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During the Ottoman�Safavid War (1578�1590), the Ottoman military expenditures

increased sharply. Meanwhile, state revenues began to decrease because of Jelali

revolts in Anatolia. The result was a budget deficit. Murat III decided to devalue
the coins. Between the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent and his grandson Murat,
the value of a gold coin rose from 63 ak�es (silver coin as the Ottoman monetary
unit) to 120 ak�es. The ensuing economic crisis hit the fixed income of the
The Beylerbey incident was the first example of military revolts, in which civil
servants were killed by soldiers. In the following years, a number of civil
servants and even the sultan (Osman II) in one case, were killed in more serious
riots by soldiers.
The janissaries revolted demanding a rise in their salary. They further asked for
the execution of two Ottoman civil servants. One of them, Mahmut Efendi, was the
chief treasurer (Turkish: defterdar). The other one was Doganci Mehmet Pasha, the
beylerbey (high governor) of Rumeli who was accused of being the sultan's advisor
in devaluation. Although the sultan initially tried to protect his prestige and two
of his subordinates, he finally gave up. At the end of the negotiations, the
salaries were increased and the two civil servants were sacrificed. They were
immediately killed by the janissaries. The Grand Vizier Kanijeli Siyavus Pasha was
fortunate, for he was only dismissed from his post.[2]

Following the rebellion of jannisaries the sipahis also revolted demanding a rise
in their salaries. But during the negotiations in the palace yard, an unidentified
person in the crowd gave a command to attack the sipahis and the bostanjis (palace
guards) caught sipahis off guard, killing about 400 of them. This ended the sipahi

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