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Report on Training and Development Practices at Renata


Course: HRM 340 (Training and Development)

Section :02
Semester: Fall ‘18
Submitted To
Shafquat Rafiul Alam (Sqt)
Lecturer, Department of Management
School of Business
North South University
Submitted By
Group Name: Passion Pavers
Name ID
Farhana Rashed 1511252630
Naznin Islam Nipa 1512356030
Afsana Rashid 1520701030
Nasreen Sultana 1611053030
Isharat jahan Shila 1612204030
Tasfia Rahman Faria 1612573030
Kazi Habsa Nasiba 1612215030

Date of Submission: December 17, 2018

Letter of Transmittal
December 7, 2018
Shafquat Rafiul Alam
Lecturer, Department of Management
School of Business and Economics,
North South University,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Subject: Submission of final group project.
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to present to you our group project, which involved doing this report on the
Training and development process of Renata Pharmaceuticals Limited, we focused on the
processes Renata Pharmaceuticals Limited that used for its training programs, needs
assessments. As well as a brief description has been provided what employees think and feel
about its training programs and how the employees get benefitted from it. The entire duration
of preparing this report has been immensely helpful to us, a golden opportunity to increase
our ideas, concepts and interpersonal skills in terms of technical understanding about the
entire process of Training and development
This report is to describe our observation, research, learning and recommendation based on
the knowledge and the experiences gained during the course under your supervision. We tried
our level best to gather as much as information that is required to prepare this report. All of
us gave our hundred percent for making this report come together. We hope that you will find
this report worth reading.
Hope you will appreciate our hard work and excuse the minor errors. If you have any inquiry
or need for clarification regarding this project, please let us know thanking you for your
cooperation and guidance, without which it would have been impossible to complete the

Yours sincerely,

Farhana Rashed
Naznin Islam Nipa
Afsana Rashid
Nasreen Sultana
Isharat Jahan Shila
Tasfia Rahman Faria
Kazi Habsa Nasiba

We have taken efforts to this project. However, it would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of
First of all, our deepest gratitude goes to our Creator Almighty Allah for giving us the
courage and ability to complete this report successfully.
Then we are highly indebted to our respected faculty supervisor and our course instructor
Shafquat Rafiul Alam, Department of Management, School of Business, North South
University for his exemplary guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the report and also for his endless support in completing
the research paper.
Next, we would like to thank Anupom Chowdhury, Assistant Manager of Human Resources
Division and also other employees of Renata Limited who helped us to gather all the survey
on Training and Development at Renata Limited. This survey helped us to analyzed the
Training and Development at Renata Limited.
Lastly, we are thankful to each member of our group. Everyone’s cooperation and
contribution to this report is highly appreciated.
Executive Summary
One of the growing markets in Bangladesh is Pharmaceutical Industries that made a
tremendous contribution in the economy. Renata and also many more pharmaceutical
engaged in the manufacture and marketing of human Pharmaceutical and animal health
products. The company also manufactures animal therapeutics and nutrition products. To
ensure peoples and also animal body fitness there is no other alternative of medicine. So we
have to depend on the pharmaceuticals companies. Currently there HR practices going
through a last of changes which has positive impact on the organizations performance. In this
report we finding and analysis about training and development of Renata Limited.

We have prepared the following report on training and development practices in Renata
Limited. We have surveyed 20 employees of Renata Limited to analyze the process and
criteria of training and development system. Hence, the following report has been divided ten
different parts. At the very beginning, we have started this report with a brief introduction
about Renata Limited’s training and development. The second, third, fourth and fifth part of
the report discusses about scope, objective of study, methodology and limitations of the study
respectively. The sixth and seven part of the report provides the basic definition for training
and development and discusses about the literature review which consists of different
information about Renata Limited taken from different journals, annual records and other
sources. The eight parts consists of the whole training and development process of Renata
Limited in terms of following aspects are company profile, mission and vision, company
strategy objectives, training and development organization, training and development
framework, issues, different stages of procedures used and its implication and problems or
barriers from the evaluation of training methods and procedures. In the ninth part and ten of
the report covers the findings and analysis of the surveys while working in Renata Limited
and made a recommendation for the problems or barriers found from the evaluation of
training. Last, we have tried to represent conclusion, references and the appendix part
mention of the respectively.
Table of Contents
1.Introduction 1
2.Scope 2
3.Objectives of Study……………………………………………………………………….2
6.Training and Development Definition………………………………………….3
7.Literature Review……………………………………………………………………...4-5
8.0 Company Profile ……………………………………………………………………...6
8.1 Mission and Vision…………………………………………………………………...7
8.2 Company Strategy and Objectives……………………………………………8
8.3 Organization Structure and Categories of Employees……………9-11
8.4 Department……………………………………………………………………….12-13
8.6 Training and Development Methods of Organization…………14-15
8.7 Training and Development Framework………………………………16-17
8.7 Training and Development Issue……………………………………………18.
8.8 Stages of Training Procedure of Organization…………………….19-22
8.9 Evaluation of Training Programs……………………………………………23
9.0 Finding and Analysis……………………………………………………………24-34
10.Recommendation ………………………………………………………………….35
1.0 Introduction
Training and Development is a core part of every organization. Human resource management
focuses on attaining their standard through training and development to the employees. At all
stages of HR development, the value of training cannot be eliminated. Training and
Development creates job satisfaction and productivity for organization. Employees are
expected to perform their job efficiently with their knowledge and tools to their jobs. Every
organization should deal with prerequisite training requirement that are need to develop
employees’ performance. Successful firms spend more time in training in contrast with others
because they know that training helps workforce to obtain information of their employment
in an exceptional way therefore individuals acquire knowledge from their workable
experience, which reflects in employees’ performance.

The pharmaceutical industry is facing huge market demand due to rise in population in
Bangladesh. They are needing huge workforce to cope up with the demand. They are facing
tremendous challenges as there are many pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh.
Pharmaceutical companies have to develop in areas like technological innovation, building a
good team work, increase the communication skills of employees, enhance customer service,
mutual relationship with employees, job satisfaction and morale among employees. There is
an intense competition among pharmaceutical industry due to pharmaceutical manufacturer
has increased over the years. The employees of pharma are needed to develop their skills as
there are always continuous technological innovations.

This report is carried out the to examine the training and development of employees in
Renata limited. The training practices in Renata limited to serve the employees. To analyze
whether Renata are providing the right training to enhance their performance in their
workplace. We also want to look at the training methods provided to the employees in
Renata. We want check whether employees are applying those training in their workplace.
Moreover, throughout our questionnaire results we want to analyze whether training and
development has any impact in their productivity and performance.

2.0 Scope of study
The purpose of this report is to show an overview of Renata Pharmaceutical Limited HR
department and how

They conduct training and evaluate outcomes and also how they use their outcomes. It also
explains what methods they use to train their employees and how they develop their skills
and knowledge for achieving organizational goal, service quality, product quality, and
increase the employee performance. So, it focuses on some key points such a company
profile, training methods, using outcomes information, analyze data, development issues and
evaluation of training process and programs.

3.0 Objectives of the study

The primary objective of this report is to understand the concept of training and applying it to
a practical scenario to compare with the theoretical knowledge that we have learned
throughout this course.

The following are the specific objectives:

 To identify the major types of training as well the key impacts on employee
 To know about the application of training methods.
 To know the development process, they use for training the employees.
 To find out interrelated problems with their training program.
 To know the evaluation of the training’s effectiveness.
 To find out facilitate the process of training and development.
 To provide some recommendation for the problems related to training process.

4.0 Methodology
The quantitative type research is applied by using the questioner, we have gather 20
responses of Renata Limited. The 20 employees filled up the questionnaire based on that the
performance of the employees as result of training provided by their company. We have
collected the secondary data from previous research paper and Renata websites. We have also
taken an interview of Anupom Chowdhury, Assistant Manager of Human Resource

department to know more depth on Training and Development methods and practices in
Renata Limited.

The questionnaires were distributed randomly to 20 employees from every department. We

have conducted primary and secondary research.5.0 Limitation

The survey was done only on 20 employees of Renata Limited which is not a true
representative of Renata Limited employees thus sample size was too small to analyze the
result. There were lack of reliable data on secondary sources. The secondary data we have
gathered are not up to date for which we did not accurate information. Some information
presented in the report may be biased, they may have unintentionally provided inaccurate
answer. They employees tend avoid their own limitation regarding training and tend to hold
other departments responsible. Moreover, the report is only on training and development and
not focused on other facilities of Renata Limited so any ultimate decision may not be drawn
about the whole organization training facility. Due to time constraint, we could not focus on
every other departments training in Renata Limited.

6.0 Training and Development Definition

These two terms training and development is interrelated. Many scholars and professionals
view training and development in two perspectives. Training in terms it is an instruments
which benefits the company while development is for individuals which helps them develop
them for future. Most of the writes agrees that training is a perplexing human resource
practice that can have effect on organizations accomplishment. Training helps employees to
keep updated with the present knowledge of the job, it will boost productivity of employees if
they are provided training as per requirement. Development is similar to training but
emphasizes employees for future challenges. Training and Development both needs time and
it’s a long term process for employees’ individual growth. (Noe, R. A., & Peacock, M.,2002).
Basically Training is a planned and systematic activities layout to raise employees’
knowledge, skills and attitudes. An effective training is when trainees are using the skills,
knowledge and attitudes and applying them in workplace. The ultimate goal of training is
creating continuous changes in behavior and cognition so that each and every employees
possess the proficiency they need to perform a job (Salas, E., Tannenbaum, S. I., Kraiger, K.,
& Smith-Jentsch, K. A.,2012). In contrast development is when improving individual by
possessing activities such as enhancing employment skills, increasing ability which overall

help an organization. These skills are required as those employees are self-motivated and
qualified than other personnel.

7.0 Literature Review

7.1 Training and Development
Training and Development benefit continuous improvement in an organization as well as
employees. An organization which does not addresses training and development are bound to
fail from their competitors. (Arnoff J.1971) If an organization does not consider in training
and development, it also means that there is no conscious intention for development to
encourage training. (Arnoff J.1971)

According to Obisi (2011), training and development stimulate a drive for the inspiration of
employees plus advise them to increase their ability in terms of knowledge, skills, and talent.
According to Mamoria (1995), Training and development are a crucial necessity because it
empowers employees to flourish and rise within an organization and boost their market value.
Training and development is a programmed learning experience which guides employees on
how to perform current and future jobs more productively. (Tahir, N., Yousafzai, I. K., Jan,
S., & Hashim, M. (2014).

Sims (2002) emphasizes that training targets on current jobs while development prepared
employees for possible later jobs. Overall, Training and Development makes an organization
to its objectives and goals that they have set. It is not always possible for human resource
management professionals to hire employees who already have both basic and social skills.
However, there is always the skill gaps which pressurizes the productivity and
competitiveness both in the organization and operational levels. Employees are interested to
learn if they have the desire to learn it is the mindset which differs from each individual.
Through training and coaching, an employee can enhance their skills and performance in an

If an employee is not in a good nature it will reflect in their attitude and behavior. This can be
observed by assigning employees to different workshops and training session and determine

their sincerity towards the training and development programs. (Hameed, A., & Waheed, A.

According to Agarwal (2006), individuals will ably take responsibility if they are treated as
partners. This will enable them to achieve personal and organizational goals. Individual
employee performance will reflect a success in the organization.

In spite of everything, there will be a difference among individual learning and acquiring
knowledge of a given topic, the person should be given chance to practice what is being
trained. It is also necessary to practice task that has been taught in the training session. As an
application is the most vital part of learning if it is not implemented in the workplace the
training will be a waste of money. (Tahir, N., Yousafzai, I. K., Jan, S., & Hashim, M. (2014).
Moreover, training and development improve employees job knowledge and skills which
enables them to make a better decision and effective problem-solving. Training should be a
fundamental part of the process of total quality management of the organization.

8.0 Company Profile
RENATA Limited (which was formally known as ‘Pfizer Laboratories Bangladesh Limited’)
also known as “Renata” is one of the top ten pharmaceutical manufacturing company in
Bangladesh in terms of revenue. Renata is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of
human pharmaceuticals and animal health products. The company also manufactures animal
therapeutics and nutrition products. Renata currently employs more than 3400 employees in
its head office and branches.

Renata is one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh. The company
started its operations in 1972 as Pfizer (Bangladesh) Limited. In 1993 Pfizer transferred the
ownership of its Bangladesh operations to local shareholders and the name of the company
was changed to Renata Limited.

The core business of Renata Limited are human Pharmaceuticals and animal health care
products. In Bangladesh it is the 4th largest pharmaceutical company in the market and the
market leader in animal health products. In addition, Renata products are exported to
Afghanistan, Belize, Kenya, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam and
some other countries. The company is listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange with market value
of its shares approximately taka 87 Billion. The company has eight manufacturing facilities
spread over three manufacturing sites. In addition, Renata Oncology has to manufacturing
sites. Distribution of Products is carried out by 19 depots across Bangladesh. There are also
three subseries of known as Renata Agro Industries Limited, Purnava Limited and Renata
Oncology Limited.

Type Pharmaceutical company and animal health
product manufacturer
Industry 1. Pharmaceutical
2. Animal health product
Founded 1993(transfer of ownership from Pfizer)
Headquarter Plot No- 01, Milk Vita Road, Section-7
Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Products Ranitidine, Maxpro, Rolac, Normens and
Number of employees Approximately 3485
Subsidiary 1. Renata Agro Industries Limited
2. Purnava Limited
3. Renata Oncology Limited

8.1 Mission and Vision

Mission Statement: To Provide Maximum value to our Customers, and Communities

where we live and work. (Renata Limited,2018).

In short, Renata’s mission is to

 Deliver best high-quality medicines

 Provide good quality product & service to the customer

 Provide safety and satisfaction of health to customers

Vision Statement: To establish Renata permanently among the best of innovative

branded generic companies. (Renata Limited,2018).

The companies’ vision is to

 Offer customer supreme service

 Want to meet their customer demand

 Customer can see their true picture

8.2 Company Strategy and Objectives

Basically, company strategy is an important subject for the company. But when we talked to
the Management of the company they said to us usually there is not any fixed strategy, but for
becoming the premier pharmaceutical company in the country they want to provide high
quality products and services backed by at latest technology used in manufacture and a team
of highly motivated personnel to deliver excellence in pharmaceuticals. The market condition
and the competition rapidly change so the strategies are also changing though there does not
happen any massive change the corporate level. They also said that at the corporate strategy
they use the formal strategic management process. Such as structure, selecting the leadership,
and providing motivational system, developing budgets, develops functional structure,
establishing standards to evaluating the performance, monitoring progress in the execution,
initiating corrective actions.

The objectives they have basically

 Capturing all: They want to enter all other pharmaceutical markets that are available
for them.
 Customer Focus: Customer satisfaction is the main reason behind all their activities
 Integrity: they confirm to the highest ethical standards.

 Innovation: Developing new medicine through R&D for the cure of permanent
diseases like cancer, Aids
 Social responsibility: They make active efforts to improve the welfare of their
 The corporate Family: They recognize that the people are the cornerstone of
Renata’s success. They are one big family where each of them expects to be treated
fairly and with dignity
 Building Leaders: Renata Cannot grow without leadership in all spears of their
activities. Therefor creating leaders is a key priority for them.

8.3Organizational Structure and Categories of Employees

Managing Director

M a n a g e m e n t le v e l

General Manager

Senior Manager


Senior Additional

Deputy Manager

Assistant Manager

Below O ffi cer

Grade A
Officer A
Grade B
Officer B
Grade C
Junior Officer
Grade D

Grade E

Grade F
Figure ii

Figure i

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Sales Managers

Deputy Sales

Assistant Sales

Senior Regional
F ie ld F o rc e
E m p lo y e e s
Sales Manager

Regional Sales

Senior Distict Sales


District Sales

Service Manager

Senior Professional
Service Manager

Service Officer

Figure iii

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8.4 Department
Like many other limited companies Renata Limited also has these departments.

 Sales
 Manufacturing
 Marketing
 Finance
 International Business
 Head of Human Resource
 Informational Technology

But Renata Ltd also has other two major departments. These departments are:

1. Project Department
2. Maintenance Department

These two departments are working effectively for the benefits of the company. The project
department is mainly concerned with the planning and international dealings. And the
maintenance department generally checks and maintains the operation of the organization and
control of engineering aspects. (Industrial Training Report on RENATA LIMITED,2018)

There are three core teams of the running company. They are:

1. Production Department: production department determines the market demand,

aims to produce safe, and effective medicines with efficiently and profitability. In
Renata Ltd. there are 84 production managers who are working in production
department. They ensure product development efforts for support the organization’s
strategic vision, closely monitor the quality and quantity of medicines coming of a
product line, maintenance the production of all pharmaceutical products from
acquisition of all materials up to processing, provide overall direct for the technical
and administrative operations in the dispensing processing and packaging area, submit

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batch wise product cycle time, percentage of yield, NC report, monthly productivity
report, machine activity report etc.

2. Quality Assurance Department: this is one of the most important department in

Renata Ltd. QA is a batch process; rather than a continuous one. Renata has 40
employees across this department. The function of this department is cross checking,
ensure quality of every product by quality control, and monitor operations to ensure
that they meet production standards. Also inspect, test, or measure materials or
products being produced, recommend adjustments to the production process and
Inspect, test, or measure materials or products being produced.
3. Engineering Department: this department maintains the factory. It falls within the
maintenance department. In this department there are 28 employees whose works are
do the checking, servicing machinery, equipment, system and infrastructures. Also
create maintenance procedures, manage stocks of supplies and equipment, supervise
engineering and technical staff, and obtain specialist components, fixtures or fittings.
(Industrial Training Report on RENATA LIMITED,2018)

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8.5 Training and Development Methods of Organization

Training Method

On The Job Off The Job

Job Classroom Need Conference
Role Play Outsourcing Training
Rotation Training Based & Discussion

After joining the separate Departments representatives must obtain their job and position
descriptions and experience the on-the job training process. In this process workers figure out
how to carry out their jobs by actually performing them. They get help from their peers and
supervisors to ensure satisfactory performance in the form of Monitoring and coaching.
Basically, Renata follow two ways of training methods. They are

1. On the Job Training Method

2. Off the Job Training Method
1. On the Job training: The format or providing training at the workplace. Renata provides
on the job training to make the employees familiarized with the working environment and
to become a part of that environment. They provide on the job training to the new

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executive level employees along with lower levels like assistants using following
 Job Rotation: In Renata Limited they basically follow job rotation due so that
employees can move in different positions in an organization to expand their
knowledge, skills and behavior. For example, if they are working in a manufacturing
department previously so that if they want to change they can rotate to
sales/Marketing department.
 Role Play: Sometimes employees participate in simulations role playing, and other
face to face training
 Classroom Training: In Renata they have very huge classroom where they have
mentioned that they have the capacity to seat about 40 employees, it’s so huge
compare to other pharmaceutical companies. They provide lectures and specific
information in that training session.
2. Off the Job Training: The format or providing training outside the workplace is off the
job training method. Renata Ltd currently use 4 techniques of off the job training. They
are as follows.
 Needs based: It is determined after assuring employee current knowledge, skills
behavior, and deficiency of knowledge and after that the employees are involved with
specific training programs according to their needs. And the employees are also
trained in order to accustom with the latest trends and advancement in the field of new
technology and product innovation and their creativity.
 Outsourcing: Renata offer off the job training for the both researcher and marketers
when there is a special training session because of getting some updated information
on specific task (like it could be a foreign medicine) and for this purpose Renata send
their own employees to learn those updated tasks. This kind of training mostly held in
the end of each year, when available.
 Conference and discussion: This is a very common training method which they
usually tried to follow in every month. They hold conference for the employees to get
some updated about their work and also, they can give their valuable knowledge to
the employees. They provide Web based Training program with the help of foreign
trainers through video conferencing.

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 Special Training Program: Renata organizes special training program specially for
the Medical Representatives are currently employed in the organization. Because they
need training on a weekly basis because to get familiar and cope up with the market
more actively.

8.6 Training and Development Framework of Organization

Renata Limited prioritize mostly their employees because of that their employees are the
main reason why Renata Limited is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies and market
leader of animal health products in Bangladesh. They set a very high standard and to maintain
that standard they follow their framework of training and development.

 Internal Training Program: Renata mostly arranges training by in house trainer.

However, a trainer from outside may be selected. Their trainer can be organized by
the HR department or it can be organized by the individual department. They arrange
a lot of workshops, seminars on various topics for their employees so that they can
improve their basic skills and attributes.
 External Training Program: In order to make their employees more active Renata
also arranges external courses. They sent their employees to different external
institutes for training. Those training institute may be located in Bangladesh or in
abroad. Sometimes they receive book shield from different require International
Business Schools. They also arrange some job related courses, seminars, workshops
and conferences which are given to junior officers to senior executives.

 Distance Learning: Renata has their own internet service so that if employees want
they can learn by their own. This a very good approach and a good opportunity for
their employees to learn about Renata more and the topics they are provided or

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 Collaborative learning: It is structured so Renata as to facilitate its implementation
Renata set up in a collaborative way to increase relevance and ensure a better
acceptance by sales reps. As well as it is easily to adaptable to processes so they try to
follow it.

 E learning: Renata interact with the facilitators through the use of some of the many
electronic, computer based learning materials that are now available. It’s very
effective to improve their performance.

 Long term training: Long term training is often obtained in an institution of higher
learning. It can be academic or nonacademic. This are most useful for highly technical
areas, such as research and development for new drugs quality assurance,
pharmaceutical production this approach is limited for some terms and conditions or
some restrictions but Renata provide this training.

 Case Study: A real situation is presented in a brief paper then it analyzed by

participants. Renata use this method very wisely and apply it to their employees so
that they can understand and can learn something from real situation.

 Brainstorming: Members of a small or large group are encouraged to contribute any

suggestion that comes into their minds on given topics or subjects. This is so useful
and it comes with so many creative ideas. Renata really appreciate this thought.

 Demonstration: The facilitator of Renata shows learners how and what should be
done while explaining why when and where an action can be taken.

 Simulation: It is much more advanced version of a case study where participations

are given moiré detailed information on a situation. Renata tries to follow the method
while they are working on training and development.

8.7 Training and Development Issue

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Training and development is mainly used to improve a trainees’ abilities and skills. Renata’s
training and development program is no doubt very impressive but they are also dealing with
some issues.

In the survey one of our question was common complains or problems about the training and
development sessions they received. In response we found some issues.

 Boring and Time consuming: The employees are very busy as they have a lot of
work to do in their specific work hour. As we know that training programs are too
long and time consuming. They have to participate in the training program and also
have to do their day to day work sometimes these things create difficulties. Not all the
training programs are boring but most of the training programs are very boring. so
that sometimes trainees lose their interest.

 Too much trainees in one section: In their training program sometimes there are too
many trainees. As a result, it is very difficult to understand the topic off the lectures.
Lectures try their best to give the maximum effort to the trainees. But it is
challenging to give equal amount of attention to every employee.

 Uncomfortable environment: Working in a pharmaceutical company is not easy to

work. Sometimes the environment can be uncomfortable because the place is very
sensitive there are medicines everywhere and the instruments are risky. So that the
environment is not comfortable for many employees.

 Could not relate to the work they do: In Renata there are so many section and so
many training process for that some employee could not relate to the work what
should they do. It may create problem for some employee.

 Too generic/ basic knowledge based program: Their programs are too basic
knowledge based. They discuss everything very generically. some employee cannot
have this basic knowledge so that they could not understand the importance.

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Beside these; training instructors sometimes makes it difficult for the trainees to learn
in training and development program. It mainly happens when the training design is
not properly developed.

8.8 Stages of Training Procedure of Organization

Stages of training procedure of Organization
Renata Limited follows the Training Design Process

ISD Model (Instructional System Design)

Conduction need assessment: Renata decides it on performance appraisal of employees. This

is done by upper level management of the organization. It basically involves three parts
organizational analysis, task analysis, and person analysis. To maintain the benchmark with
other pharmaceutical companies. The make analysis of the entire organization, its operation
and manpower resources which is required to find out the problem areas which need
improvement. Renata Limited main objectives to reach their vision and mission they have set.
The goal is to find develop the framework for employee requires training needs and can be
defined clearly.

Person Analysis- In this Renata limited evaluate and analyze the need for training for
employees. They find out whether trainees have the knowledge skills and abilities to
participate in the training or not.

They follows

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Observation: Employees are observed during their workplace and analyze whether they are
working and performing their duties. The upper level management carefully monitor and
asses the skills and attitudes of employees, and overall performance. This done by not
interrupting in workplace to ensure realistic observation.

Key Consultation: In Renata Limited the former manager give feedback and their opinions
on training needs of the employees.

Group Discussion: There are often group discussion held at Renata Limited. Employees
shares ideas and finds out the lacking and need for improvement. By this group discussion it
clears out all the problem of employees may face during their workplace.

Questionnaire- They sometimes ask questions to employees to solve their problems.

Employees Readiness for Training – In this step Renata ensures employees have the
motivation and basic skills necessary to attend in the training sessions. Motivation to learn
and self- efficacy always required in trainees to successfully learn the content of the training
program. This done by giving feedback to the employees that learning is under their control
and letting them the purpose of the training and letting the employer know that their main
goal is to improve their performance rather employees are incompetent.

Creating learning environment- The training events and the reputation of the training function
are reliant upon administration and the contribution of the training administration. Human
Resource Department mainly administered the training and development. After getting
approval Annual Training Plan and External Training recommendation from the line
supervision. it is the responsibility of the HR department to analyze whether there is necessity
of the training which will help to improve employees’ performance to reach organizational
objectives. After this is done HR department look for number of resources and channels to
find out related training availability and the cost for the training. This is done through the
approval of Managing Director and registering employees with the training program. To keep
things simple, they create a learning culture that make employees understands what is
involved and what is expected from employees and managers. The pharmaceutical
management team and advisors together define the mission and vison. Coaching and

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mentoring are two ways to make the learning process more interesting and encourage
learning among employees with new or more complex responsibility.

They have their own training rooms to maintain a learning environment for the trainees. To
ensure that the room is main criteria they are giving. The room they providing the training are
well settled for a training program, noise, colors, ceiling are carefully designed.

Ensure Transfer of learning- The HR personnel responsible for the failure to transfer training
to work. Renata employees are given the opportunity to apply the skills in their workplace. In
the training they are told how it be useful in their job. They facilitate transfer of training in
Renata are its nature as a learning organization and its focuses on knowledge management.
Usually peers are encouraging to ensure transfer of learning. But influence of other
subordinates is the barrier to use their skills in work.

Developing an Evaluation Plan: It is done through pre and post training. Summative
Evaluation is done to check whether trainees have changed as result of participating training
program through some test and observation. It usually involves collecting quantitative
(numerical) data through test, rating of behavior or objectives measure of performance.
Renata is growing every year in market shares they have concentrating on different trainings
methods. So it is important to evaluate whether training programs given to employees’
outcomes against the investment made for training.

Training Methods- They are using traditional and E-learning methods for training.

Traditional Methods includes- Lectures, Demonstration, Role Playing, Job rotation, Case or
project studies,

On the Job Training – From entry level officer to company president, get some on the job
training when he/she are recruited in the firm. Vestibule Training, Classroom Training,
Workshops. Under Classroom training: Lecture, Conference, Case study, Role Playing,
Simulations and Demonstration. Also Team Training, Training by Supervisor.

Off the Job Methods: Renata sent their employees to different training institute/Business
schools either home or aboard for particular courses.

Monitoring and Evaluating-

21 | P a g e
Renata evaluates the trainees after providing training. There are few ways Renata evaluate
their employees after training

Performance Review: Renata evaluate the performance of trainees by the process or line

Questionnaire: Trainees are requiring to answer some questions by trainer and the question
are mainly the content of the training session.



It is basically looks into need of employees discussed before in conducting need assessment.


It involves two methods Non-Supervisory, and Supervisory. The supervisory training is the
training for worker and operator of the company. The casual and permanent workers are in
this category. The another one is Supervisory training which is for managerial employees.
The trainees often need seat for test to evaluate what they have learned in training. As Renata
usually do online training through online classroom to reach all other employees in other
places. Also held virtual conference to reduce the travel of cost for the employees.


22 | P a g e
In this process trainees test whether they have the basic skills, In Renata even senior
employees have to give this test of speaking in English with their subordinates. The
presentation training methods usually involve creating slides keep trainees’ interactive using
graphics and animation to present better.


It is the done after completing the training session. This is the post training, based on pass
mark after test they are allowed to use the machineries. As the machineries used in
Pharmaceutical are very expensive they don’t take risk allowing employees use those
machines, assessment are done during training period. The supervisor is monitoring and
observing the activities.


As discussed before in ISD model.

8.9 Evaluation of Training Program

It is essential to monitor and evaluate the training program. In order to that Renata Limited
HR department differentiates the performance of employees after the training program. The
Human resource manager usually involve in this process manager asses the employees’
performance and assisting meeting their apportioned targets. The line manager is task is to
observe their employees’ performance. The HR plays an advisory role.
The training outcomes should be measurable, performance based, and directly related to the
objectives of training programs which Renata follows. The employees are provided
opportunities to use their skills in the job which they usually learned in training. Group
discussion, team work coordination among peers are usually involved for betterment of
Renata Limited.
Monitoring and evaluation to assessment performance and progress of the participants is one
the key roles. These assessments in Renata Limited is done as formative evaluation and

23 | P a g e
summative evaluation. The summative evaluation aim is to improve the performance of the
trainees. The trainers help the employee to learn more quickly and more completely by
providing them with constructive criticism during the course. The trainer can also use
feedback from evaluation to adjust the content and methods of training to better meet
participant needs. This process is followed -1) Pre-training 2) Training 3) Post-training are
followed to evaluate the training program. The follow-up step in which program’s success or
failure are assessed.

9.0 Finding and Analysis

We have done our survey in Renata Limited. We have given the survey to 20 employees and
based on their responses on the survey questionnaire we have got the results. This area will
be discussing about the survey results and graphs to show what we have got from 20

24 | P a g e
In the above response we can see that the company has a set of training policy for all the
employees though some of them said it exits but for only the management. Thus 5% of them
find the training system irrelevant with their company.

In above response the answer is dispersed because some of them are saying a yes, all the
organizational strategies are directly linked with training objectives but the other are not
agreeing with it. Some says it exits but not for all.

25 | P a g e
Majority of the responders said that the company has the job analysis available, but some said
it’s not that much helpful to them. Some even said they don’t have the job analysis available
in the company.

Most of the employees said that the company follows questionnaires method for conducting
their needs assessment. Sometimes they use the interviewing and observation of the
employees individually to find out if the employee needs a training.

26 | P a g e
This Bar chart shows how often the ultimate goal of training in the organization done. 15%
said about the profit here, 60% said about the better management decisions result of this
organization for ultimate goal of training and lastly 45% told about the development of the
human resources in this organization.
So, from the above data we can analyze that ultimate goal of training in this organization
conducted is going well and effective.

This bar chart shows that in this organization employees in their training and development
condition in order to address their performance gap. Here 35% are following the self-learning
process in the organization, 25% is still under planning which are not to do so, 20% is
thinking about to start for performing. Lastly rest 30% of training and development program
of this organization is to try to attend several types of performance.

27 | P a g e
So, from the above bar data we can analyze that most of the employees are agree with
positive change of training and development here and a few is about under performance. So it
is an organization which has an ideal training and development.

Based on requirement trainees are provide training. Only 25% new employees are considered
for training programs. And 15% senior employees are mostly considered for training.

This pie chart shows the higher acceptance of training program among the employees. 40%
employees said that Yes, the training program internally marketed/promoted for higher
acceptance among the employees. Also 20% employees said No. Another 20% employees
said that, rarely the training program internally marketed/promoted for higher acceptance
among the employees. And other employees said, most of the time training program

28 | P a g e
internally promoted for higher acceptance among the employees. In above responses we can
analyze that most of the employees think that the training program internally
marketed/promoted for higher acceptance among the employees.

This pie chart shows that how many employees agree that training helps boost employee
morale and improves skills and knowledge. 45% employees agree with this. Some of them
strongly agree with the statement and the percentage is 35%. Another 15% is being neutral
and 5% employees strongly disagree with the statement.
So, from the responses we can analyze that most of the employees are AGREES with the
statement that training helps boost employee morale and improves skills and knowledge.

29 | P a g e
This pie chart shows that as an employee do one agree with the statement that the
organization has an ideal learning environment. 40% employees are agreeing with the
statement. Also another 40% are strongly agree with the statement. Some of them are neutral
about the statement and the percentage is 15%. And lowest number of employees are
disagreeing with the statement.
From the above we can analyze that most of the employees are agree and also strongly agree
with the statement that, the organization has an ideal learning environment.

This pie chart shows how often training program conducted in the organization. 45% said, no
particular schedule; as and when required. 20% said, once a year. Some of them said half
yearly and the percentage is 15%. Also 15% said every quarter and 5% said every month.
So, from the above we can analyze that training programs conducted in the organization no
particular schedule but as and when required.

30 | P a g e
This bar chart shows that the main barriers of training and development in the organization is
the evidential data given above, where 30% says no one has the time, 10% says not enough
financial resources for this training, 40% says not that much easy to arrange, 30% says non-
availability of skilled trainer in this process, 25% says about the knowledge gained from the
training and last 15% says about nothing.

So, in above responses we can analyze that most of the employees think this matter
negatively as there are so many barriers for training and development program in the
organization and about their drawbacks.

50% employees responded that the biggest training barrier in the case of transfer of learning
is description of influence, where they are not able their skills knowledge of learning because
of the influence of others.

31 | P a g e

Here is a mix review,35% of employees say by performance level, 25% said aby answering
questionnaire, 20% said observational behavioral change among employees and satisfaction
and participants’ reaction. Which means all them are used.

32 | P a g e
Here is a mixed answer given by employees. 35% employees said rarely, 30% said yes ,20%
said most of time and 15% said no which means most it is rarely where employees are
encourage to participate in designing training program.

50% of employees think training session are boring. And 35% thinks most of the topic are
covered before which is too generic additionally 10% thinks uncomfortable environment.

33 | P a g e
In above responses we can analyze that most employees expect to have very professional
trainers in their training, who is capable enough to know what they are teaching in training
sessions and can be applied in later terms.

In the above responses from employees it can be seen that classroom lecture is very effective
for some employees’, however workshops has more responses and is very effective compared
with classroom, computer based training, online/website and film videos. Therefore,
analyzing from the responses from this training methods they find workshops very effective.

34 | P a g e
In above responses we can analyze that simulation is very effective training method.
Compared with job rotation, case study, role play and business games. However, it can also
be seen that role play is somewhat effective for most of the employees.

In above responses from employees we can analyze that team training is most effective
methods of training. Comparing with case study, role play, simulation and business games.

35 | P a g e
Employees prefer team training as an effective training methods as it helps to develop bond
with each other.
The other analysis results are given in Appendix- NO 14,15,17,18,19,21,23.
Overall Analysis
Renata limited is one of the most reputed pharmaceutical companies of the country.
According to the survey results where, 3 branch managers, 7 assistant managers, 7 functional
level officers, and 3 junior officers participated; it can be concluded that most often the
organization develops relevant or useful training program for the employees. 85% of the
sample agrees with this. However, the junior level executives mostly don’t find the training
sessions relevant or useful for their field of work. The job analysis for the existing employee
should be done more accurately to help the employees to understand the range and depth of
their work; because more than 42% of the employees believe that the job description and
specification available is not helpful at all.

Chart Title

15% 15%

Employee Category
Branch Manager
Assistant Manager
Functional Level Officer
Junior Officer
35% 35%

Training and development in Renata Limited is designed and conducted as required. But all
the employees don’t find them relevant or useful for their job requirements. Most of the
sample feels that training sessions are helpful for managerial decisions only. Besides, more
relevant tools must be included in the training sessions. Too upgraded are making the
trainings less fruitful for the employees. Moreover, more specialized trainings should be
introduced to get better outcomes. Majority of the employee said in the survey that, the
programs are generic and focused on many group of employees. Only few employees receive
focused training program, which should be increased to achieve better turnover through
performances. The trainings are not enough interactive. This can be a barrier to better
learning and evaluation. The training sessions are too boring and lengthy. However, the

36 | P a g e
authority is very encouraging and engaging throughout the training programs. The managers
mostly encourage them to share their learning with the employees who did not attend the

Most of the employees have the motivation for self-learning and many of them are interested
in learning and development. Besides, some of them want the authority to organize learning
programs for them. However, the methods they use for training are accepted among the

10. Recommendation
Renata Limited should combine more sophisticated methods for needs assessments in order
to understand each of their needs and scope of development. The employee engagement must
be increased, so that, they feel a belonging towards the training program. Which methods for
training should be used must be decided both by the trainers and trainees, for better results.
Tools that are relevant for the actual work must be similar to the ones used for training.
Otherwise, results will not be as effective as it should have been. Moreover, many employees
find training waste of time and boring; therefore, authority should invest in more interesting
sessions, which are fun to participate and delivers learning materials at the same time. Renata
also needs to arrange focused training programs where any specialized groups will get the
scope for development.
In terms of choosing trainers they choose both internal and external trainers; and employees
are satisfied with the facilitators they are provided. On top of that, they appreciate the training
programs and majority of the personnel believes that it improves the productivity of the
employees. That’s why authority should provide comfortable environment for training
Besides, most of the employees have the motivation for self-learning and many of them are
interested in learning and development. Besides, some of them want the authority to organize
learning programs for them. However, the methods they use for training are accepted among
the employees. The managers should be more encouraging towards share learning in the
office. This provides the employees confidence and willingness to explore and learn new
areas of their work.
Finally, Renata Limited must do the job analysis more accurately. Many of the survey
participants responded that their job description and specification do not help much with their
assigned work or to give them a clear vision about their responsibilities. Thus, a proper job
analysis must be done so that the personnel are on track of their work.

37 | P a g e
10 Conclusion
Renata limited is one the leading pharmaceuticals in the industry of Bangladesh. It has 3400
personnel currently. Human Resource department is organizing training programs every now
and then, assessing the needs of the employees. However, from this enormous company, the
employees expect more sophisticated and focused training programs conducted in a
comfortable environment. Through the surveys and interviews that had been conducted, it
was evident that the employees often find the programs too generic and boring. Renata HR
should be looking into this matter to retain more effectiveness and gain less employee
turnover. This will help both the company and employees to grow within themselves.

38 | P a g e
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HRM 340- Training and Development - Questionnaire
The questionnaire attempts to collect information from the employees to find out their perception and
have a better understanding of the overall training and development practices of the organization,
employee motivation to learn and perceived enablers and barriers for learning
The information given will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.

Number of years in this organization: ______

Employee Category:
 CEO/ Director/ MD  Branch Managers Assistant Managers
 Functional Level  Junior Officers
1. Does the organization have a training and development policy covering for all types of
a. Yes , The organization set policy of training for all
b. No, they don’t have policy of training for all
c. Yes, but the management got training facility only
d. It is hard to find the relevant
2. Are the training objectives effectively aligned with the overall strategies of the organization?
a. Yes all the organizational strategies are directly linked with training objectives
b. Aligned with some strategies, not all.
c. Does not meet any goals or strategy of the organization
d. I am not made aware of this issue.
3. Is a list of competencies, job descriptions, specifications or job analysis available to help you
identify your training and development goals?
a. Yes , we have the job analysis available
b. No, we don’t have it
c. Yes , there is a list but that is not helpful enough
d. I don’t have any idea about it
4. What methods do you follow for doing needs assessment?
a. Questionnaires
b. Interviews
c. Observation
d. Focus group interviews
5. What do you think is the ultimate goal of training in your organization?
a. Profit
b. Better management decisions resulting to increased productivity
c. Development of the Human Resources
d. Others:
6. Are you pursuing training and development in order to address a performance gap?
a. Yes , I am following the self-learning method
b. No, currently I am not planning to do so
c. No , but I think I should start to perform more efficiently
d. Yes , I try to attend several types of training conducted by the organization
7. Which employees are mostly in consideration when developing new training programs?
a. Senior employees
b. New employee
c. Based on requirement
8. Is the training program internally marketed/promoted for higher acceptance among the
a. Yes
b. No

44 | P a g e
c. Rarely
d. Most of the times
9. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: Training helps boost employee morale
and improves skills and knowledge?
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree
10. As an employee, do you agree with the statement: The organization has an ideal learning
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neutral
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree
11. How often are these training programs conducted in the organization?
a. Every month
b. Every quarter
c. Half yearly
d. Once a year
e. No particular schedule. As and when required.
12. What are the main barriers to training and development in your organization?
a. No one has the time
b. Not enough financial resources
c. Lack of interest by the employees
d. Non-availability of skilled trainer
e. The knowledge gained from the training sessions are rarely applicable to the job
f. No formalized needs assessment so we didn’t even know we needed training
13. Is there any obstacle in the work environment in case of transfer of training (applying the
learning at work)?
a. Lack of peer support
b. Lack of management support
c. Description of influence
d. All of them
14. When employees comes back from a training, do the supervisors encourage them to share
what they have learned with other employees?
a. Yes , we are encouraged
b. No, Supervisors discourage us to share with others who was not part of the training.
c. Yes , they tell us to share but there is not enough facility to share
d. No, the organization environment is not supportive to share learning

15. Are the equipment/processes used in training, similar to those found on the job or are easily
relatable to our day to day work
a. Yes , They are similar
b. No, They aren’t similar
c. Yes, slight similarity can be found.
d. Somewhat, as the training equipment’s are more upgraded.
16. How is the training effectiveness evaluated?
a. By answering questionnaires
b. By performance levels in a particular situation

45 | P a g e
c. Satisfaction and participants’ reaction
d. Observation of behavioral change among trainees
e. No Evaluation is done
f. Others __________________________
17. How often do you assess the transfer of training to understand the application of the
learning in actual work?
a. Once a year
b. Twice a year
c. Every month
d. Never did anything like that
18. Does your organization mostly organize group wise training or individual need based
training in also emphasized?
a. We accumulate certain numbers of employee needs and then arrange a training program
b. We take care of individual needs specifically
c. We specify needs periodically and arrange trainings accordingly
d. We arrange training programs annually with or without training needs
19. Does the organization have a full-fledged training and development department with
competent professionals?
a. No, there is no separate department. Most of the training is provided by outside
b. Yes, the in-house trainers are competent enough to conduct effective training sessions
c. The organization uses both internal and external trainers for training employees,
depending on the type of work

20. Does the Organization encourage employee participation in designing the training
a) Yes
b) No
c) Rarely
d) Most of the times

21. Do the top management invest considerable time to ensure the success of the employee
training session?
a) Yes, someone is always there during the session
b) Yes, they also participate in the program
c) Not very often
d) No, we have never seen them during the session

22. What are the most common complaints about the training sessions you received?
a) Too boring and time consuming
b) Too generic topic and/or basic knowledge-based program
c) Uncomfortable environment/ inconvenient venue
d) Could not relate to the work they do
e) Others: __________________________________________________

23. Training provided by the organization helps to improve productivity:

a) Strongly agree

46 | P a g e
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree
24. What Qualities does the Organization Expect in a Trainer?

a) Very Professional and Skillful in designing the training session

b) Highly Intelligent and Competent
c) Possess Relevant Industry Knowledge
d) Good in Communication and Presentation

25. Please rate the method of training you feel would be most effective to achieve your
learning goals-
Very Not aware of this training
Not Somewhat Effectiv method
Effective Effective e
Classroom Lecture
Computer Based Training
Online/ Web Based
Film & videos
Job rotation
Case Study
Role Play
Business Games
Team Training

47 | P a g e
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Contribution Part
Afsana Rashid -I have done Introduction, Methodology, Limitation,
training and development definition, literature Review, Organization
structure and categories of employees, stages of training procedure of
organization, analysis of question no 23.24,25 and compiling of the
And I have input all soft copy questionnaire in google form and
emailed you the excel file.

Farhana Rashed – I have done Training and Development methods,

company profile, objectives and analysis of question no1,2,3,4

Naznin Islam Nipa- I have done executive summary, Scope and

objectives and analysis of question no 12,13,14,15.

Nasreen Sultana-I have done overall analysis of all questions,

conclusion and recommendation.

Ishrat Jahan Shila – I have done department section and analysis

question no 9,10,11,12

Tasfia Rahman Faria- I have done ADDIE model and analysis no


Kazi Habsa Nafisa- I have done Training and Development

Framwork, issues and analysis of question no17,18,19,20

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