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Strong brand identity: It is undeniable that Coca Cola is famous all around the world. .
The brand’s image is mainly connected with the youth and youth culture.
Its products are well consumed and appeared in all continents. According to research
about Best Global Brand 2019, Coca Cola brand identity was ranked 5th
Vast global presence: Until 2013, Coca Cola has already exported its products to 200
different countries. It is one of the rare companies that have products at almost every
Market share: In this industry, it is clearly that Coca Cola has advantage of market
share. Beside from Coca Cola, Pepsi is another big competitor. However, up to now,
Coca Cola still own the largest market share.
Customer Loyalty: As it has already appeared in 200 different countries, Coca Cola has
large base of customers with high loyalty. Knowing this advantage, the company has set
strategies to build more customers’ loyalty and engagement.
Marketing strategies: As to maintain the loyalty and create more engagement, Coca
Cola invested a lot in Marketing. The target of Coca Cola is people of all ages.
Supply chain and distribution network: To expand the brand identity, Coca Cola has
built up an excellent global chain and distribution network. Coca Cola formed partnership
with suppliers around the world for raw material, and at the same time, invested in
bottling companies of selected areas. The company has nearly 250 bottling partners
globally. These strategies not only reduced the manufacturing costs, delivery costs, but it
also helps to develop brand ‘s identity and global presence.

2. Weakness:
Water management: Coca cola has faced flak in the past due to its water management
issues. In fact, there were severe criticisms over water consumption of Coca Cola. This
issue is still a problem with Coca Cola as it is still finding ways to manage and invest in
water conservation to deal with crisis.
Health concerns: Clearly, Coca Cola does not bring any benefit to health. In fact, with
the large amount of sugar in products, Coca Cola drinks raise concerns about obesity and
diabetes. Many health experts have prohibited the use of these soft drinks. As people are
now more careful in choosing food and drink, Coca Cola should be ready to face with
losing customers problem.
Product diversification: While Pepsi has already set new brands for snack, Coca Cola is
still missing from this segment.
Declining revenue: Coca-Cola annual revenue for 2018 was $31.856B, a 10.04%
decline from 2017.
3. Opportunities:
Supply chain improvement: Transportation and distribution are the basis of Coca Cola.
With the development of Technology, there will surely be points to improve in this area.
A better supply chain will increase both efficiency and productivity of the company.
Diversification:  Diversification in the health and food business will improve the
offerings of Coca cola to their customers. This will ensure that they get better revenue
from existing customers by cross selling their products. Furthermore, this is also a
solution for health concerns’ problem. The supply chain which is distributing their
beverages can also distribute these snacks thereby sharing the load of Supply chain costs.
Marketing: There are still several products which have not found acceptance in the
market. Coca Cola needs to concentrate on the marketing of these products as well.
4. Threats:
Water: Coca-Cola has been criticized for its water management. Moreover, the company
is blamed for vast water consumption and pollution of water in regions.
Plastic usage: This is another environmental threat of Coca Cola. Beside being critized
about water issue, the company has also been criticized over its recycling and renewable

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