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Research Proposal

Taibi Mohamed Ayoub

The development of aerospace technology has recently led to a resurgence in

of interest for research related to high velocity fluid flow. The associated aerodynamic
phenomena lead to very high temperatures, in on the nose of the machine, leading to its
protection by a heat shield where the Mach number must be much higher than the unit. Given
the complexity of the phenomena that we
encountered in the phase of atmospheric re-entry whose flow around the vehicles during this
phase can be the seat of such phenomena, the spatial flows during this phase can be the seat of
such phenomena.
hypersonic are currently the subject of intensive studies. Under these conditions, for the
calculation of the internal energy, all energy modes must be taken into account. Because of the
speeds reached and altitude, the density of the fluid is generally low and the result is that the
characteristic times of these physico-chemical processes can be the same order of magnitude
that the characteristic flow time or transit time of the molecules, the flow may be in
thermochemical imbalance.
To study the phase of the atmospheric re-entry of a space shuttle, it is necessary to to correctly
understand the processes of thermochemical imbalance coupled with the aerodynamic
phenomena of this phase. It was quickly observed that the aerodynamics of this phase.
hypersonic is different from conventional supersonic aerodynamics. The study of hypersonic
flows implies not only knowledge of aerodynamics, but also high temperature chemical
thermodynamics, according to VAN KARMAN, this domain belongs to the
It appears, in this type of flow, a certain number of phenomena which remain negligible in
supersonic regimes, but become very preponderant in supersonic regimes.hypersonic. Indeed,
the effect of the normal shock wave becomes very considerable on the chemical composition
of the fluid, such as the initiation of the dissociation process of the molecules, the formation of
new species, the ionization of particles due to the large temperatures that prevail downstream
of the shock wave. In particular, in the shock layer or the area between the shock and the surface
of the body that is the seat of energy transfers. and in particular a transfer of kinetic energy into
thermal energy, which favours the many complex physico-chemical phenomena, the local
temperature can reach several tens of thousands of degrees, this increase manifests itself, first
of all, under form of an increase in the energy of the thermal agitation of the translation and of
the rotation of the molecules, then an evolution towards a state of equilibrium will take place
thanks to the collisions between particles. A zone of relaxation towards the final equilibrium
will thus appear in downstream of the intense shock, in which part of the translational and
rotational energy is internal modes or absorbed by chemical reactions which will modify the
chemical composition of the gas mixture.
The energy of the atoms is distributed between the translation and electronic modes, at these
Two modes are added for the molecules: rotation and vibration modes. In order for a energetic
mode of a species to regain equilibrium, a certain number of collisions are required particulate
matter occur to ensure sufficient energy exchange. For the modes of translation and rotation,
equilibrium being reached after only a few collisions. In fact, the translation and rotation
energies of the different components are balanced at a constant common temperature,
immediately downstream of the shock. The excitation in vibration, that of the electronic levels
as well as compositional changes resulting from reactions will only be completely accomplished
after thousands of collisions, so that the chemical that these processes induce a relatively large
relaxation zone downstream of the wave of shock. The time required to reach equilibrium is of
the same order of magnitude as the flow time. Through the shock, the flow remains frozen, i.e.
the chemical composition of the air mixture, composed mainly of molecular nitrogen and
molecular oxygen, is unaffected, then following the increase in temperature, the mixture will
end up, downstream of the shock, in vibrational imbalance and unbalance chemical. The
molecules will start to vibrate and after a threshold, the bonds of the molecules will start to
vibrate. will rupture and release atoms. If the temperature is high enough, electrons will be
released. Will be able to free themselves from the peripheral orbits of the particles and move in
the mixture.
The study of the relaxation zone requires, in a first step, the determination of the parameters of
the flow at the entrance of this zone, i.e. immediately downstream of the shock. Under the
assumption that the vibration energies, electronic excitation and the chemical composition there
are identical to what they were before the shock, the relations of RANKINE-HUGONIOT,
expressing the conservation of the mass, the quantity of movement and energy between
upstream and downstream of the shock, are applicable and will provide the initial conditions
for the calculation of the flow in the relaxation zone.
The equations describing the structure of the relaxation zone are the equations kinetics of the
vibrational excitation of the various chemical components as well as the
kinetic equations for dissociation and other chemical reactions. This system is obviously
supplemented by the fundamental classical equations of fluid mechanics, i.e. The equations of
conservation of mass, momentum and energy.
An important feature, which characterizes a flow of reactive gas mixture in hypersonic regime,
is that the phenomena of vibrational and chemical relaxation are strongly coupled to each other
in such a way that the vibrational imbalance, which exists at after the intense shock, chemical
dissociation is greatly influenced. An excited molecule vibrationally dissociates more easily, it
is the vibration-dissociation coupling. (CVD). The chemical phenomena in turn influence the
vibration of the molecules, we then speak of vibration-dissociation-vibration coupling (CVDV).
Indeed, the
chemical dissociation process leads to a decrease in vibration energy molecules because it is
the most vibrationally excited molecules that are the ones that are most excited dissociate most
easily. All of these phenomena have a significant effect on the magnitudes
aerothermodynamics, their understanding is therefore essential at the scale of flows hypersonic.
In this thesis, a study of the phenomena of thermochemical imbalance in the shock layer has
been considered. In this study, the fluid being air where it was assimilated,
in the shock layer, to a reactive gas mixture, consisting of 5 species reacting between they
follow Zeldovich's model with 17 elementary reactions and in which a
intense shock wave.
First, a description of the hypersonic and hypersonic input flows and
flow characterizations are briefly presented in the first chapter. A part of this chapter has been
devoted to the establishment of RANKINE-HUGONIOT's relations allowing to link the
upstream flow parameters to those downstream of a wave of right shock.
In the second chapter, a mathematical and physical modeling of a flow of the reactive gas
mixture in thermochemical imbalance. First of all, the conservation equations governing such
a flow are presented. Next, we have recalled the different interaction models and partition
functions for the Determination of the overall characteristics of the reactive mixture from the
thermodynamics of the individual components by a statistical description. In addition, the
model of chemical kinetics with 17 elementary reactions is presented for modeling the chemical
imbalance. To model the vibrational unbalance, we attached a particular importance to the
expression of the term vibrational source by explaining in an explicit way the details the
expression of the vibration relaxation time.
Finally and in order to explain the influence of chemistry on vibration or vice-versa, a brief
presentation was given on the coupling chemistry-vibration by its two main types; non-
preferential (CVD) and preferential (CVDV).
After establishing the mathematical and physical model of a flow in
thermochemical imbalance, it was proposed, in the third chapter, to study the flow
downstream of a straight shock wave in order to evaluate the influence of the different processes
involved in the process.
counts in the established model.
The flow modeling equations are solved simultaneously with the equations
relaxation of physico-chemical phenomena (vibrational excitation, relaxation, etc.).
chemical). Concerning the numerical resolution, the finite difference method was adopted.
allowing to discretize the computational domain (shock layer), thereafter two approaches
are followed to solve the non-linear algebraic system of equations obtained after
discretization of the domain by the method of finite differences; this is the substitution
and Newton's method applied to systems. A Fortran program is created and managed with the
help of another interactive program created in Visual Basic, to benefit both from the high
computing performance offered by the Fortran language and the simplicity of handling thanks
to the graphical interfaces available in the latest language.
The results obtained are presented in Chapter 5.
To further the work, the fourth chapter proposes to study a two-dimensional viscous hypersonic
flow in chemical imbalance around blunt bodies, taking into account the turbulence models. In
particular, this chapter deals with the feasibility of using a computational fluid dynamics code
to simulate such a flow around a blunt body. In this contribution we focused on the behavior of
the reactive flow and the physico-chemical phenomena that originate downstream of the intense
shock wave that appears upstream of the obstacle, thus locating the shock wave and studying
the shock layer to determine the pressure and temperature fields and the evolution of the mass
fractions of the species around the obstacle. The mathematical model is based on the resolution
of Navier Stokes equations for a reactive gas mixture. The ANSYS Fluent 19.0 software is used
to carry out this part of the work. Concerning the studied bodies, we considered the Lobb sphere
and the double ellipse modeling the nose of the space shuttle "Hermes". The results obtained
are presented in the fifth chapter and have been compared with those in the scientific literature
where they show a good concordance.
The last chapter is devoted to the presentation of the results of the different studies considered,
i.e., the 1-D study done in the third chapter and the 1-D study done in the fourth chapter.
Finally, a general conclusion will be drawn and some further perspectives will be presented.

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