HOIu h,, !' ('0 1l 1l 1l:llld w as o l"g:l lliz:ll ioll til' i Il c T \\'c nt y - lil's! B onJiJ(' r ('(, 111 -
ill a f't j,';tlt ,d. ti ll' T Wl' l l 1y - lil'st B n lldll' l' ( ' OIl ItIl: l 1Id 11I:ll ld ill \"nh"l'd :I cUllsiderabl e l:li<lllge j'J'l1Il1 th is
IIb:;!! !'i)t.' d it:-: Ull ifs all d \\' :IS n·dl·s i;.!'Il ,!t l, d l \n'll t il'th a nd util l' r O\' t'l':-iI':l S a il' ·fun:c:o;. The limite,l la nd
.\F wi l lt hl':nhp w l'tt,l':' O il (;11 :1111 . " 'i tlt '"hl' l'VII- 111:1 :-;:-: il \'"i l"IJIt' fur IJ:t:oiPS i ll th l' J\I :II'ialltl S i l ' d to th e
Clll:,:io ll .. d' til e EIIl'41!'P:l1l \\":1 1' i li(' d('('i:.: iull WiI :-i d t· ... i:-:i (J 1l to t'st:Ju lif: h illd i\"idl la l wi llg 1);1:0;('5 each
1'1':1t' It lid to ('O llrt' r/ j lit' E i~"!ld II "\ F to \"PI'.\' hp:I \"Y o f \\" 1I i...! 1 wU ldd I](JII:-:c u\"(> 1' 12.000 t:UllJ! li l t all d
lJon!l l; tl 'tllrI Plit ;l lll l t o 1"(·tlt 'pl oy it 011 O k i l1 ;1"";1. T o sl 'I'\"in' I It' I':--nl 11 II..' I altd prO\"i dr fa ci l il i ..,s I'U I' 180
(,1)llil'lI l alld l' 4141l'd i ll al l' 1"I 1"':--l'I""41 \ ' IIB a il' f r l]'('(·:--. B- :!!':-i" Tht · \r i ll;.!,' HQ \\"a :o; l':-ibb l i ~l H'd :I S the
U ll ih,d ,"';bl tl':' .\ I'II I,Y ~t l·: lh' gi\' .\ i r For\,f' :-i "l h': ld - rlolll i ll ;t llt upl' I'n i iug e lll i t)" it ;'; 1'011 1 I":t :"l"l.'d wi th th e
~ lIa"le ,. s (USAST .\ I,) W:l S ,,('( il',lI ed :1 11.1 " s(a G- :o:qlladroll 0 1' UOlllh g n lllp. a nd Iwe: lIl s..' 41 1' t Ite t'l'it i-
lishl'd nil OWl II!. ... :11 ~ h () I ' lilg" III' t'tjll ipllli'ltl :J lld slIppi ies .i 1l all cate-
A t th e l i ll ie the T \\'l'nlil'l h "\F \\' :l S CI'l':d l'd ~'I )j 'itl:O: . il " "iIS Il ..' l· ... ~sa l"y t o I'fl'('4: t II wx.i l r llllll e,'OI1 -
Chjll il ntl\ 'I 'l,d t h ... o l ily i lllll ll'd iak l /il:--t':-i froll l wli ieh UIlI Y 1,.\" illtt';.!,Ta t i ll g' :-;l' l"\" ic~' flll1 t'l i u l l ~. Th us.
.fa POl ]} i l :-'l,lf could b... lI t t:w k ... d, T I I"' I',,·-[on' . th ... :"upply :t ll d lI J;1i llt~ 'l"I all n' flJJ U' t. io ll :-i uf til l' sep:ll'ate
lil'!-'t \ ' Hlllll l it ~ 1I 1 ~~ 'I' \\'I 'liI il '! Ii l~ u lld )t' l' ( 'OIIIIlI:lI ld, :-:t' n ' i('p IIll i l :oi \n' I'I' l'l' l ltT :Jii ze d as \\"' ill g I'll lId iOll s
('o l1 s i:;t i llg" of OIl C' l'(jll iba l \\'i l lg. \\"t l !i dt' pl"Yl'd i n I hI' \\"i l lt :-O IlJt' :-jl ..T i lil"1' of I ht' i l l/('gl' il y uf Lh e un i ts.
CI, i"a -B""" ".-I"di ,, (C I1 I) Ih":ttt ", OI';.',, "j":I - The ]\/ " ,.j"",, s I jll ,cl"Gl e "JI'" llI"de it appa l'eJl L
fi on a nd l l'ninin g o f till' B-~!) Ilni t;" ] i ll 1hi' t; llil t'd lha L \\'" itl t a ~ l ig hL de la y i ll t hc U llii cd S ta tes, the
:--;tllr ... :; \ \' e l'e gl'<l l't 'ti til t lip B -~! ) (ll' nd ll tli r)!l li ll t'" :--;~' \·"' Id y - thil'd \\,ill,!! r..; ould IJl' d l' pl u'y t'd 0 11 ~ il ip ,\11
"\ $ pl ;lll ning :ll ld 11I\,dll diull pl'u;. .!1'e:-::-:ed: til t, l':dlwl" thl1ll ill C 131 <1 :; or ig i llall y in l clldl'd. T he
'1\\'"(' n ty - fil'~t 13ollllJe l' CUIlIn lili id "":1 :-; :l l'li n d·,,'d " i l' l l lIOII :-: CII:lI':Jd l'l ' ot 1111.' :;!a;,!'i ll;,! (Jpt' n t/ i ons o f lI e-
Th e Join t, Chi ef :; of SLI!I' COll lllli l t,,'d t lli.' ('0111 - .. '('~:- i L 'y ('O lldlld J,d hy ti lt> F ifl y -p ightlt "\r illg ful'-
Innndel'- in . . C h ie f. Pa ei f"ic O ('t':l1I . \] '('iI. tu th e t ask 1111'1' "dd, ·r! jtl t he ('IIJ I\' i t.: ii l ' ll Ihn t n ... h:ll ig e i ll t he
of se"' lIl'i llg th e :\l:ll' i:l llii S 10 pruyi de tl'Oup:; :;t agi tl g IJl" ig ill:11 pl :ltl " "'us hitdll .y d l's i l':llill'. Tltr Se\"l~ nry ­
iJil ~es. ncer l.Jf1 ~"':-: , :11 \1 11111' 1 J;1:-;4'~ fo l' fUJ't:1w t' \lTH j·lt i nl \r i n;..!' \\" :I ~ Ilt"J 'I ,f ol'e tnltl Sf"' ITl'rI fl'!Jln th e
dep loy mellt, T \\"~' 1I1 i ..,t h Rt tml ll' l' Cu mmand to t hl' T WPl1 t y - fil'st
From the l\lal'i:III :J :oi. d ie Ilt'ad uf the Jap;IIl f>Se ill Ih e 1\Ia-
BOIn IJPl' ('Ollllll :lIld ;I lld \\" :l S dl' pl nycd
iIomcl;ll l(] cO lll cl l)c ul'vug hl u nd~' I ' d il"l'(; tB-~!1 aL- l'i:l ll a :- dul 'i ll~() d {)h ... ralld K on' llIi)(, l'uf
JU-I··1-. Th e
Lack. Furthel', t he pr i lltipa l ' "C/'." hea\. . y l)o Jllual'd -
Thl't'e 1-llllIlil'l'" ,Hid Th irt een t h a nd T h l'ee l-! UIl -
Ilwnt cfl'ol't f1'Olll (' xist illg' II:I :-:t's i ll Ch inn ('lIldd Ilol
d red an t! L.'tl lll't f'f'lIth \\'i ll ~:oi hud bec n actinltcLl
I't'lich th e hc'.IIt o f J, Q): 111 :l ilt! i l l\' u l n,tl it tn' Ill C' IJ -
,Hid ',(' 1"(' n o\\' in t l"a ill i ll~, an d til e T hrl:c JTu lld l'cd
do us l ogi~t i c effo r t U\"l' l' II :-;"Ti io ll o f l h(, "OIl !,,!l lPst
a ll d Fi i't"l'l'llI" h ",r i l1g,,,"' it h st. l' ipped H - 2V:=i <~n d
iC I'J';li n ill 1"11(, wo rld , Ii :t lso I'ecog ll ized t hai th ~ '
illlPI' U\'i.:'ll 1·:Hbr. \\-a s fO] ']lI i llg.
clu ser th ese IIl1 it -; Wl' l"e t o w:lte l' tl':JlI:- PUl"t fl t iol l
facili t. il's, Ll IL' InOI"C J'eadil y ('(lul l! t"h('y be s up plied . ~;J rI 'y i ll JO--!-:I tlip dl'('isil il l \\" a ~ 1I Iilt!f' to tl';tl l::rh,! l'

Pellding ('onqu est o f i ~ I :J lld b:'l sf':oi 11(J\\"l'\"cr. a B- 2!) till' F i ft y -pi g l11 h ,r illg " "i t I1 :tll i ts t"o nllJat alld
fo rce WlI S I'end y ;ll ld \\-as to 11(, cOll ll nitl ..,d t o cnlll bat :-:"' I '\'"iL"~' till ir :-: t tl Lit ..· T \\"('lIty -li l':--t Bun tlJ(l 1' ('o lllll1:JJl d

to lest tlte weapo n ib·:t'lf. tli . . . l l"il i l li llg' of l"ill' pt' I'- ill t l l(, ;\In l'iilll:t s. to di :-- I);I lId hl' a t!ejll ,IJ'1 CI"S o f til e
SOIlI H..J as J'eflected by t hl, i l' :dJi l i t y t o tll aitilaill :1l1d 'i' \\'(, I Jli P I I I Hf JlII U... I' ('U II I IlI:lll l L ll lt)\"i lig Pl' I'::;II IlIlC l
opemt e the we; 'iJtlll ill ('Oll liJll i. and to ddl'l'lllill(' !lif' l'pof to Oki ll;] wa as the II1I CIclI S fU I" a ncw VCI',)'
the logisti c su p po rt. f:l c:io l':-:. ~ lI ,,' h ;111 opel'a tion hea\'y hOlll b al'l11l11.'111 a i l' -f o J'c e ( C hurl 1) "

of fuel. 'V.iLI! (' 1 · tli ~ iJ l g s peeds in excess at 300
Iniles pe l' hOlil') a -1,GOU-liIil c lacti cnll':tdius of fl C-
I MARCH 194'
li on, and:t Inaximulli carrying capa city o f 10 lons
of bonJi1s, till' 13- 20 COll st it IItcd n ne w and puwedul
The 13- 20 pruvided " stabl e platfo rm f o[· (lie
1\ord ull hOlll bsig lll ll10tlllted in il s nose, The CF C
:-.ystem COlllp l'ised fi\' (" ~ i g lltillgstat io ll s : in t1l c ta il.
nosc, ri g hl alld k'ft 1'£':11', an I tipper rCaI', These
:-; tati(lll ~ l' lIl1tl'ulll' ll fin' ttll'l'ct~ . f 0 111' with t \\"ill 50-
CHI. gliIiS. and :111 uppl'r fOl"w:ll'd tUlTct with IoUI'
.ID-cal. '''\Ins. C Ulli rol o f th e tu r l'cts was to a de-
g ree in{"(~ l'e han ge a,hl e betwecn gunnel's, perm itting
t he s hift ing of fil'c PUWt'l' t o IllCl't de\-clup ing at,
ta c ks 1'C' ....!!urdl e~~ of tll t- il' o r i"in
c ' En ch sifThtinN
0 eo
(' H Arr!'! stillion wa s prur ided with a computing ight in
whi ch PI'OPPI' I'ralllillg' :111 (1 i rfl l' ki ng- o f the target
III July and Aug1lst I!H."i ceri :lin IIIi1jur organi - W:t ~ o[ paralll(lll ll t i ll l p()rlal l(:~, The radar sct.
zation!!1 challges took plat<', The Tw e lily - fil'~t ].(1l0Wll as the AN/ A P (~- l 3 , presen ted a l'fldll l' o
Bomber COlllllland Wli S redesig-lllIted HIP T wt.:'lIti cth pi cture t!troug h :_ WO" to till' radal' Op Cl'ilt Ol' in the
AF, The Sc \'ellth Fig-htt'r ('Ollllll<llill located ill n~ :1 1' of th c air plalle a lld to th e na,\"i g:llo r on the "
Iwo Jima, fllld the (ill,llIl Air Depot, both for- ilightdC't k tltroll g h:t 1'(, lIloteS('o pc. \I
merly under cOlllmalid o f till' Dl'put)' Cnll1l1lfllHlrl', A n - :20 ro ntl,:lt group cOlllpl'i sed l ltl'cc squn d- ('
Twentieth ,\ F. wen' pla c.: t'd lIudt,!, (:oll)lIlalld of the rOilS witlt lell B- 2!)s p(' r ~qlladro ll as tlll it equ ip-
Twentieth AF ~ i n lll Uall t'OI I :-- I.r witlt tltr elinlilla - 1I1(' lIl ( UE ) :lirc\':IfL :I lid fh e B- 2!)s ill enclt S(luad-
tioll u f the 1-IQ of Ih" DCi'"ly COIIIJ"iI"dl'l'. The 1'011 as !'l'SC tT e . A s SOli II a:-; pl'odu d iUII permi tted,
net I"eSllltof tllPse eh:lliges W:IS tllat the '[ wl'ntit't11 ;dlllllii s w 're provi d ed wit h l lll' it' I'CSt: rn.! aircraft
AF with headqual'lel's at (;U"III had ulld el· its :llld ~' rc w:-;, whi ch ga\'e each group..J.j ll- :Ws and 00
cOllllrtulI(l (h'e \" cry IH':I\'.'" bOll lhanll1lt'lI t- \\'illg:-; (' 1'1 '\\'5 as it s stl'i t.; i Ilg f oret', "'\ Vit It fOil r SII l"lt g roups
with" total of 20 combat g l'o"ps. Ih., F i,·c ]-["" - ill (',wit ,r illg', lli (' total ('ollilm t ~ tn'" glil hec:lIne
,h ·c,l and Nillih Composite (: 1'0"1' ( Atomic), the l HO B- :Ws find :l-lO COIlI!J" t e l't:'Ws. ~ \ s pmduciioll
Seventh Fighter ()(JIllIllHml with foul' figlt ter Jlrogl'(-'~sed. h(I\\'en'l'. (':I c· h f!I'OllP was g i\'cn three
groups: alld the 011:1111 Ail' Depot. Thp U nited IlHlI"e B - 2!ls ( I pr l' SQll :l<i I'DII ) , wh ic h illcrcased the "
States Anlly Strategic Ail' Forces. aet ing Ill1del' a aircraft st rc' ng,th In JD~ » CI' w ill g. Th e "at io of
directi ' ·e h om I he Joi III Chiefs o f S I" ff, wa Sl'sl "L- tTC\\"S t o uirc rafl ill C HI \\-:1 :-; I ll'\' t'!,;t tilllit infr fa e-
. e
lished at Guu m to cOlltro l and coordint),te opera - 10 1'. S IIl CC l o~ L.. t ic:- prt' n ' llit-d 1Il iliz ing ti lt' force to
tions of the Twent ietlt and red eploying Eight h Ai I'
Forces (C ha .. t 2).
The WCUpOIl which had iJt'l'1l g in'lI 10 the
15 AUGUST 1945
Twcnt ietl! .:\ F waS the first ,'ery hell '-Y bOIl I1)OI',
the B- 2!), Of COIH"clltionai lIlid-wing tlesigll, jl B-.
je· . ' ''''''1 0' s u n
required an ] J -mall crc\\- to fill it s combat sta -
tions. It wa equipl"'c\ with th e latesl "i .. h" .... e p- ~

I"fldnr and a system o f rClllOl cly l:Ollt roll ed lIulo- 8

mali c g U_1l tUITcts known :1 5 t Iw ce nt 1':1 I fil'P -colltl'o i p-,
system ( CFC). An 1I ,1,litional and mluable f ea - B- 2
ture was the clibill PI'('s:':illl'izatioli S.r~tC Ill whi ch
maintained fa cahin presslIre COll i parabl e t o .000
feet whil e flying at ao,ooof ect. With IIII·ger, 1I1 0"e
powerful engi nes thnn had been used befol'r , t1H~' TOTAl
initial problems focused on detcl'minntion of
powe), settings to obt:l in the most economical use C B_'RT 2

its ll1aXi lllllll t op(!r:liiollal capauility, J II th e 1\l ;t -
rinn ns, ho\\"O\'c l', with a ('o mbai tOllr of 3;) Illi s~io ll s.
it becamc apparent that the sorli c rail' established
in "M arch find Apri l co uld noi uc IIh l. illtained :Llld 11 -------- -----
~t l'O llg I'ctOIlJl IlC'IIt1:ttion wa:; :-UUlI.1iUl,d to inl' l'c;l1'- l'
tltl' tl'l'\\' r at io to :I.:-~ i ~ I H' d ai l'cl'i,i'L f r Uin 1.2.i lo 2.0.
.\ dd i t iull a I t· n ·\\·:-. IJ('gllll ill' r i r i JIg in .J 1I nc 1I nder I "i :-
- - -- - - - - -1- -
ap p L'o \'cd :.t lIgllH ' llti.l.t ion a Ittl t he t 11 1'C', dcncd crew H CCO 20 T H A I R F O R C E
~h o rtugC' W;I S :l 11 1,,·iitj ('(l. ~ \"i n ' l':lft· and t r eW
~t l'c ngl h i n t ill' l'Lt rialla ~ ill cJ'ca :-'l~d with the aI' - [J . "' ~ ~ ,-,
l'i ,'a l of cnd t Ill'\\' will~ fl'om ;t Il tl r ig-i ll:tl st l'l'llgtll IJIIll ". h *'_G
of lJ n " i I'CI'"l'I o112·1 )lul'eml ", 1' In·I·~l oV GOIl hfl11Ll ~ I" • • "G
',n 1·1 .,\ lIgu, L lV!5 (C hn I' L3).
. lOh ',0 0 ~~ G
T oolJla in photo n.'CtJlI I H l i ~"; ;.tt l ('"C rot' ta rge t ill liil y -
* ,.. ,
:=l is fi nd da ma gt' :t~Sl'!--S lI lf'H l, oll e sq lwd r oll or spe-
ci all y r~ ll ip pcd " " ",d ul'l" Ihc 1'- l:l5. wen'
IJrO \'idcd, "\Vith the en..' I ' l'xpanding" r adills o f
ope rntion :;:, \\,(';1111(,1 ' I"l'(' IIIIII:ti ~~nll( '(' W:I S (' alTiee"!
1ceo ~------_ _ _ _ _ +:fjlJl!
out by (,lIc h Wi l lg w.,i ll g spC'ci ni 11- 2!ls Cfl llipped
\\' it Ii t ill' III t(':- L a i "horne lll('tC'ol"oi ogic:l.! eq 11 i pille 11 t.
Fig htl' 1' e~col't and indC'pr l1 th'lI i figilt('1" ::,Wl'l'PS
\"ere con ducted II,\' II l1ih~; uf 111(' ~l'n·ltt!t l "i1!l!. lt·1"
CO ll lll la lld I,as l'd: d -l wlI.J illlil, J nitialllnilRmm'C'd


(' II ,\ll T -I

i llt o .1 \\'0 .l itH:!. du r ing .1l al"clt a ll d t hL' Hl'sl escort

II li ~:-.j ll l l \\'as cil l'l'il'd Oll t vII T ~\ pril I f}!j , The
st n'lIgt lt li t tlt t· ~cre ll tll F i;.rlit t, 1' C UIl l llt :lll d It I'C W
h om ] !)..J. in ,\Ia rch to 2(i0 ill. .\ lIglisl.
011(' I'N:(l lI llni:-.~ancl! sq ua d rOil equipped wit h :t..J.
F - j ( I'-;l~) Iyl'" " il'el''' ft \l'as pl'O\' ided b uL " I"
I' i\'(~d ill t he thea ll'l" lou I;ti c to pa rti t' ipat c i ll CO ll i -
bili opt· l'at ion:--.
.n tI,

.. . . . ...." ... .. .. ..".. ''',

' HI t'" , J" , JII ' I II' r,ol tU, !
6 -2 9

F-1 3

,ro I tCO ' ntl

" .. I 8" , U,' 14t ,

,'" ,
",.,. ,on °


" " '" " .1
'" ,
n '
,,~ o "" 0 " IS n o, no o
(, \ ppcII,lix c\ , il, C. )
Tn UH·i r Hi lIlonth s of operat ions aga inst J upan
.... ,,'" .
'0,_ ' 0' °
P- 4 7
.." ur.

" . ,, '
' 00 4 d II r i ng" t I I ~' IH' I'iud J·UlIC .1 V-I-I t o 1\ ugll.!:it IV-W, VB B
IIlli t :-: o f Ihe ' l \n'lIt id lt .\ 10' Ilew O \'C I' J 00,000,000
6-2 4

,., ~
" "
" '" OL.
,n ......". Ill il C'~ tint! dl'op ped I G.i,OOO tons o f bombs and

..,.",. ,. IllIlIC:-i ( Ch "rl ·1) . Th ese ope ra tiu lls J"cPl'cscl l. i a

C-5 4

, .. ,

" .

.n , ,.1,.
10' • . '0 11
l or .
101 I
."". °
' '" 0
" " "
IO U '
" "
!fOO I
,.1' I 'n ro " Ot
11 100

lut,, 1 of ;;~~I;I ~ t' o ll ibal ~()I"ties :t gn ill:-:t ubject i I'e,
whi ch Wl' I'(, ord illa I'i I,)' ill CXCC!2S of 1.GOO miles fl'Oll1
thc poi II t o f 1" kc· o ff, IL IS poi nted ou t th at Lhe
('IUI:T :1 fil ii VJIB fu rce \\' iI ~ lIC'n'!' i.l.ntila lJ le 10 Ihe CU IlI -

; ..-E"
. , ,
1I1:l lIdt'f, By I ,\ u;..!'lI :-i W I.I . i ' H'l' J.;: S lx'fofc 11i (' ;t lld 1.::'tJI \\' , ' 1'1 ' dalllilged ill tI lt' :111" a nd 011 11I1"
t'tll l flf l ite \\":11', tilt' 1;1 :--1 IIlIit s had :tl"l"in..' d ill Ih l' g nll ll1ci,
lIu'ah'l', I IU i had lIu i I H'I'O IlJ() fli ll y IIIWl"atiotl:!!. 111 :-; lIppol t of P ;ll'ifk tJ IWJ':tti olls. B - 2V :t il'l:I'afL
.\ :-; n J"l' ~ lIlt td' H-~ ~) :-,ll" ik t,:,:, iII'IJl'uxilllntl'I'y I HI) IJo l1ll )l'd F Ul'lllfl)o:il. -, \\'0 J i lll :l 1 Tl'lIk. -: \ftl l't ll s and
!-IljlWl'l' 1I1 11l':-> o f .J"p"I It':-'I' 1Ir1l11tl itl dll st l'i n l an' [l apprc l."\i ll wte ly ~ O IIlaj o l' aiJ'fit'ld!' on K } It !'i 11l1 :tlld
('oldaill('d ill li(i ltilljol" cit i,':-- " ' j[iI II "rl' hUIlIi,ill,!.! SlJiko l';l l. .\ pprOXi lll:ll e ly :!,IOU B- :W :-lI rt il':-: dr-
pflPllla1 ilill of O\' l' I':! ! Il li ll ioll 1'1 '0 1'1" . by ill 1"1 Ji 11:--, l in'l'ed 7.HIIII l Oll S of hOlllb:; 1)11 K YlI :-hu :Hld
.\p pl"tlxilll:llt'ly liOO i'litiol"il'''' idl'lIl ifi pi.! ii," ill tel - ~hik()ktlllidk' l d:-i ill d in'd :-:lIpl'tlJ'1 o f the Okill:lwa
li;!l'llcl' :--olll'n':- ;( :-i t'1l ;!:!;.!'!'11 ill \\',11' pl'udllct iOIl \\'l'I'\' i ll \·iI:",ioll. l)ItI' il lg t-Ia~ pC l'iod 17 .\ pl'il to] I )Iay
dl':-t !'1I."l'd (I I ' :-I'n,' J'( ' I," d alll 'I;!('t!. TIIi :-i illd ll dt,:; :!:" I!I-J,.-" 7,i p(' rc(' ld Il l' till' s tl'ai l';!i(' ai l' l'rro rt s o f I IJ('
IIlOljol ' iJlI'(' I':tfl fa l' l lI l' i\'~ , "'" Illlljn l' ill~i:t l l;d io ll s til' YllB f OI TI's W(' l"e di" crf ed ill [it c !-mppoJ'i o f the
•Jap;III'S oi l si o !':! ,!,!I' , I'PriIH'IY. II lit! :':." 11111 1' 1ic' oil s,Ys- Ok i llH \\'" (':Ill Ip:I igll .
11'IlI,"; , s i x IIla jol ' ill ':-"l l'II:--, 1 \\' 0 lig-Itt ll1 ei, t1 plan t:.:, UOIJIJI-ill;! hl'; " ' il.'" ill tIll' d l':-, tJ'll di(l1i of tlw J ap-
:tlld two tl' i!'ilPlhy lll'ati I datil :.:, ~o t i ll t' I IHh,d lIl'l' , II Il':-'I' . \ il' F llt'(,p Wl'n' Oi'l'l'aiioIl S or long I'n nge
Ihtlll :-nlld:-I} I' SllI:l11 ~ 1I1 )(,lIl1ll'ildt)l':- Hilt! Ih r ft'('d "I'- l-i;.!I"I·1" lI i l'l' I':ti'1 of t hl' St" 'l'lI t h F'i~hter LOIIIIlW lld
Iypt' " 0 1111 ' ill dll :-;1l'il'S. wll id l \\'l'l'e d('siJ'o."l'd hy ill - ":I :-:rl/ ,Ii 'I \\'0 .J i In:t. Th l':--I' :t i 1'.'I'a fl f1<: w 1i.:~I M)
l'l' llIlilll'Y nttat"/;: . II lld IIpOIl \\' h il'h th e \\'111' t' tro l'l sor-t i('s 10 .-' :1P:l II PI'OPl'l' ill :l litt le (n'e l' -l mo nths.
dl' lH't ltl"d :'i(J he:l \' ily , i/I':, tro."in ;,! +!I,-I airl' l'a ft alld d: lll1a gi ng- " i'Pl'oxi-
Frollt I n .\ lIgll:o:1 I~III lli l'tll lgil J.I .\ Jlg-llst l!l l :i IHal l' l." :i ti7 :I il'(, J'aft i ll tIlt' ili l' and 011 the ;!I'oll ud,
\ ' (( B ;l i n.T'1ft of tIll' ']' \\,(' 1It il't II ,\ F l'ill'r il,d oUl l he -' 11 "dd ilioll, sl:tf-i llg uf gl'Oll l ll 1 taJ'gets wit h IIHI-
It IO:-; t l' x lt ,tl~ i n' ill'rinlltl i ll i lt;.!( ';J lllp; ti;!1l i ll h i!-t HI',V, chilll' ;!lIn illld I"twket l-il'e dp:.:t I'uycd or Il cnril),
D lIl'ill;! Ihai pe r iod, a~ :-;tal l'd in ' I\\'l'll t it'tII .\ L1":-; (]alllilb!l'd l::H 10l'O ili 0 1 in';':. :~;, .1 I'ail road t:lI'S, 2:)4
"P II; I :--(' . \. Il ; ll y~i~ o f th l' :--it I':ttt';!it.: ) l illi tl;,!' HI HC kil dt-"\ SlId,t c(' '·c;.:st' I:-;. and III1IlH' I'fIII:; 1)( hel' ~l'olll1d tllq!cts.
til' 11. (' .Ja p:tlH'st' EIUpi l'f':' 1.7 :-i:~ H- ::!H f1 i~,dll:- d l,li,'- XIII 1IJIl i i .\1 ;1I,,'h Itf I ~ )I'-) ha d i lw to tal B-:2Q
t"'l'd tI II II'(' t hall I:!.O()() nlll l'.':' hI 1' 11t' 1I 1." W: ll t'I':" :-11't'lIgtll o f lilt' ' I\n'lI t iP th .\ F i ll('J'I' ascd to n puillt
En'l'y IIlaju l' pUl'l iltl d :;ll i l'l'illg-i:tllt' in .J apall and ",lt t'n, l l.\" l i ll 'l-!'~' :-:ril h, illrl'llll i;'Jl',\' opentliUIl:; could
K IIL'l':! \\'01:' II l illl'l l. find ill ildd i tillll ulilll':; \\'i.' r~ IJl'i llil iatl,d, By Ihut l i llII'. :: .~rl U - :W s \n'I 'C un
pl n(' t' t! ill 1111' \\,i d ,' r s 11( ':11' !--illflngli'li. \T":t IIki II;,!, ilatHI ill tI ll' .\I:tl'i:llla s. whit,1t \\":1:-; belic,'etl ~ 1I 11i·
:--iaigon , :--;i Jl ¥aplJl't·, :111 11 P 'l it' tltI"lllg, :E st i lJ101tl'S (' ielll til :l c h i t" 'I' "'l't'd in' IIl'ball ill 'P i! Lil,:-:t I'IH:tioll
ill d i(': llt' t hut 77:! ,OOtl 1011:-' III' Jil P : lIl l 'Sl' :- hip pin;! by illl'l'lHl in ry IIll'all:':, FJ'om n :\I:t n 'h unt i l 1.;.11'
\\'l' !'t' t'l l'l'l' l in'I,'· S lIlIk I :tnt.! all additio ll a l ·17;-".000 ;!II:-:t, iI l ittll' on' l' .1 IIlolltli:;. O\' C' I' 0-1-.000 l Oll S of
101\:': \\'(' I't' f'1'l'i nll:, ly dalll:tgl'd IJ,r 11 Ii lie:.:. 'flip hOIlI(.' il1l'C'lldi ar il's \\'Pl'e druppcd 0 11 I1lajtll' urban indus·
i)o: l:tlltl r; u l' .Japa ll \\',' n' "iri llil ll y :-e\'(~ rl' d rl'fJIII t ill' I rial :ll'cas o f Ja pan. Priol' 10 !) .\J an·h 10-1 5. on l,\'
,";()lIl'l"':- o f 11 1.' 1' W:J1 l'I"-IJOt'lll' sllJlpl it's o f "ita l fOlld :.: :!Jii")S tOll 1i of ill('P lldi ;ll'il':-: had IWI'II t.imp pcd by
11111 1 ra w 11I ;111' l'i nk ..\ 1 till' el. ):-:I.' (If t in' \\'111'. tilt, B - :Ws 1111 Ja JlHl 1. B y th e (,Ild o f th e Wtll' , the
.l apil ll t\:':l' :-. ll i llpitl~ \\'hi dl \\'11:0: aid e tl) 11I 0"l' hilt! T \\'l'nti(,th .. \. F \\'i.I ~ capabll' of dcli"c ritlg urer
Ill'\' 1I !'l'litH'l'll 10 t Ilt' :-:I;IIIIS o f hlockol t! (' I'll II IlC 1':-' . r,(l.ono t OilS of I,olllb . . pe t' IllOlIlh on Jfl pan~
:tlld tlt e di,~e l ':", iot1 (If :-; liippillg' Inade il 11l()l'r \'111 - la rgeb «(;lIa lt 5), tile
Il e ra Ilk· to a I t lid,: hy u t 11l' 1' ilgt' lIt :o:, Tlt c clo:o:c 0 r tilt' pili
\\':11' J Oll nd !t ll~l' '111 :llIt i l il':- o f l.'tJ: tI ;tilt! 1'11\\' Ill a - 5, ATTR IT IONAL COSTS /" '(
j {, l' i; ll ~ illt-l·lIlh.,lI Jur till ' \\':11' Itluc ili llC (I f ,1 ,11':11 1 t iOJ
p i led Ilip'h :I t tl l(' pn r t:-, o f ] \:UI'("I lWCilll:--l' o f tilt, TIII'IIU~,d l(I !t1 I Itt' 1'111 i l't' o Jll' l'ali t)J1 1'1'(1111 (' IH allli In
bl twk ndi' , ",hi lt, til l' l i tlll ' ra w IHall' !'i .. 1 Hild fOt)d till' ,fa r ia IIl1S ! he T we ll! i,,11I :\ F lost 480 VJl B "ir, pi li
bl'ill;,! tl l, li\'l! n ,d 1..111 to hl' tl':llI ~ porlt'd lOl l;!: di !'l- c t'lIH :l l1d i l:l rigirter:-; In 11 11 (': 1I1 5 (,S. _\ t utal of I i(1 1
l a llcl!s on:" J'lnnd by 1'.lil 10 real'll Illp II ll irnatt' ::'0 II 1'lI llJ l"d ('I'PW IWrstlJ1l1l,1 "'l'n' killed OJ' listPG con·
('( I II :-; 11111 (' 1':-:. :I :'" tlli :-;:-i llg' IIl1d :~:::! illjllrl'd i ll ('olllh:t t sll'i ke:;, pe ri
" I' c oli Ii Ii IH'd II jlt> I'a I illll:-: II f I lot h B- :!!,s
• \ :- 01 l'l':-- 1I1t Ctlll!--id(' I' i ll~ th e -fil et tha i :::LO-J.-7 B - 2!> s(ll'tje~ Fol'
:ll1 d "I'I'Y l Oll;.! 1':II I;!l' ( , 'LH ) f-i;"ddl·r:.:. (' lililtl ~ and li,:!7G fi ~ht"r :-)tlrt il'fi wen' f1 o wl! to J:lpall over p lac
:-'c l'l'{' II l'd alte! Hl'l'l'u\'('1I II) I III' '1' \\,('11 1 i l'l It .\F ill d i - \ '(' 1'), IO Il~ di :-:IIIII('t';O;. tllP lo:-;st,S illl'lIl'l'f'l1 al'c l'X' B
t':l1l- a lufal of 1.!1l:; 1'llI'ltl y :l i t't'l'fl fj \\' t ' l'I' d l'bl t'O,\'I'd tn' IIIPI)' l o w , L p:;s thilll 1. Pl! l'CC lll o [ (,o lll bll t-C I'~W Wit S
I'CI':-;o l1l1l'l ail'IIII I'It l' 011 B - :!!J (,{JllrlJOIt ~ ll' iJ.::(':; wcre Tile
.lost 0 1" i lljll l't'd, Ex pl'essed <1:-; a Iw rc(,lltagc of Dall,

~. 6
all lfi .Tlln e, G B - 2!l$ Louk off n~:till ~ t Japnll
..10".u•• •
"0 "
pl"opel' ",il h th ei r tarf!et the ]m pel"ia l 11'011 &, Steel
1 0000 ,--,---,--,--,-.,---,--.-,---rc! - ,,' ol"k:-, i ll Y:I\\' , lt li 011 K .\'IH.:IIII. Th i:; ~tl" i"c i n-
.' il i:lt l,d t Ill' "liB :' 1 ],:tll~;.!i (: IIiI' :tll :II'" ag":lill ~ l til l"
. . 000 f---j--O'+,-'--'-'O¥-'-",,'-""-"-C"O!'-"-",,'¥O_+_+----,f-----j

, 0000 I---j--+-_j --+-+-+-+-+-'-+-----j

,.:' .I Hl la 1l(,:-iC 11 01l1e l:1 1111.
Opl'l"a ti ollal :llld logi:-ti('al ;t :- ped ~ o r t he '1' \\,('11 -
I il,t Ii Bn lldll~ I ' ('(llllllwnd Opl' l"at iO Il \\'{, I'P ~ 1I {' 1t as t o
r(,llIli.' r ~'x p IClit:1 i io ll of th e B -~!) 1:I ('t il'al capaui lily
j il l pt):-i:-. i Itil '. U II i L-. \\' .' I'P ha :-:ed ill till ' C"I(' u t t 11 n J'('"
illlt! :-tag-l'd throng-Ii :1.1 \,3 111.:(' 11:t :-f>:- ill (' hill;] , FIII·I
_~ -l\ / h 'l d t.) he IIl o\'f'd to :lc!"flnc(' ha :-:C':; I .,\' t:lnlier ai !'-

1\ - f-r:rF=f=:::::J
IT ii fI fl y ill;! " (j\' I ' t' II H' 11 11111 p" I'" !'o ugh n' I'~' nd \'l' ]':-it'
'110 O'
.on .~tI ·
" , Ou I
10000 weatllf'l', J)ll.1illi c llill1cc <llld t'f'j1:l il' fa l.'i lil il"'R ill 1111'

"000 P-lr----i'---'+-
" bt----- flll' \\,:l nl an'a ,,' P I'I ' i lla lit'qllai l'. ' /" :l st prt' pill'itl ioll
had tn I ll ' IIIi1dl' 1'01' P;ll'h Il :njo l' ~ tt' i h' 1:IHlldl{'d
,.r fl'lIlt l Chilia ha sl's. :--i izl' ,[lid ft't'CJHl'lll ',r "1' ilttil t'k:-i
i'-"--If-,'-+--I~_j ...~+-+-+::;o•••¥ .:....t_--1 ..
.... - '- ' ..:..-
\\'l' l"t ' tlll'I'l,fort, 1I 1ailll:lilll'd at :t 11)\\' 1 ~'n'l. Ollly
\\'l':o: t t' l'lI ] 11111 :-:1111, ]' ,r ll!.:hll. ilild )lall l' lill l"i :1 f(, 11
oeoo I'-'---I:--+--+--,t+~-+~+-+-+-+-I
I ../ wi tlti n lit e striking I':Id ill~ o f t ill' B ~!) \\,hell
'- " r-"- -•.•.
.D. J'OC I " ... ". ... lillIlIl' ].l'" 1'1'11111 Chi ll:1 1,;1:-:1':': . TiI!,;!!.'j:-- illlh t· Tuk,ru-
);iI,!.!·(lya ·():-n k :l -.I' III'l' ,11'(, ,1 ('ol1 ~ i i tl l tpd t ll (> Illosl
- - _ au
.•.•••. • tOn .. tI
_0_._ o _ v 10 . .. . .
. ' _0_' _' _ • 0.' .,,,,UD(
~ , ....
.0 ." . n " ' 10

~ol'lil':-: "irli(lrlll' a~a j l l :,;j tIlt' 1'1 11' lll )' . tIll' 10:-:0: ]'i dl '
fllr H-~!) nil"l' l"1ll'l n n't'a;.!l~d 1 .:~1-\ pt ' ITf>1l1 anti fill"
fi;!hlpl'a i t'cl"nft,:2J1 Iwri.'Pllt (C hart fi ) .


A. Twentieth Bomber Command (India·Chin a
111 ,\l'l'i I alld .\1 a," of 1:1·1-1 i he Ii I'"t \ . H B 1111 it s of
tli C' T wen t iet h B on lbcr ( ' OIlIIlI:llId IlIm'N I ill tn
pla t (' in the I ll d ia -Ch ilia 'l"ht':I It'I" . . \11 ]los:-:i il1e
pl'l'~f' III" £I ha d bC'I'H i ll'oll~hj t"IWIIl" /Ill hlliliP }ll"odll " -
lioll :l11l1 tra ill ing- ng(' lIl'i l':-: tlll'S pt'd itl' d C' pl o,\' lIlt'lii.
10 fhe Ilimo::.: !. ~1'J "\"i ('(' tt':-. tiH;! ti l' til p B- :!n ,Iil'-
p lane and it s eqll iplllc nl W:i S l" Hll binf'd \"il ll OIH- I'II -
tiona l ll'aillil1;.! of illilial ('O IH iI:!t ul1 i l ~ :Ill"
('ond ucted (,0 11 (,III'I'(' lItl y, '1' 111' IJI'H ,Itld 1110st t'S -
pC' r ie ncecl pe l':-iflllll C' 1 :!\'ailahl to t he Ann,\' Ail'
F() r(: l' ~ \\' ithill t111' I'o lit illl' lIt:ll l ' nih' d St:tt C'~ WI' I'e
pl ;I('£'d ill th e H - :2!l oq!;llI iz:l1 ion:;:.
B y ea rI y J II ll t' , t li p T ,,"Pll t it.'l h BOil !lx' l' CO l li I! Hllld
"':I S ready ill ~ I:tri 0/1(' 1"<11 i(lll:O: a ;.!'lil1 ~ 1" 1"11 (' (, 1I1'lll,\',
Th e first st l'ik(' \\' :l S 110\\,11 oil ;) .'Ul h· IH+-t :I;!a i ll :o:t
B,lllgkok :I S a " ~ h:l "t!"- do \\" II " IlI i ~s ioll (eh:!!'1 I).

"1f JUNE 1944-MARCH 1945


,0 •• ' ..;,....... AREA OF OPERATIONS
$12$ TONS
1720 SOR T IES

C H IN A SE A ,.
o J,
Ii i



"0 .. 0

4 ' II \ 1: I 7

impoL'tan t st ra tegi c oujediy('s ill J:IPilll hilL were The· fUllllalll l'1I 1al illJl' il' illl' ti l' hi~h alti i lldr
outside the cfrecli,·c triking mdius (ChnrL8). li~hl pl't.'<'i)-'inll bnlllbi ll~ by 1'0 1'1 II a 1iflll wa s ('IIl·
In genet'al , targets ~(' I cctt.:d fu J' in itial :-t l'ilH'~ in - pl"Y('d ihl'ou g-h ihc LO 1l 101l lh:') o f opel'at ion. The
cluded ill sLalial iull s of Japan's iron and ~ tl't..' 1 pl'O- :-qtladl'u ll 1'01'1 11 :11 iOIl (If fl'lIlll!) 10 I ::! ail' p l: 1I1('S COil·
duein rr syst em, u i l'cl':lft plal l t ~ . uil sto ra ge an d !'> til tdt·d th e IJa ~i l' I,ulld ,iltg IIlli l , tllle p l'ill<:ipal
refin er," plant s, urban illdu sll'inl :l l'eol S, LI':.IlIspOl't:t - .. ig hlil1g' ('I1t'I':di tJ Il being' Iw d ol'lItl'd lIy the lend
ti on nnd bhipbuild i llg and dod.;: I':tci I itil':-;. :Iil'phlltl', ' 1'1) 1)('l'lIl it dily l ighL !'l'IIII' II S :11111 la nll·
" 'eatliel' ;11111 I 'HlIgC linlitations di cta tf'd taJ'g({ illgs it wa :o:i 11('(:e~s:ll'y to take off fnJ llt fo r ward
so lcelioll Lo a. large ex tent. Im sl's prio1' to daylit!:ld Ill! ~t l 'ikp!-- agai l1!'>t tll(' J ap
In micl-OctoLer jQ.l-l , IIl1ils of th e 'l.' wellL iet h tlwitt/;Ind . F'lrlllai i ol J:' \\' (' 1'(' a:-. ... (·mb led l'lI ['ollte
Dund)cl' Command :Ilin c:lmd th e Oknyu lIl tL Ail' If) th C' t:II';.!v L ,,'I'l'lI \\"l';dhp l' 1H' 1'1t1 i!led " jslInl
Depot nnd airfields 011 F orlll osa wh ich wel'u key I,olli hilt ;.! 11 1t' ll l(1d:- , ,h't'lIra!'y \\"; 1;-, ~'t' Ilt'r:dl y guod,
rnn intcnfl !l ce, l"C'lxti 1', :t lid sC' I'\'ic i ng i nsl n l1a {ion s. illlJ)I'(" ' illg' tltnt(, l'ia ll y Io wa I'd the lati l' l' ptl l't of
TheRe opcJ'nti om; w(IrQ clo:.:rl.v coordinat ed wit lt lhe ope ra tion as it rC'su l t of i n c ]'ea~t·d C'I'CW expe·
canier nil' strikes in :1 11 o " c l'~ :tll effort 10 intel'd ict l' il·llt·C' . ~ lit!IJlly I'l'dl[('('d !,f)lllbing ii'll iludcs, find
FU1'1Il0_il ;I S an e[ ('ctin; bfl sc .for operali unal Hil'~ il1ll't l:-in' It'ad ~ l'l'('\\' f !'<I i n in.;.!' in:lugul'al ed uy Gen·
CI'<lft. nllt! :lin.:l'a rt ~tl1 g ing- 011 thei r ,,'ay to :u :c: i:-t {' I'al L ,.l\l:! y. l )e:,p ill' tlu' t J'(' 1l 1l' lldoliS o b~ l e~ illl'
in the defense of ilte P hi lippi ll('!-:' p(I::-t'c..l by (h (', II ('1' l og i ~1 i <::"=. extl'clllo o pera ti ng
ranger.: . :1 new tYII(' o f <': ol1l lmt wcapo n, a lld ti lt' t.rvll ing: till' o l'ga ni;" ntio n and dt' ploy meni of com·
limiled fo rce a vnil:tblc, t he Twent ieth Bombe r Ila t II ni t s,
CO IlHn and :-:tH,:n'cdt'd ill (':tITying the wa l' home La Wit h t h" dee i, i" " to t r" " s fer the F ift y -ei ghth
J a Jl:l1t by tll'stl'o'yi ll;,! 0 1' :o:c l'iollsly d alliag-i llg- m alt Y W ing frol" the crn Th ea ter to t he M" r ianas,
\'ilal itl ::it.d l:d io tls whil'h \\" (' 1'(' wit lt ill itr.: ~ t l'i k ill;,! o p t' I'nti o IIS f ro ll! Jll d ia Cl'as<'ll VII :$O M arch an d th e
I'lI d iu;-;, illl' llid illg two lIiJ'(, l'a fL p lan t:-. nlll' Itt'a,'," 1In it pl'c pal'l'd f nl' 1I1 0\'('IlH' nt. B y 1 :?tin y it had
illdw. t I'Y. <lilt! 1I 1I 11I (, l'o1lS 11:1\',, 1 il\ ~ ta ll ;ttiflJl:-;. tnll\ :;:· Ill'l.,'Olllt' l':-tal,li:- lll'd at " rest Fir ld , Ti n inll. and on
pOl'tali ll 11 t :t l'g-('t:o'~ find (Iii stol'ag"1' IIl1i t:--, I I fur· :i ~I a y Iilll llt' lt ed i t:-; fi rst :-;il'ikc fJ'o m the :M aria nns
IlIp l' prO\'i d l,d th orollgh l.'olt d,.11 :--e ITi c.:c t C:-jt illg o f agai n:-;i til l' B iro XlI \'a l A il'cra ft P lant alongside
l it e B- 2D. allll prodtll,\·d illnti ua l de da ta tipOIl l'u tlt b a l IInit s o f tit£' Sr \'cnty .th iJ'(] ' Ving , The
whic h 1I 1:t 11,'" i l1lpo rtall i illl))J'(I\'t' Il U'lIt s al ld Iliod ifi · I 1(>;lliqlla1'1t'l':;:, T W(,lIl"i ellt Bomb(·1' COlnma nd , wn s
l'atiun s "'t'n' IWlde to prod ud ioll l i ll(' ai l'cl'flft. :l ud d i:,iJan dcd :111 11 ils Jlt' rsolll lc i nbsorbed by the
fru ll t whi! ,1t :-;o llllll (, l' lIi :-;" cwdl'l'! ch;lrt:; ;\ 1111 ollll"J' E ig'hth A I' whic'h: fo ll owing' de rea t o f Ocr-m nny,
o)w l'aliuJl al data w('t\' dl'n! I ~JPl'll. "'it :.: I'l'tiepl uycll fl' Oll 1 th e EIIJ'opea n Theater to
DIIJ'illg II IP periud WItCII tlt t, ' l\n,'lliietlt l hIl IlIJ..'J' Okin a wa al I( I {"oll \'p r( N l t o :I Ve ry H envy B om·
('0 11 111 1:111<1 \\,;tS i;t'cunJiIl;,! (')':talJli:-:IIt'd in Illd ia and IJa l'ti nlcll i .\ F.
Chi lla alld Jl llIlI lI ill~illit i al il lll'r:ll iCJlIs.lillal pn.:pa ·
J'at iOIl:-- WI ' n' lJt'i ng- I"a d e 1,,Y C I ~ C P() , \. fo r as:-.all lt B. T he Twen ry-fi rst Bomber Comma nd
VII tltt: ' Iar ial l:!:--, FullC1w ill;,! at'q lli!"it ioll of I IIl'S4' (Ma r ianas Opera tion )
jsi:lllds, il ":t ~ "b lllll'd II , l'OIl:-. II'ud, It Ll~:!,' a i I'La :-it' ~
i o l'l'Cl'i\'e t lte B-:2~ 1 L'o lttl " d II lli l:-; v f illl' ' l \n'lI ty - T hl' St:\' l ' lIt y ~ lltil'd " 'i llg'. f'i r~j o f tlte Mal'ianlls-
li l'~ t H OlltiJt' 1' ('u llll llalld , \\,hidl wl'n' ill jll'o('(':-;:o' of I,a:.:pt! B- :!!) II l l it ~ to bl'C-:lI l1 IP opt!ra t' io lla l. Hl'rivcd
f)I'g"llIiza t i o ll alld I r;tillill;.,! ill Ih(, 1' lIi tt'l1 SI;Ii!':--, I II tltc' t it l'at t'1' dUl'i llg- Odvbl! J' alld ~IO \, (, lIl bt! I' 1 944"
I'J'Oci1lC'l io1l III' ail't!'afl IIt' i ll;.,! iltl' key fadCl !' C'OIl - II \\'a:-l fal' t'il ",it It IIl1 iq uc pl'oblelils 1'(,~ lIl til lg f rom
I It t' Ilt" l'l'~:-i ly Il f \\'ol'ki ll g O ll t a ll t,f1 il,- icll t II lc t lt o d f o r
t ill' 1la:-:i1Ig- 11 l1d Opt'r:d iltg' of futl l' !Jomb g roups :l nd
JU NI:. 1\t44 'JA NU AJt'f 194 5 fO ll l' ::-t'l"\'ic'p ;,!I'OIl P:-; 011 n singlt· ai n l l'ull1 t!,
XX BOMBER COMMAND En'l'." 1,f)'Ol' t wa s 1l 1ll clc to 1I1 (1 11 l1t and d ispatch
( hi' f'j I'st :-;t I'i 1\ (\ :I~a i II sl' ,I it pa II frulIl j he ~ I n r ia na s at
1111' c ;tl'l i l'~ t po~.. ibl t, cl a t£>, O n 2+ \' o\'C"ll lhc r 1944,
3623 TON S
1338 SORTIes
I II B - :W a i l'pi:II Il':- \\'(' 1'1' lIi rl lC ll'IH' rrom Saipnll
;t ;,!aill st 1I 1I f! of ,Ia pa n'ti laJ'g'est nil'crnfi eng in e
plan t s. th c ~ a k : l .i illia MlI sa ~lt i no pla nt 1I1' i\ 1' T ok yo,
Dlle tu dUlId ill ll'dl'I'('llce. Clilly 2-1 a il'('J'a ft bombed
t he pJ'ill l:l l',Y target whi lt' ,",!1 hOlli bed the 1I1'bnn in -
dllsirial il rea uf Tokyu hy rad a r, 'J'hi s mi ssion
11 t;ll'kpd t ill' o llt' ll ing of l it e ll -~!) :tlt; tck "fl'om t he
'\ [:l l' ia l l a ~. a ll ail' opl' I'al iuli wlt iclt ill nin e months
clp lin! rcd l :i:,.OOO t OIl :-: o r uombs a nd mil lcs on
'/ ,JapH Itl':-it' la l'gt'ls wh it,lt w (' n ' ord in arily i ,fiOQ miles
p'; ,>I" " ", r" I"r"," t l, e l'vi ll l of ta ke-o ff (C h" rt 9) .
Tltp o p t' )'at iolt of !ltl' T W(, llt.r-tir:4 13(1 111)1:'1' Com-
IILHlld d i" id l'S i t"':I., l f in i o two disti nct plt Hties :
(a) P hase 0 ,, ", 24 Noye mLJer J9!-t-9 M a rch
1!I+:"i , T lt i:, ph ase cOII I)J l'i sed a per iod o f t act icu l
C'X PCI'i ll ll'l da t ion itlt d adj ust me nt rl ur illg which
ti me I It(, eO tlllt la lld, ('o llllll i tt e d to l it e doctl'ine of
Iti;,!h a lt i t lld~' tla y light fo rm atiu n precision bomb-
iltg . soug it l III det el'lil inc the ope ra t ion a l ca p a bi li.
I i" s vI" tim B- 2!! ""d lhe best Illelhod v( uli lizi" g
~ ' 1I ,\ I: !' ~ I hesc cap a bi l it ies ill light of kn owled ge to be
~tl'ik ('s "'{'I'C' ilf!ail lst. Two J i ll ill ill D ecembcr to
a:-::-; ist ill 1l 1'lIll':ll iz ing th c CIH-'1lJY il irfh'l d nncI
d r fclI:-:<" :",
" 'i t-II Ih(' excc' pt ioll o f a sillall hnl'as:, jng night
alta e k n,!!aill ~ t T okyo til l' pia linin;,! d llrill,1! the
p(, l'i od \\': I:-i s ul J:ilall iinlly till: :-;arne {o" nil the at-
I-ad.:s fl,!!ain:-:t th e ilia ill land , Th e D- 29s took off at
da "-II fl'oll) i hpj I' b:1:--(',-:, \\'0111 II a ~... {' 1t1 h ie in sq1ladron
f Ol'lI)aliflll :-. ill tlll~ ~ I al'in n a s. :1\'oid ing t he intel'-
II lh lia l t, i ~,d:lIl\1 cliaill:-i. (' Iimh III bOlilbing alt itude,
lI:--1ollly :lrl.t'()O-:~ I ,O(jO fl 'pl. pl'ior 10 1'C':whing the
RTUKY U5 .l lIpallt':-'l' l'( I:I :-;I , IHlml, bl't\\'(' t'n 1·100 flnrl ]fiOO 10(':1 1
linlt'. nI1l1 11l'O(;(-'Cr/ illdi"idllnll.r !Jil Ck to th(-'ir bilses,
1,1 lit t i Ilg- n fh ' I' dad.:, ,\ 11 i n/t' I'IIlf'd ia fl' ba St' for liSe
:1 :-; :1 II:I\-i;!: d iO llal :1it!. :\:-i 'H' II a:-i a l'(-'fll f' lin~ ami

t'IIH' I '~t'lt t 'y la l1 d i llg' ki St' . \\';1"'; Itig-Itl." d(':-:il'ablc

N OV , , 4 4 " A UG 19 4~
Ti lt, illflt'xihl,· 1.\'1'(-' o f OPCI':ti iOll dest l'il l(>d ahon'
AREA OF OP ERATI ONS WI1 :-; d id,d I,d I,y 1he t'X i:-.l ill ;,! t 111'1 it :!1 si tun t iOll, a lid
1 1('I'('~:--i l:dt.'d :I Itig-lit n~f Ill'll 0\'1' 1' \':J ~ t !oi t re t (' hr~ oj
155251 TONS 1I1Ii'J'i4'Jldly,\';II('1's, ,\ il'l'l'afi \\' lt k h '\'l'1'e fOI'('C'd to •
2705 9 SO RTIE S
d ilt' " id II i;.r" I ill t ht· 111" ' 11 ~(-' iI hcc nll ~e of' hattie v
dalll:!;!!' O J' Inel.: Ill' fllt'l \\'(-' 1'(1 confl'o nted ",i Ll I an
~ ,, " " I· ... . ,C ... ,

;. ~ :.0
t' xl n 'IIIt'I." IIiIZill'dOIl S .-: illiat io li. Rl'~c ll (, filt 'i lit ics "'I
\n'!'l' illa dl'qllat l' il nd l'(IIU1l1ll1li(' ai iOIl:-i problems
of'jI ' lIll1adt~ l'O lll:II" wi lh !lthl' J' a il'l'l':I/'t OJ' till' hOIl\ (-'
;!I'olllld :-.t :ltillll I'xl'p('dill,!!l." d illi{, III! , ]1 1 ;,!t'lieral
Oldy hi ,~.dl l,,~pl,,!"i \'1' /)(111111 . . W(' I't' ":I l'J'it'd , II SUillly ti ll'
e ll \ 11'1' !) !,OO- pi/lIlld (;P. ahhol1,!!11 ill ('l'lI di n r ieR \\'(' rc (':ll'l'ied
:lgnill:--! 1Ir1 ,nll :11"\ ':1 :-: , [Jlld II IiX t'd In:tdillf,! of high
g:li l l~·d o r I Ill' \,111"IlY 'S nllm·!';!1Iility :Inti dl'fl'tl ~in'
I'x plo!o. j\'l' :lI ld in('f'lldia1'Y uO l lll)~ \\,fl :-, C'lIl ployed
ta d ii's.
nga i 11:-i! :-;I" ' (, l'ill pI'P<: i :-. joll tn I'g'('j ~ ,
(b) P I];! :-t· T w o.!) ,\I al't ' ll 1\\.1 ;,- 1;, .\ II;!tl:·" I!j-J.;L ter
" -h i lt' I-lit' dndrilll' o f t hc' {'C)fllrn:llld dllJ' in~ lh is
J ) III' il'~ ,h i~ plljl ~\' I ht' l ' li'lIl't of jIll.' ('0 11111 1:111(1 W;1 1') ~' X
ph :I:'- t' " -il S th e dl'::; tl'lId iOIl o f tlJ(' p l' i nci pnl install n-
11<'\"01 1'41 II) 1"111-- applit':dillll of tht- latt ica l l":llowl - hy
, io n:-: of til l' . 1;IPiIlW !-'t-' ;tin'l'iI fl intlii st I'Y hy hi~h
l·d¥l' il ud l'x l't' l' i t'l H't· pl ·t' \· iHII ~ ly ;1(''1" i I'l'd . Til,· to
l"n'l dn y li ;.rht pn'l'i sioll ]m lltiI i Ilg', fl S 1.1 f:l cl iefl l ex-
dodr i l l!' (If llig!. ;Il til lldl' d a'y1i;.!'I1I fll rlll ,tliqll 11 11 1
1'1' 1';IIH'111 i hrf'C' Itiglt ali itllde daylig ht ill Ce l1diill'~'
hOlllh ill;.! o f I' itl l'flilll Iott'gt'l:-i Wi!:- IIlod inl'd to ill - l 'X(
:tllill'!.::-' lIlId (11ll" l1ig-ht I ni :-:~i oll we re l'xecll tpd
t ill d t· leln' altillld t' nigh t iUl't'lldia l'Y afi :,,·!,s Ina
:I,!!:1 i I I:--! 111'1):111 i "dll:' ! r ial 'H(,iI ~ . 1 he r(':-u it:-: o f which
H;!fl ill~ t Ilrl Hl 1i il ll l!! :-Iri:tl "!'t'n s :lIld 1I1t-·diHUI nIl i- ('xc
\\'P I'I' 11111 s ll n:l's~f lll d ill' j Of: ll1ill1ltlll i1ber o fn i l'cl';l ft
Indt- d.,y lig-Ill :-;il'ikl':-. T llnlllglioll l til i:-- pha :-j' a p:l l't it' i pni-illl.!' ill "'; lIl1i (' il'nt 11(11 11 1) j Oll lln .~ c , fllIll I)on
p\ \l icy (I f O p l' l':t till ,U i lt ~ l1 :-.l :ljllt·d I11:1X111111111 ucl'
\\'1':1111('1' d i!lit'uli i(· ... ('x lw l'il' lIl'l"d ill high alt itudes.
t':lpilh i lity W:I :-. flll ll) "'I'I!. fi'lH
l -' ll il .J 1"1'''1'11111'.'' , ", jlh on l,'" the S l" -ellt,,,-th il'd
"~ i lt;.r n:--s i,!!lIpd, Ih£' l'olll lll:lnd had iI,~ ailab l e nn t i lilt
(J) Pbase Olle, 2-1 NOIJember 19-1-1-9 Marcb
a'-tll'a~1' stl'PIl;!1 1i of a pp 1'U Xi li lH /ely 1:2.) combat
B- :l!1 a il'('I'uf! , 011 -I. Ft·llI'lIilI'Y. Ihe 'I'h l'ce Hun- "
I..'oll l
Th e nUa ek on 2-1 No n-' llI h(' 1' !;cl thl' pn l ll'l'n 1'01' dl't,d :llId Th i l' f t'l~ ntlt ''' ill ;,! jo ined \\'ith the ('UI1 (

th e ~ jl' i ke~ wl lit h fld lu wed, Of tlH' :l:lllllljOI' !lli:--- :'e w'ni y - I II i I'I/. :I lid 011 :l:} 1'1-' \'1'11:1 t'y f 'YO f!TOUPS of 1'[,011
sion s whi eh wt'l'r \'UlIdlldl,d priur to n .\1 " I'l' h. iii th e T h t,Pl' ]l" lIl1dl'ed :llId F OIII'H-'Pll t" " ' ing were <lillie
\\'1'l'e jl,!!ai llSI 11I'iol'iry till';.rel :-; of till' air(,l'a ft illdll!"- illili:llt'd illtl) ('Olllh:I1. ,\ il'I'I':lft ~ij'(' IIg'fh of the illh:,g
tT)' g l'OIIP , p:lrli t' nlll"'Y a il'l' r;lft cn,!! illl' Jl I :lllt ~ , ('01111111111(1 illt:t't':I ~\'d fruit I II! I ail'lTiI 1'1 011 ~·l ~-o­ whie
F OIII' 'Yl'I't.' :-:{,Il t a g:lill~t th e urhan il lllH :--trial al '!.'a.-: "PlldJl'l' In-l -I 10 Hrl.') nil U ".\[:lI'('1! ID·i.-" "-'fissions Extl"
o r T okyo, Nag-0Yll. :rlld 1\0\)(', I n add ition , 1\\'11 '\'l' re l'uIH.lII(,j l 'd P " f' I'Y 1'1)111'1 11 til :-;i xih cl u,": depend- 10 1
Opcrat-iollH of th e T\\ enty· fi rst HOlldw r Corn - :,:uJ'l ie rah'. alld Ill\\' bun.!) load:-" .\.. dt'gl"t,C' of
II III lid dUl'ing tlli:; fil ,:::t ph:l ~t-- (24 N('I\'ellllif'1' ++ to :-; II Cl'e~:- had U('('II ;t (" itit'\'cd hy Iltc T wcll i irt h
U MitlT h -J-[» 11111:'1 1 be rl'cug'lli:wd 11 :-; tllf' initial PI'· HOlllbl'!' C ommand , bllt by Jall uI-I I'Y !!).J-:i the :ttl ·
fOl't of II Sililil I foret' I (I lila i Itt a i 1\ sl ra I t'gi t' P I'C':;SIII'C \'all ce of ti lt' Japlllll.'~~ :l l'lIl il'!,) ill C hin a alld dim·
:l::rtlill ~t tilt' ElllpiJ'P, .\.. lthllll;,!1 \ llll ie h \·, ex· c liit :Ii I' lift of ail' :':lI ppl it':O:; O\"l' l' iltt' ]) 11111)) fUl'ced
peJ'iencp ami dllta had l)l't'll g,tilled 1'1'0 111 tilt' t'\' :II.'lHltiOIl HI' tht, ;\l"':l 11('(,d Ila :-:t'~ [I III I l"Oli fi lll'd
Tw entieth llOlllbl'l' ('O llllllll lid (IJ)eratiolt , 11111Ch I'l'. Uli ::; (' fI\ l!,t tu :-.l lppol'l o f lilt' ~IIJlI"t'llle .\ II iI'd Com-
11111 i 11('(1 to Iw 1('lI I'1H' d , AI :":l o,:-: 1I ppoJ'l i 1Ig' ~t..' r \'in':-: IlIillH h'r, ;-)o I11it t' :J st ,\ :-; ia ,
Rll eh a s weatllt.'r 1 COIll11llllti l':tlioll. Hi r ·H'H 1'('::;(' 11 £'. JI1 j ust J O days, t ill' I'nt i l'l' pit" tll ]"t' ('h a nged,
Inrge t and post ~tJ'il\e 1'(,l'lIllllai:->s:JI Wt' WI'l't' :Jlll'lI · Fl y i l1g' in diyidll:t1ly. 1I(III1billg':1i nig ht 1')'011 1 alt i·
g ag-cd ill bpCllllli ll'~ ('sta ld i:--lJi'd :Ind o l';.!alli zt'd ill :I IlIti t'S a \'('),ilgill~ 7,tlOO fl,t, 1. I i.{' B- 2!1s UI II,IIt,ti a
n~w thea te l' lIncle r opl'rHI-ili g ('ollditillll:-; hll'l'illfol't' P:ltit of dl':-tl'l ll'i itln througlt till' fllllr pl'incipal
lint cncollnh'rctl. \Vhil e b(JlIlJ,illg t'fI't,tt iVt' lw!-'s. "i t"il':-; of .' apall: :\;L :;qll,ln' 11 lilt's of thl' IlItlst pntel11
I'esul t ing frolll th e fil':'O t 22 I1li1jor str il«':-> (' o lllpl'i :-;· \\'11 I' i Ild lI:;t ry cO Ilc.:eJ1l nd iun s \\"\' 1'(' dl'stl'o."f'd, 1n
illg Pha se 0111'. wa ~ no t lip to PX IH.'thttitlll:-. IIPn'r· th t'Sl' 10 d ays. Ih e T \\'en ty -first H C)llIiJr)' ( 'OIl IIl IilIH!
lhl,j ess. 1111' ctllllplt~li o li of Pita sI' 0111' Id'l IHan y wit h an :t'"t'I':lg'I' tli' :)~O :ls:--i~nl' \1 ai !' "J'nft HI.'\\" 1,.'I!J:) I'
n d lla ble t a t t i(':11 I(':->:--oll s It'a l'llf'd a 1I c1 tlH' (':-.tllil. SOI-ti l,:; ( 7;) jJt' I"t't'lil :IS lIla ny <1 :-) hnd h\'(' 11 fl lI\\"1\ I
I is illllent (,:-:S{'III in II.'" (' t 1111 pl t'II'( I II I' tIll' lJ1J11 ('0J1 1i.Jat i ll th e pl'Pcedillg :l, y:! 111011 1 Its) . ti('l i n :' l' i ll g !) ,::W.") II
Itllxililll'y s('n " i ('e~ whil' iI iln' ~o \"ilal 10 I ll l' t Oll · tO ilS of illl,t' llfii al'Y bomhs ( I hn.'c lilll l'!') Ow tOllnage
dll ct of all ;lil' oj)PI';ltion of t lli:.: Il:lllll '(', Tit" d l't1pped ill I ht, p l'l'ecdill;!:~ t :.! 111 01 11 hs ). at :J t'o::;t of \I
.JapaIl CS(', ill 1'('( '()~llil iOIl of I ht· nll nl.'rabili ly of U,!J p('l'celll o l' tilt, partieip;J tillg (; n~ \\";;:. tlte lowest
hi s " itn l ind ll!-'ll' i(>jO:. !tnd ol'til.'l'l,d til(' il' di :-: jWI':.:i oll, 10:-;8 rate ye t attained.
C4lllfll ~ ioll and la ck of ill tt'lligl"'llt plnl ll l ing- ff)1' TIll' t' ()IIl' III :->ioll to h(' d 1';1 \\'1\ rn 1111 t It i ~ .tl d it z." and II"
t!ti r-< di s rwl'sioll 1'(':-: lIlh·t! it! ill dll ~tri:l1 ('hao:; with lit e i l1lpli t':Jt if)11S fur flltu l'l' pla nning \\'('I'l' ine:;· II"
a cOllcontitallt lo::-s in ))I'odll {· t i\'i ty, ("apahlt-, B y Iuwl' !'ing- t Ill' IJO lI lIJillg 'Iit iludl' tile
" 'ith th e clo:,;c of Pha :;,' 011(' . t ilt! blind alley:- \,'1't'(,1in' l ll':--~ of (':I (' h ll- :w " '<I S ill t)'(': I:-;t,d 11'(,l1len" "'
WPI 'P Jis(' losC'd alld thl' Il liljOl' " IJsI,tt' It,:-- \i ;ld bl.'ell d OIJ"-d ,\'" BOlld ) It,a d ~ 11101'1: lhull dou IJit't\ ; lI :.:illg tiS
Ill1 c()n~ J' ed and :-; lIrlll t) unh~ d 10 a \;tq!(' ('XII ' ll t, ti l J'adu!' I)OllJlJ ill/! 1I11'IIIOd:o , I It t' \\"l';l tit C' !' t'l';i!it'd t o be I ll:
it J'en l se ll Sl', t it (' l'Olllllllllld had C'1I 1l'q.!ed froltl t ht , :1 :->t'l'ioll s fadlll ' : tilt' 1I1111dll'l ' of :Iil'(,l'a l'l tll'opping Il l(

difficult IWl'iod (If t'stnldi ~hllleliL orgaltizatioll. HIl I ltt' pr illla!'y l:t q!C'1 !-.oal'l.'d 1'1"0111 :,H tn!):l p el" Le~
alld j",tcti t :d de\'t.'lopl1ll'l l t and hy l'1Ir1y ~"al'c h "'t'll t : t'll l'HI." rig-lllt'I ' op po:-;i t il)1I \\":1:': II l'gligibl(>j de· Ll'
lU4-:'i hnd g'athe l'cJ it :fOl'c('s -for tltt' 1;: lI tw k · ollt t' I'I':I:o.l'd iJullI"i ll;.! alt i llldl' 11I1'ltn l 1t':iS o pcrating .1 ,'1
blows agl1insl Japan, s t I'a i ll ,,"hi e !J addl,tl lip tt) IIIt JI'l' sort it,:;: )ll'1' air- IIIH
t" l'aft ; (' I'I'\\" IlIol'ak l'oSt' wi th each atia ('k: I \\'o "hi
(2) Phase Two- 9 March to ]5 AIIgIISt 19-15 . ' il ll;' IItJ\\' pruritled :I J't' fll/!l' for thc IJ1I Itic dam·
:l gt,d :llId thO:-.l' lo w Oil J'IIt ' !. ~ lIlJs tall t inlly reducing
\I·ith 38,; 1I- 29s on hand in ca rl y M"r,. h. large HPt'I ':ll io llallo:--:-.t,:--" Of l'qu:t l illJ portalll't', Ja pnn's
~cl1l e incendiary d('stnwtioll of Japan ese urbal1 -in· 1Jrillill illd ll :-:t J' inl ,"UI H"t' lit J'at iOlls !Jiltl Ilt' t'lI pI'/)\"cd
dll:;tl'i al arCaS c(J\t1d lw illitintl'd, Th e Juw 1\'\"1'1 ll ig-Ill y \"1 111 1(' 1';1" 11.' to dl' ~1 1'Ild iun I),)' incC'lIdiu I'Y
ni~ht incendiary C'blit,z " inil i:tfrd on the n ight
:t t i :wk" fl. 1I
of 9- 10 ]\ ial'('h nitcl'4:d tlto ('nti)'(' ('oll )':--l' of til" ~\ fl t'r;1 n l I'pf ll I al1aIY:'ii~ of t ltp iJOl ll hill;.! 1'(.':.:u1l 5,
"Q U'

sll'ategic a il' wnr a~:ti nst .) np;tn , Tltr l'J'('c(' d i ll~ 1H"t' )I<1I ,:ttiulI!'! " "(' 1'1' 1I1<1 t!(, illllll('<ii at ely l'u l' all ex-
9 Jllonths bad sel'lI t-lH' TI- :!H ('ollllllitted ill ~l'l1 ('ral tPI1:-;in.' ill tl'll tiial'Y (' !furt ngail1 !'-t lite 1'l'llIaini ng
t.o lill' dvctl'illl' of \'c ry high Illtihlc1 e ( o\'t'r ~ :; .OOO illll'oriallt illdl l:-; tl' i:cl :tl 't' :t ~ of .J<lP:l11 witlt a \'iew
fc(,t) pr(->{' is ioll Ilolllbing, j)PSi:,!I1Nl speci fic-:lll y tow:!l'd fon: i11~' Itt,!' f' 1I1'1't' lI d £'1' prior tu illnl:;ion
fol' thi s Iypt-- of operati on, it. wa ~ lu~i c:t1 and man - d" y.
datol'Y that ti.f' doctrill C' bl~ th orollghl y trird b(~­ " ' it II :ii :-''1"111'1 ' IlIi le~ of kl'y ill tll1 :-t I'ia l ;11 '(':1 de·
fore it could hr moclifir(l. ]\fall'y Ja ctol's mi li- ,..;tt'oypd ill olll y 10 days, pri lllnril,'- hy r;IlI,,!' humb·
tated :1I!ainst t"ltc nchi o\'t'1l1c llt (If t"hi:-; ohj ecl iVl' , ill;.! JlII,jitod :-: tilt· "i l:ll i lllPtll'l'illll'e of p l't'ssillgthe
alllong the fOI"l'1I10:-> t of \\' lti ('il \\"(' I'r in!illrlllolillt niJ i(' incC' ndiary pro~.!Talll bC<:: lIl1 l ' incl'ea singly nppal'-
wen tlw r ol)sl:l c l e:o: , ~tJ'ain illlpo:;ed Oil eq ll ipllH'lI t (,li t. ''' Hit 0'"1' 1' :\ 7,; B-~!):":l till hHIIIl :lml all addi-
hy h igh altitlltlt· tlJ)el'al iull , in :'i llfli(' it'llt [on'l' , lo\\' t iollal HOO ill t he pipe l ill(' Sunil to :ll'l'i\'(, rrolll

& SaB7 12
lIlt, Stalt':;;. th e plnn of t-Iw stl'al-c'¥i c ail' nlta ck J n fl ccol'dfl tH'e with thi s plan , (,\'C I')' effo rt was
flg'aiu:o: t ,-b P;11l nnw in(' llldl'd till' dt':.:tl'lld ion of mnd e Lo exped ite tlt e sh ipnlC-'lI (; o t: laJ'ge quan t ities
11l'!' kp.r lIrball illdll:-;t l"ial f1rf':t :-i Ii)' ill t't'n diary of ill(,Ptlli ial'Y IIl unitiull S JI'OIl1 t he U nitcd Stutes t o
IIlf'HIl :-i CO IiCOIllilallt with th e pinprlin t dcstl'uc:Lion til t' ~lat'iallll s bll:--e ~, A lso, i nte llsi,'c'get r CCOIl -
rlf II~J' kl'Y Wflt" wC';lpo!ls- prOtILl cillg' indllstl' ies II} Ill! i s:-::I1 j( ' t' o f It 1'1><1 n a n' , I ~ ;\ tid pn' P" r,t! iOIl 0 [ ta I'gct
high exp losi n ' altn e\.:, :rnatCl'ial wel'e carried out on a. hi g h pdo ri ty IJ:lsis.
.\ I IIIO:-;t l:un l: IIITPn tl y wilh the night ince lldiary 11- 20 nUa cks haLi to he mOlln ted fl.t minimulli
fI Hac-ks Ctlm e th e deci !-;i un to I allll c11 th e tl ay light n t - inlcl'vn,l j e\'c l',)' c Jru l'L hatl l.o be Illilximulll,
h ick ·; agnill ~t I'rC'c i:-: io li l'i1rget:-i :lt medium ton high _\ t l h is pOillt.,it :-:t't ' It IS appropriat e t o disl:u:-:s
allitlltl,·, ( 1:1.000 1020,000 fcet ) . Tho a,hanlng", 11I"idly th e bnckg!'!JuIHl ,,-hi l.' h led to the d ec i ~ i o ll
nf t h e~(' aHa ckRon'l l" Ille OI' ig-i na I n'I'Y high it Itit ncit' of t ht· COllllli<lI Hh, 1' II) l'llIploy luw -lcxcl nigh t 111 -
". j ri\.: es we re at o nce appare nt. GI'C:ltCI' bornl, ('l' udi:lI'Y la t ti cs ,,"ith th e B - 20 ail'p1ane whi ch
Inncl s coul d be cftl'l'i Ct1. bo nlbin g ll t.'tu I'H cyilll - was dl·:-:iglled ;ll1d uu ilt as a, hi g h Je\'el d ay light
pl'o\'t~ d.:I IIl'lh'l" t hull ee fu!' \' is l1al bombing exi sted . pl'cl' i ~ i() 11 bulllUt'l'. .\ s stat ed pl'('\-iolis ly t he doc-
gl'eill t' l' rilnge wa s fwai lnblC', Jes:; a d vC'l':;e effect' of t " i ll c of Iligh - Il" 't'1 pl'f'c isioli day l igh t bombing
winti s lind ,,-eatlie r \\"fl S feH , ilnd all OVC'I'-a11 0 P01':1 - wa s folIO\\'l'd t'l( ':-it'ly thruugho ut Lhe first pha se
ii o nnl fl cxihility :It'hit'n:-!! . Dlll'in,!! periods wh ell of oper:!1 iO Il ~ , H0l11bil ig J'e:;ult.., ,,'Pl'e ge nerall y
tI le we;ltll el' fnl't'c:l st o f .JapHI I ilHlic;lted iI I'('H f;IH I - ulisa ti:-ofadtll',Y prilll:lri ly Iwcanse o f ext remely
ab le chillice o f ,' i ~ \I(l l IJOll1llillg ('o ndili olls, a ttn cks lti,!!h willti:; ilil d pe l':; istt:nt doud co n w nge O,'C I'
wel'C' sclwdllled again st key indust l'ia l objecLi,'e:; I:l r gt..' t :1I"e:l :-:, ' r owilnl tIl(' end of LJhn se One, it
willt hi;!h explosi\'e bOlllhs :Ind , when yisunl lJeclIllw ill (' rpa:-:i llf!"iy (lI n-ion:; that :t change in
bombillg collditi on:; weI'(.' not indi cah·d by f Ol'eca st tad iCid dod r illl' wo uld ll:l\"{~ to UC Illatlc_ B y
wl'ath el' till' ul'ban industl'ial al'eas \H: I'C' attacked l\ fal'C' Ii H)·I.', J npa llcse fig-h tl' I' intel'cepti oll had d c-
with ince ndial'Y bOll1bs, eltlp loyi ltg" rada!' hombin,!! C' l'c,lsed slI bsbllll-iall y_ Al so, by ~I:l l'c h the
Illeth od:-;. T11u s 11.1)0 para ll el sys tems o f ta rget s :.:trc ngth of t-Iie Twcnty-fil'st. ilombcl' C0111111!111d
were dC\'l.'Joped: the key illdl lsll'ial object i,'cs 5: ucll h,tcii lll'n'<t:-icd to lltree cOlllbn t. wing:, willi ;1 tutlll
il S ai l'cl'lift pIU ll t:-:, HI't;l' nai :-i, IlJa l's lta ll in g 'ya rd ~, oil uf appruximalely :\80 B-2D airplanes which was
insta llatiulls, dc" as une system, and th e ul'ball :-'1tn-ieiPllt fOl'et· to c:ll'l'y out lal'ge sc ale incendiary
ind ustl'ial cO llccntTlIti ulI S as lite (lthl'l', 'ril e war de:-:;trll ctiun ed ul'balt illrl ust l'ill l COll ccll t l'atio lls.
beg'<l1I to as:;III1l C "~ h o l't iel'lll" as pN' {-f.: , Gene l'n l It wa :; ft'll tb e enerll j1 uppo;-.;i t iOIl wo uld be g l'eall y
1..ol';\ lay lJl.' li e\'{,d thaL :111 out ni r ;lit:l l' k cOld.! fOl'ce I'l't..iu l't,d ill elft'di" t'II C':;:; by tl lC cOllduct o f night.
.Japall to Jo' liITl!lld l' I' pri o r to tIll' planlled in\'asioll o pl'l'at ion:-:, E""n:ll lIlt ihldt's of ;\000 to 12,000
and, at the caltlilaled I'i.':i k of ex hausting nll t\\';lil - fl·t,t_ it wa :-; 1Jl' lic'-t'd t hat UtiI' fl tia t.' kill g ail'craft
able Cl'e ws: he COllllllittt'd the COlllllliind ,weo nl - \\'oldd not sltfrt' I' hCi\\-ily from the anti,tiJ'c raft fil'e
illg!.\' (C hari; 10) . o f eil"ilt,1.' nuto lll1l1i c OJ' hell vy ",eapolls_
The hJl'get sy~ t.t' n l it:-:t, lf slip plietl n \' ital line ill
Japall 'R jnd u:-:t l'in l Cl l'gan izat"ion , wh ich de'peml cd
tu n large' l'x tt'n t u pnli t.:om lJincd pl'oductiun o"E
lli ousa.nds of Rillal l s lI ucoJlll'lI ctors, wo rksho ps
'LY' ", T"' ( '(1 H$ 1G UO £ /e "'0 ~.( •
ltl1t lt ufileiuring C':o;R(,lIi ia l cOll lponen t pari S, (';ICl!
... , __-,""''-''"co'''-''cc'',",,
' -,-""',,"-,-",,,",,'-,-'___--, t'rllployi llg fI slllallllLltllbcl' of peo p le, Thi:-; indus-
., t ry W:l S ci o!-;c ly JiIP.-: lt r d ililo II I'h<1 II f! 1'('il S thl'ough-
!lilt tT;rpaII :11 Hl wa::< nllllt'l'au1<' olll y to with'spr('ad
itl Ct'lIdi,II'Y clC'Hll'lld ioll, 'l'he g-I'cal fa cto l'i es whi ch

\\'('1"(' g l'il ill i ll:,! (JIlt W)l I' \\"(':l I )(III ~ find pl'odu cts "ita l

t u IIt'I' " Olll t' PI'O Il OIll." W(-'I't.' delwil de id to :I ('011-

:-; icl t'l'itbh' ckgl'f'e Oil ~ IIPpOl't from fhi :": slilall el' in-
" el llstl'." f-ystt'llI, J) l'stl"lIdi oll o f t ll C'sc al'cas wou ld
ill ~o 1'1'.'1111 in c r.iLi cal di s lot.:i1 l ion /If t he Ja bo l' fo rce
elf bot ill a rgc llnd s inall illlll l!"= t l'it's. U l'bfln indus-
t l'ial ;lI'C;l S wel'e hi gh ly cungested and inflammabl e.
'1'111' pl'oblf' 1I1 was to deli reI' t he I'f'qui I'cd incenc1ia I' y

ItHln:1~I' 10 111I':-;t.· :11'(';1:-; i n a l'Ul lt(,lI trated pi·rind Id' ~:"o:-i(' /J ti a II,\' , ( irp P 1:111 \Y a ~ t u d l.'~1 ruy 111'1):11 1 i /ld liS-
Li 11I l', Il'i,1 1 '.I'ukyo. ~lI;!u.)' a ) O~:lk:J, 1\( 1)('.
:lnd , ' o l\l)hol11a
I 'IIII St.· '1' \\"0 of !lil' .\ i ari; lI l:1:-i H-~!' e: III1Jlll ign i:-i ;IS ...0(111 :t :-:i suppl ies :lnd b elital eU llditi oliS pe r mit-
t lral·,H: h'ril.\·d by s ix pl'ill('ipal type:; o f IJ Ia' r:lIiolls led. Due I v th e. ph ys ica l la,r-olli of Y oko ha nl:l
t'( I/Hltu' l t,d dUl' iH ~ lire pe r iut1:; illdi l.::d ed: it ,,"tl ~ dl.'l.' ll H'd :lc h -i:-;alJlc t o :llIa d. it du ring day-
( I ) r' ll·\'" d i:rry nl t:lI'k:; 0 11 p r ilic ipalllrlJ;J1I l it-rill. hUll r~ . (,Illploying' \'i~ lI : d 1)J'l'c i ~i(JlI-bulllbillg
illdll ~ l l'iil l a l'(',b- !) .\i aJ'c·h t o 1:I.Jllne I !)~- :l , IIll'illods to obtain ill{' rC't.(uircd dl';'!I't.'(' o f humbing
(:! ) i ll('t'lltJi: JI 'Y ntia t.'ks ( II I ~ l llil llt ,1' urb:1I 1 ,1{·(· IlI':I (,,r. By IlI it1· ' \ l'ri l. :,lI flicicllL illcen diary
induslr i al ,, 1'(':1 :--17 JlIlll' 10 1·1 .\ IIg-II :-f ]!)·I;I . 11I)lIlb:; w(l re Oil ha nt! to nlOll ilL three l:tq!C ~cale

(;q Jl igll ,'x l'lo:-,in' :t itack !i lIll ind us! r i:d ;1 1t:u· k:-.. On th e l:~th :tlld 1:i th of ,\ p l'il , t wo Il lflXi·
priority pIJj('d i\,t· .. fl"lllll IIll'ilill lll Hll itlldl'S- 11111111 t'fl'( II '1 :-ll'ikt's Wl' re t1i spntched w hit'll IIl'Ii \'-
Pl'ed :J .Rf'.-I· 11,11:-. 10 lIudh\\'{' ~t T okyo :llld t he suuLh
• .\ pl' i 1 to 1·' _,\ lIgI1 sl 1!I ·~,i.
( I ) 'i':Il'l'i(,1l1 opt'ratiolls ill SlIpport 1)1' I lr l' 'l'o1',Y0-K:J \\,:I :-:aki :JJ'('li S . dt'stl'uyi ll~ :20.8 ~qllal'c
IlJih ,!'.,
OkiIlH W:I ill\';I!..;iIlIl- li .\ pril in] l ~ I :ry 1D·1f),
( ;1) .\I i ll ill,!! ()pl'l'a l i ulI ...-~i l\ l.ilJ'(·1l til 1+ Fo l lo\\' i tl ,l! j ht, ].j A Pl'iI :-it I' i 1\1', I Itl' ('0111111:1 IId ' ~ cf-
.\ 1I~1I :-: 1 I !) ·I· ,~I, relit \\'II S din'l'l{'d fr ll nt it ... :--tr:JIL',U'i e IIl is~illll to tnc·
t i t' a I sll PI lor! of I ht· Ok i 11 :1 W,\ ill \';l:-; i ull. 'I I ti s .::11 p.
«; ) Ti ,e 'I'll",·,· lI ""dl'eli a"d F ift ee ,,11I
\\, il1 ~ 0 Pt' I':!! iOIl-~( i .futH' tu 1+ . \ lI~II :-. 1 l!q ;l. plll'l "' :1:-; cal'l'i t'll 0111 by :-:1ri k ill;! a;.!:t i list ,I i I'd rom es
( i ) '1'111' :lI u/ ll it' hot ll!> IJI'",ralillll- (i lh t l)
alld a ir dt'lult:-: loclltl'd UII tI ll' K 'II11 ik:t l.c ~ i:l gillg
1'011 11' throl1:!h I\:YII shu ;11 1(1 ::;hil..:uku. 011] I ~ra.r)
!Ji li A ugll:-I I H·j.;.
/11 (' 1.:1 Ill lll la lid I'd 1I1'1ICd tIl t he s tJ'lll c;!i c prugnl ill di ·
Fro ll l Ih(' :!I)O\'''' it wil li it' Iloiptl Ihal t lil' ' ·:ll'i · rt'l,ti ng il ~ p r i l l1l1 l'y ,,(I'o rl Iow ai'll cOlllpl t' tio ll of
0 11 :- t.'· Pt':-' (11' n p ('/'; II iOIl :-. "\'(' rl ;'I> {'n t' li 01 11l' 1'. IJilt ill
i hf' dl' ~ ll'llt'I iiJll 0]' 1ltl' l:.1';,!1 · IIl'lIall i IIl1u:-: tl' i:d ;11'(>:Is'
unlp l' to i:-..o lal P ;Jtlt! f'x pln in th e tad ieal prilwip lt':-:
'By 1;, ,11111 (> lI illt, ndd i l illll :d 1I 1;IXi lll l llll l' I1'lIl't mi s·
I'l'(, lIl i:11' III t'n el!. fli p":!, "11{'ration:: wi lll)C' di~I' \I ~~t'd
:- . iot l:-i Ii rt c-d ~ 7 . !)-1:} tOIl~ 411' i ll( 't ' IHl i:t l' il'~ agaill:it
illd i\·idtlnll.".
thl'sc tal't!'(' t :-: alld COIlIp ll'tcd 'tlie pi:1I11l t'd d {'~1I'UC­
(a) h l-ce ndiary (lttack on priucipal urban indus-
t ion u f T ok,\'o, Y (J lw h,lItl:1. :\flj.!o,Yfl. Osaka : :llld
trial are{ls.- Tll tl sl'l'utl d nntl I1l1 al phase (If Ill e
j \:o]w ,
B- :2DuulI d ; iJ II .' ;qJ:ltllll'glln (III U .\ l a1'(:11 ]!).j.,i, wi l li
U IIf'W t: re l ic w !ti t'll :-:t' llt :n·l- 13- :2Ds ,Ig-a i nst 'J'uli:,ru.
'1'11 (' :-(I'\'t'II!f'PII 1;tI 'gt'-~l': Jl e ;111:t l' k:-:; I't'quil'f'd to I'C'
:-; t I'i k i Ilg' Ht II iglit fl 'II 1l 1 1111 a \'('J'ilge all i ! util' of 7.000 dll l't' till' lal'g'1' illdll s! rial H I't-'a ~ I)(,t \\'l' l 'lI !) )I an'h
ree l , alld d l,lin' J' i ll,:! l,fifi;, I ons uf ill <:(, lld i:II'.\' a lid 1r; J" ne ill '·0 h ·ed a. lol a l o r G.UGO U- 20 so rlies
hUlIlh:-; fill the Il lOs t h igldy inftlJllllllilble ~e(' l ioll of which l ifted .fL.i!):! lUllS o f iIH'{' IHl i al',\' \)( JlIlbs and
Ih i:-i g'J'(';JI illli ll:-t l'i: d t'i l ,\'. Di rec tl,\' follo ",ing th i:- 1':l 1.t,(l t n~ S'IlWl'l' IIt i ll';o; of ill l' 11 10:--1 1t\':I\·il.r ('olleen·
:lI l ack , fOllr ;lI ldi lioll~d IlIi :-.... i()n ~ . P IlIPI ()y ill~ ... i l ll i · Iratl·d :lnd i lliportllilt 1Ir!J:l1I illdustrial :II'l'a ill J II '
];11' b l l" i l'~ . W('/'t' 1111111 (, 111 '.1 agnill :-:t Xa~o."a , O:-:nka , pa ll , 1n ('flIHlu d i ll;,! t hl'~en' "t l"(,11 mi:-:-i l}JI:-. :I totll l
:Il ld Kola' il l rilpit! :-: lI ('tl'... s ioll, ~\ s 11 !'l's liit oj' th t':-:t, of 1 ;~1i H-~!) ail'pl ,lIlP~ Wt'I'(' 1 (J~1. an an:~ I':lgf' of 2, l

lin' :-,t rik{,:-, wllit'h ('x lWlltled sliustallli: dl r all ill - IICI'('(, ll t o [ Illf' airbol' ltc ~ (l' O I't.
I'I~lld i" ry bOllllls 1111 1111 lid ill I 11 (, ~I a I' in llil :-. :i~ :-Qll H!'t· T h l' fu llu \\' ill;,! tlllJJe illdi cat e:-; dlJllI:lg(' lu each
IIlih·s Ill' Irell\' i l," bll i lt -lip nrlmll i ll du ~tl'i ; d l'Oll - (·i ly;\ s l'('slIl t nf 11\(':-(' ;lf t :J('I<s :
(,pH I ra I iO Il:-i I a y i II I'll i 11:-:, Tltt· c lI:, l wa s :d 13- :2n
u iJ'c J'al'l . /(':-(:-: tlllIl l:! 1H'J'l'(,111 of Ihl' airiJul'll t' t' 1l'ul't. ,\rnl
'I'olul (l rlou !!
Tltt' !'lIp id pa ('l' (If illt'l'll d i:lJ',V tle:-.tJ'Ilt'1 iU II t's lal).
li:-hptl II.\' IIIi s :"iI' l' il'S or (J tiad( ~ \\";I S tl.' lIljJol'lIl'i l y ''''llI llff /IIi/ra ....,"l1ft 1IIifl'8 Nil/Ute m/(u
di s('fllll illllt,d 1111 1i l 1111'nil'l' s tOt '1i: pilt-, ~ Ht' i ll('\·IH li · 'I'UI\ ,\ ' I) 110.8 fir, 56. 3
:11'." h(J lldJ~ cou ld ht, I't'plt'lIi :-;i. ed, " "hilt, n,,"ai tin g :\:lgIJ,nl 3!1. 7 IU 12. 4
Hll i plll l'1I 1 of additional i ll t l'/Idi;!r,\' 1II1I1I i tioll :-i. t lit, I': ubl.· It,. 7 7 8
so. R 20 15. 6
I'oi lloat l, Uor t or tht'COllllllill lil W<l S d ir('l'ied t OWil l'tI
(),,:I k:l
Yokult:llll!1 20. 2 X 8.9
d(·~tl ' lIdion o( I'a',\' illdH:-.i r i al target s IJY prl'ei:;io n
hombing" Illdhods l'lI lp loy ing high t'xplll:-i n ' TUT ' I. 2·1U. 2 IOU 102. 0

In f1dditioll tn n~dlll'illg' the I\('Y arl'il S of fiw' '1l1il'('d io clPFtrllY Illilny o f ill£' ~ llln ll (,1" urhall nl"rn ~ ,
I'l'illl'ipn I l'it il' ~ . tl,l' i\1a 1'l' 1I :-if' r ies Ilf nHa cks struck lI1i:--:iioll p lnl1llillg' 1;('t"lIll1l' all t'xad ill~ ta :-:k ill\'lIh'·
II p netl'ating blo,," nt Jil pallC'S(' Illorale, Thl' wal' i ll}.!::1 t l"t'IIH' IHloll),: \"(lllIllI l' of ~ t lld .'" alld 1111111 -1111111'''
hnd beC'n dr in 'll hOl1lc to Ihe p{'oplt', .\. f!'r(': d Hfla l '(lI', FO] 'I'l ' l"l'qll i l"l'lIH' lli:-- \\" ' I'l ' c:ln ' fllll,\' t'o lll -
Humber of slIlall SIII.K:Olltra do r:'i ,,"pre comp ldp ly 11I1It'd ;llId ),:ph'l'ti ClIl of fhe 1110:-:1- dft'l't in' 1.\'])(' 1,1'
de~tro.'"ed ill add ilioll to th e imlu:;;tl'i ;1l (' ap;l ('i iy o f hllillit W:lS ,!!in.~11 thorough Silld.'", Til :H ldit illll 10
lI1any Iilq:rc war indll ~ tl 'ie~, JTulldrt,d s of th oll · dt'tl'J"l lI i llil1:; t hl' hC>llll, ill g ilpproa c h, tOlll lagl' n' -
sands of pl'opl e W t'I'I' (' iI :-illl1ltif':-- o r W('I" C Ili :.: pl;J(:pd qllil"l'd. ;lI ld I ht, Ill o~ 1 pfl'l'l'tin-, Iypp of 1Il1lllitioll.
fmlll thcir honll'~ jlnd \\"o l'k, SL' l" iolls IWflllll'lnS in l'llI"t'fllI pllI lll1ing" had to be dt'\'olt'd 10 ~l' lt 'l' l iolll)f
eillergr lley h ou ~i llf!. mr die:l l r a l'(', and food di s· I hI" <l iU lill;,! poillt:-- :llltl h , lil t:' 1)I'\I!Jnldt> an 'a dt 'II :o- il Y
Il'ibuLi on "'Pl'e (' I'l'n tt 'd fol' the I) n .' l"l;lX('d ellPJrlY of IJcllllhs to lip t',x pt'd C'd ill l"oll ~ idl' riltitlll of tilt'
gO\"{:'I"IIIIIC'I\! ,llId Illuni('ipa l ag-t'l lt"il':-i, The pro· fHI"I'l ' :q 11' 1it,d 11 lid tilt' ;1 "('1":1;,[ (' Pl"o \);I 111(' l"i 1"l" 1I \;11 '
ducti"il ,v of. I1WII'y illdll stl'i c~, lIntom:hcd Il,v 1111' t' ITtll" 1Ij" I"nt.i:tl' II01lIiJillf,! 111l,t110cl :-- , T hi :-- \\"o l"k \\":1....
bomb::;, \\":I:-i appn'c i:ilJ ly I'l'duct.'d IU'( ':lIISl' of lahor 1'1 :11'1'.1 nll It i;,!"! I priol"ity ;ll ld ('ulit illl ll.:,d tlll'oll~h~)[d
di s pla l"(, II H~ I1t. di !-l l'lIpliolllllld dt'~tl"lIvtifln of 11":111 :':· till' pl'rind uf tht~ \\"ar. OIlIY:l 1"\'lat i\,,'I.r sll1nll
pOl'tatiun ;llld otlit'1' ~pn' i ("(' fa l' ilitil'~, .la p:nl ~ 11I 1 · IIlllIlhl'l" of Il IPII Wt' I 'l' il\, .. i l:d ,I" \\"lIl"killg Illll;.! !Iulll's
<.It' llly wa s fa ced with iI \\"l'npflll whit'li \\"a s t";lpabl(' Ililth' l" he:t \' .\" phy:-: iC"ill :-il I"a i II 10 kl'I' P pil t't' \\" ii h 1111'
(If 1":lpid ly di ~ iIlIC~I'; dill g he r OH' I"·:1l1 horn e eCOI1 - rapid I !"l'lId of 1I1'(, I":1tillll :-:,
(lillY :lilt! ilgaill:--t which hllC' nJIIl d olre r 110 (' [ ed in' '" i 1h I ht~ :--1tI ,~ t a III i:t I dt':--I 1"\\1"1 iOIl II f tJ Il' Ii n' pri 11 ·
111(':lns of de f n :-:(' , I' ipnl l"i til':-:, nlld ill ("\) I1 ~idc' l"ati {) 11 II I' lilt, lI i;.!1I til'·
( b ) ll1 ceudiarJI attacks au snMller u,ban industrial g'I 'l't' III' t,frt,t'l in'1I1 ':'::-i with \\"hich 1111":--1' llti:-:--i ol b
areas,- DlIring- IIH" p er iod 1'rulll n ~rf1l"(." h In )t, \\"t'rt, t.":t I"J" ird IIUt. .)01]");1 11':-::-- 111:1111' /' n ' llIaillin;.! 11 1"hll 11
.J lln e ] 0-15. whi l£' th e pr illl:I)".'" (' f1'ort o f Ilip ("o rn - illdll:--tl"ial :lI"l'a :.: \11'1' 111111 ' ill t" l"l'a:-.ingl.\" "1 11III1IJI<· illld
Illillld \\tl :-; he inl! din'(' ll'd l o\\"a rd the d e:-;t l" ll ct ion nlill t.' I":lhl (', Tlu' :- tn'lI~th td' thl' ('O llll1 ll1l1d by 1
o f Japnll':, fin ' prill{"i pflI urbnn ill(lllsn i al ('U Il ('l'll - .flItH' IDl r) \\";1:': ill t'XCt' :-:-: III' 711i ) B-~!I:-- :!lIei \\"i lh
trllliOlls. il lId t o\\"ill'll :'lIpport- ill;,! 11111" llil\'a l ;l1 l d lIlt, :!pp lic:ttitlll uf thi ~ fU1"l ,t, til ill (; (> lll li: II '.'" alta d. ,
ground fCII Tl':i opl'l"al illg :I~ilill ~ t OJ.:i n:l\\";I. fill px · it :lIIPI'III"I 'd IIl't'l":tt il l\laJiy fl'i1 :-i ih ll ' 111 clt'~tl"lIy t' f-
t(' lI sin' ;1l'I 'iai r(>('()ll llni :-:~n l1 l' l' progralH wa s COli · fl'di,'"I,\' . J:l P:III'h 1"t'lliaillill,t! lIr1li1ll ill dll:--tri:d a!,\'i1:-.
dll cled 1'01' tIlt, plll'pOSP o r objilinill~ ph ofogmph :-; "I' it ll\ lIlI' t nlH't' ill 11'SS li lilll t ltl'I'" 1l1HIl1h s cd' :-.11 :-:·
of nI l ill q )(lI' j:1I11 Ilrilall :11"(':1 :0; ill '-1:1 p:l 11 , n:l sc d 011 ln i llPd II1:l Xl lllltll l 1' 11'01"1 opt ' 1":lIi llll :-, " 'ol"king
Ilw:O:t' phnto:-i. alld Oil illil' lIi gPII("l' ~aillt'd fl"OlIl (II IIt' l" I1lIdl'l' 11 1l' plnllllf :-i t I"il, ill ,!! kf'y ill till :-: : ll"ic:o; I,.'" \' i:-; II:t1
:::Vlll"l"l':':, ("Hili inn illg 1II1:1ly:-:(' :-: \\'I?n' cOllduct ed to daylig'lti I'r{·t'i~iun 1l1C'tltlld :-: \\"11t'1I \\"t'athl'r 1'1' 1'-
l'\':l lll;dl' thl'!'l' taq!l't s lin lilt' i,a:-i:-: IIf th e 1'1) 111) \\'- IlIi ltl'll. IIl1d ikillg' IIrl,:tll illtltHl'i al ;11"t';' :-: II.\"
ing- f;\ ct ol"~: rltcllll" i l h't'llIlial".'" II IPthocl:-; al 01111'1' l illll':--. i t \\" :1 :-,
The COIlg'I':-,j illll -i ll fl illlllllillJil it y fa ct 0 1', plallllt'd thai 1'1'\1111 il) til K:I Pt'ITt'11i I)f I Itt' O \" ' I'· :tll

T h£' i l H'id(,l H"l~ o f \\":1 1" jlldll ~ try, l'II I111II11lld .. fl'lIri \\"e llld 11(, din'I 'h ,d to\\"a l"d tilt' in ·

TII (' ilH: idt'llt'l' or IH'y lalld ;111 .1 w:dt'1" i l ':l II :--- "1'1111 ill 1'.'" rac 1;11" p l"fI;.!TIIIII , '1' ], i:-: \\" ;1 :-- "lJlI:--illt' l"t.:'t I
p01'1:1I i011 fl1 (" ilii ie!', ~ lInh- i l 'll l III : tc'hil'n~ I ht, III 'j c't' l in',
The Fizf' :llld poplilat ion, I-'I'Hll l IlIitl · .JIIIII" IIlIti l IlI i d · , \lI ~II:--t. fldlo \\"ill;,!

Tlw adapiabi lity of the taq!et 10 I'lldill"· c'o ll l plt'l io ll of tilt' i ll l"I' lldial'Y pl"O~ralll :t~a i ll :-: I
hombing m e th od ~, "1"01\,\'0, ~agH.'"a, O:o-aJ.:a. 1\0111' . a m i )"oko11 a ll1;1. II
Ifllalnr l"I.n1+ :0:111"1 it's \Yl'I"P :-"t' llt :1~:1iIl ~ t il pr iol' ity
III \' jew of ihc limit ed illte ll i~('n ce il\'ail it\,h'. ).!TO llp of 1"111' 111'11;111 iUlhl slrial ,I1'P:!:-' wilit"h 1"1'.
t 11 rget n nn ly sis I"cqu i l"C'cl <I I rf'IllPllcloli S YO it II 11 (' ( I f
11 1:1 i 111'eI ill .J it p:t II, T ht':': l' B,O1·1, :0:111"1 il':-- Ii I"t t,eI :;-1.1 K I
work b'y phoUI i lll el" p "l'la fioll ,11Il1 jnl"g't't lI11al.\':o-i:o- IIII IS n f i 1]("('1111 i :11".'" IJlIll ti,:-; a lid :-"lll'\ 'C'\'l I\,d i 11 cll':--t I'll.'"·
personnel o f Iile COl1llllltlltl headqu:lrtl' l":-", Fill" illg iii ~qll:ll"f' lllill' :O, :ICTlllllltillg' fill' Illl' :--ltI,:--I :tlltial
e:.lch larget scledet.1. II 1:I (" ti Cit! plal l (If :di:l ('1\ iJa st'd d(,:- IJ"U t liol1l1f :I:! c'ilit':-- Hlld 1111' p:1 I,t i :11 tll ':'Hl"lwl i llll
0 11 ratlHI" 1H('lhl)d ~ \\":I S fflrllllllail·d , Til dll thi ~, it of (i :lCldit iOII :tI I' it it':-:, ,\ It ;1t'I\:-; \n'n' ("(llldllt'it'cI
WII S nl:-;o necessary 10 obtain r;1l1:11' :--I 'O P (, phCltll~ .!!I' lI l'l'l tll.'" al l1i ,~.dl t I,y imli\' idll:tl :tinTa!"1 \lIllllhill;!
co\'crin:; \':l r i(lll~ aplu'liaelil's 10 tll~' target. ;-Sillt."(, al alli lnd\':.: rall ,!!it1g" frolll :-:.\)00 to 1+,000 fN't.
the enti l'e force o f ll-~Vti iI\' ailable W:I S not I'l' - H iH I:1 r h1l 11lhi II;! lilt'! hod :-: \\"t.~ h~ ('Ill pi n,n'd, 1':1 \\"a l :l
Pl'cl-clltcd fill I:!Xl'l'pliOIi til tJll~ g l 'lI (' l'iti a(taf,·k p l'O- Dltrillg Pha:-.c Twu: app l'oxi mate ly:2-2 pe l'cl' nt uf
('l'd11 I'C, 13 l'l: all ~l'!l f it:-; pllYi-i it :t 1 lay-old , YU" ' ,lta lht' COllll1IaI1 LPS cOllILa L effol't was dc\·ot.l'd to high
<: ull:-l l il utI'O iI dillirllil I JOlll hill~ pl'ol;lt.:lIl :111<1 I"c- l'xpl u::ii,'c uomuillg uf prio rity inulI!':I t l'ial tal'get:-)
qll il'f,~d att a(' k dll l' ill),! dayli;,d ll_ hOI II"~ l'll1l'ilJyi ll g uy da y lig-ht. f Orlli ilt-iUIi p l'cc is iu n IIlct lt-
gl'Ill' l'llll y
\.i ~1I111 P I'et' isi o n - UOIII!, i ll:!, lJ l'lll ~ 111:--, od s, T lt e prilltipal e lrod. UI' a pp l'oxilllatcly 70
l\fi s~ i()n plalllJit1;.! \\"H ~ dt·!'-i~ lIl'd thl'ulI;..dlolil to pl' l'Ct'nt. was d.·roh'" to jlocl'lIdia l'Y bornbing of III',
dt'j in'J' a,:.ra i list e:l (' 11 1:1J't!ci s nllit' il'lll I Ol1l1 :J !,!\' to ;1 :-. - il1du str ia l .t I'CH S, :!C'lIernlly by ni ght J'adal'
~ III'P. ill so fu l' a ~ I Jo:-~ ihh' , ib dl''l w l i(JII 011 I ltc fir:-lt IIIl'tiHJd:-:, '1'1 1(' I'l'llI ailld pl' of th c effort \\"u s ab, "
nlta (' k , Of ilw :-..~ \'i l"i l':-; :-;ll'lIl'k tilll' il lg tll\' IH'l'ind ~() dwd by s l r il.:t'::i :t;.ra im;t .L\ yw; h ll ilidi c ld ~, l!lining,
lllent iu llt'd abun>. o llly j had to he J'C'a ll :l(' k et! 1(' - :Ind ull lC' 1' o pPl'aiioll s i ll l pOrtant to n I f's~e l' dcp-I'<'e, "
ra ll:'t' of i 1I ~ 1I rli Cif'l1t t a !';,!Cl d; lIlI ngl'. Tht-'~ L' fl'\\' Pr io r i t.r i!lel IIslri'll t cl l'gct S i IIcluded i nsf a lIu- III
m is~ io ll s t':lilc·d j )(,t ' all~t' ti l' " Pl' I"tli!lllnl cotldition:'. lioll:'; of t ill' ail'c l'aft jllt/ustl'.\'. fl l':sell ill s. oi l in stal-
pl'illl<lJ'i l y tll l'get \\'t' atlll'l'. rat hl'/' tlialll'll'l'l'i i n :·lIt'f.:::' latioll:--, ehclllil'a l plot li b, Hllti. t o\\"a rd tite latl el'
of tilt, .J:I]I (11._'ft-'lIsl'S 0 1' Ii n ·-lig ht ill;.! 1I!';!a II iZlI t iUIl R. pari of lilt' pha:o:e. ill cU Il i-i itl el'tll i on of th (' sched uled
~[:H1Y ope l'a! jOlla l pl'lIl)lplIlS \\'en' t'II t.:OIlIlIt· l'l·d dah' for ill\·a:-- io ll . t'II('III)' I l':ln:,; pH l'iat ion in s-talla - g (,l
till' illL'l'lIdiuI'Y ('i Ii IIPHi~ l l, ~ 11 l' 11 iI ~: d(·jel'-
dll l'ill ;! t ions :'Illd j'a c i liti cs were gin~~ 11 to p pri o l'ity at day- 'I'll
11Ii lnd iun o f tilt' 111 0:-1 dl'pt l in· paltl'1'1I d f' lI ii il y fol' li;.rhl prec ision tal'~e t :-: ,
' 1«
Ya l' iUl lS type of ill c t'lldi ary I Jo ll l b~ : tlit, h<J z ;Jnll'l'I '- Japan dlll'il l ~ .J une
\\ ' P:1 t1Il' I' cOllditions O \'C I'
ill t ;
atecl by !:il·,' eJ'(' i u riJll lp lll 't' Ilf I 1I1' I'IU iI I ~ J' i:-;i IIg a hun.! Wt'n' IIl uch 11101'0 fa,·o ra l) le than had ueen ex pected, I 'ild
IJIll'IIillg arl-'lI ii : Ct)Ill I)l'f':-.:..: i ll ~ u f the :-. fr i k i ll~ 1'01'('(' alld ~ :i perce nl of litc JUli e ('(IIII UHt efro r t was tle- I H),~
in t i llie m ·l' I." th l' tal'gt' t , l'il', ~\ d\,:llljll;!e W:l ii lak l'1l \'ol"I'Ll /"l) aitnl'i-.: s Oil pl'ilH'it,r il1 d ustl'ial tal'gets. III,!!
of taei i(' al l c:--s (ln~ leil l'll('t l fJ'llnll' il t' lt :I I I aek by ('on - DUl'ill;.! thi s mOl1th : un' I':W k e,v ta r g et s wer e nt-
.. t"B tl y alllt'JI(l ill~ :111<1 imp l'o \'ill;! ll l(' L td il·. t1 dol'- lacked wi th h i,:.rh t·x pl osin·s. T o iUll~tl'a tc ilt e :1 1'('"
frill(:' and s ll l;~·w qll (, l lt. (·olllbnt o nlt'I':--. (,X ll' llt t u wilich the fo rcl) was spl'ead t o absorb III i:--:-
(r) Higb exp/osir'e at/flCks on. priority indust l'itl/ t he nJaxi llllllJl 11111 1lUCI' of t a r¥(>I ~ alld C'xploit. fa- i
targets,- ,\ :-l (·."'l' la inctl pI'C,· iOU ii ly , th e po l icy u f "ora IJle \\'('at-heL' da ys, t ill' (' {fort l'xpcnded on the • \ 1'(,
liJ c(.'OInll lilltd Wi! :' to :'tl'ikc ]l l' i(l J' i iy il\d ll ~lJ' ia l tal'- 0 11(' li ;IY \.I f -2G .J UII!' i :-; uu lli lll·d 0 11 I he full uwing t I 1(' 1
~ds 11)1 ,·isH:! 1 JlJ't '\.'i~i ulI IIIClhlld :-; whell "'('ather I,ll" 1" : Ly ".
fOI 'I'Cil st :.: illCli t; dl'd II I'l' a::,ul1:1hl(· c ital lt '(' uf till' f:l l'-
t /i n (
,Upt I ll'ill~ lII10h:-:l' un·d II," 1'1011.1 :-:. Th t·:.:t· :d l 'lek :- o p e.-atiolls Co lid /l ctetl 0" 26 J/llIe 1945
I (' /(':-(,
w{' l'l~ t'OIHIII l' tt,d gt'lll'ntlly frOll 1 IlH·tlill ll l altitlldl.'l'-'I
dllJ'ing- th e st'('()nd ph a:--l'. tite ba r-- ic hOIlIUi llg' ullit , "" §c til l'g't,

bl'ing' til e ~(ll llldl'() n i'ol'lll:tt ioll of f J'O IlI !J II) -I I l t il'- !• li =-,-
til i II II
" r~~
plan f':;. Th e pr i ll !:! I'." s i;!h t illg- OP('I':t l i()1l \\'ilS I It.'J" -
TOl'lllc.] II." th t' i'o l'1l1a tioll iL'ad(' J' alld otll('I' ail' - ~ <, ~~ II Ij:-;:-:io
I :l1'g et
pl:I II{,R til'O]>ped 0 11 sl·{·i n;! lii s IJ()llIb~ fall .
f ht· \\'
By l'C'tiIH ,jllg til e bomhing- ;ill ill lt h ,:-; fl'OltJ hi~h SUllli\l)IIIV :\I('wl Cu .. (h:akll _ (isI1 22, 500 • 252, !XX)
OSlku :\J'IH ~' . \I' :-: ~ ' ] la L 11 2 23, 000 (') CJll p lo.'
10 m edilllJ1 le\"l·I:-;. th c 1111]1111 It)i\d ~ t lll'J'il'd Pt' l' B - i!J
h~aW !l :-:nki .\ircrurl PJ:l lli, .\ k:l,.: 11i :W 21 . 000 19 ,1, 080 (tI) :
\\"('I'C appl'ox illl:lt t· ly doubh·d alld hOI1JiJillp' lIl '('\I - (' hi g \l ~ a. •\ r ~c lI:ll, ;\ I 'w.ya _ :.IS 17, WO ] 5,jfi, 000 i'1l.1'lIsio .
1':1 (,,}' in (, l'c:J ~t-'ll f l'o m all : In'r;J~p Ilf I i 10 :~7 p{'] 'n'nt .\ tsn t a . \r ~ \, 1 1ll 1 ___ __ 1;\ aI 1- a' 00 { , ,165, n50 OlJ 1\ r
of uOlll h:; :-tl"il.:ill;.! \\' itltill l .nOIl ft'I'1 (1 f tilt, ;tillli ll;! ~ ipP()lL ' ·t' lliell ' ( 'IL (. n ~vy lt 'I 1282, 230
poi lit, TillIS lit e o\'t'J'-a ll t' JrI·C l i \·t·l lt·:-.,... \\, :1 :-; tn'- :\ Iit :-o \lb i ~ h i ,\ il'l'rafl ('0 ., 1\:I,",!\nli-
g:lhal':t _ I j olt!', lit
me nd(lll s ly i l ltT~a:--C(1. TIIi ... cOlltlit iul1 n·dtl('(.'d 77 W, OOO 1 227, 000
.\ ich i .\ ircrlifl, EilOk1t _ Ii-J 11 , 000 1 173, i()() 1'"11" ",, ,
f orce rt-'(llI in'llI c llj ~ , tiH' reIJ,Y Ptl' lIl it t illg' a ~l'f'at(' 1' ;o;1tmi1oIlH) I hira hllilin ('II . , :JIi it I l dt'.
1111 11(1 )('1' of (Jbjl.'di\'t~:-i jt) Ut: ~t 1'11 (' ].;: 0 11 fill ' $ 11111' day, :-.r!\goy n ___ _ 3 121 , 000 1551, 130 ~\I i ...:-it
.\ I:-io t'nllil'iulltill;! i o illc l'ca:,t't] hUlllhill,!! HI ,(, UJ';J (''y Ka W ll~ :1k i .\ in' rafi. I'I:1 UI, J-i: :1g-
Jll' ~t' II i)',
\\'l'I'(': I(,lld (: I'P\r t r ailling condlwh'd ill til l' til l ' :lt e l'
:l rl l i )!tlhara :1222, 000 ] 357, SOO
I " ."ubi' Oil Bl'fiU t'I'.\', Yo k\.;:tich L _ 3·1 15, ;jOO 1 &·t5, 750 'S tal <', V
and ill('I'l':J si n g ('X IW I'i t'l1cr o f comb,,! CI'I' \\' I W I':'(1 I I - 17 Apl'il
ncl j d et' J"('il s (' ill l' lIerny fightel' Opp0!'i i l in ll j T UT\l , . .. '4 , 4n7, H O /)(' I'ifJ<! 01
fl'i l' ndl y lig ld"CI' l'~C()rt ; i l lljlI'U\'t'" tal'g"d iJl' il'f-il1g ~t l Ih ·1\:-- ;1;
IlJah'ri ;d: alld l,tlu'l' fa dul'~ of' 1t'::;:'l' 1' i lil Pfll't'llI l'I' , I UI'!'lrvYI't! ur :wrillus!r da Hlli~l'tI III ,H id; ,;,
I Hudur (lrop 110 UP llrI'ch,b]c dnlflllgc
tiJ e '1'0 /;",


Vtll'illg" .Jul y, w(' ath e r (; ollditiollS oVe r .J ap:lll we r e f1 UWlI " (;olllp l"i sil1;,! 7:1 i'l'l'cClIl uf th e unmhing
Pl'l'llIittl'd j he :-.dtl'duliug" o[ ollly UIll' day l i~lt t alld milling e ffort during tid :; pe ri od,
fO l' lI1 :1 t iOIl IIJi:-;fo;illlt. T his 1'I >l'1':1i iOII, ill\'u lr i ltg .J7T '1'1", "tt"cks 11"<'1'1' cUllci llclcd " I 1:;,000 t" ~ t ,OOO
a il' pl:tlIP:-. ,,-as dil't'Cl t, tI :It!:lill :-:f :--ix p r iori ty targcl:; rl'l'i. '1'''-0 ItlllIdrl'd alld firty -pound fragn lcnta -
iJl tlte O~ak:l ~ Nag'lfyn aJ'l'a ~. Thl' Illi :-;:-:io ll "';I S 0111 ,\' t: ioll bllJlti )s "'l' l'e u f:il,d f(Jr lit e l' ad y IIl is:-;iuIlS. ulli i ll
Pil l'll.'" :--III-l'l·:--~ftl l. l'1I("ollllll'rill;,! d01ll1 illll' d cl'e ll te ( It t' li ~,dlt o j' pf)::t~tJ" i k c 1'1'l'(lllllai:-.~alll' t' photllgl'tI -
un'l' :-;\" -(,I'a ] I ff Ill e lal'gl'I :-:. Ei;"dtty -two pl' l'n 'nt ph Yl t ItI' hOlllb londi l l;,! W:l S :tlll' J'l'd til gellel'al PIJI'-
Ill' Illl' l,ff"I'! 11111'illg' .July W:I~ direct ed towal"l.l P0:-:I' IJOItJiJS" Ita I f ",i t It dl' laypd fll s in~ o f f r om 1
night illVt'tllli:t I'Y dl''lI dioll of Ill'h a ll inLlI lsl J'ial to :Hi 1.f)I It '~ t o pru lllll;! l ilt' denial t o t1.t' (,Hemy o f
1),I,\"lig-ltt foriliatiull !Juilihing W:l :-: :-;t'ltl'd-
an':I :,,, t1.t 'SI' kt'.\' aidi(' ld ~, Fixl'd lls ut lhcse
"It'c! 011 ollly ~ : d:t,\"~ dllrillg ~\ lIgIl S t. Ih l' lill'ge::.t fit·lds we r e a l:-:I) attad;:ed a lit! rpnti eJ'('d ilJoperati ,'c
I It:·ing tltl' la st day of oper:l. l ions " 1"1 ~\ l l glI st l!J.j.,'), til it laJ';,!p dl'g ree"
-III addiji(11l 10 thp d:l." l i ,~.d1l :ttta cl\::. agaill si Tlt es~ attar'l, s ~ lIl'Cl.':-;:,-fll ll y alTomplisl1l'd their
priority tilrgl't :--. Ilib!ht nli s:-: illll:-o agnill :-.I 1111'H' tilr - I'II I'PO:';t' , .A t ota l of on'l' :~f)O airc l"aft Wl're cs -
;,!(~IS W(' I"l' :l 1:-:u l'OIU IIlCkd a:: 11 Inl'1it , :t1 "x lH' r i ll ll'lIt, t i llla tcd d l':-.t I"oyetl 0 1" daI11l1;,!t'd 1111 thC' ~I 'u ll nd ilnd
'(It t' fil':,l :il'ril's (I f t IIf'se ,titad:s dC\"l'II'ped fl'onl 'lOR in tltt ' a i l'. llIlt, ili on' ill l]lOJ'lIlllt t ltal! thi s ('o unt
t lit' :-.lIC('I':-:- (I f t Itt: ,\ l a n·1t 111'1,:111 <I!"l' " ill Cl' lld i:t I"Y " -:I S thl' t' lfl,l'l uf th e B- :w I'aid s O il th e encIIIY'.-

al t:ll'k ::, I t \\,:1 :-; IH1Pt'd t hai bY:l (; Olli l lin:dil)ll o f :tl li I i l 'y to aU il l'k t lt l' I ' ll ii cd ~t:lt .. s F h'et. The siz.e
l"ad ,II" IHI\"i,:.!'at ilill :lIl d t Itl' 1I ~4 ' of fin n ':; t u Iighl t 114' :Ind fn'(plf'Ill'j' of iti)oo attal"k s t!4'('I"l'a :-:l't! ~ lIltst.tlnti ­
tal';,!C' l . :I !"; 1H.:cl':-:~ fltl h iglt l':~~ p l(J' at l:t ck l'lllpl u,r - :tll y as lit {' lIidi(, ld i ll/ el"did i llil W:t ~ IIlailitaincd ,
ill;,! \' iswtl hfliltililig 1l1l'tltud:-: t'ctllld l,t' (':tl"l"il,d ulll alld t he J :IP W:l. S f Ul'tl'd to di s pcl':;c !ti s a ircraft'.
il g<li ll ~ t 1'I'l'l'i:-:ioll tlll '~'d ~ wlti,'11 lay Ulli:-:id (' 111(1 '1'111' l' l1Plll Y It tld ocel1 fOJ'('l,d io c'olltpnl himsl·1f witlt
il l'('II:-. :-('I II'd llll,d 1'(11" i lln'l ldiary IJOllihillg, Fi\-e a l'l'li ll (' I'd ~('a l \' of ul ll'l'al iOII!-:, and it wa s 11(1 lo nger
III i:-.:-:i I Ill:: lilt :: lI i;,!ld:-o \\'1'1'(' ('II IHlu 1'1 4'd 1111d"1" thi :-i 1)1):-::-;i "l(' jo 1:llIlIdl attiH'k ~ IIf ~:ttllJ'alitlll propo l"·
plal l wi l h lll l:-nti:-- fadllry J'l' :-. ull :-, ,\ It ltough illt, lilJll s from tl i ~ pl'\"scd pos itiolls.
.\PQ- I:: rada l" nll dd Iwillg li lt" Ibn' :til'l' l'afl on'!" (e) Minin g operllliolls.- )li nillg of .Japa lll'!-:(,
tll(· I:t!';!'t'l. iIIHdli \' i\'11I il l ulllilLill ion " -a:o; p rll,' idl.:'d 11111111' \\,:\ 11'1' wa s illi t i:d cd oy tlte Twt'llty - first
by :I\,:t il:ll ll (' H;II'I':- 10 Pl'l'lIlit 11I1I1I1',II'dit, \,:- 10 Sl'e Hontlu:'1" 1'1lII II Il:tlid on ~ T ~ 1 :t l'c h 'I!'-i-:), 111had t hrec
tilll iaJ'gpj tll l"ough lilt' tlpt it's of the bnn dJs i~ltI 1I1:li ll III,jt'I,tin's :
Il·!t':-:l'IIIH', T \\'Il i lt ' lIl ~ " -4' 1'(' III'l'dl'd: ,\ :-lIi !:l hlt, ( I) To pn" -t'lit the illlpol"tatiuu of raw rn:l-
ta q!'t't, 1I1:ll'kl'I' 1)01 111, :tlt d lilt, !'l' lI l'x ' YI,e hOl1lh- ((' I"ials and fooll into J -lIpan .
:--i;"dll Olllit ":-,, JlIlI llrdi:il l' ~ I t''':- \\'I' I'C' t:dit'll to ob- ( :n To p r('\'('llt tit \;' :-: lI ppl.r <llId 11Im'PUIl,'llt
t:l ;n t ll('~c tol)l s, PPlldillg-tlll' ir :llTi\'nl : llt1 ftl l't lH'\' IIf III i I it :t ry f o\'ct's.
IlI i:-.::i oll:- o f l hi~ ty pl..' ,,"l' I'(' :--l'Ill'dtdt'd, :tlld :- ill ('l' III) (:q 'I'll di ~ rllpt :--I li ppi ll g ill t ill' 1111:lI lt l Sl'll.
till';!I't IilHr!\l'I'::i "'l' r p "I 'I'pi"I " ] I"'itl l' ttl tltt' t'lld II I' I tt <III. -n; IIl i:-::-;ioIlS \\"t' rt' di l'l'ded i11!:t ill ,. ; t Japn .
the wal'. Ihis type of aUal'k W:l S 11('\' CI' :1I;:Iill 111':-:1' ItHIIIl' ,,-ait' \'s wi i II t-Ilt' iute ntioll o r :
l' tI1 plo.\-etl. ( I ) H]II(" kad illl! ShilJ lUllo:-ipki S t I' a it s
«(I ) Tactical opel'lilions iu SII/J/JOl't 0/ Ukiwlwtl I Ilroll;,!!. ",hidl HO pen'l'lIt o f the .J ap 1lll'I'c !t allt
i nl'flSio u .- T III':-.t' ol>(, l'<ltiOIIS op('IH'd \\"itll twu rail\:-' tJ<.t'i P:I:--::-I'll.
ull 1\.." 11 :-; 1111 ail'iit' ld installatioll s oIl :! T :1lld ;: 1 (:n Bll lt'l~ adiltg ul' li lt, ill du st rial :!ltd com·
~\l al'.-II ill :-111']>111'1 0 1" Ihl' nar:1I alld lalldill;,!oJll'I":t . 1I1t' I'c i al PII!"t ::; ill lhl' I ll i;lnd Sl':! :Inti of T o kyo
li ol l:-; at O \.;:in:I\\,:1. 'l'ltt, fil':--I .111;11,1\:-; I'P IH'C:'CIltCil
alld ~al!o'y'"
1'1I11 -:-'l'"II'I, jr"l't :-: II." t W(J will;!:-- :II t llt' \';:illg ai 1Iit'dilll il (3 ) Inte rd ic t ion o f sh iJlJli ll ~ Letwe,," K o rea
nit it tlLle" Hlld .J a pall tlll'on;,!]1 I!l illin/! ]\:0 1'1'1111 ptJl't ~ as
'\I i... ~ioll ~ aga ill:--t :tirfit,ld ... t hl'ollgh ",h idl .1<1»:1 - \\"('11 :I S tll o:-;t' 011 t hl' 1111 1"1"111'1' 11 CUi1 st of .Japall .
III.-':-.t' lli l'( 'I':ll"t \n~ n' :-. tllgill~ 10 :dla rk i l ll' l "ltited
l ":-:illg' 1':111:11' IIll' t !tutl:: o r IIl illl,l ayi llg ill ltigltt op-
Sta l ,''': Flt'pl ill thl' H y lll<.\"Il :-. lJl'g:HI ill 1'1I1'I1(')oot (III
IT . \ pl"i l :tlld l'ull t illt ll,d through II ,\l ay, I II I hi:- l'ra ( iOJl s it i( lIdl'S 0 f :),000 to A.OOO fcel, :t i I"cl'lift
t :t It

pl'l'iud "I' :l:, day :-;. till' \ ' 11 B fol'l't, l'lIgaged i ll !I:~ I"I 'O l tl tht' 1'1" 'I't' rrlll1dn,d :tlld Thil't l.'cll tlt " r illg
a lla l' k ~ :I;!lIill :-. t K YII :-;!JII alld ~hi lwkll airfil'ld:-i, :1l1d. dl'oP lll'd (I\"t '" I:!"OOO l!lilll'S" " 'Ilill.' it i:- i l1lJ1o:;:-.ib l(,
i ll Htldi l iOIl" WI 10 )I ;I'y iltt:lt'kcd fill'] I'\'S(' 1'\'I':-i ill ttlI1H':t~ I1t 't' aI T llrill"I"" t h,' dl'Sl l'lIl'1iu lI illld dl l1l1 ng-t'
t hi' 'l"u I\: ".\"11 11 1;1 di :--i l" if l. ~ \ total o f '1 ,,1 0 1 sorties :1 t' iti l."H'd thrlluglt II tillill;!. it i ~ IIO\\' l'stlllJiisltet!

Ihal 770.000 l Oll S f)f :-ilti l'p ing we re :-.1 111 1\ I hy Illi llC~ 1110:-.1 of ,,-h id l w a ~ l'l' pl'C'Sf' llil'd by .jOO -poll !Hl GP
wit 11 all add il io na I 4 i N.OUO t Oil!' S(']" i() l1 :-i ly dnlll l1 g('1 1. 110 III iJ:-:.
T he,:lm uli ll i o f ~ h ipp i llp" d :ly:" I f)~t through t ill' l' r4 B ('eall'" II ,,· 13-~! IB , 1I'iPIWd a i!'tJ'aft we !'r able
f l'CI :-; 0f th e hll)("l\adl' CillIllll l· Iw ("1I11I\lu t l'{l. hil t i t III c<ll'l'y bClII!1 , luad ;;: ;!!'I':l lf' 1" 111:1 11 :Ill y o f t ll r othel'
i:-i 1\11 0 \ \· " t ll:l t ~ \\'('I' l ti np" ra ci li li c':;:, \\"(' IT' i ll;ldl 'q lla l t~. w il1g:-. til e an ' I'ag"(' h011l11 11):111 inc l'l':lsed fl"flm
alld th at ill 1l1 :l1I.'" ill:-llI ll f'I':- s hips \\"('n' fOl'l'e-ill u ;lt 4
1-1·.fi:1 1 pu u nd :..; 11 11 til e fir~t IlI i:-:::::ion i o :!()J;·~S
iP ll lpt 10 J' 1I11 th e IIlil H' Id flt" l\a de IWe: lll :-l' fir ill l'OIH 4 poun d:- oil till' !-1 iril\p :1,.!!:l iJl:-. t ti lt' K i ppoll Oi l He,
p1 ('lt, !'-wPI' p ill;!. fillt'r,)':11 .\ IIl :1 t!HSHk i 1111 !) Au g-utit. Duri ng its en-
Th l' Co:-.I o r tl H'~I ' I.fil.-I IHilling" ~tJl"l it'~ i ll t(' r lll S t i n" Opt ' l'il l iOIl. the T hl"l'l' ll lI lI tll"l'd an d F iftl'l~ Il ' h
o r:lil"t"l";lfllo ~ t W:l S 1(,:-:-; 111 1111 1 \lpn·f' II I. a nd ill ('I"f'W \ri llg" Iw . j· (lill y '" :l i J"{' l"afi , o r n.:!.) pcrcc nt o f the
C;I :- lI tl lt j<,:-" n., P I' I"t.: I'n L a i rllo!" II I' cfJlld wilh {ii i d nma;.!"l,d. :lnd:!O ca~ufl lt il's.
(j) Tb e Tbr ee i-IlIlldref/ fllld Fifteelltb If/ ing .- 011 1,'" Hi iltiad;::; \\"t' I'l' s lI :-t a ille-d fl 'OIlI (, IIt' Ill Y ai r-
COIIJl li1 t o pe- rati o1l:; \\'(~ I"P 11('gu ll hy til l' Til 1"('1..' ("I"i,ft. d:tIlI:l g-i l1g" (J il l' B -~! I _ No d nim:;; (If t'1l1'1I 1Y
J 1111111 J'edt hand F i fl ('L'n l It " 'i IIg 41 11 :!fi ,I lil li' \\"11 1'11 :1i l'I "I"il ft d t:':--t l'Oj"l'd W(' I't.' 11I illl t,.
;{rl a il"t"l"afl \\"t' !"(, ilil'hol'lI(, a;!'l i ll~1 tIl l' UI:--ubc R i n'J' Till' tll ';.; t 1'11("1ion 'Ii· h i(',-!'d 1. ,- I b i:-: ra il 11 I' hln ll billir
O il He{in,,]"y ill Yllld,.li(' lii . .\ i J'L" J'a f i " ' ('1'(1 ni r - Wil S h(on ,·y. .\ (·oll ;.;i dt' l"iI ]lh: pu rt ioll of ,Japa;l ~
IJlII ·111' \\·i lli : 11 1 an' nl;!I' HI' pOlllld ~ II I' hO IIlI, ~ :-; tl1r:I ~f' 4 I n ll k t'ilJllI l' il y :1 ;0; \\"f' 11 ;1 :-: 10 Sl'P:I!'il l ,' !"yll -
1111 Ih i~ illi l i:d !--l l· i lw. I 11 C"l it" :l 1Il11'('f"illi ug lIu i t:-. \\'('IT' tll ';.. tl"l1yed (II' ileayi l.'"
Th l' TII I"e-I' lIulldl'ed alld F i fll 'I' ll t ll " 'i ll;.!; po:-'- d all l :J ~pd. T h"!'-l' COl1q )l'i:--pd :l II l:1j nl" p orti lm of
Sl'... :-;I·d :-: p <'c i:lli zed \ ' lr B :l i l"(' I'afL Thc I \\" 0 JIIlP!)I ·· .I :ljHI I H':-il' (Iii "en l1 i ng" all d :-,to J'ilg-e C'apaci t y .
l<lllt f :lt"t n /':-, d i:-: t ing"u i:--Ii illg- t 11 1':-;1' :l i/'(' l"fI f i \\"("'1"(': (g ) Tbe (ltomic bomb op erfll i oll .- O ll (; _\ lI:zust
( I ) T he .\I'Q- i ( E"l!le) ,." d" ,. ' !<'sil!llrd 1'",.. l !l"";). I ltl ' _ \ J1i(, ~ ' Ilf'w alit! :--t't'l"l' t \\"('a poll . i he ;tlolllic
i il" lliHl"l y fo r J'ad a l" IH lllliJ i llg" illl d 1I:I \·illg a PP I"H.X i- 11/)IIlJ.. " -n :-i l·ltlpl oYl'd H,.!!:I i ll:- t· ,Iapall. Tll is ntl atk
Ill: d ply 10 t i lll (,.::j till' POWI' I" of I"P:--Ul ill i oll III' t ill' IIlId t hI' :-' lIhs"(I III~lI t II llt ' 011 U .\lI g ll si " .(' 1"(' the
~\ I 'Q- 1:J. ('l1lnl ill:l l ill ll ti l" .'" 1": 11":-- 11 1'1"1' :-'1'01 1"1 ' 11 nll d IIIUII I"!'- uf
(:! ) Th c la ck of 1111 :11 ' 111;11111' 11 1 l'x!'!' ]!1 Ihl"l'I' .-)(J - 1':1 I"('fllllnl i l li llg . S II J'C)II,il', 1 in great !'l'C I"l'CY. t\tf'
("II i. tai l g- lI n~ , IW l"Ill i ll i l1 g" rl g" n ·.dl y i nl"l"c,,:-ed F in' l-Il1udl'l· t! alld ·i \ ill th ('lIll l p o~ ile (i l'oll p had
bomb IU:1I1 at fI !'-tlcl"ifh,C' of d{'fe ll!-;i\"l' fi l'p. fOI·nw d II lI d tTa ilw d ill j hl' dl's(, l"t o r rtnl l :lnd
[11 ol'<1e l" 10 cll'l l' l'lll ine tlH ' (qw l'ilt iona l ei lpIl IJili 4 1l10 \"( ·t! IJ\"PI":-;I'II:-; I n i l ~ I-l ali o ll. ~lIrth F it' 1t1 . Ti ll iall.

t il':; (d' i he !;IWl"i a I !":l da I ' I'q u i jltl H'II I ill t it i~ a i 1"l"1':I 1'1, i ll Ill . . j\ l lll"i'I1 I:I!--. Fn HII Ihi s hn:--f'. i t had fi r!'t
i l " ·11 :: dt'ei ti(.'d to di n 'd 11 1\' ,,-iug- 1I g"'li nti l fl S(> P:l 4 tl o\\"11 Ill"aCI il'f' III i :-::--i, )11 .... I " ·PI" .I a I)-lI t' ll l i:-- Ililld s. I h (ll l
r:ll l' :-:(> ( of / :II·I;I·t :-.. Till' (I ii il1dll :-; j I'Y I·oll :-; t i tlli"t·d o n 'l" 111 (' Eil l p i n ' it:-.plf , 111'll ppil l;! T:\T-fil led
:1 :-.,'":o; t l.'lIl o f pr ior ity targ"p t :-,o ",j l h th e add it io llal "IJl ll"~ wi th h.dli:-:l il":-: :-illi i 1:1 I" til tlw at t)!ll il' UU llI h
:H I \" lI ll ia ~t' Ih:d ll lall." o f 11 1f' 1:Il"gl' l"\' fiI H' l' il'~ wen' fn ll tl "PI'Y hi;!h a ltit llcil' /0 ill l pl"(n-e lill' :H ·I·llI':H:~­
Ic)c:Ii (ld Oil 01" Ill' i11' t he J:ljJ:III('!-l(' (' lIl1 s t lind \\" I' l"e uf th e I )(Jlld )al'dif' I ·~ .
:llId f:lllli li a l' izC' th e nl'W c
1'('l.:tt i' ·(l ly g"ond l':ltI:l1' j ' lI·~I't:-'_ Tld :-- \HUrI" IWl'lll it i ho l"ollg"ld y wi th the cOll stli llf' an d t opog l"ilphy fl f
.Ia p:lI 1- 'f il l' lal";,.rl'i :-- fill" t ilt' :d Oll 1i c ho m hs hild s
I'{'lld,'" '1 :-"'{,:--:-;II lt' nt o f t al';!t't da ilingt' .l lI d CqU i PIIH'1I 1
hpC' 1l 1:1J';.!<'l y l'xc 'lud (ld frllm :Ill y ot h cL" ty pe of al- s
r frect in' II P:-:-;. Th e plu n fHI" tll ('~ l' 1l1i :-:-;j ll ll~ cnlll'"
1:lck I,." :-:('C' !"I" d in ',·1 in' r l'olll \r n ~ hi ll~ t llll alld t ll\l~ fi
Fo r lI ight hHmb il1 g l'nt il'l· l.r by 1":1 (b,,' :-in('(' 1111'
1:1(·1, of 1I 1'1I1i1ll 1('l d d id al"t' t! 'lgHi list d ay li;.!·h(
r on.. i it llj (,tI :r Ill''' ''' .'" 1I11 i"t IU l"llt'd p l'O\·ing g-rolllld
f(JI' lIl t' (\ 11 Iplll.'"111£'11 1 o f I 1t i ~ \\"(' aplll1_ By J A U1JlI!'t
nttH ck s.
I!'-I.i I he t 1":1 i II i 1I g' \nl S ("1)111 pl ('le :I lid t he- 1111 i t I'{'ndy. II
Bchr(,t' H :W .J III H ' :l11d 1-1 .\ 1Ig"1I 1-1. III i:- :-: ltJH ~ ii,
T lll~ .J o ill t (,hir f :-- o f ~ t nfr \\"1'1'(, ~o illfol"llIed ill;d

\\"(' 1'(' {I owll ag:l inr-:t 10 ial"gl'I::i, a iu ta l () f I.:WO air· :11 1 OJ'dl·l· " -:1:" l'('(·I·in't! by llt) llIhl'lal' t c r :-. T " -l' llt iclh
c rn ft W('I'I' ai l'ho l·IIf' . of wll it· 1! :.!O \Yl' rc' au xi l i:ll'Y .\ F j o d ispal (" 11 Ilw f"ir:-- t ],omb ng"ll i li st Il i l'o;o:hilllll. 1/1
il i 1"(" 1':1 H. :1 lid I.O!!:; o f I he bOll l hi Il;! a i l"l"l'fI ft iJl lIlIU('tI J;'OIlI' Hlld :-:t ,,' PIl - t (' IlI It;.: ~q ll il n' !niles o f l-T iro:--hilllll. or
t il<' prillllll'Y la rg"('t_ Tl ll~ lll is:-: illl1:- w (> l"r ali -II i;..!:"! fi() p(l l"c(' n t o f t 11(' l·i ly ':-, lJll i ll · np :\1"(1. 1. l"om p r ising 10
IIri:-::-: il)Jl!-i and n., IWl"el'nt u f llip hn ili bill g: \\":1:-; dO ll(, Il Ji l it ill'." siol'r :-i tlll rlIH'IH!q llilI"lCI"S. a rilly {lppol ~ ,I\f'..r pc
IJ.,- I'nd ar wi l h II H' Il:--P flf th e ,\I'Q - 7 l'CJl li pll ll·n l: .... h ip p i llg" :l lld :-;llIl't1 ~(, f ill·i l i i ie:-:. we l"(' de::.: tl'Or('d. PI"!
!1,ilH I IUlI llh:-; " -l' l"e dl'o j1j1f'd o n I'l'i lll:ll'Y lal";!t'f":-- . On !' .\ Ilg"lI st tll (, :o;pct) ll d :I tOIlIil' I)o mb WH:-: dro pj)cd. Ill .
IIl1t W1 til l' primfl !"Y l;" ·g-et. t he c l l1 ud -t.:o\"(.' l'cd e" I
Kukul ':\ 111':--(' 11 :,1 :lml III'hall i u dll~l l" i al fl l"('ilE. hul oll S ill

th e sccondn l'Y ta1'get·, tll r lI1'b,ll1 ind usi r i'll a l'e a. 7. POST WAR OPERATIONS
o f ]\' ag n!"-": l1ki , ba re ly ,' i ~ i h l e to t he bom ba rdi cl.'
rhl'IlIlg h:l I'irl i ll t li e> (' lowJ s, 1-Icl'c ·1·1 percent of " ' itlt 11ll' l'C':-::-:atio ll o f :11.:111,,1 h o:-;t i litil'~ on 1,1
t bl' IJi l i li - li p an' ,l. O I ' 1...J.,. Sfll lill'(, Ill ilr:-:, " ' ;I S iJllrn ed .\ .lIg llsL the './" \'f'nt i t:' t lt Ali' we ill nil g r o lll id .d l' l't
lin d razcd . 1\ 0 l'i l:-: llil lt il':-: \\"(' I"e ~ ufl'e J"ed by t he " 'i i IJ 110 11 11) loads. II i n.'I'<I f L flil d c re ws I'ea dy f o l' d is-
a jt; t(' king a ircra f t. Pil l"c lt on Ill ill illl lll ll Iltl l it t'. JI W;I S ut thi s t ime ,'hat
T hese atta cks Itad it ( 1"(, 1l 1(, 11I 10 Il s i llil J:lct l l pOll tIll' ]1 l"il j,'('t· fiJ I" Ih opping" II luch neede(lllll'd i('al alld
J a pa n. <.:ollli lig nt a tim e \\'hl'lI tlte capa city and .rood ~ lIppl i p:, h I (;:).:100 .\.lIi L' l1 pr isoners o [ \\' 111 ' ,,'as
wi ll o f tlw I)('o pl(> to c'o ll l illuI~ tIll' \\';] t' Ita d bc'ell a:-;:,i,!!ll cd I Ill"', ' "lIB 1"01 '1..'(':-:, T ill' 1"l,r [ll i n : d l)J"oyi -
~lI bsia llti:1 l1 y rr,du cf'd. Till' l'api l ll l ill iol l 0 11t'1' w aR :-:i() Il S ,w' l'e p:lI' kf'd :fO I" p:ll':1l'IJllte d r oJl il ll d w er e di s-
1l1; lde on 10 .\ l1gIlSt. t'he day [0 1I o\Yi ng- th e ~l'con d p;I t<- IH,t! \111 1il :I ll know lI P J'i SO ll l' J' curnps had L ('<'ll
a t om ic' bomh ;Il t :tc].;. (' \':l l'll at cll. T hi s t,f[o r c cO II I ]Jri Sl'd 1.010 sort if's
(h ) AVscetl" 1J.eolls opel'tltions.- " 'o l'!·hy o [ 1llf'II '
",hid l ~ 1I t' \ ' ( ':-s r llll y d l"opPl'd 4.104 /011 :-; oJ supplies
l ion i ~ t,ll e Sig ll i fi cilllt" eff o l't wlii ch "'ns d i:.:; pat(' ll ed ill i o ]..:t Pl" i:-;Ull l'l' (' ;1 I1IJl:-; ill ;1 l'I I ~t- o f ~e\'(' 11 ai rc r:rf t
011 I ll i ss ioll :':; I l th t,), t it a n COlld ,. !! . T llt':-'I' m i:-::-:io n:-!
\\"(' I'C' an e :-:~(' l1 l ia l \'11 111 l'ilJl Il i li ll t I l t]lt~ o n ' !";! I] CIJ Il -
'.11 \\.· :-:i:!!ll illg" 01" tilt' !-.uJ' rt'IJ dl'J' j ll T okyo Ba,\'. Hiltl
d l H't u f tIll' ~tl": d q.!· i l ' a i l' U i H~ l' a t i oll, .\ l ob I o f
t ilt' oCT u p:d i l l" (I f o j Itl' r po i lit....; ill .J:l Pll ll il nd K ore:l
1.-1'/ 1';: so rt i ('~ i l l t !ti !-' l" tlh'g o l'Y. ,. IH' I,("f' lIt of t Ill' 101:11
('ffor l , \\"t' n' fl o w II i ll (' Oll lit 'd io ll " ,i t II : SI":I I"(· 1t IHi s- l1 l't·(':-::..;i l:l1 t'c/ ti lt' di :-: pa h 'h il1g" o f t lt rce :':-:Ilo\\' o f
fIJ 1'C p l ' I ll i ~:..; i()II :-: . \\, 11 0 :-:(' :1:-::-: igll ll ll'lIt it " ';1:-; t o patrol
~ i () n s f ol' 1H't":::rlll llr l dt l WlI 01 1 :-:\'11: 11 :1 \' igal i fJlIlI I ps-
to d ' (I ig hl s fo r H ~ht(' t" ni n': l":lft: \\'(,:l l lt el' 1"f'eOli lluj s- t lt e a I"P:I ... fl"Ol1l \\' li it h trollhl e 11I ig lt t 11f' l' XpC'ct('ll
Sa nee : \' i:-:ual :lIl d rada r n'l'o ll ll ili ~~;]I ](' (' : find pJ"I)pa - d Ilr i Il ~ i.I d 11:11 d i:-: f' 1rt 11<1 J'J..: i lIg <l nel i ll j( in i 0('("11 p:" iOll
gil nda 1L':1fi et 1l1 i ss io n;.:, I1 II 1\ ' ~' III C I1 ts.


1. ENEMY OPPOSITION AND COUNTER- l'On:-:till ti l 'c1 a :--:t'l' i o ll :--: tl lllt oH,!!h {(, Iu po ra!"y prolJlcllI ,
MEASURES i-: lll'lIl .' · ;lir opposi l io l l I't':lI'h ed its ]lpa koll:27 .J ;tI1 "11 ~
II I'S W lt t' ll : 1(; .B-~!):-; \\"l' re ~ u lJj l' L' fLo d to !)8-l: L' 1l (> IIl Y
~\Iltll y ~ i s I)f t lte (, 1I (, 1I 1Y uP Jl Cl~ iti o ll (' IlCOllll il' l"l'd fi,!!l lll'[' atta cks \\'h ic!J dl':-:h 'oYl'd !) R - :Ws, S C: '·Cll t." -
11." n-~!) cOlltl .. d IIll i l ~ thl'l)J lg1loll t til{' :-:tl':l t l'gic a il' :0:(, , ' , ' 11 l' II ,' III," ri gl lil' r:-: \\" 1' 1'\ ' d,':-:l l'oyetl (lI ' p l'ohabl y
" 'a I" ag-a in... t .h IP:111 ilidi l' il tC':o: th ill. al t lt o ltg- h ho :;; t i ll' dl':-; t I'OY(' (1. Fn l il l Ihi ~ d a l ~' . (, lll'l ll,\" j'ig-!ttt, [" nl l nd,: s
/'if!"h t C' 1' nnd fi nk illfli ded (,o tl!' itl (' I'nbl e (j ill n:!g!' to d l't"I"(' a ~{' d ~ l t' ; l di i .'" ill hilt II lll ll ll lw l"s :l ll d i1J tl' ll ~ i t .Y
0 '11 1' IIH it s 011 II 111111 1l1C I' of o('C':J SiO IlS, th e. 0\,(~ I'- : tll
c fi'P(' l i \"(' lW:-::-: II i' .Ja p d ef el1 sC's IIcn' l" COlI sli tll ll't i :I

:-:l' r io u:-; Ih l"C' ilt 10 t he flr('f1 l1 l pii ~ h ll l l\ ll t o r lIlt-, In i :-: -

:-: io n of strnl egi ' ;l i l' W;l rt'ill'l' , ] L is ;lp pal'C'tll' il fft'r
Sl l1 '\, l' Y t h il t p , ' pll had mo l'£' H l b:-il:t Iii ia I 1I 11111hl' l"s of
Hg-htf' l"s bpe n rlisposed in defense o f t1 w 110 11 1('
islan ds. the .l a pnnesc ai l' st n lteg," "lIll c Ol l c ept w a ~
di st ind ly linlit etl . lind litt le npp l'cciab lC' crrl'<:i •
wou l(l hH \'e ),(,pn fl' lt 0 11 1111' t' tnpl o.'"lll cnt o f ,'pr y
hf'll".'" bOlnba l'(lm eli L
'1' 11(\ 1l 10st s(' rel"e :1nd ill t e n ~p . J:l p: ll l e~l' fi gh te r
iutc' J"(:(>pti n ll O('l' tIlT C'c\ tl llrill;..!.' tl1l' fi r:-it :-~ ll }()ll l h.-:
fJf opvl'a li ull f ro ll l t li l' "i\I:1l' i: II1i1 ~ (:2-1. Ko n'lIlber
1n./..1-25 F elm, ary 10+r,) ((' harl 11 ). J) \l r in!! liti ,
pel" io L t he e l](~ m," \\'as :I ble to ('Ollee n t ra te It is fight -
e)"s in the llL' fl' Il ~(, (d~ a fcw kl'Y ;11'l' il S ill ",!t ic ll 1"1 It '
major ity of p r it lrit y illli ll st l' ia l h ll',!!f'b"i \\" 1' 1"1 ' 111-
('al (>d , li nd by :--: ]ll'(, 1" llulll lw l':-: .!l on e 'l g a i ll:-J t till'
small f Ol'el's (If B- :2Ds il\';li ia bll'. t 1ti ~ ill tprcl'pl io ll C HA WI' l l

of ail;H 'k uni i l .j .JUIl\..' J!)·I-:j WIIC'11 t he Iil tit :dt (' ll l p t

<It,l"ITl'cti ,'p a ir oppos itiull Wi t S CtltO till tcJ'cd. On .., r---------------------------------------,

JDD __ ._ • • • • • ____ • ______ • __ • ____ ••
t hat d :llf', .1:''; :: B- :t!l:-. " ' {'J't, s lJ1Jjt'(' j I'll to fiii fi g ht!" ,
aHill'k..... ~i llt· B - :!:I:-, W(' I'l' lost (0 l'II'..! III )' fink HllIl
'-i;,!'I II"('l's " 'hill· (i!1 Japa l!l':--e fi;:ld l' l'ti Wl'l'e I..' la i IIH'd.
' .. If· .. •• • .. · ................ . ....... .
Till' d i lil i lli :. dli t l ~ J-;l p:l IlP~l' i llll'I Tt'ptioll (ChurL
J I) Jllity lit· :Ii i ri hill I·d j I) jill' fflll0 ,yi 11g" fact Ul's:

o. Steadi l," in{'l'easi tl:,! 1Hlll l h c l::-i uf B-~f)~ W\'I't' n,

thl 'II WII itdfl t lt l' HiI' u ti'l' I1· ,1\1J' in ~ Ft'ill 'U;IJ".".
M"rcil . ;\ j>ril. "lid M,, 'y of 10·1:;.
D[5I ~ DHD ,,!
h. 'r ho I O\n" l'ill~ uf bombinp- all it Utlll:- alld t he
im': l'l'u:-. il1 g n-~D f o t'ct' pf' t'Il1itt r d g n 'il tt· 1' nlll ~(, ,lilt!
o rrC'I'l'll fl wide'l' ~(' l t 'di HIl o [ taq!t·t s. Till' J iq )
('oLl ld i hl're fo r!..' I\u IOIl :,!l' J' l'O tl('t'lltr:il e It i~ d('fl'tl ;-:p ~
., ....... . . ... ...........,~ ........

ilt a [ ew point:.;. .. . . .. . ............. .

c. _\. In I'gc p it r t u f Llll' n' lI l a in i tI ~ l'lIl' lllY n i ]' f Ol'n' ..,
w as ('x pcn dt'll during .\ pl' il il nd J\ I":I,\' i n a lh::' ltlp t s
10 itaH.HI C illnl ;-oiull oj' OJ.: ill llW a, ..
d. J:ll1a l1('s(' ai t'i'l 'il l'i pl'oduciioll had IJt'l'lI I 'e -

du ced.
(" '''iilt
t It a t a d c('isi otl
los::; il l' Ok in a wa. it I Jl'('lI l1ll' l'\'j( II' II I'
th e
Ill;! d e hy t Il(: .J;] 1);1Ilt,::-:(' to ':.!Tilll1l1 I
\\' :1 :-; "
n large ])1I 1'l uf hi:-i I'P llIa i ll i ll1-! ili nTilFt f ot' li St '
il ,!!;Ii I Jsl t lt t, tltn' ail' Ia'll ill\' fI !,,;j(}1l o f hi s Ilflllll'l.tnd .
f. Fi g l lli.' I' I':-ocor! fU!\ 'I':-; 11('I' itlllt' :Inl i l ,ti ,l e III t Ilt'
B-:!~Js 011 7 ,\p ril ,,·lte]) "(']'Y l(j ll ~ I'itll~'t' 'P-,-I I ~
b:t !-.t'd :ll Two .I illin e:-i('ll l't l'd :1 str ikitl;,! I'llr('I' III'
bOll lbl' l':::l to T ok,ro, Tl li:-; Ii 1';-01 I'~('v rl ItJl S~ II)t] to fi ;.t htl 'J':-i, ' l \n'lItY - llill t· (It Ill'\":"'1 w l ' n ' 111:; t t fll'(lllt -
PI ,tn'p( l i t :-: l~ trt'('t i" I'I1(,:->;-o \Y] 1I'1i t ht, In sl 1 \\' 0 fOI'III:I - Ililll'l/ d ;, IIJil gC I,," H;,!l dl'l's itl ll( fl ak.
t io ll:-. tI \"(';'1' t ht· tal'.;.!',' I . 1II IP:-il'O rit'II, l'cc('iH'll (i2 IWt'- '1'1 ", ~1I 1I 1 1t 'I ',\ ' ~,tJlli]lllI l' l l t- ill tli t, B-:t~) P I'\)\'p d tI,~·

{'(,Ill (I f illl l'II I'IIlY ;ti l;l l'k:-., I I i:-; P:-,ti ltliitl,d I hat jI"ll d;ilJIt, itlld Wit S 111;1 i III a i IlI' d wil h OIl! di !lit- lilt ,\'.
t'''{'o d I'i'd l h'l,d t' IH' l lIy i ldt' I'l'I'Pl i t1 1l I,y a ~ 111111,11 :t ~ 1.(':->:-; 1"11111 1 :t jlt--'rn'lI l nf al l ~· III1 S Wl'n' iIlO I>(> l'<lI i\'I'
70 1)(-, ],(;(,111. '1' 11(' .Ja p d id not ]ll't';';:-; att:t( ,k Illlde]' on' ]' tIlt · l al'~t ' t. wllic.:h bt'l t"I 'ed :111 ," n 'l.'o l'd fil l'
till' tlln'at of !lI t! P - ,-d :-. ,lIld til t, P - I-' :-i, " t IH' " 1.\'1><>' "I' " i r/",I'rr,· ;!III1,rr'l',I' '·'I rri !,rr ,rH !. T he
"K i~,dtl i llll'I'l't' p t itlll l)y lIlt, ') 'ljI:tll l';-Ol' \\' ;t ~ 1I1'\'('!, t' (, II {"t 'ill fin' -l'lntlreJ I :o-,":..:k Jl I \\' 11 ,'" IIH1!'t' ;l(x' ul'a h',
t,fft'di \'(', Tll l']'I ' "' , I ~ I I() l'\' i lif' I H'P n f t, rfl 'l' i in' a il' - t'a :-: it, ], t o IIjll 'l'atl'. Hlld (,:t~il' t' j il Illil i l l l; t i ll Iha l! all
1101'11 (' I'adar t'llIp lo,n ,d hy ilti a d :i ll;.." aiI T r ;tft. vqll i,'a ll'lI! 111 1111111'1' of IIIt' al] y L:ull tl"l1 ll l' d l UITl' t :-:, (.

l\ l vst itil' lItl;I('[..::-' (';tnlt' \\·III '1l H - :t! I:-i "' l ' l'l' i llllll li - TIll' '~I' \' Ptlth F i ~ltlt 'l' CII II )lIl ill ld asslIlI1cd its
w lll'd hy :O-I,;tI'C' ltli ,! !ltt :-; or ;.."1'011 lid fil'l'~, pln f't' ill till' "il' otl'l' lI :-:i n' 1111 • ,\ pl'il :tlld ill il li ttll'
T il e fo llo ",il);,! n"'tJl'd Wi t!" ,whi l'n,d 1)\· B-~ ! ) 41\" ' 1' I 1I11J 1l 1h ~ d(':o;II"I I,r,'d +!). t'IIl'lllY airc raft a11d
• g:I Jl ll1 t ' I '~ o f lilt' ' l \n'lI t'y - fil'~ 1 BOIIII II'I ' ( 'U;lItll;lIld , da llln g'I 'd ,~,Ii -;- t'III' III .\' i l i IT l'Hf! , Jl Ilt'st r lly cd 01' j,
F OI';t t tit 111 (If II,O:.!(i a I I ; jl' k ~ n ' ] ItJ !,! ('I I. :O:( 'I't't' II C'c/ it lid 1'1'111.;"11,\' d t':-; II'O,\'I-, d :t i li fl ill tll(, IIiI'
1'liP Ill Y a inT:t n
ilJlpro\'l\d l' 1" i 1lJ S :I Ci'Uli lltl'll fIJI' tit(' foll O\yill:,! allli :! In 011 (-hl' g l'lIlI lId , T hl' .)apalll':":l' d i~ Jllayt:d HI
( Cioill'l Ii ) : 110 11 I':'; i1'1 ' f i Ji ' ilt 'r i;.! I.' tliltimt with t he P - ,,)1s <l1ll1 .-.:
" - j·7:.; illl t! hid tlwi l' 'l it'(.: r ;lft so l' fl't'\'Lirt~ l y on the \\'
jl -+ l 'tH' lI1 Yail'{ '!'" f, d l" ... tru,\"(,d.
~TO lllld that stl'afi ng of ai ]' lields yil'lded l ittle HI
·J,~I(i l't H' IIIY "i],cra ft p r u lJ: ilJly dl' :-- t-ro,\'t,d,
1'1' j 111'1 1.
7j/j l'III' III,r il i t'l'l'af l d<l lll ilg't'd, t"
,\ ll1iain'I 'it ft I·il 'l' , altll()lI g·II :1I t i lllt,:-, il lll'll~l' , \ril i:: S II
F ur ("It,ll 1IIII l dn' d 1' llI 'll l\' a i l' illL :tt'k ~ PllctJlIl l- IlI r~ply i IH ,/1't'd iH' dll I' i II;! l' al'i y IIp(' t' ; dilll l~ at \'(' I'Y \\'1
it' 1'I'd , all ;t\'t' I'II~·l' o f II l'1I;'tllY ainT il ft \\'t 'l'(> dl'- higl l 11()l lIhil1g nlt i lll(]" :O: , alTtllJllt i n;! for IIlIly vne
:-:tl'o Yl'd Ill' [ll'nl ,al dy dl':-. tl'oyt'll, 0 11 t ilt ' tlt'hit Hi d!', kl lo\\, 11 I ()~s ti lll' i II;.." ~ "\.!'II I iJl'J'. I )1.'1 '1' 11 tl ll' l', .J <llttl a!',\', l 'n
Ihl'Uli gho ll1 ,a t ill,, ] of .j~ H - :!!):-:; "'l' r e 111:-:1 :JlldFelJl'u;try , , r il h the lo w(,ri llg of hombi ng iJ lI

~ .. (
U , U"

[III 0' ''(.

" 1(.

. ' lI t IU,rt IIlf flE DtIIIo'a GED

1''1tlijlll l t'lIt,

I' \' t" " 11111

fU IT l ':-'
I'all~'t ':-
.JatIIlI Jillg- I'lflJl'h... l'xrl' p l fur th c di ~­
pt·l1:-ii ll;'! o f ropl' til' l' halr. ,,'l'n' IlIIl at ((·It I I'LI·l!. ho\\,-
il t Itt' a i l' tJtI't'II:-:in~ IIJ:1II1I't·d alld
\\'('I' t'

ilt' ill¥
. Jap I'Iltbl'
l' iLlp lflYl'd.
\\'l'ri.! tll'Il'rlJlillt'd
fn 'IJlIl' II L'y
:I t llJi:-
,.~ r-------~.~.~.~.~.~.'~'~.'~.~'~~~~~'~~'.~~.~'------, .. .. ,'lI i lit. 1':11 Ia I' ('tJ lllltl 'I' IJJt.'a :-III 'l'!'i \\"l' I'l' 1l!'I,d :t lId pl'lln,tI
('f)',·t,tin·, :--i1'1'I'i al ;I in'l'a f l \\'(' 1'1' l'q ll ipPl"d wjlll;1
1'lIl lI l' ll' I\' ra ll;.!t· of I"Il'l'I I'olli, ' j alllillill~ d l' \·il't·:-, :lilt!
:--Ial io ll l'd u"I' r Ih £' t arg!'1 ;] J'l' ;] !'i dlll'i ll;! IIi;.!"! il l -
l :tl' k:--. ",hi ll' Il I IiI' I' (' Il"dl'tllli ~' j 'lltllllill,!.! "l(lIiPIIII'1I 1
WU !':) t' il l'l'i C'tl il\ all strike a irt J'flft. and II f: P( L dllrill~
dayli;.!/Il ,111 :\1, 1" , '1'1](' .J;l]) aPPHI'( 'll tly \\':1:'; \111 -
:IIJlo to t.:o lllli cra d del'i r ollit.: j:l lllillillg <llId fa i led
III (' 1'Htl ,! !t' fl'l 'qlll ' lwi{' :-- that Wl'l'l' IIt'iIl;.! jallllllf'ti.
OIl hil I" Ii~.dtli · r :-i ;ltlt! al1tiairt'l'aft al'l i li C' I'Y, I hl'
. I :tpall(':';t· 1'1'11\"( ' " \\,t'ilk, K"t IItdy \\'('I'l' I h t':-:l' til'·
(aUSE 0 ' aUltlUn DaMaGED
'''' H'
....... , 1'1'11:-:(·... i lllldt'qll:lh', IJIlt I.'l' r !;lill It·('ltllu lllgi Cfl l :lL1-

... (u .. ... 'e ... 1 '' \ ' ; 11 11"1';" 1I~I'dIly tlie (;l'I'III:111 :-' :llld Clll r :--l· " ·t'!oi \\" ( ' 1'('

"0"'" , ~ ~u ",' UO IOIH

.... ""
11 111 ('\' id e' tll, 111 th l' 11111:.;1 ,·it a l I lt·l'l"ll:--i\"(· (' ffol'l ,
.., ...'""
... Ihal :I;.!:t ill:-> I illI ' :lll:l(·k 0 11 Ili:- htlllll ,lalld , lit, faih'd .
.. ......... ..." ... ...
...'" ...., .
... . . .. . ..
,·,1 . "' ,..
. '"
,ou~ 10.' "0, TI ll' al ,i l ity o f tilt' H-:.!~) t il :- t l'ikt' .1:11':111 dU l'ill;!
all 11111' 111:1 1 1'lIlLll i l iOII :- III' wl'; dh~'1' ;..ran' Itl \'\' 1' ,\'
t ' 11 .\1:'1 1:1 ] 11'11\.' 1,\IIIII,:lI,tlllll ' 11I ;t d('g-I'l'I' "f bwli l..'1I1 I-lt-x i hility
\\ l,ii,11 111<1.11' I'II:-~ iltlt· l i lt' :lI.'('(IlIlpli :- "llIl'l l t' 11'1' (lX -
aliit Il Lil'S, lllun~ t~lredi\'e illltiain: ral'L w as l'1I - i('l bjr t ' dl':-i tl'U l' t ioll o f \\': t! ' iIH ltI ~tJ ',\' ill til l' lilil i tt'li
l: Oll 11 t el'l'd , I I 0wl'n ' l', dll(' 10 ihl' pTcn t l y illl: ]'('n :-;I·d p('l'i od o i' lillll' ,\\·Hi l:II,]I'. ~ \ i rltOl 'll1' radIII', \\'i t ll
11 U tn bel's 0 I: B ~!):-; :II t itl' kill;!. tile on~ I '- ali pe l'cI'n l U f whil'!J l':!f'h B- :.!! I \\':1:- l'flllipPI 'cl , IIl a dt ' t Iti :-: dt·;.!n'L'
B- :Ws d,IIlI:l.!.!I·d II," nnk \\' H :-i 11(1' i l ll' I'l', l :-:ed ( Chal't III' fh 'xi l ti lity t'llt'nd ifl ll:lll y jJo:-,:-ilJ !,'. \ V i l hll tll Ihi:--
1:3), ' Vith lil(' dl'I'l'(';J:-3C ill fil!ilt cl' inll'n:l!pt ioll , 1'1111 i plll t·td, B - :!! I opt'r:t! ill n:.: wlJu ld II<I \ ' P 11\'1' 11 1'1'-
/I<lk l'tJll:-- l illlit' d tilt, p l'inci pal thl'l'at to flln:l':-i :11 - ... ll'i('(l·d Iii day:.; whl'lI \\'t':I l lil' I' 11\" ' 1' .Jap:1I 1 IH·I'.
IIi C kill~ .Japa tl fl'olll .\I al'ch thl'(Hlg-h l ite 1'lId of Illitll'd TIll' ('IlI I'IIIYli11'lI t til' "i~ llill I1lHIII ,i ll g meLh -
til p \\'al', Tbt:' lI:1 k tlt-fl'lI:->l~:-' Wl'n' ~o di:-t rihtlil·d a:- Itti :-, :--il lt' !. (] ;IY:- \\'t· I'\ ' ft'\\, i,l 11111111,1'1', l)l' lin· ryor
10 ('oll:-it i lutl';t !hl'l'a! ull ly i ll \' il'i ll i! y of 1IIl' "rin - :I ,!!I't':lt I'tt l' t 11 1'1111'1,"1111, 11I11I1:I¥l' whic h ~t'ITI'd
t i p.d 101 I'.!.!" i lid 1I:-ll'i ill t'0 1]('1'1I 1nil iOIl:-.. .Ebl' w ht'n' III I'l'tllll'I' .Japan· ... i ntlll:-I r ia l (':t p;lt'ily \\' :1:- dil'edly
tlirough olll I III' Eilip i l't, olll y Illt' .. ,!.!t'l' 1I1'1'o:--i l illl! d t ' I'I'tltl<-1I1 fill th t' prop!'!' fUIIl't i tJll i II;! til' radar,lIllt!
1t1 ", 1 th t, B - :l!I:-:, 111'"11 1111' 1':1":11' ' tj ll' ratlJl'. w!to 1'0 11 :--1 itll l l' d a \' ital
Th rn' :I P I 11 ':11 '1·11 10 lIe littl e dfl'cl in.' u:-.(: o f gu n· li llk ill t I,l' l'Olld "d I' I'I'\\' t,h a i tl, Til IlIi:-,:..;i(11I pl llll -
laying' I':ldal', B :lIth, dalll:tgi' froltl lIak 1H' ~' :ltllt · lIill;! Hlltlllll' dt" 'l']ll l'llll'llt alld l,rotil1dit ltl Ill' i;J!'-
IIt>g l i;,!iblp WIIl' tl l'IIIIlI ,jII~' tlll 'lllIg" lIl l IllItll' ]'I':! :,t (II' ;.:1'1 IlIatt ·l' i:!!. l ·\' (' I'." ;1111'111/,1 \\';1:-: IIlalit· to t'x p]oil
at Ili~,dd ,,·!tI'1! IluL IImlt' I' ~1':II '(' hlighl illll llL ill:dillll. I II!' ": I!,a l,i] ity til' :l i dlurt lt., 1':1.1;11', .\ S :l1l :litl to
:-;I'lt l'c!lligl,t, dL·ft·IISI·;-'. li].;l' :tl lliail'(; I'lIh ndi llt,I'Y, Itll \·i;.! alio tl. r adill' 1'1'1)\' ('" ttJ Iw II I' 11 '1'll lt'l1d o ll s
\\' l ' l'l' (,OIH'l'IlII 'H i l'd itl dt,fl · II :"I' of H fl'\\' pl' illl'i l'al n il lU', ":", pl'l' ially ill Itlak ill g :1l'l' llmlt' IHtldf,dl Oil
al't'a ~ , ,\ I'1' l ig-Iil l') til' h igll i lltt'lI:--i!y O1Jl))I·: tl'l ·d lilt, . J ap:l1t\ ':-'I' IIHl i llla lll1.
III he dl'l'd in' l.r 1.'(ll1t roll ,," I ly radar, 1,111 t I,,· { 'Illi l :\1 :1." III' I~I-I:I . I l.l' I ," Pl' (I]' :li r bol'lll' I'adar
s ma ll c r 1110re 11 II 11 1(' I'OIlS f::('i1 ITl dig'hts flp pan'ldl,v :t\':li bld " 1'111' B-~ !) :-, \\':1:'; ilip .\ \' .\ Jl Q- I;~, '11 :-
W(' I'(' Itot . ('ady 1'1111' ill lilt , :til' II I)'PII:-.;in' :t;.!it ill :"l l' .Ja p:1I1 \\':l S
Fl' l' l,p t i'(llIip"ll'lt \Y;t ~ It :-l.' d t'xlt·ll:-in· I," duril1g l illtill·d It." I lit, fillion-iII;.! t':ld ill':--:
t.'ady OPl'l'lItioliS III ddt'd IIlid <' at.dlJ;,!lIl' the 1'1'\'- (II) .\ :-; a n·:- ult, III' :tcl.'l, h·ra ll'd 1I11t1 lintit t'd I !':Iin-
1/lll'IH' il':-> til' ;!ut l· la yill;! J'udal' alld ot iwl' co n ll'ul ill;.! ill I Il l' "[lIil l·d ~t ' lt l!::; , I'adul' OPl' I'ilto rs :t lTi"cd
ill the tlirntpl' wilh ill:"'ullkielll tl'ainill~ to haJl(lI(' l h':-:tl 'twtilill of IIJ'bil11 :tn'a ~, Tlldil'n t iulls \\'l' J'(' that
:dlllsPl'd :-, or tlit'ir job, Th e-il' j\uility to \'\' jIlIl1l1l' I K p(,l'cent of bOllllJS \\'1'1'(' falling- withill ~.O OO
tli,' illfl1rllllltiOiI pOl'tl';IYI ,d Ilil 111\' I'ild,,!' :"'('o p~ \\' jiS rt'l'I, :)0 P( '1'('1'1I1 with ill -I·.uno fpf't. itlHI T.-I perc(,ll t
lillJitl'd pl'ililill'ily ihl'oll;!h ];wli: of tl'nil li llg nlld willlilJ (i .OO!) fpt·t oj' ililllil\~ pui nt ::;,
:wlllal t'XjH'I'it'l1l'I' i ll <IiI' 111l\' ig-atiPIL Tht'llil\'i.;.ra - Tilt:' ill l rllcllleti OIl of th e .\ NJ .\ )-l(.J- T ( Eaglt·)
IIII' (If 1 hl' en'\\' \\':1:-. tilt'l't'fol 't' l'l'qllil't' d . ill 1111):"'1 J'adilJ' ill :-- pt'I'iall y f'qllipI'f'd H- :!!I:-: d id 1I0t (>n·
l'<I:-.t':-. . 10 :l C(' ol1tpl i:-- it t'OlllpuLdion s II N'{':"':-;n I'Y to {'o llllh'r 11'1t' p:ll'ly pl'ul) lelll :-; whil'h had ('Ol1 rro ntl~d
hOlllhillg" .11111 thl'lIug-h d:lin o l ll;lillt'd
lIil\' i ,.!.!:t1liOIi llie .\ ;\ , \P (~- I :~
)'adill', T hi s II II it llild Irained
1'1 '11111 iI 1'I' lllldt, ]'ill]il!' :-\'Ollf' 111(':111'11 ill 1111' 1I:1\' i:ra - :-: pl'L'i fil ':l Jly 1'0 1' !light I'IH!nr IJO lllhiltg, T ilt, f'xpe·
10/,':-:f: (atioll, l' il'lIl'C' It ' \"I,1 of l""d :II ' fllwl'ato!':-, and rl l d:II' hombing'
(6) Tniti:1! ('olHil:d IlIi:-::-;iflIlS. bl'ill!! 1'011it:.11 /0 It':lIIIS W:I ~ exce ptionally h igh. silll:C' no time was
:\\'lIid I ht' .' ap · ltt,lt! i:--lillld:-: PII rolil e to till' hlllllt'- 111 'n'~:-:a l'y to dl "'ott' 10 fOJ'lu :t/iol) fl yill.! ! III' \' i;-ual
1;11111 ill IInl,,1' '0 ]1 1,(' \'(' 11 t ('ill'l.'" w;!I' l ling of t'1I!'llIy hOllllJill,!.!', Till' Thn'p ] LJllldrf'd ;Jilt! Fi ftel 'lIth
dl, t\\Il;"P:-;. Wl'I'I ' IIllahl l , til 11:-'1' tlIP:--1' blld ma:-.",:p:-i \r ill;! I'ljllip]Jt'd wi t ll thi s Ill'''' I'adll), IIlTi H 'd ill
n~ I'adill' 1l,I\' ig;diolml I' lit'(' kpoillt :-:, Tlti:-: IIH':lId t ltl' 1llt'atpl' dllr ill~ ~'l.ilY ;Iltd .JllIll' 10·1.1. ;llItl l'Vl tld "
that tlu' l'!' Wt'I'l' :-:1' \'1;' " 1t01l1'~ of lIyill;! on'!' walt-I' tllt'I 'l'fo l'\' lal.:t' iIlIIlIPdi;t/t· :It h ' aIIj ;l,!.!'l' of all ti lt'
wi/lt 1I(1I'hl'(' I.;poiIiI S 111'/'\'\'('11 lake-ofT 1I11d lal1 d fall. r:lda r 11':-::-:011 :-: pl't ' \' itlll:-: ly Il':lI'I Il'd thrullg-h tr in l and "."
(,.) lI i:rh al l i llldt's fl'Uli1 whi ch bOlltll i ll~ w:t:-. I' IT"I', " "hilt, IHilXitl1l 1l 11 I'illige l'C'ce pti oll Oil the II

('HI](ll lded 1':lIl:-:pd 2.-) ]>(' 1'1'1'111 of till' nirl'o l'l ll' 1':111111' t \\'o jypl':; o f I'j lllnl' {'olllj)al't' d \'PI'Y (' l ost' I,'" 1 hen'
in Illillflll idiol,. allli ill IJlo:--1 l', I ~l' S 1111' :-:igllil l:-; I'l'- Wl' l't' :--Itnrp dil1't'I'l'IICI.:'S, Till" , \ ~J , \_ I'Q- T po:;:- 1"
l'!' i n'l! 1)\'1' 1' land ill Ilu':-t'lI ll it lldt':-i WI'I\' ion \\,('ilk :-:I·:-.. .... d ;I fur ~I'l'alf' 1' d f',g-I 'I'{' or
target I't'Sollitioll "'
to Iw (I f :tIlY ~n' ill ntiu l'. 1111 till' l'ad :I\' ~ I 'o l h ';- ",hidl Pt' J'Il1 i tt l'd IIIOJ"l' a('('u rat e ill

(d) B eva ll:-.t· III' 1"11(' hi;!11 willtl :-. at hOlltiJ ill;! :t! . diJ't' d :-'Y 'H'hl'OIIt'll:-; l"ld" I' \)Olllbill,!.!', .\ 1thollg'11 the l'1I

titllde. ,tXt':-; of ;dt 11l'k WI ' !'t ' :It'llrl':1 l1 y lililitl' d to;1 . \ ;\ , \P(-J- I ;~ pJ'C'sf' lI h'd iI l'o lllpicte radar pidul'c III

dowllwind 111I11I11ill;.! I'UII. ,,'llil'h PI'l" 'I' lI!t'd w.. ill;,! thJ·olt;.!h :Jlitl ° :lI ld 'ntS thu s :I hettc!' n;I\'i g:dional Iii
rada!' 10 it:-. III i1xiI11 1lIlJ ('npalli lity. ~ illl 'l' t lit' iliOn' "id. llie f,1("1 '1i"1 Iii .. .\ X .\I'Q- ; 0111.1' I"',,,ellird ('0

(' Il':!I' l y t " ' filll 'l l 1':111;1 r a p])l'o:I1'I",:-; til I ht, /:l !'~I,j ill1i1grs tll!'oll~h (iO ( :;00 to ci t !tPt' side 01' th e ai l" li S.

I'o ldd ~elll()111 lit, 11:-;('11. ('raft·s h('adill,U) did !lot l i lll i t· it:-; t' 1I't'diH'Il(,:-"''': I'a

(r) ' V it itoll! I ht' ~I X-::·I-I 11I1 II tilill g 1, .. 11 I illite I'. :-. illc(' 10 n;2.'(' 1' hOlllb I'IIII S \\ ' {' I'\ ' I'llt in'l", fl' n:-:ihlc, ~ l'l

l'tTpdiq' bOIIl!!ill;! I ly l'ad' l l' of priol'it y ill ti ll!-:tl' ia l T hl' ;1\'(' 1''';2.'(' 1!OIId, 1'1111 fil l' i lit' ,\ ;\ ,\ PQ- T \\,:1 :: 1'01

/;tJ';,!·t'/ ~. II:-iill;! II E 111I1Idls. I'Huld lIul lit, pXl'l'dt,d To lu ill':-' . ", Ilill' t h e bOll d l I'UII u:-.i ll,!.!' till' .\ X
II,'(': III:--l' o f :U'I'II I'; I\'," lilli ital iulI :--, , \P Q- I:~ I1l1ly a "l)I'ag'('1 I :~ : \ IIlilC'.-; . •\ n:tly:-.i.:- of
])lll' i llg- P ha :--t' Ollt' III' IIjll' rnl io n :-i . rallal' did IltlllI l lilJg' l 'I':-.l lIt :-: \\' il-It Ihl ' ,\ X .\.PQ- T rC\'t'aletl
n:-;:-; i:-;t II I.til'l'iall," i ll (,1I" ldill;..!: 1Iit'tTnft 10 I'l'ilt'll Ih:l t t':l J' ly PlJlp loYlllellL o f 1111' t'f)lIip JlH' llt IlaLi re·
Ill' it, j'('d 11Ind f:'] 1 !Jllint :-., ill i'olllPlltil1~ lilt' willti:-. :d Htlt pd ill ;111 eIlCO lll'ilf!'ill~ d('~I'(,(' of hombing fI ("
1lOlllhill;.! ;t1iillldt,. ill lI;I\' i.! !;tiillg tilt' a in'1':Ift fin'!' (, 1I 1'1I (,,\', Tell pC' l'cellt o f a ll hombs [l·1I wititin J,t)(X)
tht' i llil i;11 JlOill1 ( IP ) 111HI ;!t'liill;! it P!'Pllt'riy fl,!'t of tilt"' .\P. :U) 1)('1'1'.'111 within :l,OOtl I'( 'el, and O\'l'
aliglJpd 011 Iht, ilxi:-- 411' illt :lt'k , :In j)t'l'n.' lli wi/hill ::,,-,()() ft'd, II ~ i

,,'i lll ill1t'lJ:-;in' tl lL'; Il(, I' r:ldal' traill illg of I)ot ll tel 'J
1'1Idal' (' pP I'al"r:-- ;11141 1I;i\' ig-;t!II!':-: . tltl' iltit iilliOIJ or 3. IWO JIMA p C' \'

;dla ck:-; pn':-:I'llit'd all 01'('1';1 ,

IfI \\'- h,,',, 1 ill('(' IHliitI'Y and
tilHl \\,(: 11 wi ihin tlte (':tpahilil il's of c rews <llId I \\'o .Jin lll lif'~ H]lp roxilliat pl.r Ill idway al ong' the Iii II(
routt' fl'OIH I 1lt' ,\ i adalla s blillld s t o T okyo, Its II IISI
f'i]lIiplllt:'l1t. Tlt i:'i PI' l'llIi l tt,d bOliti Ji l11! IISlIlg
(' ap I IJJ'e i ll ~r llJ't'1t I!),!:; by UIII' )f:ll'ines \\'lI S n rit:!1 sigll
dpa ri y Ilt,fi lll' " la lld , w: lI i' l' I'Hllt1"iI:--t I loill l ~ as
fnl'lll l' in l IH'I'I'H Si ll,!! tll(' (' 01l 1h11t e J.fpdi"('IIl':-s of (c
l'ilt'ckl'oint :-:, ,\ :-: rad a r .t/i1It' k :-. progn':-':-:I'd III tilt,
:-0111;111('1' inlin ... 1rial ('01 It't'llt I'a I illll:-.. la l' k of ~ ' IIPIII\' j\f1l\, iall:I!--IIH:--(, d B - i!) fnJ'cl')ol, . \ cqu i:;;iti oll o f this unit
df' fclI ~(,:-: IlIndi.' il I'pa :-:i l ,lt· t o 1!in' 1':111 ;1\' I't'qllin:. isla lid :llId L'c.HI :-. lI'U c t io ll tiJ l' !,p olI of Y HI3 and 111 0 \'

tll(>nts prillll' l'oll:-i idt'I',1I iolt ill IlIi:--~ ilJlI IJlalillilJ!!, fighi('I ' ail' 11iI :-;(':-; l't'slIIll,d III til e ftlllowjn~ ;I(h'al1' fig'ltl
:-i1 (, ;II I." i lll]lI 'O\'t' ltll'lI t ill o pt'r: ll ill;! ' ti'l'llIli(;1tl's . I H,!!f'S : II I;.!

1:1I'g't'l II t:J!pri"l. ;lIld IIli :--:-. ioll pl :tllllillg. J'l':-- lIitl'd ill (a) I'u termeriiate lalltii'u g POi1,t.- OIl .J ,\ [aJ'ch III is..,
lite "l'hil'n'Jlll'liI of illI atTt' p/ilhh' ti l';,!Tl'l' flf mila)' Ill·I:I. wh ill' fi~"till~ Cl II J \\'o JillJa was sl i ll in bn~e(
: with I'e fl')'c ll ce to illcl'lldinry )H'ogI'C:-::-:: the f-ir:-:l l!1l1C' !'gC lIl"y 13- :20 landing wa s POl o(
II L<lllj
Iliade t IlPn', Tlli :-i hcgal ! n :-eril's !.I f un' r 2,-100 prulect ion pl'o,'idcd by fi liI' fig"lel'~ FelTed to
l'llll' rpYlll'Y 1 ;llldill~· ..
by ll- :W:-, ilt thi :.: airhasc. in cl'l'nsp till' l'ollfit!elH't' ant! III Or :" £' uf B- 2!> ('0111 -
~l al1Y of th e:-'l' nil'c raft wun ld IIlI \'t' 1;(,l'1l fOI'l.:cd to tJ;lt ('1'(1\\' :-' , 111t~ l'l'hy I'C;-'IJil ill:; ill ill c n'a -;ed bO Il")ill~
/;11 [(1 ull t he opel! :-l'a llild }',"I) llut ()t'en :l,'nilable. l'f1i('il'nc .r,
Till' kllllwll',1W' Ihlll T,\,o '\' ; I ~ <I,'ailaull.' 1'01' t'IIIt'I'· (d) ElIemy "i,. tI /I (lcks (lgflillSI tbe 1\I(lriallflS,- Tlw
gf'lI t y I:HIllin;,! ~t' I " ' l'd Itljllt · l't · a ~l' inlllll';I:-'III':lhly ('aplul'l' nl' I \\'o l, li lllillated :111 illlJJOJ'tant l'nelllY
till' 11 II1I';ll l' ;lIul rOll fidl' lI t'l' of 1,'olld,;11 l' l'l'\\'~ "pel'al- ui l'iJ,,:o:e tltl'oll,Uh wl!it'li I he .Ja ps had :- t-agl'd 1I1<l1l ."
ill;.! iil('il' a i l'l' l'"ft un'l' I ill' ;~ .OUU IlI ill'S oj' (ll'c:!I!, ai l' :It tacks :I~':Iill st ti l(' M:ll'i:ll li1 !'i . Pl'iul' to tilt'
It St'l'\'l,d to add Ill'xil,il ity to Ilpl'J';dioll:-, .l>1I1'ilig ill"a ~ ioll til' T\\'o. l ' IIl'I",v bOlllbl'I':-i :Ind fi g hl t~l'!'i
JI(,I' i{)tI ~ uf IIIIC 'I ' I'i:lill \w:1filel' c Ollditioll s ill till ' :-.tJ'lIt'k ~aip"l1 f I'l.' q lit· II I I,' · :dtllllu,t!h 11(" ' (, 1' ill ¥1'C' ai
MIIJ'iall:l:o' :1!'l' iI, JlIi :-;-. ioll :-; \\'l ' I'C tll'lt'lI di ~l':ltclH'd fOI'l't" .Ia p :dl:ll' k ~ i" 11t, t"'Nlt,t! ill dt 'SII'oyillg I:?
tllldt~ 1' th l' 1)1:111 tllal 1'(' ("111'111 '1 1 :lil'('l'aft \\' 0 11111 bl' B~~!) nil'plull es vII till' g'I'Olll1d :Ii :--;;I ; P:ll1 , Th e
tiin.' l'tl'd 10 J ",o if ~\llll'i;II I; l i:I ba :-'l's \\'1.'1'l' tlo:,ed I,..,. ('( l n ~ lallt thl'f'nt of .hlp ail' :ltf:ll'k i:lIll1ch",d I'I 'UIII
adn'l':-e wl'alil,'I', Had Two I! ol beell :I\';l ilnul c, I wo had ;t Ri;,!lIifiC,;tllt Hlld adn't':,e r- f1't'd 0 11 1I11Jra\('
mall.\' nli :-.:-;illll:-: whieh Wl'l'l' ('Xl'l' lItl'd :--! h'l'l':-.:-: fully, III' (JUI ' tl'VUps. Fo ll ()will~ ":1( 11111'(.' o f 1\\'0 .Jillla l
('olild lint IIlIH' In'f'lI dis pnt l' hcd II ll d l'I' l'xi:..t ill~ .1 ;'1 ' :IiI' :- il'ikt, ~ agaitl !--i )1 :II'i: l1\a s b:l !'o f's ,n'I'I'
\\'l':11 11"1' l'oJ'('t' a :-i IS 1'111' lli l' ~lal'i ; lIli1 :-i :11'1';1, t' i i l" i ll:!tl,d ,
( b) NIIl 'igfltio'llfll rbeck. /10iJlt fl ud assembly (e) B-2 9 striking mdills.- Hy :-;tn,L!'ilig till 'lIll~' h
poilll .- Pl' io l' to th e t aptul'l.' (If I wo .J illl :1: l'ulI!"I"'1 1\\'0 .Jili lii. iile IIH.'lic:l1 opl'J':lt i l1,!! I'adius of B--:l!)
IIl1it :-; WCI'C' I'ulilni tu .Jnl'illl i ll Slll'll 111:111111'1' :t:- tu ail'l'l'afl W; IS 1t'1I~,!1h l'llt'd by approxilllili (.' ly 700
il\'oid pa~ :-.ill.~ on' l' 01' IIt';II' till' HOll ill :-i alld Yo 1- Illilt·s. Tal'gl' t~ ill ] l ukk:lid u alld l\: o I'P:l. b(' reto-
t allu l :o..lalld s to pl'l'n'lI t the pill'l", :t1('l't i ll~of .Jilp- flll't' 1'lIlh.:i ti l' l'l'd Ilt'yolld l'U'I'cli,' ,. UI JllILil1~ I'HIlt!e,
alll':-'l' 11 0111(> tlrfe l1 st~:-;, I n "dditi,," t o in(,I'l'a:-; illg' Ill'l'allll' \'11 11Il'l'il bit, wlll'll 1\\'0 \\' ;1:-; ;It'qlli l'ecl. Fa -
the ('Ol tlplt'xil,r o f tilt-' ull\'igat iUII:1I pl'oldl·lIl. thi s ('i lit-ip:-; :Ii 1\\'41 .J ill itl ('1' 1111 ':11 ,\ i l'f-irld \\'(Ire adl'-
('(lIlt/iLioll Sl~ I '\'l'd 10 fon't' iI dil."li~"t t:lkl'-olJ' :111.1 1111,,11' to :-i IlI'POI'I iii \: !'ot a~illg 01 Hlle l'PlldJ:lt ",iug'
i1 S,":il ' lI lbly o f l'u l'111al ioll "; ill lil e ;\bl'i HIIl\~ al't ' iI, p f> l'dilY , Thc' tavlil'a l sil 11:11 iOll, !JO\\'\ ' , ' l'I' , did nut
mUIC' I' thalllli,l.!lil In({p-off with 1'(l ndc>z ,'oll:-: alld a:-: - I'l'qllil'l' fl'l'ql1t'llt :' t : l~illg' of lal'~t' 1'11 1'4" ' ;-' IhI'OIl~ "
!'::l'J1lhly o f Ullil !'i ;Ii, SUll i e i;-.Iallli poillt alon g till' J \\'tj '-, i 11 1:1,
I'uute. nllylig ht tak c-ofT:-i 1'l':o'lIl1l'd ill nig-ili lalld -
ings with 011' ha z an/oil :' night dit c hing ,Il Ol't'll 4. AIR-SEA RESCUE
sea cIJJ1"f\,()lItill~' t1141S\! ail'(' I,:t ft whi ell \\' 1'1 '1' IIll ithl e
In I'e:l t' h )fal' iall;I"; im;;:ps hl'l':llI SC u:f fUl,1 ShIJI'lflgC', Tlil' illit i lllilll\ of th e B - :l!J al'l'i ;11 ol1" 'I\:;; i\'(,
11ll1t'hallieal truubl ",. (II' utile I' 1'('a:-:Ull S, \\, ilh 1\\'0 ;I~:l i n :-'t .Japall (lo!"-e d 1l1:!11 ,\' Ill' \\'
1'1'01111'1I1:-i ill lilt,
ill 0111' hands. tlli!" tT il iGti (:11 II d i t iU II \\':1 :-- :dl l'- l';-. tllh l i:--illll('lIt uf :111 e fl'l' e1 in· air- ;-'( ';J l'l':-'l' l h' lJl'f!'; II I-
"iatrd, E S:'l pnfially . ;il l flli s:-, itJlI!'i w('n,' I'Ulllt'd iZ:l1 iHI!. B I,t WI'l'll tiJ(' )1"J'illna ~ :t il t! .l np;J1l I:ty
o\'C !' I "'U :I ~ a ntl\'ig-:lt ioll: tI ('lwl' k-l'lfill t alld of tel! 1.;j(JO IlIil('s (1-( HPl'1I spa, IIP:I!'!y 1111 of whil'h \\';I:-i
a ~ a £01'111:11 i OIl " :-i~l~ III"I." poi l i t, Tilt· bJ.: e-ofl' pat - ('ullir"II~'d by th ~ elll'llly. illlt! (' lIllIl m\ ail't l':ln,
teI'll wa S tht~1I alh'rcd tu farul' take-oil' tlurillg tlH' :I n,,1' f:t('i ll ¥ illtell:-'t' l'IIt'III," 0ppll:-il ill 11 at the tal'-
IJl'l'iod o f midllighl to oauO with day l i~ht l'el lll'lI ;,!l'i. II:td III Ir,,\'l-'!':-t' I Ii 1':'t , !"il llll' l'lll' II I,\' -lhnll i ll:ttl'd
alld lallll illg, Th l' I'l'ill't e l', the rat<' of UpCII Rpa wa tt'I';-. lilt !'l'tlll'li lo t"~'IJn sl' :-;.
I" I!d i ngs dt·cl ined :-: It" rply, a Il<l the percelltage of By d il'l'd ioll IIf tIl(> .I C:--;. ai r -:'I'a t't·:--t ' Ill' rHI' Illl'
ullsu(:('css ful ntkllipt s al dit·cltillg' WII S l'etllH,t'd rJ'\\'l.'lIt,v- fir:-it HlJIIIUl'l' ('ollllll:.IIld alld T Wl'ntil' tit
s igni lil'ant Iy , .\.F \\'II S dt':-;igll:lll'd :! S :I till'al l' l' I'(':--poll siili l ity.
(c) LOllg "lUge esco rt figbters .- Hy (I:ll'Iy ~ \.. pl'il. (, ]~ (,PO ,\ dl'lt'g :lf('" thi ;-. !'l':-:pull sil;i lily t o Ihe
lIlIits of Iiii' :-4l~\' ~'lIth Fi ~il tl'r ( 'OI1I1I1:1 IHI had (\lllllllillldl' l' ]o'ul' \\,:l rd ,\ I't'a ( l:lt ,, 1' ( 'lllI lIlI:llId,'1'
1110\' ('11 into I \\'11 .1 illnt ;tilt! \\,l~I'l' n ':Hly 10 (,ollllnc-t :\1 a ri:ll!a ;-; ,\ 1'1' (1 ) \\' 1141 l'::; I:dll i:-.lwd lilt, )1.:1 I' i:lll:l :-i .\ i I'
fi:,!i1t cl' ef:'c o r t Ili issio llS ill I'I llpp nl'i or H- :?!l hUlIlb- ~l'a Ht·... I' II'· UI'OIiP to d i;-.t' lia1'!.!'l' Ihis 1't':-i Pflll:-, ii, i iit y.
ill~ at1':ltlo,. 0" 7 _\. pl'il 1U1 ,j tilt· fil':,t p:-,ror t 'I'll i:-: ,!.!TO III' 11;1( 1 t:l ;-.k 11 11 its 0 11 ;--::1 i 1':111 a II d l;t t l'r ] "'"
nli s:jioll \\'U :j HOWII , By til l' l~lld or Ill(' wal' . J \\'0- .Jilllil. :lI ld lltl' d u pl' l'a tiulI:lll'l}lltr(l1 "filII a i l'
ba sed fi g hters had fl uwll U\'(: I' J,700 sOl'l ies ill SlIp - fal'ilitil' ~ 1I ~l'd ill :Iir-spa. I'l'SC II'~, Clltltro l HI' :-illl'-
pOl't of B - 2!) 1l1i ::5si o lls. III addition to savi llg fa ce ,'e~:.:cls \\':\s n~st cd ill tlte 1\ 1:ll'i<lIl:I S ~11J'f:l(,i'
1IH11l." H-~n:; I'1'UIII "Uat k by ellelll,Y ail'c!':tH, the Palro l alld .E.::;clJl'L OI'Oup. Lifl'glli.lnl :ml)ll w-

l' i tlf'S, opel'ftting north of Ihe ~f:lr i:lnn s .1n the' F Ollrt h F.1t"tf' r!-!"el 1c.r R{,SC II C S quadron . These 12
Comba t Zone WCr e Illl ~ jp l' opPJ'ati ona l ('olll]'ol of 0,1.- 10< w('re sll pp ll'lllellted on 30 A pri l by 8
CO Jnlllnnd f' r , ~lI hlll ;ll'iI W F ur n' . P ,lci fk Fki'L 11- 17:-: l'fjuipJlr d wit lt d\'oj)a hlt-. n-:::t' 1l C !HoLo]' b oat ~ "
f t wa s 1!\·i d('lIl- ill ti ll' hp;,!ilillill.l! th nL In r i-hod s 'J'll i~ SlIll:l111 "IJ II w a S pla ce'll Ulltl er Opcl"flt"iona l c o n ·
III·l·\"iollsly C" lllpl o.'"<,d fo l' :l i r -~t'a I"('SClI (, i n till' 11'01 0 1' tilt· ~LIl' i:t n:l s ,\il' -Sf';L Hl'sc llr GI'Ol1P, flnd
Europefln The.dl' l". :fot' ca l' rit't' s t J'ii.:es all ll Jor its "i n.,." r~ we re 11,ed 10 fl1lfill requ ests by Ihe
ntll("r I'l'ia Li"C'ly s hort -l':l llg:t' opf' rat iolls, ,,"o ul d T \\"entie th _\ F,
han' to Ill' t'xp:tndrd c (jll :-;i d C'ndlly to JlI C'ct The mag nitude of air-sen reSC ll e ope rati ons is
t li f' n'qll ir(,lll{'" t ~ I}/" 1 ~ -2!) o pl'l"nljoll :O: . l'1l1'1l1:il ly illd i("lIli'd by tlll' foll qwillg lif.;t of f acilities wh ic h
fl\"nil ab le for nss i;.!IlIlH·lll tl) ai l'-:o:t',l I'esc ul' dld ie~ \\"(' 1"1' in s tati on 1'01' tIl{' fil\ nl comhat I lIi :.;~ io n HowII
\\"('I'l' fl'(JI1I :~ to -I LI- SUll ll lill' i IWR. 1 to Sw'J'a C('a nn l+. A lI~us L l !)-:lG:
\"('sspls. :1 11 (1 fl lllllttlJ('r 0 1: Pl-f Ys. rH,IYs. and J-l Jifegua l't1 !-: l1blllal'iHC's.
B -l, ~\\"i t- h (lropflhle lIo;Ii :-;, Early op(,l':ll ion ~ 2 1. nnd
Dlllllb11S 11111l os ( P11Ys :\"d
i l ltl irntpl1 tllai I lw \ ,;tl1It' of fllt' ilHliy id ll,ll f acili - PB4Ys) ,
ties wa s ;,!I'l·;tlly I'llh:lnc('(l w hell t hey \\'o r!wd t"O- !) , 'l lj l{']'(llll nbos,
gopt hcr in il.'fllll S C"il ll lpo:;;ed (d' one Or tw o aircraft :i suria ('c ve s~c l !-;.
orbi ting a :o:ublllflt'inc 0 1' !-: Ildael' Ye'!-:se l. Th e
:o;l'a rf'h ing 1"1ICli11 R. "!.!Tl'a tl' 1" \' i !--ll :tl r:tll~ e , anel ('0 11 1- Til IItltlil iutl iitl'l'e wPl'e f.: lll'f,, ('C' (" ]';lft s!-aLi oned ofT
l11un i cnli olls' fa ci liti es " I' t Il(' :li]'(" ril ft d l'edi \'ely Ihe ends of ;111 1'U tlWilYS, 11:1\' -," pntr ol ai rcraft ci l'-
co mpl ctTI cn tl'(l the \' ('~~('l's ahi lil y j-o pick lip ~ lIr­ r ling in th e \'ic illity of take-off , and ol hel' aircraft
O il ~\"H l l nd alert- at Sa ip: lll nn d J wo .Jim n, Total
\"iro l's, 'Vith t"lI P~ fal"ilitiC's sja lio ll l'd along thr
r(' Sl' II B p (' r :-;o lllll'l in ;ti re l":l ft find \"essels actually
rOl lt('~ to .Ja p a ll . t It CI'(' W;1 :-, llO p(Jillt !lo l'11 1fl lly Oil
11)(' 1'('1111" 11 r !1lll(' tllil t- (;llll lil tlol be !'t'u l'h ed by ),I' S- Oil st:t t ion a 1IIIl lliti t' l l t I) :2 AOO Illell. Or' n pp]'oxi , (

It l: tl ply ~ ,i IW I T P llt" (If ti lP persu tln el e ll~,lged ill Ihe j

Cli O a in 'rnil with in :i0 nlinlltes flll (l b." I'e:-:c ll e YeR-
!-:c l wit hin 3 h O lll"~ . ('o lllh:rt mi ssion itself.
" rh ile n o ft clHal r(':;; p o lI ~ ibil ity for ni l"-sr a r ('Sl' lI f' Th e ufl :-;ic IIll i! i l ll ' I'\'aluat-i ng infol'mati on nris-
ing- from n tl i::.i n~:;:s iucillrn t-, and for requesti ng L
I't' ll to tile ('Olllll l:l lldi nl-!" gl'lle rnl. TWl'llf",v-fil 'st
sf' al'cit 0 1' r esc llt" i'rol n Lite app rop r iate agencies,
H {JHlbf'r C Ollllll il nd : it \\" :) :0; r ea l ized that t l1(' n - 2!J
wa s t he iJombfll"t..itllent wing headquarte rs. A il'-
pos~(,!='sf'd slllwrio r qllal ii it-s of sC'fl rching" riltlill:--
:-:1' :1, l 'I':-;t.:I II ' uni t S ;l t 1\\"0 and ;";uipan l<e pt all o l"gall- II
:l ll d IJi"lItpcti"f' fire pm\"l'i' \r lr icll ,,"{"I11 IL! C' Hflhlt-· jj
iZ :1f"iol1 !=i ;jlh "isNl 1J'y SC" Hling nut nig ht ly state-
i n ass ist tll :t/I·l"ill ll ." ill ~pa l "(" 1tl's IIra r t1l(' Empi l'l' .
~ \ la rge jllld iu n of ,ti l'c!':]i't :-:e\'el'el.'" baltl e. d alll -
Illl'nt ~ ("o ntai ll ing tlt e res ult s of :tir sparches and II
aged were being ditc'hC'd o r ailand nned cl ose to t il(' H':ll'l"h illt e n/:o; fo]' th e f oll owin g d ay , itl

::ilio n's of ,Japill l, 'Yin:; (" IIII111la lltl f' I'S wel'e Ihel't' - Th e l,~ t:tbli s ltll ient or air-sefl - resc ue unit, Fleet
fo re gl'flntcd autho r ity t o ("otlcllld in d pp(,lId cll t .\ il' ' r ing O ne, in tho lly uJ.::yu s gare aelded CO\' ,
~l'a rc h('s 1'0 1' 11 1i:-:sing aircl";11"l us df'l"I1Wll Il N'essflt'y,
f' i"n ge t o IInits Il f th e comnlllncl opcmting OVOI'
K ." lI ~ hu or i n the Inla nd Sefl Area,
Th is decision Jell to th e ciere lopmelll 01' II",
" S llpcnlurnbo" - a J3- 2D equippccl esp C'c iall ,\' for
_\_ir-sen.-l'csc liC fn cili lies saved 500 nil' crew memo
;1it' -~f'1l 1"£'!-:('I1(, \\"( JI ' k \\"i 1"h atl tl it inll<11 l'il c1io P C I'S lJll - hers fl'0111 83 .11- 29s ditched , cl'"slled , or abandoned
ne! fi nd ('Cj Uijllll£,llL ('mer-gene,\" l'af ts\ rI"O\" i ~ ion ~ . dlll'ing nino month s of combat. A high degree
nnd d ropable J'nrlio~, T he SII cess of th e S lipe r- o f L:(JoIWl":ttiull " ' :I S m ;l ill tain cd b('t\\"el'n Arm y and
Na vy p (, l's(jnn c l o r th e II nits 1m'ob-ed. TI
dUlll bo I11ncicit ,t rnlu;\hll' f1 S...;"t to th e (I\"(:r-:l 11 aj l'-
~Ci l 1'C':';{'lIC or ~a t1i7. :tl ioll lind it" 1 )('('a ll 1t~ : : t:lndarcl
pl'o('(>dlll'C' 10 hfl'"C' j\\"u :' 11('11 "i l'('\",lfl 0\"(']' t'nel! of
Th e p rinci p;tI t-ypc:-; o r hif!h ex plosiye nnd in. an
tlt e l1ortlt e rnlll o~ i Hlblll:t riul's hy day alld nn(' by
I"('ndi ary 1l 1 ullit i on ~ lIsed by 111li t s of t he Twel1- La
nigh t: " 'i/-h f oul' 1'C' lif'f sllpCl'd llt nhos on ;,!l"o l1l1d
al ert nL 1 wo .J i ltlH, Til ~{'\'l'l':tl j l1 s I;J II I'l'~ . t"it l':-:P li .. tl , AF nl'P listed bplow,
13-~fJ~ {lm \'/' :I in' raft" ,IIHl ~ l1d , j(" (' (, I"aft
t df {' IW Ill Y 11 ;911 E Xf/losi,,'c n OJJt /M
wh ich we r (' nif Clnp t i ll.!! to :It til l' k til .. l i fE';!II:1nl
~ l lblna rinl's.
'I 'h GOO-ll(lU tHl GP bo ulh A N- i\i(j"1. (' I P
'I'he l.000,pountl G P bomh A~ - i\IG:i , h it!
On 2!1 ~[nl'(' h 10-1 .;. a\'ail;lb le fa l' iliti ps we i'll :lug-- T he ~, OOO- PO U lltl G P bomb .A N-:\I(iG"
menled by ar ri"n l of Ihe fir, 1 001101011 of Ih e AAF '1'11 (' 4 ,nOO-]lOl l1Hll igh f C:l~t' bomb A N- l\15G"

!~ 24
The:.!OO pOlllld fl'a,:!'IlU'litaliull hn lllh .-\ N - l\I S1. I·OIl;!l';';]I -tl. ili flullIll lahh,
;11'(' :1 :0: , Tltp ~flillf' homh
The :-,OO-PUIII II I r nl~IlI"llt:I'ioll (,11 1:-:1 ,'1' "f :.!1)' !UIIIIII I fl':I::' filh'd witll \\'hi tl' phuspliol'oll:-i wa s II!-il'<l :t ~ 1I1l1i -
IIll'lIt:l l ilJlI "!lIIlIy.. ( TIE lt .
1)(' 1':-- 1lilliI' I 1lI lIlIitioll.
II/I 'f 'ml ;'/ 1'/1 nOIII lu TllP ,iOO-polllld (' 11I ~h' I ' uf G-pollnd oil iJo ll lb:-i
Till- lUO-II!llIlItI ~l'lIo, tI ~II:-:"lill" f al .. " w l li l. ' l .h" .. pil "I'''"~) wa s ,11 "0 I I~r-tl \ ' (- I'Y :;llcl'l's!--fl illy WIIl'I'I' \ 'flli s t I'Il r t ion
IIIImlt . .\ N _\1 -17, \\,;1 :-, light a lld ill rb llllllilble. In dividllal hOl Il I,;.; (If
'I'Ile li-lO!lllIId (Iii 11"11111 .\ :\'- .\hi!l, t ili:, 1."1'1' had ('Iolil tail!:' w h il'h ~ lfI '\"I,1 tllt,iT' d(-~­
'1'11(' ll)-ptll il itl IIi] a lld wllill' 1.1l"~llhtll ·l\lI;-: ]jj,ruiJ, .\:\'- :\17,1.
Cl' 11i l!t('!'l-b." P I'P\'PIJi iug 1111'111 1'1'011 1 Jll'll(·t I'ai jllg
'flit, -I-PI)lIl1i1 . \ ~-)I :-,O I:qw 11lt'l'Iui l j-- mll,:!'lIt':-:illlu b""l h .
'I'll{' :-,00' ]10 111 111 j.!:I .."JiIIl' j.!t' IJ- lIIl1glll~:-: i llll l httllll ' .\":\'- .\170, ht-a\'." :-.; tl'lI cful't'!'.
'1'I lI! till()-)1Plllld ('111:-:1" 1' /.f ·HI! Ih " I'llIiI " -llIa;':IH':-oilllll 11IIlIli1:-: T 1H' ('lllslpl' (,01l ia illill,!! i lH' 1O- l'tHllid oil a lld
.\ :\'- :\1 17,\ 1. \\'ili i (' phos pilo l'OllS uomb:-; wa:. . w~ed n.!!lI i ll:.f IIll'-
'I' ll" r.o ll- p" llll t! ('111.""'1' Ilf :\1 ti!) IU'IIII!:-o, elilllli ('oll~ tl'll " l io ll , ]l ldi\,itlll:t1 blli llbs {If thi s
T ilt- .-'()( I-p"11I1l1 1'111:-01('1' of .\1 7·' 11111111)",
t,r pl.' d id not ha n' clot h tlli l;-- . l,lIt had I'l'infol'ccd
Th o !)OO- puUlld ~\I -(;-I (; P b Oli lb was t he IIlfJ~ t IW:ld,. .; " ' II it, ll fll' I'lIl i lh'd dl't.' IH' 1' pl'lll't l'alion ihilll
widf'i'y IIS(,ll hOlllh. II \\':l S t-Ill plo."ed Hgai llst oil 111 (' tl il-filll'd hOlllh. T he w !t ite 1'110:;1'110 1'011 8 \\' lI S
illsta ll:lt iolls. ra il l'oad ."al'ds. nn d ;t!1 illdtl~ lr i al i'l'l'fjll(,ll ll.r ill co l'p o nd pd as all :til l ipt' l'~OIlIl('1 J't' ,I -
taq;t:' ts of :t \'lOI'uge l'Ol1~l l'lIl'f iOll, Illt 'l' to di:-'l'lIl1l'lI;,!l' fil'(, figlt i i llg.
T h,- I.OOO-I'Plilld ( ; )) bll H.! 1 wn:-, Ilut "Jl l i n'l." T hC' :-'()()- I'"lI ll d ;,!:I ~()lin c ~l' I - IlIiI;,!Il l'~i llll l homb
:::ali :·;j'at'itIl'Y :-: ill t't' bOlllh hay dl"sig-II prC'\'l' IIIPd had IJltll i:-;til':-; :-iilllil:tl' to Iltl' (;P and \\':l R IISt'd
{'('tlll(IlIli (' al It I,l(l i II,!!, :asilillidly ill 1I1ix('d IO:ld ill;,!S, 11 w as flll't1H-I'
tJ(' ...
.\ f!ain st rcinfo rced CUIl<.'I'l'l e :lI H.1 Collier he,,\-." PllIjlloypd :I).!:tillst he:l\'." ~ 11'I1 (' 1 1I1'l':... 01' I IIIJ~C' ('a ll ·
:,l l'lI c t lII'(':;, (I!' s t I'II!'t 1I1'l-:O: ('0 11 t II i II i II;! II POI \' Y I II ill' h i 11 - t " illin:,! 111':1\',\- 1l1:t chill cr.". :tlld \\' :1:... d l'oPPl'd hy
f' I·y. I"he 2.000- pUIIIHI (T P wa s II s('d n'!'y :-illlTl'~"" ­ jlil Jidi lldp l':-> ill huilt -u p :HPfl R uf pOlll' i l :f1 :tllltlJ:tbil-
fll ll y to IWIU'lr;dl' t-Il(, :-: 11 '1I(' tlll 'l' :lnd (' r a le r t ill' it." iI ~: 1 IlI ar!H'l', ~illl:(, it bll l'llr{i with" n'l'." bl'iglt l
milt·1t i Ile Iwds. (J fll'e JI 'IIIlI th e 1I1 :l;.!II f'!'i illll l. I t \\'lI S lIot it pupll lal'
'I'l l,' -1·,OOI)- jJtlIII141 lig ht (' ;I '-':l' III)/IIIJ " ' it :- 1>l 11'( 'ly :t hl/JlJb and IlOt lI ~e d t:x tl'lI ~ i\'('ly,
" ' :1 :-,
bia SI 11 1111 1111/111 ;llld \\'1l:-. I'lll pi oyed pri ll l:tri ly Til ,tnin fh{' lIla Xi mUIlI l' n'rt t tli!il
~ < i ll:-:t, heari l.\'
ag a i ll :-.f 1lll,di lllil :llId long :oi jJltn :--tl'c l :-:lJ'lIci Ur es, illdllst I'i a l izpd 111'1':1 :-5 \\' h ic h hud a Itig-h i lll'i(l(' lI t l'
LI was t'x t 1'('IIIt' I,\' :oi n ('I'l'ss fl!! hIli tltc- atl' r slIpply II /' II lileiti1I t' l'y Ill' 1I t;l('1tilit' ttlols,.j O· pound c111 :"ll<'J'S
lill titptl i t ~ li S" , ('u lil a ilJiIl;,! tltt' -I--polllld Ihl' l'lIlii . .-- 1I 1il¥ll l·si IIl1l bOlld,
Hoth th t, ~GO - p(llilld Jra g ll lent:diull IJut ll b :tlld \\,p n ' ll~ed , Th r:o:l' [IOlll iJs \\' \lllld PI' II('tl':ll(' !t eit\'."
lite r,UO -polllld Jrtl g lllcn lal inn l'JII~ h' I' were II:-ocd as :-:1I' I H' IIIJ'{'S ulld ~ 1 'll l ' l':d('illten'-':l' In'ill whic h ,,'ullld
'1IIli pl'l':-lJ l1 l1 t' l 1I01ltll:-' d urin;,!' i llt'l'lIdi<lI'Y :lIt lH'k:--, fll sC' lI H'ia l ill 111 1' till'gl' t :l1'l':I, SOIlI C o f jJ w~e
Th cy \\,\..'I'e al:-,u II Sl.'d 1I1!aillsi ail'lll'oHlf's on ]\:YII · h om bs indll d .. ,,, Ipl I',\' I ('xplo:-iin' IH';ld .. t o dele l' fil'c
!--ltu ;\lHI :--;lIikokll. TI lt' ,iOO- PtHlIlll bOBlb :llld thi.'
lig-hl l' I"S.
-1.000-polllld lll lllllJ \\'C' I'(' both lI::ict! ",i tlt i1I:-i(; 111 -
.\1 til e' (' 10;--(- IIf t he wa r ; a I'(-;t!=.on a b ly ~ I a blc I':itt~
lall('ou ~ :Illd jll'tl Xi l llit." f IlSI':-' a:- alitipC'I';--01tllt -1
o f t'X I'<' lllli t lin' !t ad hN'11 C':-LliJ li;--itt'd alld 11I1I1Ii -
lJ(JllIbs dur ing- illn.' IHii:tI'." ::it r i IH O~, TI II~ llIeihod uf
1 iOlls 01'11"1':-; for I Itf' T Wt'1l1 il'i It .\ F \\' ''I't, '-1\ 1'0111"
of loadillg
('lllp lo,Y 1I 1C'1t t l'UII'd a lilllilt'd 11111 11 ·
u(,1' of Ipatl in::r :l inT"!" witlt IhC'N' I,oll.l ,s wi th :t ill tilt' r o ll o\\'in~ I'atio;
rie\\' o f i nduci ng' til r pop" iat ion to t:l ke !-Ihelt pl', D F: R (j1ll 1j .~

The !llnill fu rce \\'(J ilid tllt'li ('0 111 (' ill ,,-it ll t he ill - J-, n ·t'1I1
·10 rt<IO-]l!l lli ld G l' hUlll h:-o
ce nd ia l'." tUllllil ).!!', ~II il ppn'l'i aill f' ,li frt 'I'I'Ill'l' i ll fi 1,(11111-110 111 111 ( : 1' 1J00llbs
illl'I' IHlinl' \' I'PSIIH s " ' ;I S Ilotpd li S I'P:·adl 01' lI ~i ll).! : t() ::!.OO)-ll!l lIlI ti c r hlH!lhs
,llltiIWI'.... " ;llll'l 11t11l111:; 111 1 in(,C'lIciitlJ':'- att :I(·].; s_ :!() -I.I IOll-llflUlll l I .e 1J')lIl hS
La q!l' t llllll;l).!t'ii o f ill('t'll d in l'." boltlhs t lL'l i\,(~ I'(,tI ;j Il li;O:('I' t1:IfI,-uIiS al1d :-O)lC'l.'i<11 t.\'Jl\':-O
).!l'ncl',dly I'Psultt'd ill IH'lI fl'a lizill:'; tlil' t'II(-' l1 ly'l-\ fil'l' -
fil!lil illg e n'o rts. "(," '(' 111

T he JOO-pollltd gl'lIl' d 1!<I ~(Ililt(' homl , W:l S p r i ll - 10 11)['-1111111111 :"::1,11,,11 g-a solillC' i)nwhs
It) :-.00-1" ) 1111(1 t']u:-oI,- r s II( {i-pound nil :1111 1 IO-) III' lItt! flil -
cipally IIs"d h~' jllI tlifi llcit' I' fO l'et':-- silll'e ii had ,I
\\' l' bombs
high apl' li:Hll't' (-il'l' \':1111(' :l lI d l i t lip tllP :lI'I'a ~O :iOO-Pll ll lhl , ,111 ;0:1,,1':-0. t'"rli:liltill~ 1-I'"uIIII 1I11I~lIt ' :-oi llllL
qlliekl." , )j 1' 1'0\'1'(\ IIIl idC'1I 1 bUlilb fu r 11i':n 'ily 1>0 1111)5-;

The I'at io bet wee n ince ll diaries ,Jlld high explo- i ll g ill :J III O I'C ecoll llnl ie:d employm enl 01 1I1nn-
~ i \'l'::i
ha s IJe-C'1I p ruj l'clcll and e:-. ta bli shecl as follows : pu we r: :I lid il ll adeqlUlte su p pl y u [ bui lt-up cngines
1~ ,' r(' .· lIt to IJ Il'd II igh Iy f1 tlcl WI ti ng de nl fllltl s .
j',Tnll f lli y h
illr;" lIdiury t' J -J" IJ .~il'{! ~ra i Iii l' ll : ll lCl' p c I':-=O IlI1Clin Lilt, tlllll' SC I'\' ite gl'uups
bfHnb s b!)mb,~
\ ' ' 1' 1'1.' co ltd ,i lll'd illtu Ina ill tc nallCc l'ied i on s f or each
_-\ l1gwSl ] :H ,' ~_ _ ___ ____ ____ _ _ t:o ~u
______________ _ t d' t \\' o :;(' 1""icC' c(,111('1':' . n nd i I1Cl'c;l scd fl ex i bi Ii I:y W:lS
Sl' lJ h ' 1 11 111~ r _ 70 :::U
OctHI)Pl' _ _______ ____ ____ _ _______ riO ,ll' lIicn'd 10 Illl'l'i (hl dll ilt i ng wOJ'k IUJ-1l1s bciwCl'1l
_ BU thl ' CHllli); 11 g J'O IIPS" .\ wing Illaintenance (;011-
Decem1)!'I' ________ _____ _ _ _ :<0
___ :W
'I]'oll e]' ""i lh 1""0 1 1 :-.~ i ~ i.;tlltS (,ool'dinni.C'd tl nd di-
J ,J nn;!I' .\' l H-HL _____ __ ____ _
reeled o\"l'I."- fl ll Illa illlclI:lIl(;l'"
'1'111'1'(' 'Y a :-; B II :-= hlldnge ill :-ilocks of Ili g h l'xp lo- SIIfJjJl y,,- TH IIlillillli zc th e Cll'l'l'i s of' in;ld('qllai-e
s in' bOlll hs d llri ll1! th e \\':1 1' l'Xl.:l'pl 1'01' the 100-, i ll n' 1I1 lJ ]'i e~ . pal'ti cl d:II'ly of pa l't s pecu liar Lo the
:2.iO-. Hlld -LOOO- pound hOlllhs ",Il icll Iw cl nut bCl'lI H-~a uin.' l'aft" t h e JlJ ll owing s tl'PS ,,-el'e lakl'll:
uI'Lil'J'cd il lit.i:dl y ill ~ lIn it:ieli t. quantities. I ll ce n - (0) Tlworigi nal plall fur a willg !-:upp l,ro l'gani -
diury s lf)(: I\ ~, itO\\-C'-t' J' , \\'(' 1'0 IIU l l'OIl,!"dll y dl'plelcd z:li iUIJ wa:o: Cllilll:!l'd i{1 i nc() ]'po l':lte one wing :-iupply
;.;f' n'l'a 1 Ii 11 1l':O:, a illl a '-a i 1:1 bi Iit)" of the bWl lbs 1':11 hl'l' i'll llt 1'01 ('l'I IIPI' wi t-II :-=lIppl ic:-i o f UH.,,' ~:l llI e killd "for
Ih:ln Ihl' l)],l'l'l' ITl'd i"YJll' (lfll'11 d id aLed tlw LOJld, all III .!I :'; \\'a]'l~II(Jl I f;l'l l ill Ullt' h ll';d-j o1J :J ll d willi one
IO:llli ll g'. II \\'i l !-- 1101 II II l'tl lll III 011 10 1I<1 ,-e in C'l' lldi:l r y l'l'lltTall .r loc:ill'd ~ hll' k I'l'cil rtl p stal,li ~ llIlI e n t.
IlolldJS Il ll lo:lIled Jl'tH11 th e ~h i p ill I Ill' 11<1l'bOI' :lnt.! (/J ) Tight c u nll' (Jl ~ f o r i.1;;~ lI C of t r i ti l.::l1 items
tl 'lI ll :,pul't ed dil'('clly 10 th t' a in.' r:lf L haJ'll sbllltis 1'01' 'Yl' I'l~ p:-;t:Jbli:-;hcd ;If wing, ooml Jc l' l'U IlI 1ll;IIH.I : :Jlld
l\Jad illg, air-de pot Il,,'(' I:-; "lid s t:1I1dard QIli1l1til y lislti Wl' re
('olll pill'd ill 1('1'111::: 01 :;0 dayl'i le\"e l. S up el' \"is ion
6. BASE ORGANIZATION \\'H:-- l'Xl' ITised loins ul'c that adC'qllat c uni L I'cljui-
sitiOlI:-i to 1ll:l i ll j:l i n thi ~ olJjeelin' '\-1.' 1'(, sulHllitted,
Tlw deci s ion to ('(J lIstl' m'{ Wi ll,!.!' 1,:I;';c:-; i n ihc
(r) Lt'l';t llllill lllJadu l'e. jlll p ru,·i:--atiull: and l'ec-
)[al'ia lla s ill l t'Odll('('d lInique pl'o l) klll f: ill ul'~illli ­
"JIllat ioll \\' l"I'f' 11 :-:(,\\ cx h.'ll ~ i n: l y a:-i !':OllI'CeS of
zal iotl" ~e \" e l ' lH,j'o re hnd th e A 1'1 II.\" .\il' Forces
cll p!' I.\'.
attellljJi (ld { o l }() lI ~e OVt'l' 1J"OOU l H~op l c in une (;0 1'11 -
(t! ) Pl'lIj ci..'li ulI of 1'('qllil 'C ll ll' lIi s Wfi S illitintcll
bat bn :--e a l l..! i ll :0:111'1'1 ,)", 1l1i l i ntnill l and opel'utc on' l' ha ~l'd Oil lla~ t L:U II :-= lItll pti () 1I arJ(l ;1I1l il'ipated sorlie I,
I SO fOIlI' - C'lIg i I IC aiJ'lTj lH 1'l't llll a si llg le i linlrol llf'"
p trort , pC],lll iit illg a ll n::-; po llsi bl e agencies Lo flll - J
The " 'illg 1I1'a tlqu n t'il'J's, ill i llll llt'diat l' p r ox imit y
ti L:i pal l' ilnd lInn..; jll'lI ''' idl' fur f uture need s, T he a
to I he fUll!' COI llb,1l g l'OIll'S alld [0111' ~e l' "i ce gro upF, -j :) pr l'tl' ll t il lc rp:lsl' ill opc]';Jti uIiS brgill1 li llg ill
1)(,(,<l III P th t' t\ OIIl i 11(,1li. en t i ty I net ie n II .'", logi:...t i e a 11 ,v,
)Jal'dl "';I S IIc ''' el.' ;d l'Cl'i.f' d by allY la ck of supp l ies,
and in Il ltlint cIHlIl C'l'.
lIlt/ugh Itla I';..!' i n ~ i ll 111 :1 II,\" i nsl n II ces Were pl'ec;tl'i·
J\'fail1te'IIf1l1ce,,- Tn o]'d t, t' jq ;I ('\,i( " -(' t il t, IIla x irllll lll \.
Oil : ':! .'" !=-; Iilll" In D ccclll uel' j !)-!-l ""i th '-Ill <t '-e l'age of
L1 sag!' (If th e hi;. d d ,r !' pt'l'ia ii zt'd jt)oi s " equipnH-'Ilt- : a
1-4-1-! B- 2ns a:O: -l igllcll , J 1,,:1 LWn'l' llt ""pr(-' g rounded fol'
,llld 1'I.:'I'::ionn f' l requ i l'('d to IlI:Jillt-ain th e B -2!), ,\ II
pa I't:-:, wit ill, ill J·ld y " " .i I Ii 0:t5 B- 2!):-l :I fOs igned , on I)'
l.qJe u [ ur,rra ll izat iull known as th e "Co llihill1\fa ill - II
0.2 pC' l'cC'Il L we rC' g l'1 111n dpd {'Ol' i he s anl e ren son.
lc nan(:c Sy!-'tt' lIl" wa s in<ltlgllJ':llNi. Until'l' 1his sl
~'y:-1tl'IIl J :-qlwdl'OIl rnaintennll cc pc rsolllll'l we re I,
cOll lbi lWd Oil a ~,],O llP ba ~ i s wit h it l"l'~ ultall t. puul ing
of per su nll(' 1 :111(.1 eqlli pn ll'll i. 'Vith III{' pxcr pti otl
of jts slIlal\. perma ne nt Iy nss ig-lI C'd mflilltp ll <lll Ce
A. Weather C(
c l'ew: each aircl';lft was sC I.Ti ccd IJY g l'Ollp s peci tll -
i~ t ~ , I'egll i:J rI 'y n~s i glll·d t f) ~ pccia lizf'd johs ~ L1c h a:-; "·"alli er tO li s l illiled tli e 11105t Se ri('HS obsta cle to ii '
pe r iodi c ills pect iolls alld ellgi llc chall g-l'" 'J'hi :-i COIl - Il0mLJill g opl'rati um•. l':-pcci lilly du r ing tlt e en rl ,\"
{1 ';l sl et! sharpl y wi dl tI m o ld Sy~h~ 1I1 ullti el' wh ich [ll' r iod Wlil'lI th c d ocl rill e uf hi gh "ltitud l' dil ,d ight
e fl c h ;ti n ': !':J fI lli ld a lal'gc, f-i x{,d IlI:J i ll il' IW II I'l' e l'l"\'. "i :-- ll:tl I)OllllJi llg Wi l S foll owcd. :i\[j s~i o ll s \\"(' I'e fl'e-
Ea c h g roup cO ll t l'ibuted pel'sutl ll l'l io CI' II I r:ll i,wd qlll'lItl.r de la ,)'l'd f ur ::::e" C' l"ill daY:-:i awaiti ng faru/,-
:- hflpS. :-:i llch 11 :-: 1' IIgill l' l,uild -llJ> sh op:,,, which we l'e aule fO I'('cast:-:" Al t\tollgli tlli ~:-- i()ll s wpre gPI1l' l'all y
di s palTlted III Il Il'!' wea lll(' 1' fO l'ecasts ,,-hi cit indi- e:'\
o rgani zed o n a, wi ll g- ba~i :;; . T h is pr l'lll it lt.' d tlt e
calcc\1I I'l'll sona ulc l: h:tIH.: C of "i:-= II ;l 1 bUIIIL)ill g, only Iii
estauli s\lment of P I'Odll ction li ne met hod s, l'eslllt-

:{O pel'ce nt of th e ail'cl'llft c1ispal cli ecL d uring Pha ~f' B. Tact ica l Range of the B-29 Airpla ne
On e of th e l\ f al'inl1a ~ ope l'iltioll wpre :lbl c ~ o bomb
pl'i mfll''y tfll'gc t ~, or thc:-i .... , man y bnln bed thl'()ll~h From ilclnlllcl~ I ln~e:; i ll CIIiIl1l, B- :l!l 11llit ~ c011ld
broken c lo11d :-:; with un ly all uc(' a ~ ionn1 .f! liIlIP~C of l'plI ch K oren. }.tnn chlll'ia , th e \\"e:o:t CI"rI pl1l'l of ]-10 11 -
the t:1l'gcL or tilt' l'C' lIli1 ill in ~ TO pf' n :ent , t.h ose :--Itll. FOI'lIlosa. :lnd the no rth el'lI pa r t of K yushll .
I'each i ng t he t:l J'~e l n rca g cnel'fl ily I'i IIIIH.I t 11(' t il J';,!<"t Olli eI' It l'('a~ o [ .J npan \\' ,' 1'(' 11111 l'O Il ~ id C'l'('d to l ie
obscured b,v cl uud :.; find WCI'l' fO l'ced t o hOlllb :--ec - ",it hill t,tr(~t·ti" e !'lIng-e. Th is ractor im po~l'd il
onda l'Y JUl'g ,'b by l'a d:1I', 11l1l ddit iflll 10 pCI'~ i ~ tL' nti si:,!lIifi l'ilnl l i nlitalitJII 0 11 Opf'I';ltio ns o[ the 'l'wcn -
cloud (,U" el'llge, lIttil(:l.;illg ainTI! I't C' lh:ollllil' l'ed t iet h 1301l1\)er C Olllllll1nd .
hig h wind s alo ft 0\' ('1' .J apa n, ~(, I H'l'ltl l y 1'1'01 11 100 t o Froll l _ M al'i ana :-- 1,;1:-;(':--. till' B- :W (" 011111 r cach :111
17;:; miles pel' h Ull 1'. }-[i;,!h wjlld ~ H' n 'cd to rpsi ri d of Japan pro pl' l': I'X t"\'PI i tlllof J-Lokl.; nido. By stng-
bUllll,i l lg apPl'lI:1 c' lu's 10 fh e d owll willd dil'ectioll. illt! l hJ'o ng!' 1 \\'1) J i ll l:!. dur in g Pha :;:{' Two, :III,\"
wit h l'f'::iultan L h ig h g rolilifl :-: I H'I'd ~. On O Ii C mi :--- tal'gl't ill .Japall alld ]\:ul't';t l'OI!! d lit' rcndlel l.
..:iO ll again st th e Xa \.:aji lll:l ~1 1l ~ a :-:hill () Bligi llt, plan L
nenl' T ukyo. H- 2!l f u r mat iO Il:-:. appl'o:1 cliillg dowlI - C. Target Ana lys is a nd Target Material
win d ill ,I ~ I,)- Ill i l c will d, at t f' lIlptf'd to hOlllh Ihe
B('c all :--I'!lf i ll:--l lIlki t'lit pel":--olllll'l lin d illatll'qllilh'
prillla!",'":lt rl:~:) l!lill'S Ilt'!' Iiollr. TIII'Oll;,!hu ll t Plla !-=c
f:l l' i l i t il';-;. a :--I'ri oll :-i pl"ouil'lll ('xi stt't! i n th e (-h'ld ti l'
(}tw. pl'imal'i ly uN:lI11:-ie u f \\"1'alh('l', bUllll lill~ ,[1'-
tal',~4't :1It ,d y:-: i:'i anll J1t'otilll,t i oll uf tHl 'get 1l1 :ll l' rial.
CIII'H (,,Y . and ~ l uoJ't,ful" c II/md,ing" 1'1-':-:1111 :-', "'l'n'
'1'111' T \\,C' lll ." ~ fil"~ 1 lioilibel' COllllllill ll 1 was alltltol'-
HII ~ilt i:-. f:l cto l"j',
iZI'(/ it hOll t Ita If 1'1I 0tl:,!" ~ p('l' i : d i ~l :.: IlOl"lll:d I." 1"1' -
13a:--.(-' lind r(luh' \\'l'n till'r did 1I0L l i lil it o pl'ra t iUlls
qll i l'('d 10 halldit' tilt, ":l sl IIlllOlili t of ph,)jtJ i llft ,l'-
to :l ily Sip-llifil'alll ext ('lit al t houg h :l few IlIi ~:-- itlll S
pl"l'Iat i lll l ant! la q!d :l llil ly:.:i:-:, Olle EII ~i l 1Cl' l'
\\"(' I'C d ehryed be(,:llI:--t' of ti ll 1':I\'tH'ald c ltWill l'ond i -
tnpogl'itpll il'al l'Olllpall ," ill,,1 Olll' photographi c
t io lls 01' th e PI'C':-:(' IlCl' or Si Ol'lliS HppJ'O:I(' h ill~ ty ~
Il't' lIlI i('a I tl l't IIt'I II 111' 111 W('I'e p l'tI\'idl'd til Ita lid Ie
phuoll i llt en:-:i ly alollg lite 1'01i it'. Th l' hi;,!1t inl'i· t ('('II II iL- a I wo r k ill\'ol n ,d ill prtld llt·illg 1:l1";!('t
dl'l lt"l' of Pt'J';-. i ~ tal\l fo~:;: un' J' 1\\"0 .I i llia dlll'i ll,!! (·11111"1 .... photo;,! I'ap!t:-i. li t ho I lIo:--n i(':o;. PI'I':-- p t'di\"t~
tlu,' :-, pl'ill,:! !i!H' W; :-'l' IIIi1dl' it:-.t'if f,,1t ill J"l,dlll" ; ng- (,lIill'l :-:. 1'1(' .. fot' j'i n, I,IJlHbardIlH'lIt \\" illg:-: . . \ 101'0.
nil' li ght('1' t, fI'ort H"aii:JIJ ll' :lIld i ll jll"t'vllhlill,!! 1111' ,:!l"Ilplli l'ni l laftali o ll \\"11 :; l1 C'cdptl in addit i OiI to thp
1I ~1' (If 1\\"0 .I i ll l<l by B--:..!!I:-. a ~ :III 1'1I1l'l"gl'IIC'Y Ilil sP. photo I t'l 'li ullit Inli 1'''IIIt! Jlllt lIt' ollta illed. 0111 ,"
III CH I. Ih l' ~t'n' l' ity o f " 'l':dht'1" tJ\'l' !" "Ihl' llul up'" I,," :-- ullj l'l' t illg :I \"ili lal.!t, pe J":O-lIl1l ll'll0 lOll;,! and It'd i ·
:I :-i \\"('11 a:-. ill l t'lI :-it' :-:I':I:-:ollil l hl': ti al tlt l.' ( "di:1 Im :-:I':-: 011:-: It 011 1":-- (I f \\"01'1.; \\":1:-- th e (" Ollll tllll111 "lil l , t o :n 'oid
St' I" 'l' d to l i lllit opt'rld iOIl:--. till' 11 f'(,I':.::-: it y flf t'llI'failing o jJt'!";t! ion :-: I I('n l ll ~l' of
H" ('illl:--C' o f til l' l illli tcd data <I":ti l ab lt' I'I'IJIII tIl l' i l ll'lllllJd dl' bq!l't data fl1" ilt:-:ldlkil'lll j at',:!t'~ lwi er-
,'a::t tpITi l o l'it':-. (If C hilla :llld Sihl' !" i:l t o lite \\"I':o- t il l,'.! 1l1:l1l' I·jll i.
Hil t! III1J'thWl':-:1 of JapillI. t li l' 1I1'0\)ll'llI of 1'111'1 '1':1:-:1- D. Tra ining
i l ll:! wpailtel' ('l llldil io m~ on'!" J a pan pJ'un:~d to Ill' a
llHI:--.t dilli eult 0111 '. Tilt' fOI 'I'I':I:--till:,! Sl'ITi l'l! \\" a ~
or IIt 'l·l':o-,... it,'" . til l' t ra i 1til1;,! pl'O;.!l'illll of B -i ~)
('Hlltll:d I1llit :-: ill t hI' I ' Hitt'd Sl :HI';-; l'on :-:i:-il l'li p!" i -
s ITc l1~thl'lll'd t relll (, IHiou sly II.'" wI'at!tC'r dala 011 -
IIIi1rily (If to ntl Jllt l 'I'l'''' ilt ~ ll"lldion , '1'hl' l i lll it rd
ta i l ll'd 'I.'" il l' l'ia l 1"t'I·ollllai:-i:--HI1 l'I'. BS Pl~l'i :d l y i ll -
t'i mc fl ":J i lab le fill' OIh' I':lti o llal tl'lli lt i ll;,! pe l"llt i ll ('d
r-t J'lllll l'lltal B --i l and n-:w
ai l'p l:ll lf';; W('I'(, C'1I1 -
:ll"cCl lllpl ishlltt'1I 1 of 011 1." :I !- IIlHIl atnOl ll ll of IInil
played to cO " er iI 1:l l"gp :1111011111 Il l' tt' nitol'.\'. B- :!-I ;; tJ"jl i ll i ll~, Thl'l'(' fo l'('. 011 a n inll of cO lllb:!t g-I'IIIII':'
co n'l'l'd "J"l':t~ ",ilhin tiOO Illi ll':-i o f tli p )lal'iilll ;l :-i in thc th eat er o r npel"flli oll !-=l i t" w a:-: d l'CIlIt.'d 1j(:'C'('~­
whil l! B- 20:-- l't'a\'It~<I 011t U \' ~ I' .J apan. ]~()n':t , Okill - :-:; 11'." t o dc\'ote froln :1 to -I. wc!'!.;s to !Ill i nt pl1 si,'('
n"~:t , nlJd ad jal"l'llt IIl'l'il ~ to i ll " 'l':ditl'J" da ta p l 'o~ I '''n l of IIn i t tl':lillillg'. ilH' 1lid ill;,! fOl"lllalioll fly ·
l'onc{,ll ll'a tin;! 0 11 t l"iti cal lIlId qIlP!"Jli ulI :d Jll' :ll'l':I:-:. ill ;.!, fOl"lll:li iOIl bOil d,iII;.!'. n'lldt'z'·OIl:-;. CUIllIlHilli ca-
Dli r i ng PII1l ~l' Olle of the )l:ll'i :lIl:t :-i u p(' l'ati un . l io l1 ~ . :Jlld m·I'a l Th ell tC'!' i lldol'll'illat ioll . Th e-
th e :t1JSl' Il Ce of 1111 iIlI CI"IIIl' diatf' 1:1 lid in;,! b;l ;;,e sC'I'\'ed :rI el' in<ioctl'in:diol) t r;t illi ng il H: ll1dl'd l:JJ'g'(l1 :-:t l1cl y.
to I'c:o; l l'i ct tljlC'l'at io llnl fli:xillilit y III a ~ igl li fi l'ilIIL Hil'·Sl' :t - I 'l'~C ll e Il t'(I{,l'(lul't's. t :.l eli cHI (Ioc t l'ille, et c.
l'x t ell L Di:-:t'II:--:-:i oll of Ilt i:-: llIatH'!' i ~ l'ontai llt'd III GI'01lPS \\"cl'(' 1101 l"Oll llll i tted 10 (:lIlIlbai. on'l' Ja pan
the section o f thi s r epu r t Jll'lI l ll'd "lwo JillW'" ,
11111 il Sitch t rai ni ng had bf'l~ n cUllIpl eteri .

111 add itiu ll til IIlIit t l'a illillg dC'sc l'ilH!ll above, a II lai nlenUllcc " lId :- upply ClIlldiiiulIS. il a ppea red
pl'ogl'iI II I uf lend cre w tl'aini ng-. (lt~si gllcd to pl'U· fe" s ible t o operll te Ihe 13- 2D on a b" is of 140 hour,
d uce th c most p I'ofi cicllt fOl'llJ:lli oll h'''I Il' l's possi ulc: per month pCI' ass ig ned airc raft. TL wns IelL tha t
was cO ll d llcted t hl'oug-hout th c period of ('llml,nL {" rews cO tlld bc (I0WIl :I !O milch as [1,3 10 100 I!(JuJ':,
opl' J'flti om:. Til e mORt. pruli lising" c rcws we rc :-'('. fo r peri uds of a few Il lomlis Ullt fOI" exten ded pe-
led cd , hu sed on 1'l':;:- 1I1t ~ o f app l'() x itll atciy t i..' 11 CO lli · riods shoilid lIot be t-Iv\\,11 U\'C I' 7;; hOIIl'S per month.
hat" missiun s, find g in'lI:t rn ollth uJ ::- pl.'t iai trai ni ng' Durillg Phase Two the rati o of as:--i ;!ned c rcw~ 10
i n bOllJuillg. ra dal': Il:t\' igati un, i nt clIsi\"{:o t:t rg-cL ;lin: rufl wa s npproxi ll iate iy 1.2;; tn J. 'Y il h ma ny
sluely: etc. C rews nol 1I1£':l S:: ll l'i n;,! lip Iv :-: tnnllnnl ~ tTl' WS not H"ailablc fUI" combat 1'l'l"ll Use of Fllakc-
wcre ciilllill:tlt'd from lead erew tl';lining anel nol dlJ\\"Jl t willi llg , Icad c re w i n l inillg, sickn ess, etc.
fl ssigncd to i ClId pu.'.:.iti o ll ~ . All ('ffor t waS Illlid c t o tlte act ual rawo uf ;l\'ailnhll' crews assigned to ail"·
maintllill-fI"Omnillc 10 j \\"l·I\·c it'llIi (TCWS pC I' group. t"l"a fL WII S app roxilllalt'l y . 0.:.14 tu I. :Jnd an'mge
J\Iailll cll ,tIlCc·o 'f· profk il'IlC.\· tntillillg of all CO lli · (lyi ng i imc prr 11 1011111 Pl' l" c re w :I !':--ig"lIcd rt ll lOunted
hilt crc w pel"::'lI lll1e l also {"Oll:..t itlltl'd a Illajor part to 8.S hUll 1':;;. ]r,al the war COlltilltl cd : t h is rate
o f t he o r e ndl tl'a inillf,!" p rtJ;.!1'1I1l1. ll t' I\\'cClt III is · co uld 1101 1t ,I\'l' I,Pl'lI :o: u:-l;li lll'lI for many mure
sions Lo J apan , trai n ing f1i;.dtl s '\"l' re. (:undlll'led 111 0111 li s. 0" i li e l"eClIllllllclillatioll \)[ Gencral Le·
locn lly. VI' 5=Pllt tu Tl"lIk OJ" :M al'l' lIs fOI" pr:lct icc ~' ra y ~ l-I Q• .\ .\F Iwd appru\'l'il :I ratioll rrf tw o
I,ombillg Hllti er l!lild cUlll iJat condil ion s. l"l"l'WS 1)('1 ' a:--!-'i;,!llt'd ail'craft. Additio ll;!1 t' l"e \\'~
A s nn indi(·tdi on o f til e flyin g' l· tl"ort dl'\'utl'll to "'\l ich had ; IITin:~d ill th e tllI 'afl'r wc re Hut COIll-
:1 Cl'Olllpli!o,hllt t? lIt of the (J"l'ra ll tlll':I(el" tr:lil li llg" " ltlft·l.'" i lit/uti r i lIa t£'ll \\" 111." 11 t ht, W, II: rnll cll.
Jll"og r:1Ill. it. i:s puint ed O llt l !t nt. 10 pel'l·t·1l1 v f all
fl yi ng co ndudt,d by the ~Iill"i:llla s 13- 20 f orces, wa s G . B-29 Mechanica l Troubles
tlc "oted to trai ll i ng. Th is flllluullt ed to O,'er It 5,000 .\l t lt ul lg-J. Inl'l'lwlIi ca l di fl icli ll ie!-i 'rC I "(~ experi.
fl yi ng ItOllrs. In :ttldi( ion t o flyillg" I mining. hlln - e ll ced throu.¥1t tlte ell t ire ope ratioll . thi s trotlble
dreds of Ih o ll ~ :ll1d s of Illan · li(JIII·S wc re (lm-olell t.o Ilm·Ct· cOllstitllh. d a :;;:1 ' l" iO Il ~ iilliit ing faci ol". Con·
g round ~c hool. ~i dc ring th e fa ct t1wt (h'\'c1upnlclll' ilnd pl"lHllleti on
of t he 13- 20 wa s g n'lIl Iy att"c lcl"Iltl'd in order to get
E. Auxiliary Combat Equipment thi s wcapon jntu th e l):t c ific Wfi r :t !'; (,;lrl y ilS pos·
T he !tI ck o f three it(' IlI~ o( (,fIU iplIll' llt prc \·('lltl·d , iulc. Ihe ol·e l"-IIII ("xl e lll· In I("hie h ",ech ani cal
Ihe s uccessful flcco lilpiislll llC'lll uf lI igltt attael.; :-: f ro llb lel-- wcre cncollllfl' l"('d l-- itClll ld he d f'sc ri bcd ns
<I ('1I i nst priol"i!".,· p recisioll Llrget S by pi lI . pni lit IllfJd cl'ntc a lld l'xpect-rt! . FI)I" a ~hol' t period of
bomb ing Itt ctJ.od:-:. Th e:--e itf'llIs \\" (> I"e: t he ~ I X 3-1-l t iute f nll owi ng a I"l'i \.:t1 0 f j he Fi fj Y-l·ighth 'V illg
l3olllbing' COIllPlltC'I' JOt' I-lie APQ- 13 radar, lit e in Indja , engi ne m'e rit (,lltinl! Hlill :.wiJ!-iC'IHcnt fail ·
rr(lex opli es atfiH" III IIl'llt for tlH' ~ord e ll bom\)· II I'C cOIl:--i i l il ted a ~e l" iUH . lIa nd iCil l'. lim i t jill! opl' ra -
:--ig ht, Hild a Rttitnb le Iype o f target marker bomh. tions unti l modifica t iolls W (' I"C anlila l)lc.
D elin·ry of th e first t.w o it enl H \\'11 :-: :,tal'ied during
Ihe l aU e r part of th e fina l pion '" v f "pe rali o ll" . .\ H. Communications
1lI:tl'kcl" bomb Wa S Il C,'Cl" J"(·("(· i,·cd. lbll it
~ lIitnb l e
Oll ly olle scrioll s obstacle Wil S encuuntc rcd in
heen possible tn t(J lldlid lIi!!lI t p rec is ion hombing
I he fi eltl o f cOln mUllications wi lit h illterfered
al tacks un prio r ity i 1H111:;f rial j:1J";!et s, sma ll JOI'CC~,
with the cOlldllct of operati ons. During Decem-
ca rryi ng la rge loutl s n lltl bO lllbill~ at low Ic,'c ls
111"" 1M! "lid Jail"'''·.\' WH, tlt e VHF md io tele·
["oliid hal'c be,'n di ,patch ed.
type c ircuits uetwce ll GU'IIII. Tiniull, fin d Saipan
fll llcl iolled o lll y a Sll lHll part. or the t ill it'. Urgent
F. R atio of Crews ro Aircraft
()pcrnt iOllu I mcssages were oftell delayed for ser -
,,·jt J. th e. i1pplic:li iOIl uf :sustai lled IllUxi lllU l1i 1" ,.,,1 hou,.s. By mid -F eb ,.I1",.y th es<' t,.oubl es hnd
,' ITor t du ring Ihe secolld phll se of th e ]I [n L" illll ll' lJl't'li Ja l"gely O\·(> I"('O IlI C. Th e lack of \·ital air-
u pc l"nti on ~ I he endul"ance of 'olllbal crcw pcrsonn el born e comlllllni ca tiu ns cfJll ipment i l l sufficient
becamc n 1imifing faelol'. It wa s found th at the qllantity such as rope, air lo air h om ing equ ip-
airpia lH' cou ld he flow n 11I0 rc hUlIr pel" Illontli , IlI cnt: V JTF c rysta ls, e lcct roni c jamm ing un its,
II ncl eL" acceptablc rnai ntena n e slandal"d s, thun ;tlld flux ilinry intcrp hones: wh iJe n ot Jimili_ng the
l:oulcl cumbat (" r l'WS . ' Vil h stc:tl1i l.v improving" s ize or ~.:("npc o f opel'af'i ons, did impose hflnclicnps.
I. Supply 11-29-Lypc airp lanes) wa s I'lIl'ni , il cd initia ll y,,,
part o f the Twe nty -first Bomber Co mma nd Ol'~an ­
In Ihe I ndia -C hi na Ihoatpl'. supp ly Ira s th e I'l'i - izo.lioll. Had Ihis squadron bee n supporl cd by
1I1f1 I',V lilli i t i ng- fnctor. CO lll blit units Wl'J' b:u;('d I hiI'd echc lon mninten an ce personnel, such as all
ill th e C aJclltla ;I rea nn d wpre sl nged j hroll;!h air ::;c rri ce g"roup (s pecinl ) , it cou ld have produced
ad \':lll cr hn ~e~ ill Chilla . III o rde r to se r vice ai !'- :- : lIf1icil' ll t effor t to han~ met I'eqlli rclllents of Het'in l
crith at tlt r ;t ch ' ;lI l t(' ba:-:e:;;. HX('d and othel' ,'ital ph utog ru phy. J-Iowc,'CI', personn el fin d equipmenl
:O; lIppl ics had Lo be tran!': ported by ail' 0 \'('1' t crri · for tiJird cchelon lrwin tennnce werc not provid ed
tol'Y chanH:ic l'i zccl b~' exf l"(,lll eiy UII fa \"ol'flb le un t il neal" t.h e c lose of tlte wa l". As a I'esuli o f their
weathe r and te r rain . )fon'lllcn t of the nlst laI C "l'l'inll , t.he Third Ph oto Heco n S q"adron II' US
f(lI ilntiti es (If ~ lIpp l i ('s uj" ai l' iIlIPOSf'tI t n:~ rne ll d o ll s nc\'('" ab le to Ill a intnill a silnicientl y hig h rate of
p l'obl c m ~.Large se;d e co mba t st r ikes ngninst f lit' a i rcnl ft ill ("o m 1)1 ission to met·t ClIl'I'Cnt uperationa l
e mp in~ COl lie! be IHolint ed ollly by t IH' :-; 1(1\\" :l lId l" e q ll i l"e lll e I Jt ~ . The wOl"k load impo:,cd on t h is
(Odiou s fllf·th od of fl y ing ~ lIpl'li cs O \ ' l' r " t he :--q ufldrull W:I S I'Xll'C l llt'l y hea "y, :I n addition to the
Hlllnp·'. Th e IHlllli ll' I ' o f t rans port !;n J'i'i cs !-l owlI \· H ~ t :1molllll or tn rgd alld post stl'ikc l'ecollJlais-
hy B - :2fl:-: IIt' ....c:-:.;ary to 111011111 till' ::.n:,K l'OJllhal :--:l llt'C I'eqllin·d Ily th e (." om lJill cd opcrati ons o f {he
bo ml,ill g' sorl"ies wa s :~ .-I·05. Th e ca pab ilit y (If wing-:..;, !"l ie :'1(11:11..11"011 \\":l S cital'gcll w i th mapping
tll p B- 2!)'pla nc :I S a cUlIlhflt" W£>tlPOl1 COll id ()killi.l wa, .J apall. <l l itl 01 11 (' 1' : 1 1'l~a s in accordance
ihcl't.' l'orc II IIt- be l'xploih-'d I'f'cil ll ~e of :-<ll pply lI'ilh" ;Io illl C h it·f s o f Starf d ireclive.
l i lllit:t ti on~. ]JlI rillg tilt· (> lI lin' upcl"atioli I!'full Soon :t rt (' 1' t hc (Ipell iug or tilt' i\fa I'ianns ll- 29 a i I'
C ililla · lll d i :l , the slIpply uf ga soline, :-: PH I't' pa rt s. ope l'a tioll t li t· Ill't ,d fO I" a re<,:oJlII:ti s~Hll ce unit cquip-
bonlbs, an d Iliaint C' lI:lnCC 1)l' I':;oll llel was Cl'itit:d, pt'd with F-:1 uil'craft ( 1I lOdified P -3 a irp lane )
Tn the )rnl'ian <l s, olll y I Wu p r iucipa l ~ lI p pl 'y ob- iJecarll(, llppn l'CllL L ow Ip"l·1 I"Pcullna issunce wus
~t a (' h~s imposed !'t'ri oll s limitat iUII ~ on til(' (,'fllld ilct Ill'N.h ·d to gain photo:; lIlid er low ant! rncc1 illlll In.\'-
tlf opl' l'ali uns, Tl lf'f.:l' \n~ l' e : I' I'S U r c lolld ~. An d al !-:u to uulai ll g-reaf cl' detai l of
(1) .\ (, I' it il'a l !"ho rl :lgc o f H-2U:-i :-- 1':11'(' pari i' la rgets t han could 1m ga ined by lIi (l"h altitude
d uri n!! till' (jl':--l :) mon th ~ ti l' opt.: raliuns wh ell t ill' JlllOt o~I'ap h y . S(, l'jous el l·lays jn obtni nin g post -
;I\'C'I ',lgC pe l'cl'lI hlg't) (If "i l'c rnft (llIt- of ('nm ill is..~; i otl :-< tl'ikt, ph o t () ~raplty 0 1' major att acks we re o ften
f o l' pari s was .) .7 pt' ITI' Ili. with a h igh of 1 1.3 ]>£'1'- l 'x!,('rit' ll ("cll whi ch i l npo~('d a scrious obsta cle on
rC'nt, t1 l1 l'ill~ thc IIlOlli1i (I f D Cl'entl.)(· J' W-I-k I I i ~ IIli ~s ion pin lining-. Fol lowi llg th c 3 Jauua ry 19·):'5
p:.:ti llln trd thllt ;1Il additiollal 1.000 tcJlI ~ flf bomb:, hi;!h ali-itlldc illcelldial'Y attack on the rl o(" k~ and
('ottld lI ;tn· IIt·PII lift ('rI :1~lIill :-- t· .T'lpall Inltillot t hi ~ IIl·ball indust l'ia l nl"Cll of NiI~oya. th e con nllnnd wn s
l'O lid it ion ex i t ecl. 27 (1:IY8 ill obt ninillg ph olos of bombi ng I'(':; ult s
(2.) A sl'l'i() lI ~ s horl:l:,!t' hI' iIH't'ndi:lI',Y 1lIlIlIilioll:-- 1ICC:Itl se o f ('oll:-;i:-;t('nt l' lulld cO\'CI'i1 gc O\'CI' NilgOY,L
foll owing th e ~ rarr h ~c l'i es of in n'n di :ll',\' 5trikt·:--. T o IJI'o \'idt, 1()\\"· lcn :.' 1 photo I·('(·onnai s~nn ce. til e
lucre-ased bomb 10:lr1::; carl'icd at f"( ,du t'cd boml;i ll/! F()rt .r - fiJ'~ t Het"" ~qlladl'ol1 (F- 5 type) was sent
nit it ll dt,S :Iud :H': l·c lt.' rflt ed schct.lulillg- o f mi ssiolls 10 th e ~{fll'ia lla ~. II- :tl'l"in~d , howe\-el', loo la te to
I'('s ulted in the exhaust-in;! of ;\ \-:I ila ble stocks o f (' ll gllgC ill :l cl i" e fJ Jl(~ rn j ion s,
incendia ry bombs in fh"e l:l l'g-e SCUl l' Ill iss ioll :o.
These stol'k:;; wel'e I'cpleni :. ; lied as soon :I S :-.lli ppil1/! K . Miscell aneous Operations
cO Il.hl be set lip 10 IIl cl't in c l'el1 ~('d l"('qllirenlcnt r-:. By
mid -April. suflicil'ld incend iary IJoJllbs had :lJ' r in 'd '1'1 1(' lIt 'l'l':,,~ it y fOI" pl"o \' i di n~ ('olllbat crews and
to mOll li t t\\"o large ~l" al t' attacks . B y mid -1Vl ay . ai rr l"ill't fil l' supc J' -t1ulIlbo : fi ghter na \-ig-ation ,
the sho l'tflge \\"f1 S ('~[-:en l i ally eliminflt ed Lil t a vail - w(':IIIII'I', nnd ol hl'J' IlI i:':cl'lInll colIs II lissions rcdu ce4l
f1bl e stocks Il C\"CL' pf'J'Init ted I li e p1:l11n c r :; [t -f l'f'l' th e fort'(' :I \'ai l"bl e fur tO luha t st r ik es. ~ [o l'e se l' i-
choice in tli(' tY lwS o f i licc lltii:ny hom hs to II' o us t ha 11 til e I·('lluctillll ill a i I'craft ho,,"l'\'(,l' W:l S t he
em ploy ed. III~s or Ih e l'olllhal ('l'l'w5 sill ce the supp ly of a n li l-
able tT C WS wa s (' riLi t'al. R e ·omllu·nd nti ons fOl" the
J. Photographic Reconnaissance
t'stllbli slHlll'nt o r specia l 1Il1il·s to I'epl ace t h e ('0 111 -
011 pllUto rccunnaissance &1I.ladroll ' l·qllippcd hat IIlIi L", III pCrfOl'lll illg tiH'SC t asks w(' ro not ap-
with Hi F - L3 type ail'c l'n f t (c'l)Ccia ll.,· cC( uip pcu proved.

A ('ll';ll"l'l' IIl1d (' I'shllldin/! of I Ill' "liB njJPI',dillll pbld, l hl~:I\'Y onlnalltl' p l:lnt. In:I\'al air tra in illg
11I:!y bt·, gained II." rel,dill/! it t o Ih e jll'lIf!I'(':-!:-i in' t' l' llh'I', and I l'<lill'oad yard . X"ot· iIH'lIH1"d in nlC
pha :-t's nf till' I3- :W sc alI..' (If l, {1'(ll't, to tll (' pot\'ntial ahon' \\",'n' IIII' i ll :-il all,r1i{)ll ~ :llld fa eili i ips of 17
c.:apahilitit'" ~d~ lll i :-i \\'('a jlllll in tltt, P:l (' ifi~ ' , I n Iltl' K yw·.;J rll :l lld ~llil.;ol';lI ail 'fipld :-: \\"hi('1r \\"1'1'£' efff!('-
pl'itll' ip.ri t,rPP:-i of :dtal'i-,: (' 01 III w:: t pd . ,llld t o tltl' t in'ly d,·~ tl"flYl'd Ily \'1-IB ,dlac ·k ill ~ l1PP/)rI 'If the
capabi lit ,\' of tlH' \, 1111 pl'Clg-l'alll fOl" (,:lrl"."iH/! Ollt 1Ia \' " I fOI T~ ...; at O ki lt:rwa, Th{'~ l' I'l'~ult :-: Wl'n' a ('-
it ~ a:-::-:i¥"llt'd IlIi s:-:-: io l1. c'olnp l i:-:hl'd III I\'~s t II<In fin' IIIOlit h~ d1l1'i ut!
\\-catilt'1' S('iI :-iotl ~ tllCl:-;t 1IItfa\"Clt'ahh·' fo t' pl'e('i sioll
Scale of Effort
In th e first· pl!:I ~I ' of \'1-11\ IlJlI"1':Itilill S. tl w B-~!) :-;
EXJlIClitill~ a i l' :--t lpn'nl:l( ',Y . H - :2!1:-i thll :-: 1l1'lItral-
o lH'r:ded IUltl! frolll I" ndi:t n ll d tir l'(llI;..!.'lr nd'-:l lll 'l'd
iZl'd lrIlIlH~ t'llll :-i \' ital lWlftllldioll Hllit :-o ill JapHll':-;
1 J;1 ~l' s in China ",hi ell \\"l' I'(' thl' ollly iJa!"'l'i'i ili l' ll
w al' ('COllom)", T"al thi :-: bombing- \\"it~ ('oll\' inc-
",' ailatJiI·' from " ' hi e-I! .) <l jlall it :-:plf ('ollle! bl' ai -
illt!:ly illdi (,Hfi\"e of till' d(' ~t l'll(." .. iulll1r:tll'(Jl dd han!
l:l l'k r ti, TII (, ~·;('a l l' of t, f1'o rl all d ("[Ioi cl' (I ]' tal'gl'l:-;
hl'l'll \\' rollg-Itt fill .1':1 p:1 11 \ra il :-:11(' (' 1t'('I I'cito ('ull l ill llC
ill ellr \\' t' I"l' ;!1"l' a11,v l'e:-;tri l' IPd II." l ugi:-:ti t,:, : , :-; til;!ill:.!
tltp \\":I t" lia s Ill~l'11 :dteqed III It)" he- I" h~ :tdl;'l'~ Sillf'C
Uppl"ltilln~. ,1I1l1 lit e ('11111 1);11 Ipst i ll/! of a 111 '\\'
:-o UI 'I'f'lIdl' I', Til t-' dl.. . rnun :-: tr ':lf·io ll or jll'Pt'i:-:i ull hllllJb-
illg-.drol'{l l'd h," lilt, \\·:l r:lg-:titl~t .':l pall!l':rd:-: iothc
'f ile ~ p('n l1d pll:l :-:(' \)(-'~, 11l \"itll till' lit i li z;]1 ion oJ'
t'IIII"idillll tllilt illl' \ - II I ~ fot'{,l'!" \\'\,]'(' l'ilpall !p of
1':l SPS i 1l tile J\lal." illn:l!", JrotH " ' lti l'h t :II'g-l'ts ill th e
d I::.':-ii I'll." i 11~ III' 1It'1l1 ra I iz i II;..!.' nIl id €'11 1i f:i" IJI t' e:--~('l1t iii!
irp;ll'l (1f Jap:lll COllid ht' atta c.: k('{l. hIlt :.; t ill 011 :I
illdlh"lt·,r ill .In]l:lll witllitl ;t I'('a:-'ollably :-: il ol'l
:-'(";11(" I"P:-! trid t'd 11." ,tillll' n 'q1li l'pd III dl' \'clo p tI m
Pl'I'iod of litlH', A]jIrHtl~'h ollly 0111 ' nltill'k \\·n:.
l,:I :-O l':'l loIJlli ld 11 1' the :-ot l' i k ill)! fOl'n', ,lI 1l11 o 1)(, l'1lt i l
l<llIllc llt'd il~aill :-i l ]],(In:-oIH'I'i,diolt tal';!t't:-:, 0 11 tire
till' dl'n' I()]lIlH'llt o f {,fl't'di,'p tn etic:"
l:l ~ t ti:l y of l l lllilhill~ IIpC' r,dioll :O:. l'O IlIPllt,ll illll:- of
Th e thil'd alld fill ,1I I'ha ~l' f'x t4'll l h'" fro lll l\Lll't'h
fIJ1' ('P l"{'(pliI"Ptll(,1l11oi illdil':lll':-; lhill B- :l!I:-i were
Ill-t" to tht' cll d of ilrl' \\":1r, dlll' ittg " '!ri ch period
enp;]lJ lt, of illlt'n l it'1ill;! {·, n·p(· t in' l ." lilt, t'ssPllti,tl
\\'t'I'(' (! o\rJl !l\"(' I' KO pP I'l'e lrt of lIlt, total su l'l il':- fl owlI
1":tilt"llnd tra ll~ plld itl.lapilll, Tht-'~h~( 'isi (lI1I"(':tdl('(1
hy YlIB ail"t' I',IH itt till"> 1.1 llIon th s of opl'l';di()ll .
hy thl' .JilP:lIll'~l' 11ndt'I' t!tn'at of IIiI' nttad: to dis-
Of flrl' j"ob I uf H;;;.t)(I() hlll:-o IIr bomb~ and IlliIH~~
/It' I';-"(' t'I' l't,li ll :-:('g ll ll' l rt~ of "it,d ill dll:-: tl'Y adrlI'Ci
<ll'lin'l'l'cl IJ,r n - 20:-:, o\'t'l' !H) Pf'I'l't'lIt ,,",I S dt'<lpp('d ill
1I111dl III tilt, ('lI l1tl'i lJlltiotl III' tla' ~ 1J"ait~ gi (; IJlIlll billg
til(' final.' 1l1oltt!rS o f lit\' WH r , TIlt, total tullln!:,!('
('lfclI'j :tud 1't':O: IIH"d ill l'OIlSi d"J":thh, IO ... :-i uf pm,
H('i ll:ll ly d"l i" I'I'('d rl'pn '~l'll t :-: It' ~:-. t !ran tltn'\:,
(il1c-1"i\' if.Y "fill' I" h(' i IHlll:-:tJ"il':-i ("lIll( '(,1"1H·tl. it ]o:-!s from
IIiOlltirs c, lp,llJilit y of ni t' f(It'( 'I' dpploypd ,d 1111' {, lid
whi(·11 Iht'Y \\'\'1"(' lI11nhlt· to I't'('O\'(' 1" t o illl Y d<'grC'c
of lil e \\'<11' and 1L'~,'"i tllall ~ IlHJllth s (' ap;I\Jilit.y of
p1"io]' 10 till' PHd of Ilw wal".
I lit, 111 f i Ilnl ll' a lid 1'1111 Ylh'ploYl"l :-:h :d'egi t' a i I' fore.:':-:,
UrbalJ Arell AU(lck
P'r ecisio1J, Higb E.\.'plosit-e Attflck
Til l' Y I I B fol"t'e t hr~lll~!t inl'Plltlilll',\' :ltt;tC'1i: de"-
B egil1n ing" in ~ \pl' i l I !l-~ :; , B --:2!) h ig- Jr {'x pl o:--irc as tatl' li m'PI' ] " O~l l l1 :1I 'C III i 1(':-: ofJapilll'S Ul'hlill ill-
p rcci:,ion 1)f) lllbillg' (If inlii,-id11Hl tell 'gets dc:-:tr(',\"(~t l dll :-it rial ,11'1:':1, prill ci pnl1 y h," 1"adal' hClll1billf! meth-
st' riotl :,l ,\' dall la ,f!ed :2.1 IlIHjOI' il1:-;t"aIl,tI inn:-i of th e
(I I' Ofl:-:. ~r() l"(, j'han r);){) illdl1:o:tria l in~tall:lii()ll S CJI-
('neilly's :l i l"tJ';tfj illLlIl:-;II'Y, 1:; oil ~ fOI ':lg:t' alld l"l' fill - /!<I,!.!'pd ill \\"(1 1' pl'otltlti iotl :111t1 so itlelltificd by i ntel-
ill,;! lIllits, :? l'hcll li l':ll p l :1I1I':-;, (j IIIi1jOl' : 11'~l' nall1l1iI S , lig-l'IH:l' Sotl l'l't'S we l'e destroyed Or dllllla~ed, Th is
:2 nlulIl ill llll1 pl.'oc.:e::;:-:ing p lall t ~, 1 hea,'y ll1ach illc ry l ot:ll wa s i lllpol't.alltl ," augltl cllte d by the dcstruc-

tion o f 1:ll'gl' uf 'ubcun tral..'iul·s ilnd oth('L'
1111111110 1'5 damaged ) \\':I S 100 (Oil S pel' e (fc·ti \'c mine fHlll 8.3
SIII:lIIt,1' pl'Odlit lin' Iwit s ",hidl WPI'C yita ll y linl{ed jOIl :-\ PI'1' ,Ii I'1J(II'tIt'> mil1f', d\ in'!'a 1'1 (,lIgagl,d ill ael'inl
til I hl' \\'al' PI'Odlll'lilJ1I PlIUl'l' ll , II,\' di :;; loc'atioll and tllillillg \\"(' 1'(' tlillit 'lIlt til Cllllti):Ii , :-; i lu'l' l, jfl'ci i\'(~ lIIill -
II isl't I pi ion of t hI' 1:lIJo l' 1'01'('1', li nd uy th e Llt'st I'IIC- ill~ l'o il ld Ilt' (,Olltil ll'li'd at l1ight iJ." I'adar nlt'l h"d ;-:;
iitlll nlld di:'\I'lIPliOIl or tl':ll1 ~ p(ll'ttlt i OI1 alld o thl'1' :lIId IIl1df'1' t·tlll ditilll1:;; (,If adn' I':O:(' \\'('at lll' l'. If
sl'n' i('l' faei i i til's, j)l'og-I'l'·I' xh'lI:..:ioli of Ihl' ill - lalillchl,d ill :-. 1I f1i t' i('lIi :--t l·l'lIgth. Hl' l'i ailllillillf.! IHm-
(,t' II.l i;ll'." nll:ll·k II I !-'l't·o lldal'." Ill'ball :l1'l';IS "':1 :": .Il,- p0:-:t':..: a PI'Ohlt'1I1 o( ('oll si dl'rahle lIlagnitude 10
si,!!lI ed III IIl i llillli zt · J:lp.IIH.'SI'> l, II'ol't to di sp c I'Sl', to 1Il:ll'i l i ll ll' lI:1tittll"i ~h ollid tlll'y Iwe'OIl Il' (' n~a gl'd i ll
l J('tI t 1':11 i zc t ht' "ollll'i I It 1t iUlls 0 r SIIIi IIll' 1.' CIIIII pU Ill' II ts :11101 he r Wnl',
11 1: 11111 f;lt'i 111 '(-'1 ':": . ;I lid til J'cd !H'(' t hl' \\' i II 0 I' t hi' P~lIl' Ie
Atomic Bomb
10 l'o llti llll~ Lilt.' \\';11'. H - :W 1':II'"I,i l ity 1'111' ti l,lin' l'-
TIll' lil'~t l'llI plo."IIWld III' :tlllill it· 1I11111 111011:-i 1'1' -
ill,!! I his t,rpp or ilt t :11'1\ IIl1d t'!' "Lin'!':':l ' Wl'ill 111'1' :llId
:-\ 11I11 ,d ill I h l' dt':..:tl'lld iUIi o f m'l'1' G ~~ :--( jll:tl'l' Illilps
llig-It! hlHIIUillg l'UlHlitil)lls. as ('ool'dill:lt l'd with tIll:
III' 1\\'lt pl'illl'ipal .Japalll':--!' I'i tit':-i \\'ilhill :I 1"'l'iod
dlt y l i~lIl bOli liJill,!! of illlli\' idllal larget s \\'h('1\ III('
of -1- d:t."~ . Olll' B-~!) ail'plallt' t' ,ll'l'yi llg' !tne atoillic
\\'~n HIl'I' Pt'l'llI iiil ,t! , 1'1':': II IIt ,t! ill an 1I1l1'l'll'lItill g :11 11..1
1,011" ,'lIl·" (':Il' !. 1.1' 111(':"(' eit il·:". ,\ dH'1l1 of tltt'
II li t! t i pit:
i IllJ Illt:l a I t :1('1\ ( III i Itl' 1' 111 i I'l' J:I !,:! 111':"1' \\' :11 '
:iloill il' 1,111111, gTt': !lly illl'l't':I :-.rd iil (' l'iljlllLil i ty of
('1'OIlOIlI} and Oil tht' 11101':1 It · of thl' I'l'llldl" Till'
:--IT:I It'g il' :I i I' ro l't·p:-: 10 tll'SI I'oy J a P:lIl':-. \\':11' l,,'tllI Oll1Y
t' O\'l'I s (If. i\li.'Plldiill',Y att:H'!i::-i \\' l'n' 1I1:It.!e .1':11' 11I1)l't'
hlld :.:1Il' ('o ll li llllt'l l tf) I'l':-ii :..:t . I t 1'111'111(' 1' l'O llfJ'hllil,d
Sl' \'t'I'I' hyt llt' ('olll'cn tl':1tt:'d p(,l'iud oi'tilll(' ill ",hi,,!t
Iltl' .I apnlil'!-'l' \\'itlt all ill:': lIpt'l'ah ll' I' I'o\'I"II\. :-; i ll l'('
tlH~ alt:_ l ck :; \\'1~ 1'(' (It'lirel'cd.
tlil'," l'oli id 1I0t "trl'l, tin,ly oppo:O:t' "liB ail'cl'ai'l
Aerial A'lilliug 0\'('1' I hp iltllllt'lalld. Ihl ' pO]lIlI:t l'l' ('il hl'l' had to take
FIt·x i iJi lit.r 0 f I hI' ' ''l IB fol'('l':": W:l S dClIlI)lI sl 1':1 tt·d :-;: lll' ltl 1' ",hellt' \'l' I' 1111 :1Il'l't \\':1:-. :-i OIlIlt!I'd o r :-. lI lfl'1' t Ite

by tltp ilf'l'i,d I!lilling (,fllIl p :Ii~II. COllllllit l l'tl til ,· It:t I\(·t' of :1 10111 ic' dt':-.II'llt'1 i oil . \\. i t 11 H-~(' :I i 1'('1':1 I't
thi :, l, {fOI'I "ft ('I ' t.! e l'IO.Y"ll' llt. til<'s(' IIl1it s 1'\'o I H,d :I 0\'1'1' .J:ljI:l1I l' tt l1ti rlllllll !-' ly I ill' 10:-is ill p l'odlldi\·it."
~l1 c('c:..:~ fl1l t('{'h ll i{ plt, f 01' d I'lIPI,j II;! III i ll e~~ co nd IH: i cd tIlIP to' alt'l'i :-- \\'o1l Idl)!'"I':lI,I ." tllll :-- h:n'" hCI'O llll'
tlll' il' 0 \\' 11 l'l'colllljji ~:--all ct'. pl:tnlll·d the millt'fit'lds l·:l l:t . . t l'ophit·. TI lt, 1)(, I' \' a:o:i n ' i ll lpnd of B - :!!1 npf'l'-
:llld l'olliputed IJ)Jl'J';.ltiuli al J'l'ljll i I'PIII {, lIt :.;. Th is ill illll:-i Oil JII pillH':--I' 1I101'i\ It' \\'<1 '"1 t l'l'IlWndOll 'Iy i n -
(,illlI l'aign i nro l red 1. ;' ~ 8 I!l illing ~ul'i it's :111(1 l:tid l'l't'n ~l' d I)." ad\' l'lI1 Clf tilt' :titl1llil' IIUlllh,
O\'CI' 1:2.000 IIlilll'S ill less UIIIII .j IlI Qntll s, tll (> l'(,u,Y FlIlIctiO'lUlI CflptlbililJ'
('~tilbli sllillg Ll od,ad e o f \'il ... 1 1lH'L'(' linnl. Rh ippillg'
'J'h ~ fu nctional c..: :Ipabil i t y 1)1' illc "lI H prog l'am
ill J ;lpa ll 's hOlllC W:lil' I'S. :,wl' iomdy I'c~tl'il'lillg the
III perl'Ol'l1i it :-i a ~s i~lIC'd IIl i:--:--ioll i:-. IIO\\' it i:-: toJ'Y.
llIobility uf 11 ;1\' 111 unit s ",lIi ch had I'cot r l'lI il·d to the
Tlti :-i pl'ug-nllil \\'a !o! LIt·OII;.!'!It. illl o lJ('ill ~ undel' Ihe
J lIiilllcl Sen, a Ild I'C::iuIt i ng in I he d l'~t rllt.:! iOIl 01' d i:-i -
1I111lt ipie illld ilt si stl'llL jll'l'RSlIl'eS of fI \\'1\1 ' al l'~ Hd 'y
abling of O\'CI' 770,000 t OIl !:i (If shippill;! ill th e
ill )Jl'ogl'c:o:l':i ilnd IIIl I'I'C'('('dl'IlI ClI ill co mpl('xil,r.
\\'il I eJ's illlllH.:-dillt c l y adjacent to Japall ",i l h all
' l'llt' t1 l'\'e lupllll'lIi :llld lh"ploYII II'IIL (J f th e- ll- 29
:lI l di l iOIl:d -1 78.000 tons d ~llIlagl' d. Of i lllpol't:llI l'C
:tlld the ('\'Olllti oll o f it:..: 1:1t'lic: t1 d oc ·tr illc we l'e
also ",as th e ftcl'inl lllinil1g conducted by J IH] i".-
gl't':t1ly I l' It':-i('tlprd ill 1illll". T h£' dillicillt. st.lging
China. ba sed B - 2!1s agil im:t illlpul'iallt h:tl'uul';-; :lnd
"I'Cl'lI tiull S tX,(,<l:-iiUllt,d II." th e H!:iC of (,hinH bilses
shippillg lall es along the A~ int-i c ('oa st line fl'om
t'lIlIld not IJe :-:IIPPol'll'd \ogi:--t iC:lll 'y to pC'l'llI il SlIS-
PIlIt'llliJang to Shnnghai.
t:1illl'd effori and pu!->(,(l pI'{JIIl l' l\ l~ \\-hi ch I lip, illil iul
~ \ lth () lIgh jt I'C I )J'(,~(, l1tcd le ~s tll:ll1 G pe l'cl' llt. of
urb!:lllizal i\lIl \\,:I S 1101. j> 1'('}>:II'l'd to II lre!. 11- 29
tlt e total B- 2!! ~o l ,ti ('s (10 \\,11. thl' n - :2!J IIlill ing l":t J1\ -
rna illt()llalll.'C- .f1'\l1II th e- fil'~t. tleplo,\'mf'lIt ill CHI
p:lign cund ll ctl't l hy (iIe. l'lal' ialla S- lm :oll'ti V II B
t l ll'ollgh tIll' fillal t, Il lul1 t.h s of slIst:t i l1t·cI aUHl'l\
fOJ'ce \\-[l S th e 1Il0St. CUllet' nt I'atl't! Illillilig e froJ't e ver UI1 tilt' J :'1 )l/II ('se hllllll,1;11111 \\'a ~ \' 1t ~t I." illljll'u\'t'd
:1(,:clIlIlpli:--ltt'd 1,." 1111." lII~all :-:. l' lillillg' by V I III aiJ'- t hl'o llgh IIl'(·I':--s it.\, to III\'l't IIIl' fil1 :t1 :I{'('(,leratl'd
CJ':lfL proyed :1 I'apid. nexi l,I('. Cl'U Il t) llIic. :lilt! c n'ec- II pP I',ilio ll:!1 pl'tI~!'I':HI J. Til C' ilJili~lti(l 1t o f OPCI':t -
ti" e- means of C':..:la hl is itill g HilI! Illa ilita ill illg' tlll'l'- tiolt !:i fl' Oll1 tlt (, ~ r:ll'i:1I1:1 S l.' 1·C':l!t't! IIniqne 1'1'01']f'1I1:;:
chiln t a tld 1I(I \': 1i hlockad e o C J:1P:III'S 1'f'IlI:tilli ll g' ill 1I 1'g':tllizatioli alill upe r'atilllls !-'i'h '(~ ha ~(' fil ci li -
H IJ'fa ce forces. Th e d l'ecl-s of Id ocl\aL1(' "'(' I'e 1l1:lg- \\'l' l'e i llild('qll:lt~ :tlld dl' \'l' l upl1l (' llt 01' t"lw
nilled a!il'iliull of l'IWIlI,v ~ hippil1g,
by tlt e h('lI\',)' Ma J'ia llas COIIlP l'i:-:l'd Ille II/Ust t IlIlCC' lItl',d ed A"J'O IlP-
estilllat cs illdi (,lIting thal sh ipping' It)s::; (:Sllllk :lI1d illg of co mb:!t, IWl'sonnel .llId (,t(llipmelli evcr :11 -

tempted 011 it single airdrome. T he lil11 jted capa - th e.'iC pJ'oblCl IIS werc O\"c rcome, with th e result that
biliti es of bOlllhsighting equiplI lCllt anJ lIllllslIal ill th e last five mOllths of t he war t he B - 29 attack
Japallc:-:c wcathe r cO l1lhitll'd 10 J'l'dw:l' t\1(' cf- COB S! ituteJ UIIC uJ' the nlost cO llce llb·n.l ed alld
fedi\' e ll e~s of ,·isual bombillg from vcry h igh denlstatillg aUacks ill th e hi sto l'Y of warfal'e.
altitlldes. The n.l[endnnt threat of thi s conditi on 'fh e program :1'0 1' the \'cry hCi.L'·Y bomburdment
tu retard th e tetllpO of bombing ope rutions could (If Japan to whi ch th e 1l~29 \\'lI S cOllllllitted , in
IlOt be accepted. H enlizati o ll of th e capnbi li tio" slJite uf many pl'ublt' Il1S and ('unlpiexit ies, WIIS
of radar bombing rcquiJ'cd illl cxtlm sioll o f train - ~o ufl d l y conccin'd ilnd eXPc llteu, alld ti ll' we,lpon
ing jn fh e thefd er and the dC\'elopl llcnt" of OlwJ'fl t - it self pro\"cd ea,publc uf Ill ceti_ng the llquil"elllt' llt s
ing technic-illes to exp loit thi s cupabi Jity. New Jot' which t hat force " "as cl'cfttcd- "* '" * to
probl ems were pl'cscnte-d by tho necc!==sity for c:-;- ach ieve t he earliest possible pl'ogl'cssiye dislocn-
t-ubli sh ing air-sen r eSClie fa cil iti es o\'cr ra:-it tion of the Japil1l CSC rni lit;lJ'Y, ilHlu sLl' ia l; find eco-
st retches of open watcr. Th e g reat- distan ces in - nomi c systelliS and to IInclennillc- the II 101'111 e of the
volved in the Pllcific war crea ted maj or p J'oblC'JI1s _' ''pall ese peo ple to " p oint wh ere t.h e ir capn city
in cOllll11lllli cal ions find liai son. Yet (mc by one and will to wage wflr is clecisin:!I y wea kened. "

J\" :
N il
A. Destrll ctioll> of Urban A rea Targets
SOn :. T I I(~" I)Uj.!t:S Ust primury II1rgcts oi li r .

:-:\l llUrt' :-: I IUH(('

F' llIHre
J'eroe.llI I'croont
IIIl1t·~ milt's buIlL'L1p 'I' UIIS
J'OI,t] lutiOH IIl lles pl nrlm',1 :".1 !:lsions AI C"
built-li p pl l1 l11n',1 nr en IUr~el arcn IJl1l11hin~ ,1c l!\',·!,,·,1
in 'l' lI 1111'1:<'1 a(, ' :l dest royed d "'I\royNI

Aka."h L ._ '1i, 751 I. ·12 (I. S fl. 9 63. :1 IU I. (I 123 U75, 0

A rna~tl ~~1 k i __ 18 1, 01 1 fi. 9 (' ) . 7(i I I. 0 (' ) (' )
AOnl ori . __ 99,065 2. 08 1.8 . 7:3 35.0 ·10.5 63 55 1. 5
ChiblL _ _ n , O(i l I. 98 1.2 . 86 43. -I 72. 0 125 89 2. 3
Chu~l l i __ GI , lOS I. 12 1.0 . <18 43. 0 37.9 104 779. 9
Fukui . __ 07 , !)(j7 I. 9 I. 7 I. 6 1 84.8 95. 0 128 noO. 4
FukIlOklL __ _ 323, 2 17 n. 56 .1. 0 I. 37 2 1. :l 34. 3 22 1 1, 525. 0
FukuyallllL 56, 653 1.2 1.0 .88 73.3 88. 0 91 555. 7
G if\l 172, :HO 2. Ii I. 8 I. 93 74. 0 107. 0 129 Sg8. S
Jl I ~ch i oj i _ G2,2 7U J. 4 I. 2 I. 12 80. 0 93. 3 J69 1, 593.3
liulI UUlUlt:411 166, 346 -1. 2-1 I. :1 2. 97 70. 0 JG2. 6 130 4 9 11.7
lIillllcji 104, 249 J. 92 I. 0 I. 48 71.7 121. 0 1 106 767. 1
ll iml su kIL ___ -13, 1-18 2. 3fl .8 I. O·J ·14. 2 130. 0 1 133 I , 162,5
H iroshi II IU__ _ 343, 908 6. 9 (. ) ·1. 7 68. 5 1 4 · 5,5
H itach i _ 82, 885 1.3 1. 2 l. 08 78.2 73. 3 128 2 971. 2
Ichillollli yn •.. __ _ 70, 792 I. 28 I. 0 . 97 76. 0 %0 2 2·17 1, 640. 8
' mobari _______ _ :15, 557 . \)7 .8 . 73 76. 0 U7. 0 6'1 5 10. U
l :-;c1.nki . ___ ·10.004 1.0 . :, IG 16. 6 33. U 87 6 14. I
I';:u,go:,h imn 190, 2f17 -I. 87 2. 0 2. 15 H J 105. 0 17 1 2 1, 023. j
]\nwl1:'aki . _ 300, 77i 11. 3 3. 0 .1. 7 32.8 94. 0 1 250 12 1,5 15. 0
Kobe __ _ 967 , 234 1:1. 7 7. U 8. 75 56. 0 125. 0 3 874 II .5, 647. 8
j';:oc hi _ _ _ 106, 6H I. 9 1. 8 . 92 ·18. 0 5 1. 0 134 1 1,117. 6
K ofu . __ _ 102,419 2. 0 I. 5 I. 3 15.0 87. 0 133 977. 9
Kumfigl~y n 4 , 899 .6 .6 . 27 45. 0 45. 0 2 593. 4
'Kumamoto. ___ ____ _ 210, na8 .1. 8. 3. 0 1.0 21. 0 33. 0 155 1, 121.2
Kure . ___ __________ _ 2;ti,985 3. 26 2. 0 157 1, 093. 7
1.3 40. 0 65. 0
I\"uwallll, __ 4 1, 848 .82 .8 . 63 77.0 79. 0 91 69 3. 0
Mnc b llShL __________ _ 6,99 7 2. 34 I. 3 1.0 42. 0 77.0 92 723.8
Mut s uyanu \ 117, 534 I. 67 J. 0 I. 22 73. 0 J22. 0 128 896. 0
).·Ii Lo ___ _ '. ______ __ 66,293 2. 6 2. 0 l. 7 65. 0 85. 0 16J 1, 15 1. 4
~l oj L ---- 138, 997 J. 12 .8 . 30 2(1. ~) 37. 02 ()2G. 0
Nngaoka ___ . __ _ __ _ 66, 98; 2. 03 1.2 I. 33 65.5 110.8 126 928.3
N nga.~ aki ___ ____ 252,630 3. 3 (.) I. 45 13.9 2 +5, 0
:\ ngoya ___ __ _______ _ 1, 328, 08-1 :39. 7 16. 0 12. 37 31. 2 77.0 1,6-17 23 10, 1·14, 8
:\ishino mi YlL _. ___ • __ 111 , 796 9. '16 4. -> 3. 5 ;17.0 62.3 255 1 2,003. 9
~o bco ka ___ _ _ 1. -13 64. 0 J26 76.4
79, 426 . 52 36. 0
:\"UIlIUZIl __ 53, 165 1.4 I. 4 I. 25 89.5 89. 5 J25 1,051. 1
OgakL ... .. 56, 117 I. 2 .8 .4 ·10. 0 60. 0 93 663. 7
OilU __ ___ _ _ 7G, 985 2. 2 I. 4 . 55 39. 6 1 131 SOl . 9
I W ilb OSlikn.
t ~ee Osuliu.
: 1'\0 " IBIIIlCtl :ifj: :1.
I A loUi !(: IJ')lrlhing ull~ iou Ul)lu h \\ cI ~ ht uot Irl chloJed

A. D estrllction of U"bmJ, ATef/ 'fflrgets-Conr inued

SqU!lrc ::qllllrc P l'n~'!l t I '{'rccut

mil t's mil,·s ::i' lllltre buill-UP
mil L~ 1,I,ulIlI'd " I A /C 'l'OIl S
built -u p l, hlllllcd IIrt'a t!ll' g~' llirl'U , I !is Oil:!' hOllll)lng d,'!I\'l)red
l\r~iI t!l I'J;C I IITf'!l ,Icstroyct! ' \I:."tro)l·d
--~I--~ ~-~ ~-----

Okllyatllll __ 163,5:,2 3. 38 I. S 2. 13 0 63. 111).0 140 985.5

Okazaki 84 , 073 . gr, .S · (Hi IJ68. 81. 00 128 857.4
Onlul!L ___ _ 177, 03.J 5. 37 1. & 2.2 7 5 42. 1a6. 0 2 240
Osokn __ _ ___ _ ________ 1, 733. S
3, 252, HO 59. S 20. 0 15. ,j4 0 20. 8 1. 5 'I I, G27 23 10, 41 7.3
S:tg:1 ____ ___ _ _______ _ :)0.40G I. 2 1. 0 (') - -- -- - - 63 1 4.;8. 9
Sakai --------- -- --- IS2, 147 2. :32 I. 8 I. 02 4'1. 0 tl7. 0 IIG 77S.0
Bas{! iJu 20;j, 9S0 2. 34 2.0 . 07 ·12. 0 48. 0 1·li) 1, 070.0
Scmitl i__ - 223, (j:W 4. .-,3 3. (] 27. ()
-- --------
tiltilltiZI L _ _ __ - - -- - - OS, Gl i I. 4 1 .8
I. 22
4 1. U 130 935. .)
52.0 8·1. U 1:)3 I , 11 6. i
SlLirnonoiiC k L ______ ___ 1% , 022 I. 42 .8 · vi 3U. 0 03 8 130 I 836.4
f:ihizuo k.1 _____ ___ _____ 112, I VS 3. 40 2. 0 2. 28 Gn. 0 112.5 168 2 1, 022.3
Ta kaltltd slL ______ __ _ _ 111 , 207 1. 8 1. :, I. 40 7S. 0 06.0 110 2 833. I
T okllShitll:L __ _______ L1 n. :j ' J 2. :3 1. 4 1.7 74. 0 121. 0 14 1 I , 127.0
T uk uyt1tll1l. __ _ 38, 4 19 I. 27 . 73 · (is .'j3. .j 04 . 3 107 780.5
T ukyu ______ ti , liS, 80.J 110. :1:). 0 ,:)0. 3 .'jO. 8 8 0. 0 :1 1, GOO 70 11 , 472.0
T OY :IIll!l. __ _ __ 127, 8ii O I. 88 I. SR I. 8 7 no..j 9!l :j 17(; 1, 478. I
T oyull.Li b i ____ 141,71U 3. a l.iJ I. 7 52. 0 113. (] 160 1, 026. I
'1':; 11 ___
---------- (is, 625 I. ·17 I. 0 1. 18 8 1. 0 os. 0 70 730.0
'l's urug:L _____ 31 , 346 I. 13 .8 . 77 us. 0 9U. 0 04 692.2
l '\)c ________ 100, uso 1. 8 I. IJ . 42 23. 0
- - - -- 42.0 103 726. i
li jiyamada ____ ______ ;,2, 5.).-1 . 03 .S .36 30. 0 4.-). 0 llg S30.5
U t,:;oIlO It1 iy:\ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ 8 7/ 81i8 2. 7[, 1. 4 .94 34. 2 (i 7. I 1 I ij 02. 0
, - \\":l.j illl:L __ _____ ___ __ :j2, 101 I. 0 .0 · .-)2 52.0 :;8. 0 2 1,1)9 I , 106.3
\\·ukn.\,:1I IIIl _
Y fl.1I'il.!:1 _ - --
-- I ~):\ 211:3 I. U
.;. 7'f:.
:~ . .j:)
2. 10 ;'2. :i 105. 0 125 S83. S
2fil.30n I . 22 2 1. 0 33. U 221 4 1, 301. 9
Yokkni clti __ 102. 771 :1. Td l. n I. 23 3r). o 123. 0 U5 501. 6
Y okuh ll.tlll\ _____ 1)1;8, O!JJ 20. 2 8. 0 S. 0 .].1. IJ I II. 2 <llt3 7 2, :)00. S
Olhr-I' <190 2, 334. 6

TC)'I'.\L,;-O._ 20 , S:JU, U·1U ·111. U 102. 10 17S. 10 ·13. 3 !J2. 2 8 1 14 , ,;(i9 17;i 9S, 511. 0

I ;-"-0 UllnHll!e.
:O:OL lin:: Twentieth A F :3lluiSt,[cu l ~llllluU\ r r of Il S () p{'rar iOllS A gtl jll ~ l JUI'nll .

B. D estrllction oj A i l'cl'rljl Factories

:;'1111111 ' rf:c'L 1~~rC(' nt de-

T llrgd s 'J'ulil l rOllf un 'a
(Sl l lll!!',' rt.:U l ) d" su'oyed or
st roycd or
u!l u mg~'d
.:.\lL-:slolls AlCh'' ' ' '1

I- - -
A I I~('II" FT 1~'-'U S'l'IIl~~::i

Ai chi AircrafL Work s:

Eitoku Plan L ___ _ 2, 012,000 J , OG2, IlliO ·10. G 2 12·1 2 8 17. 8 0
1\l\gOyll. Plnn L _____ _____ _ 467, 500 302, 600 6~. 8 I
Ai ch i Ordnance Plnn t ________ ________ __ 42 271. 0 0
1, 188, 000 1, 130,800 95. 7 J Ti
fIi ro :Kaval Aircraft Factory, h :lIrc ._ . __ 1, osn, 22!) 770, 457 71. 5 )·1U 2 581. 0
I LilUchi Ail'crafL Co. , ' llibn Plalll _ (' ) 27 -- . _-- -- 1442
H itachi Aircrafl Engi11c C o ., Tn chikl1wn 1, \·10, 000 838,626 73.5 101 5 4i35
J apan AircnlfL Co., TOllliokl1 P laIH __ _ _ 74 8,4 00 2·17,900 33. 0 32 Ii2. 5 VI
K:1\\'!1lli:-;ld Airclflfl Co.: 1.:.
Fukne _ __ ____ ___ __ _
1, 2S 1, 15 1 50·1, 247 3[). 0 02 .J59.5 O.
l l ilncji Pla1l1 ___ ___ _ 053, 100 0·18, 650 99.0 52 -- -- -- -- 350, i
i\lUll O P lalJ I- _ 2, -1:;7 , 700 1, 807 , 250 73.4 4-1 263. 5
Takllnlzukl'\ PhIl11 __ _ 1,74 7, 600 I, ·IS8, 80U 85.0 I 78 ·157.5
Aklki hL ___________ _ 3, 37 1, 100 2, 5 11, 450 7·\. 3 4 1·1·1 637. 7
K3gandgalJa ra P111llL- ___ _ I, 582, 000 0.-13,700 GO. 2 2 ·10 232. 0

'4,~'" 34
B, Dest,.uction, of Aircraft Factories-Continued
- -
TOla l roor al'cn R(lIUHC rCI'L l'trCCll1 dc· Alf' bomb ·
dt'stroycd or lS lrtJ~'cd Hr .\ 1 Ls.~ iO l1 lS 1.... IS.."'Cs Tl)m~
(slrunra rCl't) lug
dlllllilgcd da nmg.... d
!\'I itf:ubishi A i l'cmft. Cu., K ugnlllignho..r9.
Plalrl -- - -- 293,000 227,000 ii. F) 2 78 2 508. .,
Mi l:-illbi ~ hi Aircraft \\' ork~, :\al-{u ~ 'n --- 5,677, 000 3, 880, 795 (is. -I 2 10~ 0 2i) 1. (;
M i t 1'iu bi ~ hi Aircraf t. Co., !\'l i:-; hi lll II P 11.LIlt,
Talll a...:hi1I1!L , - a,0~8 , 800 2. u(i;', fHlO 87. F) I III 2 6 10.8
M it.subhshi Aircmf\. E II~il1C \\' o rk ~ :\ a go )'11 a ,8 11, 000 a . J8·1, 100 n·1. U 7 F)70 IS 2, (HiS. 5
Knkn j illla A ircraft, ('0,;
Il allda. P lanl .. __ -- - 1, ftO!), 9SIl li IF), 700 .10. I 78 - :;·1-1. 3
I\oi zumi P lnu1 a,700, 000 882, 9110 2a. 8 " I ~8 27 -1. 7
J\1i' ~It.··;]lillo Pln ll l . 1,832, 000 1, 2 74, 200 69. t, !I :,O f) 47 2, 002. [;
:\(.\\' Ola P llIlIl __ _
- -- 2 , ~00 , UOO I , mHJ, ·j50 7·1. 6 I ~7 11 :3·1.:;' [;
Ogik uiJu _ <I) I 7 3R. U
010111'1\ A i rCl'aft FI.lC l o r ." ~ 2,800, UOU :,.1·1, 025 In. ·1 I 3D 87. :)
!-:h i Zlloku Ail'cl'ufl Eli gi nc \\' urk ~ I, fi83. (j 10 823. 100 ·18. 9 I r)9 237. 2
Tachik ll wn. A ircra f l Co., Tll Chika\ \ ' a 2 , ~ 7 0 , ono 807, 000 28. 2 I 73 I .j·I!). Ii
Tl\ c hikn wI~ Air Dcpot, Tn ch i kawli '1, 232, fiOO 1, (i2a, 400 38. :, I 37 H17. t)
'l\lC hiu l'ui Ma chine \\'o r'k:, _ .J 59, 000 '150, 000 100. U I lOS I ,I ifi. 7
Oth er _ -- - -- 12 - 5& ~
:')2, 9':H , 9·10 3 1, 662.260 I 59. 8 ·18 2,83S 103 11'1. 252. 2
-- --- I
I Xu dlll1lll g\'.
~OU Tl" : TWo'II 1il·t lt ,\ r :-[u[ i$1il1ti ::: U I1l1n!lr~' I,f il s O t,cral intIS ,\ gllitI51 JlIpall.

C. Destrllction of O/.ber /1Jdllstrial Tllrgets

TUl n1 ,'Oor ,ln'lIl>!' [lIlIk !;:qllwily 1):111 11 111"" \ "r ,1 " I'II"'~"d

U1 1. '1''' 111 : ": 1':<

I l aYlllIlH ]'(' ll'ul('1 11 11 Ht' t111t'r y :;:G2.·1(IO 1' !lrl't'l ~ ~ no , 100 h arn ' l", ~ I. 7
l \tlwa ~:l ki P Clro l(' Ulll ( 'I'll l pr 1.:33·1.000 bnrn 'l~ H7! I,-IOf) IJnrn 'l~ F, I.
0 3 2-18 :] 2, II!I. 3
)litSou bi:<h i Oil Hd lllf' l'." 1..1-I !1 , I flO harn·l:-: [)i) 1,025 hnrn 'l~ 38. 0
~ 1 31'1IZt'l1 Oil Hcfirlf'I',\' _ 1,022.\ 100 b:\rl't·l ~ !)OO,OOO Imrl'eb; 88. 0 2 !IS 738. 2
Kippoll Oil H.·fi [It'I'Y .\: Tal lk 1,4!1fi, 700 h arn"'. 1. 1n,.J oo harrr l:-: 78. 0 2 li R 1. 5Rfi. 8
F a r m , .\ rnav:a ~tI, k i.
!'i ppull Oil ('0.:
J \Udnlll!l I ~lt PI:HII i)87.000 ha.rrt ·l:-: ;"\()4.700 btll'n ' l ~ Ii? 0 2 !I:! 702. :!
Ht' 011l'r y, T :-: llchi znki 6!1i)':-,80 bHrrci1'1 _ 4R:' ,720 1t a rr<' I ~ 70. 0 13·1 0.5:3. !J
O:, hinrn Kant! Oil Hlo ragc. 50,000 ~ qllarc f('('1 ! II), 0
I2 II82~,: I I
·I [),OOO ...:ql ll\rc f('('1 38.:;. 7
O;:;hin lfl.
01nh Oil B e fir ~ ('r.\· . O l:l kc ___ _ L'HkllOW l1 I II pf'r(·(· lIlu)..::1' o tdy -I i). 0 ;,(j.1. 2
'1'0 11 Oil ('0 ., i"hirnOli-i1l Ht,filler,\' 1.2-1fl.OOO barn 'l:; !127,300 lJ arn 'l~ 7.1. 0 fi!JI. 3
T okll,\'Hlt1il X~l nl l F m,litl .L!; RI:I . l , 13! 1.IiOO ::q ll fin' fl 'l' l M't:; 150 l'l<t llan' fpt'l 1'1 n 11 2 5U6.8
L' be ('01.1 1 LiqlU' flU'lioli ( 'O II I PIIHY_ 150, Iai) barr('h; _ 1[,0, J3fl harn'l:. 11I1u. 0 2 1182 J, :'; 7·1. 8
rt :iubc n i\'('r Oil Befi llC'I'Y __ _
Olllf' r __
2,073,080 harn"l:- !J.i Ii,f)·IO harrf'l:- -If). fi
I 2 1111
730. [I

,f IO.!J lti,!J ·\;,) b:H'rpl...: (iJ) .\1 .G20 born 'l~ I .~!1. !I
'l 'o'I' AL ~
_-,1_11_,180,noo ~qIUtr('_f_"'_'I_ _ (j I 0, 1.50 squJl r e f('(' 1 _ 51. 3 fin 1 . ~:\7 ·1 10, 600.6

1 l'ostll'nr fi mll l1l!,S IlIcr~aSI' I his fill' urt ' tU '.Ii09. 'f,U. Actual !<Iocks ,\cstrOy('(I IHIIUIII11 10 -Ii 1.000 h:lrrf'ls.

C. Destn,ction of Olber Il1dustrial Targets-Conti nued

'I'lIrl!('ts I "'", , ""or """ I "'"'"",''''' I 1'""", "0'

or lank (,lIr~lCl l y" j II '\:rtl stro yc,lor M is,siulIS Air: J ,oS,."l'S
I T,'HtS

---- -
- I I 1lO llIlJin;;

M I:'C I': LI .'" :\1-: 011 8 'I'AUn ~: l' R

II i ka.ri t\"1.\ \ ' Ol ,\ nlc llnl, Tok ll,\'IUlIa ·1, ·I :";U, 000 :1. 1!IfI. 700 71. 8 157 8S:'). ()
l\urr -"~l.\'nl J\rsc l1aL _ a , \)55 , 200 2, ~70 , III 0 72. () ](i2 2 7!lfl. S
~ a ~o'y n. _\ rf:cnal :
Al stlla P JallL __ ____ __________ 2, -I 07 :)-10
t I, 3f13, 485 5-1. 3 a-l- 11 7. 9
C higwm Fnclo ry ____ __ 1, 2;'0. 000 I. 010. 850 R3. 0 :\3 189. 0 '1
Osa ka Arll1Y .\rsc ilfil , Osnkll O. 020, ·100 a , 223, 28S (j,1. a :\ 200 1. ClS:}. 0 Ih ('
T o k oytUl lU K aval Arsc llaJ a, 7·W, fiOO 2, fiG I, 150 71.0 124 13. 3
i rll <!
~l lln ilOlllll lJ u l'nl ulIlin Co" ~ n gl),\' a Pln ll! _1 2, ·1·13, 3flQ I , 3:l!l , 000 .15. 0 2!) 150. 0 \"m
~I llll itomo i\l c ln.1 11Id u!'lry __ 2, 2·10. 770 2, 158, G55 HG, ., 2 1-11 876. 0 rc po
Xip poll \ 'c lli ('lr :\ l alll1fllclllrillg: ('u ~ !l(j . 7fiO I,·IO, 330 f) I. 3 -------- - - Sun
'\ l a rifll Rll il roll.d Ynrd :;o ______ .,.1, 650 .J(). 200 !12, O 108 700, 8
II i EIl J,:irrc'r rir lg Co., Ka i~fill P lnll l _ 2, 213, 10·1 2. 1·12, 000 H6, 8 11 8 806. a
Il o(b g:oyn (' hcm icn l '- llelU S! ri c~ , Koriyanlll _ 777 , 580 -I S7, H75 50, 0 71 283. 7
J\o ri y am :l C b cn licn\ fn dils tri cs, Kol'i Yll1l1 1L 702. 000 rIM),OOO 72.8 70 2 I i I. 7
l\a.s ll1lLi g!l.ur~l, SC'!l.l'l a lit ' !--;Httio ll •• (;\ 17, 200 27.5, :300 3~) . 0 2 fiS 3U6. 6
OdlCL __ 58 2-15, S
- --- - 2
T ol a \:-. _ 31 , 01 ti, I';,' 21 , 8:')2, 2 ·1 :~ 70.., 17 1, 4GO 8 S, 003, 6
I ----
:;:" 111\('1;: ']'w" lIllc l h ,\1,' Stlltl s l],'a l ~ 1I 1"lII nry "f l is O p ('ra l i"II S A;;ai ll l'l t ,1:1 1':1 11 ,

n .1 ,

7 I·:
~ A
!1 (:(
10 1'0
11 i\1 ,

12 Do
13 Ge r
14 Wi,

15 Hus:
6 Mit l'"
7 It.'l.\'!
8 Bn.,rc
9 HClls

I,iglr t
f (

Th(' fol1l)willJ,!; is :~ bihlio/o!l'n.phy of report !' reslIll ill!! from 21 \ " 'I'I'illigll' i)t'Ut,.:/'IIC .\ l l· lalhn ' rk, ', I-l ilch',.:hcilll, (; ....-
'he SLI r \"e~" 8 ~ ll1di es Ilf 1he EIII'Open.lI and Pucific \\·ft. r~. IHan\'
Ccrl:dn o f these rc po rl l'! may IJI' purchni'ed frolll lite 8111'>('1'- 22 .\ I ctnllgul'l,.:g'('se llschafl C III b 11 , L f'ipzi/!, (;('1'11 Itl 11 ,\'
ill tCll d Cll l t.f Doell 111 0 111 :;; 11 t 1h e COnl'l 1]lIclli Pr'ill l l lig Offi<'{', 23 AllIlIlilliulI l \\'CI' ).; (; III II II , Planl :-': 0, 2 , Hittl'l'fcltI ,
\ra...::hin~lo/1, D . C. ]J('l'Ild ~8 iOIi 10 (,XlI/Uirl! ' tilt' rClIlllinill1o!: (;Cl'lIIfilH'
repo rt s 111 :\," lip llllri hy Wr ililll! II) the H t.'nciqH!Hl c rs of Iho 21 ( ;,.IJI'II4,'dcr' ( :il ilini G III h I I , L llflwi,l.!'l llllf( 'II , C:f'l'nllln \-
Su rn ' ," a t. Gravclly Puint , WIL~hill/o!\I)1l 25, D. C. 0"
_0 1,llfl,.:c:.: hiffhilli Zoppe lill (; III b H , I' r iN ll' ich;.;;iluf('11 ., i l
HodcIISC'C, GcrlllH1ty
European War :Ui " -it'lund \\'erk c .'\ G, U hn , G I' l'I llllll Y
27 Hn dolph Hn lltt'lIhflch Lcich ll l('(Il!lgie:-;1'il'rI'it·", :-joJin·
OFF IC E O f' T H E C H AIH J\ I AN ge n, Gl'rn l llll Y
2S Lippc wc rkt' \ 'O I'Cilli ,l.:-1 o Atll ll lilliutll\\'t' rk f' .\ C:, 1.11111'11,
Till' l'l lil ccl Slah's ,'Ir:ll C ~ic Bombing SUI'\'('y: SUIII ~ Cl'rll\!III Y
Inn ry He por! ( ElIl'o pcan '\':~r) \ -('I'c iII igH: D eu tsche ~ r l.: lnlh\"l ' l'h, fl cddt 'fllill'illl,
2 The l" rdtcd Sudes St r:1.I('j.(ic Bo mh ing ,'urn.:.'": O \'t"r- Ger man,"
all R eport ( European Wnr) :10 D uerr"nc r ~I(I\:l tlwcl'k n A G, DIII'PIi " ' jj tl' IIUII-Ht'rlill
:1 The Effec t s o f Simt Cl:dc BUlllhill~ 011 111(' G t' I'IIIlU I &. \\'l\r(,II, Cern Ian."
\\":\.I' ECOIIOIll~'
31 A1'ca S!uciie:-. Dil'i:-; i(.HI Heport
( By Dh' ii'ioll :llI d Hmllch ) 32 .\ Ddftil, 'd ~llIdl o f Ih,' Effct:i 1i Qf An'tl HOl1lbillJ!ol1
1'!:lIIl li li r/! -
·1 A i rl'rafj D ivi siu l l Ill illI str,\" Rf, purL ,\ nt ' lail t,t! ~llld y u f Olt.' Efft,cl l' of .-\rt' :1 BOlil bi ll,l! 011
.j l w"pcclioll V isil <; 10 Various Targe ts (Hpcci:tl 1(t' IIIII'I ) \\-UPIICl't II [
;\ U c tailt'l! SllId ," u f till' Effcl't:<: of Arl't"!' HUlll hilig un
Air frn mes Brun ch Du sseldor f
,\ Dc\ ni led Stud~- (If lilt' Effl et ,. o f , \1'(')1 HOli liJillj! 011
,llIllkl ' r~ A i rl'ndl alld :\ ('1'0 EII/,dlle " 'o rk i', J) ('~"':HI , Soli llgen
G<'I'IlI:1Il \'
,\ Dt' lllii( 'd SLmh' o f ,h,' Effc('t:-. of _\!'I 'tl HOlllliillj! ( 111
ErIn ;\b~(' hill clI\\' (, l'k (' G III It II , II l' il ('J'hlil'k, HCII'l:;:c heirl. '
Gt'flnallY ,\ J)rtailt,d S,wh' (If Iht, I-:ff('c l l" o f .\n 'lI Bomhill/! till
AT c: i\l n:-wliill{'nlJ:lII, c: III h II. Lei pzig ( l\ ! {lekall ) , J):trlll slaflt, '
G(,fIIl:~II~' :\ O"llIil('(1 Sind ,' of IIII' Elfl.'t'i ": or ,\1'1':1 BOllibill/! 011
GOIIllll'r \\'!I~l!lJllf:dH' ik, :\ (; , t:llilm , Germall ." I.lIlxlt'k '
F nc kc , VlIlf Airerafj Phlll l, Hn 'lIIl'lI , CCrl l1:\lI ,\' :\ Brief ~,HllrI.\' o f till' E tTt'cl:-. nf Art 'll BOlllbill,l.! 011
o v er-ull H epnri H t'l'lin , AlIg~ hlll'l!. Huclllllll , ]" 'ipz i/!, H:lj.!l'lI, Dul'l-
l\ l cssc l'sc hm i l l A ; ,
An gsll"r!!, Cprll'lallY
l Pan A
ParI B
Appelldil'cf' I, II. 11-'
I)nrllicr \\'nl'k ~, Fdedrichl:>lwfell & i\'t unich, (:f'I'nll~II 'y
Ocrhurd F icst'le l' Wc rk (' G 111 h .ll , I ~a"sc l , (:('rnllln." ~1Il
1I1 111til , O \wrl lau :-ot' II, !'c!lIn'illful'I, nnn 13 I'o l l)('n


C i\'iJiatl Dt'fl ' l l:-ot' l )il'i ..d.JI I F ilial HI 'pol't

\viCIII' 1' Netl stactit cr Fl ug: zellgwcl'k e, " -iell('r Nell- -II ('ologue Vipld 1( ('p(ll'l,
ShHit, A llst!' i:l. ·12 UOIIIl Fit,ltl n C\lo l'I.
H:l no\'('r Fj,'liI HC'J1I)!'1
Aeru l';ngin cs Uran c h ~"
·11 .II ulIlhlll'j..\" Vit 'lt! H"p(JI'I - , ' ul I, '1', ':,\: 1; \ '01 II , Ex-
hihil s
BlI ssi ll~ NAG J.'11l,l.!1l1uj ol'{'l l wc rkc <.: III IJ II , B rulls- -\ .) Had Oldl':< lol' Field l kjlo l't
wick, C(' n l1l1ny ·1Ii ,\u g:< bllrg Joj{' lrI H('POI'L
;\fitlc l-D euIJoic1It, l\t uto l'cll\\ cl'k c c: III II 1-1 , '1':III(:h:l , I7 HecI'plioli An'as in BU \':lI'ia , <:I ' I' nt:III Y
BfLvari:ul 1'\'10 101' \\'lI rk ,. I Ill', Ei ~Cll lLl'h & DU I'I'el'hof, EQU IP MENT DIVI S ION
C: Cflnn.II\'
Jhycrisl'hc j\[u I OI'(' llw('l'kc A G ( Hi\t \\') ~h lldchJ Gel'- El ect ri ca l Brun c h
mall )'
H enschel FI II&II1Qlorcl1wCI'kc, l\a ~~c1, G Cl'lIIa ny 18 (;{,rJIltlll nl't" rieal Eqldplllt'l l l I llillisl ry il e po rt
I !) Brow l! ROVf'ri P I (' if', \ I allllhf' illl Knferlnl, Gc rn llll1Y
U g h I M o tn! Brunch
O pti cn l tl nd Pr ecis ion In s trum e nt Uranch
L if.!;hL ~ l e llll s 'Ildu st l'~' P:UL 1, Al llIlIillUIll
of Germ:,,,." { P~lrt, J I, ivlu,I!' llll) 50 Opticnl :llal Precis ioll inst r umc nt Indu1'itr y ] (cpo r t.

Abrasives Ilran c h S ubm arin e Bran ch
,=j l The Gt'rIlHiIl A Ilra::oi "p t ndm: ~ f\' G c nuall "';ulJlllnrillc I lI dw; jry lh'porl
52 .\Ia ye r and Schmidt , nrrrldme'li 011 .\llIill , ( :4'I"1II1III Y :\ l n~ chin c llrll. b rjk :\1I~:-:h llq.{-~lIfllbC'rg A G, , \ l1g~.
hlll·g. Germ allY
Anti. l~ riction Br an ch 0 ·1 Bluhltl )ltld \'o:::;s :--hip.'·lll'd:::, I I llilI bUl',:!, Ge flllll n),
Ti ll' L:I 'rlllllll ,\ llti· Fricoiioll l i ('arill~ s 1111111:,lry 9:1 Dl'Ht."P!ri'\,·crke .\ C. l\icl , (;Nmall,"
('Ui Dl '1! 1.... (·ll(' KchifT IInri :\ I :.... chill cll bnu, Bn:llI c n, eN-
Inllll \'
i\ l achin e Tool s Bran c h
!l7 Fricdrfc lt 1\l'Upp Gc rrtlal ti:lw~rf t . I\ iel, l; erma nv
~ IIWhilll ' T ou l:, & :\illl'hillPry n:-o ('apiln! Eqlli p ll' cllt !18 I l uwalrlt ~wcl'ke ,\ (: , 11:1I1111111·.r.:-, Gpl'lIll1l1Y .
.\iucohillf' '1'0111 1 1j( l tl ~' n' in c..:t.'fllllll l\· !I!l :-:uhlllnrillc .\ ":;:e lll l>l\' Sltl'lh'r, Fal'l!C'. G(,I'II1 I\II\'
l ! erlllClrJ 1\0111 ( '0. , ( 'uiugw ', <':Cl'rn:;II.\· 100 Brellll'!' \ ' ld k ulI , '·(·J!l,~tl.cok . GC I'IIL :l.IIY •
('o ilci and EIl!.!l'!hnl'd, OITc l1bu('h , ( ; ("'1'1111111 .\'
NI I XO~ L"l1 ioll , Fr:ll l kfort III! ,\brill , <':( ' fllllI l1."
Ordnan ct' Hran ch
MILITAHY ANALYS I S nIV I SI ON It)1 t) nilllllll'l' I ll rl ll .. try I{ c jJOl't
r,\f 'I']rf' llpf(':ti , of I Ill ' (:f'rltllill :\ i,' For('(' 102 Fri{'rl l'kh l\rllPP Gru:-lU II\"t'I'kc .\ (: .\lu gdel'llr!!, \.
liO V-\\'I'IlPO WS ( (' I'O~,.. IJIIW) ( 'lt lllJ1I.liJ.!Il Gert ll an y
01 Air Force Bat e vf Opf't'n.tiull ~ 10 :~ BUI'l LIIIIIPI' \ 'cn'ill fllcr C:n,.,.llIlllfa b l' ik ati oll ,\ (:, Bu·
ti2 Weal her Fac tor:-o ill ( 'ollllml Bo III iI:r rli II II ' II I t) JlI'nt- ChUIlI , (:l' rltUU I\'
I iOIli'< in t ill' EUI'OPI '1I11 T llt'a t 1'1 ' 10·1 Il cll ... pltl~1 &. :O:ohll: h:a..... l~). (; (' I'11I1W\
63 Botll hill~ ,\ 1'('111'111' \' , rS .\ .\F tl f'tll' Y alld .\ Ii 'din ll l In!) H hci l l lllct all- B or~ig, D u...::<l'idurf, (;; 'fllml l,' I:
BOlll hl' r~ i ll t lu' ETO I Uti 1I ,'~, ,,a ,,,, (: \X' , i,," Ire,ke, Bn' '''' ' d lweig. II "lIo"d",r, I:
li I I)(':-oco r ipt iOIl u f B .\ F BOlllbill1-:' G erlllllll y I:
(j I lt T hf' Ir llpact uf 1111 ' .\ lIil'd .\ir El forl lIll ( ;I'l'IlI ltli 1.0- 10 7 1-I:r Il IlU\'l 'ri:<l· hp ;\I:I,..I·billl'llhllll , 1I 11I1U\' CI' , G ert lHlI)\' J:
g i ~li(' :-l l OS <;u,,-; laJdfa!Jri k Fri edri ch l\nlpP, E!"o~CII, (;erllltlt l.':· I:
0 11, D I V I S I ON I·

J O!J O il Di \'b iull, Fi l ial Hcpor l I·
Medi cn l Bran ch I'
110 Oil Dhi ,. io ll, r imll H ejlort, .\ ppl'lI d ix
II I Po\\'clt'I', I': :-' jl l u:<i\' c~, :O;pl'ci: rI Huch·t :-o alld .It·t 1'1'0· I'
Ii,-, Tire Flfcod flf i3o l tlbi l lJ! 1111 I-h 'all" :tlld .\I I'dicnl ( 'nn ' I'
ill (;(,I'IIHIIIY 1I.. lIlIlIl :-o , \\' ar (::1... ('." Illid Smu kl' ,\ cil l D lilli,. ll'li:lI
HI 'purl. # I)

M UN ITIO NS DIV I SI ON 1 11 l'll cicrg;n'lIl1d alld O i"I'<'I',.:11 I'lall t:- ill (;rl'atcr Ger·
IlIall \'
H e a"y Indu s try Bran c h
Thf' (; ~' I'Ill:1I 1 Oil I lIdll l'lt rYI ) t illi:-otcria l th'pvrt. T eall!
TIll' ( ·uk i ll ).!. l lldll :-l t r'," HI 'po r l fill l ;I' r1I1I1II,"
( 'okill g Pial!! HI 'lm!'1 i\1f. I 1-\1'('1 iU Il:" .\ . H, ( ', & I I III
j\ l illi... tC'ri:ri Bc polt Ull ( 'lll'lll k:rls
(; II I ('hofTrlllllJ!~I!lII'! It'. Ohl'r-1II1I1 ~(, II, (:I'rIlI HIly 15
Fl'il'dri('il - ,\ lfn 'd I t rwllt', H III'iliharl.... ell . l:t'I'ttllll l." Oil Brun ch 15
:'\1'lulk i n·hpl! Fi ~~ ' l lW PI'kl' .\ l:. :'\('lwki rd H'II. ( lpr- 15
lIla lly 15
.\IIL IUUll iuk\\"('rkc :\I c r,.churl-! (: III h I I , LCIIII:I, (:I'T-
71 B(' icir:-o wc-rke Ilf'I'lI l:l1I 1I (;o~ ' rillp: .\ (: , I I:ilh 'IHl orf. 1111111,\'- 2 .\ ppellrliccs
(; crllln IIY 15
ll ii B l'Ul1l1kohlt, Bcm: il l .\ C:, Zt ·i l l. 1I1lrl Bohlell (:Crtll:l 1L\'
72 ,\ lIp:II :-o t T h.":<:-O(,11 II IJI'III ' .\ (: , I I:ullbo rn . (;prItlIIl L,\' \\' irl1er:-; lwll ..\ (;, Lll clzkcn d ur f. Genn a;l\, .
73 Frit'ci l'il'h },rll" " .\ (: , Bul'l .I'{'k !'Ia lll, E!"o,W II, <;"1'- 15
11 7 L lldwiJ!:< lrufclI-()ppall W urks of I (; Fal'hCI'li ll (hl,. l ric 15
1I L!I II."
.\ (;, Ludwig.;;:llIlfclI l G et'llIHIl ." 15
71 I )ul'l 1I1l tlid I luf'I'dt'r 11 111'1 h 'll \'t' r('irr , .\ (; , J)ol'l lt llllld ,
UI'rll llllLY li S B ulll'ol'l I I .n ll'lll-:'Cllatioll Plant I Butt rup-Buy, Ccr- 16'
lI o(,:-l('h ,\ (;, ()OI'IIII1J1 HI. t;I'l' llltll l\'
Ill :tll.'·, \ '01. I , \ '01 I I [G
liul'lllllllN , 'c n 'i ll fUI'1' (:U"':~ l alrlf1'l hl'i kn r ill tl .\ (: , II !! Hht'lI:lI lin O,;;:,"aJ.; :\lillCl'alue lwNh .\ (J , tl arlJlrrg He· 10:
t\Ut 'lt ll lll, (:PI'IILn rl.'· l i r ll~r,", Il illl llHII'I-:', <': (' 1'111111 1." 1G:
120 B ht'l1llllia O ":" ~IJ! :\I i lll'lldo('l\n'l'k(· .\ G. Gruf.:hruok IG·
Udilll'l',\', I Iamlllll'g. (;('rm:ll l." I U!
Mo tor Vchicl es tl nd Tank s Bran c h
12\ Bltf·lIIl!' i!!. O ":-oaJ! \li l1f' r:ll oclwcrkc .\ G, \rilh('llHl5],urg 161
77 (:I 'l'Il lfl ll \I uio r \ '(.' lIic·le,. 1111 111,.,1'\' Ilt·pllrt Itt'li Ilpry . 11 ;\llll lllrg, G Cl'lllan y
7R TUlik I nrl ll :-o lry He!,ol't . J?'J c..;{'\\·I'rk:-o(·ha f t , 'idu r , ( ';I:-o j rOI'-H:I lI ,cl , Gc rmfl ll \', \'01 16:
711 D ai n rlcl' BClI Z .\ (: , l' lIlt'l'lllrkIH'i lll . (:r 'l'Il1illl\' I & \ '111 II . IG!
80 Hell l.lult :\I olor \' I'hi('ll '~ (1 1:1111, 1l i1I:lIll'UIII'I, , I'lIri:-o 1 2:~ Ell!'opaei,.cllI' T :'1I 1klagcr IInrl 'i'rn ll:;: porl .\ C, 11 :\ 111· 16\
RI .\ d:1I11 Oppl. BII ~!"o !'I~ I H'iJlL. (;I 'r lll ;II l\' 1111 1'J!, (;('1'111:111 ." 17(
82 J)::lirn)\' 1' B t'"Z-(;IIJ!p:I'111l1 1 \\' o rk ...:, (;;l l-:'P:!'II:.l lt, (;('1'1111111 ." 12·\ I':hallll . \ ~ plllrlL \\' (,I'k c ,\ (; , Il al'hul'l-:' Hdincry, 11:\111'
83 \l 1l:-lCO II i lie II f tl brik •\ Irg:-ol JIl r.l(-;'\ II rr I bll l'g". ;'\ II I'll h tl rJ!, h tll'~ , (;t·l'lllarl.'· J7I
( ;('r IlUtll ,.
12,=j i\ l eNltt'('" H JH'ill]lI'CU:-:..... (·1l :-;\'Illhctie Oil Pl:llIl - \'ul I
81 .\III U 1 ' lIi~1l .\ (; . ( ·Ir.'III 11 il z and Zw ic ka ll , (; '1'1 111111." & \ ' 01 I I . 17!:
~:l H e'II/w lll' l & ~oltn. 1\ 11:<:"1'1, (:.' rt lltlIlY J j ;j
Sli \layhlll'h i\iulur Wor k:<. Frit'driel l:<h u fl 'lI. t ;I'I'III:I II Y I j4
87 \ ·o iJ.!llnlld .... r. :\!t\... ('lt ill ell fn!Jrik . .-\ (; PIIIIII'II, (;.'rtIllll l." Ilubb er Branch
88 \ ·olk :':'Wllgt' lIwt' rke. FallC'I':-lh'IJ('I., (: ('rlll)) II\' 17Q
R!l H II:-Oi' ill~ X.-\( ;. Hr lJlI:-owi('k, (: l' r ll ' llrry • 120 !)('I1i."I·ht, ])Irrd up (:Ul llllli ('0., Ii allau UII .\lU ill,
!IO \IIIChl(, l l hu l1 I lIrilr " ll'ir· .\ (; ( i\ la ig) Bfl lIJ.... wi('k . (:. '1'- C e!' llIllll Y 177
Illn 11\' 117 ( '011 1i fl Cllild GU ll lrn iwcrke. I ltllI0\'pr, Gf'nUaIL,\' 178
UI F riN lr1cl l "]-': I'I I PI) (;I'1I ~11 11\\'I'l'kf', )' I :l~!!t'llllr~ , ( '1' 1" 128 1I IIei.., :-;"l1tII Cli c Hullbcr I'htl lt 17!)
mU ll." . 12!J .\l ini," le i'i:11 i{ c pol'l 0 11 Ge l'lllllri H lrhhc l' I lldll~ Lr.\' 180
18 1

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