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Neutron Porosity Tools

Compensated neutron tools measure the Applications

hydrogen index of downhole formations.
■ Porosity determination
The measurements are converted to porosity
values, which in combination with density ■ Lithology identification
tool measurements provide an indication of ■ Gas detection
lithology and gas in zones of interest. Some ■ Correlation in cased wells
compensated neutron tools provide thermal
■ Option to pump slim tools down
and epithermal measurements. Thermal
measurements require a liquid-filled bore-
hole. Epithermal measurements can be made
in air- or gas-filled boreholes.

CNL Compensated
Neutron Log
CNT HGNS The CNL* Compensated Neutron Log tool
(CNT) contains a radioactive source that
bombards the formation with fast neutrons.
The neutrons are slowed, primarily by hydro-
gen atoms in the formation. Detectors count
the slowed neutrons deflected back to the
tool. Because the CNT responds primarily
to the hydrogen content of the formation,
the measurements are scaled in porosity
units. Both epithermal (intermediate energy)
neutrons and thermal (slow) neutrons can be
measured depending on the detector design.
The CNT-H uses two thermal detectors to
produce a borehole-compensated thermal
neutron measurement. The DNL* Dual-
Energy Neutron Log (CNT-G) has two thermal
and two epithermal detectors that make sepa-
rate energy measurements for gas detection
and improved reservoir description.

Slim Compensated
Neutron Porosity Tool
The Slim Compensated Neutron Tool (SCNT)
uses two thermal detectors to measure bore-
QCNT-A hole-compensated thermal neutron porosity
based on the same neutron interactions as
the standard CNT.

Highly Integrated Gamma Ray SlimXtreme Compensated
Neutron Sonde Neutron Tool
The Highly Integrated Gamma Ray The SlimXtreme* Compensated Neutron
Neutron Sonde (HGNS) is the compo- Porosity Tool (QCNT) provides the same
nent of the Platform Express* toolstring high-quality, environmentally corrected
that measures neutron porosity. The thermal neutron porosity data as the
HGNS contains sensors for neutron standard CNT. The 3-in. [7.62-cm] diam-
porosity determination and makes eter tool is rated for up to 8 hr of contin-
gamma ray and tool acceleration meas- uous logging at 500°F [260°C] and
urements. Starting from the same neu- 30,000 psi [207 MPa].
tron porosity measurement principle
as for the standard CNT, the HGNS
applies speed correction to the meas-
urements, which also benefit from the
enhanced reliability characteristics
of the Platform Express system.

Measurement Specifications
Output Thermal neutron porosity Thermal neutron porosity Thermal neutron porosity Thermal neutron porosity
(uncorrected, environmentally (uncorrected, environmentally (uncorrected, environmentally (uncorrected, environmentally
corrected, or alpha processed) corrected, or alpha processed) corrected, or alpha processed), corrected, or alpha processed)
CNT-G: Epithermal neutron porosity formation gamma ray, tool acceleration
Logging speed Standard: 1,800 ft/hr [549 m/h] Full-resolution max.: 1,800 ft/hr [549 m/h] 3,600 ft/hr [1,097 m/h] 1,800 ft/hr [549 m/h]
High resolution: 900 ft/hr [274 m/h]
Range of measurement 0 to 60 p.u. [0 to 60% uncorrected porosity]
Vertical resolution 12 in. [30.48 cm] 12 in. [30.48 cm] 12 in. [30.48 cm] 12 in. [30.48 cm]
Accuracy 0 to 20 p.u.: ±1 p.u. 0 to 20 p.u.: ±1 p.u. 0 to 20 p.u.: ±1 p.u. 0 to 20 p.u.: ±1 p.u.
30 p.u.: ±2 p.u. 30 p.u.: ±2 p.u. 30 p.u.: ±2 p.u. 30 p.u.: ±2 p.u.
45 p.u. : ±6 p.u. 45 p.u. : ±6 p.u. 45 p.u. : ±6 p.u. 45 p.u. : ±6 p.u.
Depth of investigation ~9 in. [~23 cm] (varies with hydrogen index of formation)
Mud type or weight limitations Thermal measurements not possible in air- or gas-filled wellbores
Combinability Combinable with most tools Combinable with most tools Part of Platform Express system Combinable with most tools
Special applications Slim wellbores Slim wellbores
Short-radius wells Short-radius wells
Tubing-conveyed logging Tubing-conveyed logging
On tractor On tractor

Mechanical Specifications
Temperature rating 400°F [204°C] 302°F [150°C] 302°F [150°C] 500°F [260°C]
Pressure rating 20,000 psi [138 MPa] 14,000 psi [97 MPa] 15,000 psi [103 MPa] 30,000 psi [207 MPa]
Borehole size—min. 4 3⁄4 in. [12.07 cm] 3 3⁄4 in. [9.53 cm] 41⁄2 in. [11.43 cm] 3 7⁄8 in. [9.84 cm]
Borehole size—max. 20 in. [50.80 cm] 12 in. [30.48 cm] 16 in. [40.64 cm] 10 in. [25.40 cm]
Outer diameter Without bow spring eccentralizer: 2.75 in. [6.99 cm] 3.375 in. [9.53 cm] 3 in. [7.62 cm]
3.375 in. [9.53 cm]
Length 7.25 ft [2.21 m] 18.4 ft [5.61 m] 10.85 ft [3.31 m] 11.9 ft [3.63 m]
Weight 120 lbm [54 kg] 254 lbm [115 kg] 171.7 lbm [78 kg] 191 lbm [87 kg]
Tension 50,000 lbf [222,410 N] 68,000 lbf [302,480 N] 50,000 lbf [222,410 N] 50,000 lbf [222,410 N]
Compression 23,000 lbf [102,310 N] 9,600 lbf [42,700 N] 37,000 lbf [164,580 N] 15,000 lbf [66,720 N]
FE_04_032_0 ©Schlumberger
August 2004 *Mark of Schlumberger
Produced by Marketing Communications, Houston.

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