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Zyra Ann E. Ero


Name of Company: Infosys BPM (Call Center)

Company Address: Northgate Avenue, Alabang, Muntinlupa City, 1781 Metro Manila

The Case Study of Infosys BPM: High Absenteeism Rate in a Call Center

The case study will be focusing on the effect of high absenteeism rate in a call center and to
understand the Human Resource problems which cause of dissatisfaction at work resulting in
employee absenteeism/tardiness. Absenteeism in a call center is just a big problem as other
industries. Since a call center is so dependent on people being available to answer phone calls
and resolves issues, people missing work can be a big problem. Missing work leads to increased
workloads for other agents, who may already be in undated calls. It is clear that the call center
(BPO industry) will not be able to maintain its current growth rate without solving its biggest
human resources problem.

The problem of high absenteeism and increase cost are interlinked obviously. It is clear the
company will not be able to maintain its current growth rate without solving its biggest human
resources problems.

The Causes of Absenteeism

Evidence from the HR departments of Infosys BPM suggests the following reasons for high

 Lack of job satisfaction & motivation

- Job satisfaction or dissatisfaction is another cause of absenteeism, resulting from
employees having to execute repetitive and monotonous tasks day-in-day-out. In addition
to this, employees with low levels of motivation. This will result of high absenteeism.
 Legitimate health issues & Stress
- Working in night shift leads to chronic fatigue & insomnia, and is also linked with
behavioral changes such as smoking & a poor diet among call center agent. Some
workers gain weight because of the sedentary lifestyle.
 Poor Welfare Facilities, Unhealthy working conditions
- Inherent in the nature of the work itself it is widely acknowledged that call center jobs are
highly repetitive in nature with tightly regulated lunch & restrooms breaks, stringent call
targets, and extensive monitoring.
 Family responsibilities
- It may keep devoted parents away from work, especially single parents/mother.
 Job related reasons
- Dissatisfaction with the immediate supervisor ( the “lousy boss syndrome”)
HR Recommended Solutions to Reduce High Absenteeism

The absenteeism policy must make a clear what constitutes authorized absenteeism &
supervisors must adhere to the policy when granting such leave. It is important to distinguish
between authorized absences (planned & managed absenteeism) & unplanned ones, which are
unpredictable both regarding the durations of the incident and the person involved.

 Flexible scheduling for employees

- A workforce management took empower employees to switch shifts or adjust hours on
their own, and managers don’t need to slate over a scheduling chart. Flexible scheduling
can reduce absenteeism if handled correctly.

 Tie Promotions & Reward Attendance

- Gift checks, certificate or rewards to employees with strong attendance records and it can
use these records for giving promotions. This can help to stay motivated and avoid

 Developing a Fun Culture

- This approach here is to sponsor fun filled activities, parties, invest in recreational
facilities, conduct trendy interiors, encourage employees to watch movies, play games &
relax ( when workload is light) . The goal of this activities is to create an ambience in
which the young educated & middle class workforce will enjoy the work atmosphere.
- Food is also an important aspect of environment. Offering free breakfast buffet to all their
employees then there is the focus on wellness.

 Work from Home ( *depends on the positions)

- Employees who work from home have been shown to take fewer sick days.

 Help Call Center Agents to Develop their Transferable Skills

- Helping agents to see how their role can relate to their future aspirations and providing
them with opportunities to widen their skill set, can motivate agents further and also
reduce absenteeism.

The methods of an HR manager that he choose, develop and to communicate a clear attendance
policy with a plan action for when employees fail to meet expectations. The changes could save
the organization’s money, boost performance and improve employee engagement.

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