Relevance of The Philippine Preamble and NSTP

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1. In a three-minute video, explain the preamble.

What is Preamble? The Preamble is the initial part of the 1987 Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines. Every Filipino must be familiar with the Preamble and know
its meaning by heart. Every word in the Preamble is significant. It encourages love and
passion for our country, the Philippines. It displays significant messages about our deep
roles and responsibilities to every Filipino and society. As a free nation, we must act and
devote our liberty with responsibility focusing on the love of country, peace, and unity.

2. Show the relevance to the goal of NSTP to the preamble.

The main objective of NSTP is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. It aims
to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers who
could be called upon by the nation in case their services are needed. Like the
Philippine preamble, we, the youth, and every Filipinos encourage love and passion and
every one of us must perform our responsibilities to our country. The NSTP helps to
awaken the fire to our hearts to serve our beloved country. Also, it will develop the
ethics of service and patriotism of everyone.

3. As a Filipino youth, what could be your contribution to achieve the goal of NSTP
and make the Philippine preamble evident.

As a Filipino youth, what I can contribute to achieve the goal of NSTP and make the
Philippine preamble evident are:

1. Respect the flag and value Filipino identity.

2. Know your nation’s history and be able to share it to others.
3. Be a productive citizen.
4. Be aware of the issues in our country.
5. Stand proud for every Filipino achievement.
6. Patronize and support our own products.
7. Respect everyone and value our traditions. And lastly,
8. Remember and commemorate our heroes’ sacrifices for our country.

4. Post your video in your LMS.

5. Vlog title format: SURNAME,NAME + Your choice of title.


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