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Pakistan Studies – B.

Com Part 01

Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi / Mujaddid Alf Sani

 D.O.B: 26, June 1564
 P.O.B: Sirhind
 Father : Sheikh Abdul Ahad
 Education: Initial Education from Father & Then went to Sialkot and
took further education from Molana Sheikh Kamaluddin Kashmiri &
Molana Sheikh Yaqoob Kashmiri.
 Became Expert in Quran & Fiqah in the age of 17.
 Went to Agra & Akbarabad for teaching.
 Married with the daughter of Thanesar Raees Shaikh Sultan
 Went to Delhi at age of 36
 Joined the deciple of Khuwaja Baqi Billah (Naqshbandia Silsilah)
 Died on 10, December 1624 in Sirhind

 Fight Against Akbar’s Deen-e-Ilahi
 Refuse to prostrate before Jahangir
 Preaching during the imprisonment
 Book on Philosophy ‫ وحدت الشہود وحدت‬/ ‫الوجود‬
 Collection of his letters to Leaders, Nobles and Religious Persons
(includes approximately 536 letters) ‫امام ربانی مکتوبات‬
 Publications ‫رسالہ اسبات نبوت‬ 1-
- 2 ‫رسالہ تہلیلہ‬
3 - ‫رسالہ معارف دنیا‬

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Pakistan Studies – B. Com Part 01

Shah Wali Ullah / Syed Qutb-ud-Din Ahmad

 D.O.B: 21, February 1703
 P.O.B: Delhi
 Father: Shah Abdur Rahim (Founder of Madarsa-e-Rahimia & Member
of Fatwa-e- Alamgiri).
 Education: Quran, Tafsir, Spiritualism, Medicine, Mysticism, Logic &
 Profession: Teacher at Madarsa-e-Rahimia and a writer
 Went for Hajj in 1730
 Studied from Shaikh Abu Tahir Bin Ibrahim when performing Hajj
 Stayed in Makkah for 14 months
 Returned to Delhi in 1733 and took over the charge of Madarsa-e-
 Died on 17, August 1762 in Delhi

 Translation of Holy Quran in Persian Language
 Arrangement of Ahadis topic wise from the Book of Imam Mutah
 Ijtihad
 Mysticism (Al-Insaf-fi-Bayan-Sabab-al-Ikhtilaf)
 Efforts to minimize Shia- Sunni conflict (Izalat-al-Akhifa & Khilafat-
 Efforts for the survival of Mughal Empire
 Re-orientation of Muslim Society
 Open Letters to Leaders, Nobles and Religious Persons
 His two sons i.e. Shah Rafi-uddin & Shah Abdul Qadir later translated
the Holy Quran in Urdu language.

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Pakistan Studies – B. Com Part 01

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

 D.O.B: 17, October 1817
 P.O.B: Delhi
 Father: Syed Muhammad Taqi
 Education:
o Primary: Quran from Maternal Grandfather (Khuwaja Farid-uddin)
o Secondary: Maternal Uncle (Khuwaja Zain-ul-Abideen)
o Higher: East India Company College
 Professions: Clerk, Philosopher, Educator, Writer, Jurist
 Gave the idea of Two-Nation theory and Muslim adoption of western
 Died on 27, March 1898 in Aligarh

 Farsi Madarsa Muradabad (1859)
 Victoria School Ghazipur (1864)
 Scientific Society Ghazipur (1863)
 Aligarh Institute Gazette (Weekly)
 Tehzib-ul- Ikhlaq (1876)
 Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College, Aligarh (1877) known as M.A.O
 Aligarh Muslim University (1920)

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Pakistan Studies – B. Com Part 01

Causes of the Downfall of Muslim Society

1- Vastness of the Mughal empire
2- Absence of the definite law of succession
3- Weak successor of Aurangzeb
4- Deterioration of morality of Mughal Emperors
5- Absence of Naval Power
6- Corrupt Administration
7- Backwardness in Science & Technology
8- Invasion of Nadir Shah & Ahmed Shah Abdali
9- Rise of Sikhs, Marathas & Rajputs
10- Plight of the common peoples
11- Advent of Europeans/ English East India Company

Causes of the Failure of the War of Independence

1- Lack of Leadership and Discipline
2- Lack of Unity
3- Lack of Resources
4- Lack of Popular Support
5- Superior technology of English troops
6- Lack of modern and new Weapons
7- Non-cooperation of the rulers of the states
8- Non-cooperation of the Sikhs of Punjab
9- Role of traitors
10- Return of British troops from Crimea

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Factors Which Split The Peoples of Sub Continent Into Two

1- Religious Differences
2- Hindu Nationalism
3- Cultural Differences
4- Social Differences
5- Economic Differences
6- Educational Differences
7- Political Differences
a. Hindi Urdu Controversy
b. Congress Attitude
c. Partition of Bengal
8- Language

Muslim Demanded Separate Homeland on the following

1- Desire to establish an Islamic State
2- Two Nations Theory
3- Historical Collusions
4- Relationship of Hindus & Britishers
5- British Parliamentary System
6- Protection of Urdu Language
7- Protection of Muslim Culture
8- Narrow mindedness of Hindus
9- Economic Hardship
10- Congress Ministries

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Causes of the Formation of All India Muslim League

1- Decline of Mughal Empire
2- Indifference Attitude of Congress towards Muslims
3- British Policy of Divide and Rule
4- Relative Backwardness of Muslim Community
5- Educational and Economic Backwardness
6- Urdu-Hindi Controversy
7- To Protect Political Rights of Muslims in India
8- To Save Muslim Entity
9- Role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
10- Aligarh Movement

Initial Problems faced by Pakistan after the Independence

1- Demarcation of Boundaries – Radcliffe’s Award
2- Uprooting of Muslims in Punjab
3- The Refugee Problem & their Resettlement
4- The Accession of Indian Princely States
5- The Division of India’s Assets
6- Administrative Problems
7- Constitutional Problems
8- Language Controversies
9- Death of Quaid-e-Azam
10- The Indus Basin Water Dispute

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Political Events Between Political Events Between

1905-1939 1940-1947
1- Partition of Bengal (1905) 1- Pakistan Resolution (1940)
2- Simla Deputation (1906) 2- Civil Disobedience
3- Fondation of All India Movement (1942)
Muslim League (1906) 3- Cripps Mission (1942)
4- Minto – Morley Reforms 4- Quit India (1942)
(1909) 5- Gandhi-Jinnah Talks (1944)
5- Luknow Pact (1916) 6- Simla Conference (1945)
6- Khilafat Movement (1919) 7- Delhi Convention (1946)
7- Simon Commission (1927) 8- 3rd June Plan (1947)
8- Nehru Report (1928) 9- Indian Independence Act
9- Jinnah 14 points (1929) (1947)
10- Iqbal’s Allahabad Address 10- Transfer of Power (14,
(1930) August 1947)
11- Round Table Conference
12- Indian Act (1935)
13- Provisional Election (1937)
14- Day of Deliverance (1939)

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Pakistan Studies – B. Com Part 01

Salient Features of Objective Resolution

1- Sovereignty Belongs to Allah
2- Federal System
3- Golden Principles of Islam
4- Supreme Authority of the People
5- Life According to the Teachings of Islam
6- Protection of the Rights of Minorities
7- Equal Rights to Citizens
8- Development of Under Developed Areas
9- Independence Judiciary

Salient Features of 1973 Constitution

1- Written Constitution
2- Rigid Constitution
3- Islamic Provisions
4- Federal System
5- Bicameral System
6- Parliamentary Form of Government
7- Direct method of Election
8- Fundamental Rights
9- National Finance Commission
10- Principle of Policy
11- Free Judiciary
12- Referendum
13- National Language i.e. Urdu

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Reasons for the Delay in Making of First Constitution

1- Conflict on the nature of constitution
2- Conflict on the distribution of powers b/w federal and provinces
3- Geographical representation
4- Presidential or Parliamentary form of government
5- Language controversy
6- Conflict on Electoral process
7- Safeguard of minorities
8- Refugees Issue and it’s Settlement
9- Distribution of provincial assemblies
10- Decline of popularity in Muslim League
11- Dissolution of first Constitutional Assembly
12- Dissolutions of Cabinet

Characteristics of Economy of Pakistan

1- Burden of International Debts
2- Generally Poverty-Ridden
3- Agriculture, The Main Occupation
4- Under-utilization of Natural Resources
5- High rate of Population Growth
6- Unemployment
7- Deficiency of Capital
8- Low level of Productivity
9- Technologically Backward
10- Economically Backward

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Role of Agriculture in Economic Development of Pakistan

1- Back-Bone of the Economy
2- Base for a Foreign Trade
3- Source of Accommodation
4- Essential to Curtail Inflation
5- Providing Employment Opportunities
6- Provided Support to Industries of the Countries

Salient Features of Pakistani Culture

1- Religious Uniformity
2- Mixed Culture
3- Male Oriented Society
4- Islamic way of Architect
5- Social Customs
6- Islamic Rituals and Religious Festivals
7- Handicrafts
8- Dress and Diet
9- Language
10- Literature and Poetry
11- Recreational Activities- Sports

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Cultural Heritage of Pakistan

1- Archaeological Heritage
a. Moen-jo-Daro
b. Harappa
c. Buddhist Remains
d. Taxila
e. Gandhara
f. Thatta
2- Architectural Heritage
a. Lahore Fort
b. Badshahi Mosque
c. Jahangir Tomb
d. Masjid Wazir Khan
e. The Fort of Bala Hisaar
3- Heritage of Fine Arts
a. Paintings
b. Calligraphy
c. Music
d. Dance
e. Architecture & Sculpture

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Pakistan Studies – B. Com Part 01

Principles of Pakistan Foreign Policy

1- Independent Foreign Policy
2- Protection of Freedom and Sovereignty
3- Better Relations with Super Powers
4- Close Relations with Muslim Countries
5- Regional Cooperation
6- Implementation of U.N Charter
7- Non-Alignment
8- Support for Self-Determination & Condemnation of Racial
9- Nuclear Non-Proliferation & Disarmament
10- Promotion of World Peace
11- Member of International Organization

Pakistan Relationship with Different Countries

1- Relationship with USA
2- Relationship with China
3- Relationship with India
4- Relationship with Turkey

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Jinnah 14 Points (1929)

1- The form of the future constitution should be federal, with the residuary
powers vested in the provinces.
2- A uniform measure of autonomy shall be guaranteed to all provinces.
3- All legislatures in the country and other elected bodies shall be
constituted on the definite principle of adequate and
effective representation of minorities in every province without
reducing the majority in any province to a minority or even equality.
4- In the Central Legislature, Muslim representation shall not be less than
one third.
5- Representation of communal groups shall continue to be by separate
electorates: provided that it shall be open to any community, at any
time, to abandon its separate electorate in favor of joint electorate.
6- Any territorial redistribution that might at any time be necessary shall
not in any way affect the Muslim majority
in Punjab, Bengal and NWFP provinces.
7- Full religious liberty shall be guaranteed to all communities.
8- No bill or resolution shall be passed in any legislature if three fourths of
the members of any community in that body oppose the bill.
9-  Sindh should be separated from the Bombay Presidency.
10- Reforms should be introduced in the NWFP and Balochistan on the
same footings as in the other provinces.
11- Muslims should be given an adequate share in all services, having due
regard to the requirement of efficiency.
12- The Constitution should embody adequate safeguards for the protection
of Muslim culture, education, language, religion and personal laws, as
well as for Muslim charitable institutions.
13- One-third representation shall be given to Muslims in both central and
provincial cabinets.
14- No change shall be made in the constitution without the consent of the

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Important Short Notes

1- Aligarh Movement
2- Nehru Report (1928)
3- Jinnah 14 Points (1929)
4- Iqbal’s Allahabad Address
5- 3rd June Plan
6- Role of Sufis & Ulema in organizing Muslim Society
7- Importance of Urdu Language
8- Pakistan & The Kashmir Issue
9- Islamic Provisions of 1973 Constitution
10- Importance of Agriculture in National Economy
11- Steps taken by Government for Islamization in Pakistan
12- Steps taken by Government for the etterment of Economic

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