Assessment On Creativity 1

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Assessment on Creativity

_ Part I: Which of the following is not a characteristic of creativity?
Multiple-choice questions = 14 • a. Intelligence
True / False questions = 6 • b. Academic achievement
• c. Intuition
_ Part II:
II • d. All of the above.
In-class essay questions = 4
(Do 4 out of 6. Skip two)

_ Part III:
Take-home problems = 2

2 3
Which of the following statements is true of creativity? Which of the following is not considered one
• a. A creative person does things never done before. of the five basic categories of ways of
• b. Creativity involves the translation of unique gifts,
talents and vision into some form of external reality that
is new and useful
useful. • a.
a Logical
• c. Creativity can involve combining objects intended for
one purpose into a completely different purpose.
• b. Lateral
• d. All of the above. • c. Critical
• d. Intuition

4 5
This method of thinking is rooted in the model- This method of thinking is based upon the premise
building and quantitative methods of that the human mind naturally processes and
management science and is an integral part of stores information in accordance with a specific
the design and development of a computer- pattern of thought and action.
based DSS. • a. Logical
• a. Logical • b. Lateral
• b. Lateral • c. Critical
• c. Critical • d. Intuition
• d. Intuition

6 7
This method of thinking takes the position ______________ thinking is a method of problem solving
where the decision-maker simply takes the perspective
that there exists certain elements within a of someone other than himself or herself. This is a form
problem context that are most crucial to of “standing in another’s shoes.” Using this method, a
the significance of any solution outcome.
outcome decision maker can often g gain insight
g into why
particular problem exists in the first place.
• a. Logical • a. Lateral
• b. Lateral • b. Opposite
• c. Intuition
• c. Critical
• d. None of the above.
• d. Intuition

8 9
Which of the following is not a major activity Which of the following is not a barrier to
available to promote lateral thinking? creativity?
• a. Evaluation • a. Self-constraining beliefs
• b.
b Alternatives
Alt ti • b.
b Fear
F off criticism
iti i
• c. Provocation • c. lack of confidence
• d. None of the above. • d. None of the above.

10 11
Which of the following is major category of The _________ technique requires the user to
problem-solving techniques? write down attributes of a problem, list as many
alternative options under each attribute as
• a. Free association possible, and then consider all possible
• b.
b Serendipity
S di it combinations and permutations of the
• c. Group techniques alternatives.
• a. Osborn’s idea checklist
• d. All of the above.
• b. morphological forced connections
• c. analytic hierarchy process
• d. None of the above.

12 13
Which category of problem solving Which of the following is untrue of barriers to
techniques contains two goals: (1) creativity?
divergent thinking and (2) the generation • a. Not all barriers to creativity are self-
of ideas? imposed.
• a. Serendipity • b. Environments in which quick production
• b. Free association of thought is the norm enhance creativity.
• c. Brainstorming • c. Lack of introspection can be a barrier to
• d. None of the above. creativity.
• d. All of the above.

14 15
Which of the following helps to stimulate the Intelligence combines thinking and learning.
free flow of creative thinking, such as • Answer: True / False
ideas, words, and pictures?

• a. Creative software
• b. Information creation software
• c. Idea generation software
• d. Inspiring software

16 17
Three major activities promote lateral Opposite thinking takes the position that
thinking processes: (1) creativity, (2) certain elements within a problem context
analysis and (3) initiative. are more critical to any solution outcome.
• Answer: True / False • Answer: True / False

18 19
One of the most common barriers to Creativity can involve the combining of
creativity is a result of problem solvers existing objects intended for one purpose
making assumptions regarding potential into some other completely different
outcomes that are untrue
untrue. purpose.
• Answer: True / False • Answer: True / False

Osborn’s Idea Checklist requires that users
write down attributes of a problem, list as
OMIS 470
many alternatives under each attribute as
possible and then consider all possible
possible, Chapter
p Assessment
• Answer: True / False
In-Class Essay
Do 4 out of 6. Skip 2.

In-class essay questions In-class essay questions

1. Explain what creativity is and how it 4. Describe the role of serendipity in creative
relates to decision support. thinking. Can you provide an example of
2. Can computer be creative? Why or why your own.
not? 5 Describe some of the common barriers to
3. List and describe the three major activities creative thinking.
in promoting lateral thinking processes. 6. List the steps involved in Nominal Group

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