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*WEEK 1*




The fact that we have his spirit, we are in the light, we have left the path of confusion. These facts
must be clearly stated without ambiguity.


The written word as a guide to all forms of guidance.

Who is the word?

 The word which is God, (a person) became flesh.

 In the word, the truth (and character) about God is explained – highlight the fact that God
does not destroy lives (Matthew 5:43-44, Luke 9:51-56).

This should be juxtaposed with the bosom explanation of John 1:18, Luke 16:22-25 and John

 Further explain the word as the focus of the prophets in the sufferings of Christ and the
glory that should follow/ the resurrection (Luke 24:25-27, Romans 1:1-4, etc.)

 Mystery and revelation

 Walking in wisdom is walking in the will of God in the written word – Ephesians 5:15-17

 In the revelation of Christ is found the revelation of the believer – Philemon 1:6, Colossians
1:9-11 vis-à-vis renewing the mind

 The primary way God leads us is via the written word; instructions/ direction on how to
conduct ourselves in everyday life such as

The ministry of reconciliation
Walking in love/ forgiving one another
Submission to spiritual authority
Honour and respect for elders
Read and meditate upon Scriptures
Gathering with fellow believers
Beware of false doctrines/ another gospel
Spiritual growth

Walking in the above listed is following the leading of the Spirit

 Whilst the above nine (9) things listed deal with “general instructions in the leading of the
Spirit”, there exists instances of “subjective leading” such as

Our Lord Jesus

Paul and Barnabas
The church at Corinth

*WEEK 2*



The leading of the Spirit (*A 10-minute recap of the previous week is necessary as well as questions
where applicable*)

 Prophecies concerning God’s leading/ guidance in Scriptures – Psalm 32:8. 37:23-24, 31,
Isaiah 48:17
This is done by personally by God in his Spirit received in the New Birth – God will guide
the believer by his Spirit indwelling man

 The promise is the Spirit of God indwelling man, fulfilled in Christ and received by faith

 It should be recalled in week 1 concerning the general instructions on leading that a

fundamental aspect of leading is prayer, thus, introduce *the Pauline prayers* and make
emphasis on the blessedness of the Spirit the believer has received

 Further emphasis should be made on the fact the revelation Paul prayed for believers will be
the Spirit of the believer (which is the Spirit of God) reveals to the believer’s mind; the things
of God

*The mind*

 The mind of the believer in receiving revelation vis-à-vis supernatural utterances

The mind as where we receive and recognise God’s leading, resident in or known to the

Also, the role of the mind in believing the gospel – explaining 2 nd Corinthians 10:3-5 and 2nd
Corinthians 4:3-6

*The Spirit*

Explaining *the Spirit bearing witness* – explaining Romans 8:16

Conclude with –

God’s leading and guidance is resident in or ever available to the believer, and it is a function of the
New Birth! Our Spirit is of God and we know the things of God. Hence, we are never without God’s
leading, direction and guidance. Our responsibility is to know, that is, to recognize how He has led
or leads us and to walk in the same. And as earlier explained, this knowing or recognition is in the
mind. It is the Spirit of the believer (which is the Spirit of God) that reveals the things of God to his

*WEEK 3*




*The Inward Witness*

Briefly revisit the Romans 8:16 explanation from last week and focus on the following

 How the Inward Witness bears witness/ agrees with or refutes facts exposed to it

Recall, that the mind is where we recognize or receive God’s guidance and leadings. Therefore, these
reactions or impressions will be expressed through or in the mind of the believer. Since, the mind is
where we have emotions, then, the Spirit bearing witness with or refuting facts expressed to it will
be via emotions. This implies, that the inward witness can also be understood as emotional
expressions from within the believer’s spirit in agreement or disagreement to facts exposed to it,
received in the mind. Emotions definitely are reactions, which are based on impulses gotten from
information that we receive on a regular basis via the senses, that is, from things we see (watch),
hear, touch, taste, smell, which eventually inform our thoughts / perceptions, words and actions.
These emotions, can be seen in joy, anger, sadness, excitement, and much more.

Explain some examples in the Scriptures:

 The Synoptic (Four) Gospels – Jesus (Luke 10:21) – rejoicing

 The book of Acts – Paul

 Acts 14:9 – perceiving that he had faith to be healed,
 Acts 16:18 – being grieved
 Acts 17:16 – spirit was stirred
 Acts 18:5 – pressed in the spirit
 Acts 20:22 – bound in the spirit (explain the will of God)

From the texts examined in the book of Acts, it is evident that these perceptions were as a result of
something that was seen or heard. That means perceptions become stronger when it is in relation to
an activity. It is always in relationship to something you are doing. Hence, leading comes within
your activities. The inward witness responds to something that you saw, heard or are actively
involved in.

 Also examine the Inward Witness within the Epistles – Ephesians 4:30, Colossians 2:5 

 What the inward witness is not

 Practical things to note about the inward witness:

1. Never be in a hurry to make or take any decision, that is, learn to be patient.

2. In patience, also the believer must learn to be quiet. The inward witness often times can be
quieted when we are too active in the mind.

3. In waiting also, it is important to be full of God’s word – Renew the mind


*The Conscience*

 Explain conscience as the kind of awareness or a persisting notion / idea / view /

knowledge / thinking resident in the mind.

 Further explain Romans 9:1 within the adjectives (weak/ strong/ pure/ good/ evil –
conscience) used to explain the conscience and the role of knowledge

Conclude with the following

 What the inward witness is, definition, how it works viz-a-viz the indwelling of the spirit.
 Few examples from the gospels, book of Acts and what the epistles teach.
 Practical things about the inward witness
 Is there a difference between inward witness and conscience, if yes how do I differentiate?

*WEEK 4*




*Utterances and Revelation in guidance*

 Recall from week 1 that; from the written word, one of the ways that God leads us
(subjectively) is via utterances and revelations.

 Explain the several scriptural examples or evidences in the book of Acts, and even the
Epistles, of believers who received direction or were led in this regard

 Do a brief classification of the gifts of the Spirit with focus on 1 st Corinthians 14 to elucidate
the utterance gifts in brief.

 Explain edifying with focus on the utterance gifts being vehicles with which believers
receive direction, leading and guidance via other believers in subjective leading.

Cite examples on such instances such as

 Paul and Barnabas – Acts 13

 Agabus – Acts 11
 Paul – Acts 16 (assuredly gathering in the company of believers)

Briefly explain the Revelation gifts

Visions and dreams

 Explain a vision as a supernaturally granted appearance, that means, it is not something you
could have seen / perceived with your eyes without being granted. It is important to note
also, that the word “vision(s)” as used in the Scriptures does not refer to a foresight or
something you expect to see in the future, neither is it an imagination or an ambition. The
key elements in a “vision(s)” are; seeing and knowing, that is, the recipient will see and also
know things supernaturally.
 State examples of visions within Scriptures

 Raise the caution when it comes to visions, trances and dreams, and how the believer must
tread cautiously. We must be very intelligent to distinguish the personalities involved and
also pay attention to the things said. The minute what is seen or heard is not in tandem with
the written word, then it is not of God, and must be discarded. It is vital to also ensure that
we are attentive to the inward witness in such instances (which either agrees with or refutes
facts exposed to it). Hence, one must never be in a hurry to make assumptions or jump into
conclusions, based on the things seen or heard in a vision or a trance, particularly, those with
the involvement of angels, imageries and figures of speech. It makes no sense for God to lead
us into confusion; condemnation; fear (terror, torment, timidity).


*How to Recognize the Leading of The Spirit (Leadings and Perceptions)?*

 Reaffirm the Pauline prayers again vis-à-vis with Romans 12:1-2. Explain the will of God in
the Spirit of the believer

 How do I train my mind?

This should be related to the earlier teaching on the mind and conscience.

Emphasize the role of

1. Reading
2. Meditation – explain what Timothy was to meditate on
3. Putting the Word of God on your lips

Also focus on practical things in recognizing the leading of the Spirit

1. Be well informed about the things of the Spirit

2. Patience
3. The right company / association
4. Common Sense


Emphasize the rile of renewing the mind and recognizing the will of God.

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