Problem 4: The Mystic Coffee Shop Blends Coffee On The Premises For Its Customers. It

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Problem 4: The Mystic Coffee Shop blends coffee on the premises for its customers.

sells three basic blends in one-pound bags: Special, Mountain Dark, and Mill Regular. It
uses four different types of coffee to produce the blends: Brazilian, mocha,
Colombian, and mild. The shop used the following blend recipe requirements:

The cost of Brazilian coffee is $2.00 per pound, the cost of mocha is $2.75 per pound,
the cost of Colombian is $2.90 per pound, and the cost of mild is $1.70 per pound.
The shop has 110 pounds of Brazilian coffee, 70 pounds of mocha, 80 pounds of
Colombian, and 150 pounds of mild coffee available per week. The shop wants to
know the amount of each blend it should prepare each week in order to maximize
profit. Formulate and solve a linear programming model for
this problem.

Mathematical model:
 Let: Xij = amounts (lbs) of coffee “i” used to produce each blend “j”
 Let: b stands for Brazilian coffee
m stands for Mocha coffee
c stands for Columbian coffee
k stands for Mild coffee
s stands for Special blend
d stands for Dark blend
r stands for Regular blend
 We have:
COFFEE Brazilian Mocha Columbian Mild
Special X bs X ms X cs X ks
Dark X bd X md X cd X kd
Regular X br X mr X cr X kr
 Objective function: Maximize profit Z
¿ 6.5∗( X bs + X ms+ X cs + X ks ) +5.25∗( X bd + X md + X cd + X kd ) + 3.75∗( X br + X mr + X cr + X kr )−2.0∗( X bs+ X bd + X br )−
 Subject to:
(1) X bs+ X bd + X br ≤ 110
(2) X ms+ X md + X mr ≤ 70
(3) X cs + X cd + X cr ≤80
(4) X ks + X kd + X kr ≤150
(5) X cs ≥ 0.4∗( X bs+ X ms + X cs+ X ks )
(6) X ms ≥ 0.3∗( X bs + X ms + X cs + X ks )
(7) X bd ≥ 0.6∗( X bd+ X md + X cd + X kd )
(8) X kd ≤ 0.1∗( X bd + X md + X cd + X kd )
(9) X kr ≤ 0.6∗( X br + X mr+ X cr + X kr )
(10) X br ≥ 0.3∗( X br + X mr + X cr + X kr )
(11) X ij ≥0
The objective function’s purpose is to maximize the profit of the coffee shop.
- Constraint (1) expresses that the shop has 110 pounds of Brazilian coffee available per week.
- Constraint (2) expresses that the shop has 70 pounds of Mocha coffee available per week.
- Constraint (3) expresses that the shop has 80 pounds of Columbian coffee available per week.
- Constraint (4) expresses that the shop has 150 pounds of Mild coffee available per week.
- Constraint (5) and (6) show that Special blend had at least 40% Columbian and 30% Mocha.
- Constraint (7) and (8) show that Dark blend had at least 60% Brazilian and no more than 10%
- Constraint (9) and (10) show that Regular blend had no more than 60% Mild and at least 30%
- Constraint (11) makes sure all variables are non- negative.
Max= 6.5*(Xbs+Xms+Xcs+Xks)+5.25*(Xbd+Xmd+Xcd+Xkd)
The objective value (maximum profit) is $1296.
The value for each variable in lbs is
COFFEE Brazilian Mocha Columbian Mild
Special X bs= 0 X ms= 60 X cs= 80 X ks=60
Dark X bd= 54.8 X md=10 X cd= 0 X kd= 7.2
Regular X br= 55.2 X mr= 0 X cr= 0 X kr= 82.8

Let S, D, and R stand for

Special, Dark, and Regular
blend of coffee. Also let B, M,
and L denote the Brazilian,
Mocha, Columbian, and Mild
coffee. Let X
= amounts (lbs) of coffee
“i” used in the production of
blend “j”. The list of variables
is as follows:
Let S, D, and R stand for
Special, Dark, and Regular
blend of coffee. Also let B, M,
and L denote the Brazilian,
Mocha, Columbian, and Mild
coffee. Let X
= amounts (lbs) of coffee
“i” used in the production of
blend “j”. The list of variables
is as follows:
Let S, D, and R stand for
Special, Dark, and Regular
blend of coffee. Also let B, M,
and L denote the Brazilian,
Mocha, Columbian, and Mild
coffee. Let X
= amounts (lbs) of coffee
“i” used in the production of
blend “j”. The list of variables
is as follows:

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