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Case study No.

1. Beyond a small, durable video camera, what is GoPro really selling its customers?
How does thisproduct enable users to highlight the best moments of their lives?
To start with, the camera is extremelytough and versatile. It can capture high-quality
video under almost any conditions. But ultimately, theGoPro camera enables its fans to
experience and document the adventures that touch and thrill them. Inturn, users deeply
care about sharing these moments with friends and fellow enthusiasts through
socialmedia channels, which has only intensified their passion for the GoPro brand.
2. GoPro’s company slogan is “Be a Hero.” How does GoPro encourage customers to
do so?
Customersbecome heros through four essential steps in their storytelling and emotion-
sharing journeys: capture, creation, broadcast, and recognition. Capture is what the
cameras do—shooting pictures and videos. Creation is the editing and production process
that turns raw footage into compelling videos. Broadcastinvolves distributing the video
content to an audience. Recognition is the payoff for the content creator. Recognition
might come in the form of YouTube views or LIKES and SHARES on Facebook.
Moreprobably, it’s the enthusiastic oohs and ahs that their videos evoke from friends and
family. The company’sslogan sums it up pretty well the consumer’s deeper motivations:
GoPro—Be a Hero.
3. One industry expert has noted, “Some of the most amazing companies of the coming
few years will bebusinesses that understand how to wrap technology beautifully
around human needs so that it matters topeople.” How does this quote apply to
This brand is all about what its cameras let customers do. GoPro users don’t just want to
take videos. More than that, they want to tell the stories and share theadrenalin-pumped
emotions of the extreme moments in their lifestyles. As GoPro notes, “Enabling you
toshare your life through incredible photos and video is what we do. “We help people
capture and share theirlives’ most meaningful experiences with others—to celebrate them
4. How does the chapter-opening GoPro story relate to the major concepts in the
consumer behaviorchapter?
The GoPro story highlights the depth of factors that affect how consumers think, feel, and
acttoward brands. GoPro really understands what makes consumers tick and, as a result,
delivers anexceptional brand experience to loyal consumers. Keep the GoPro example
active as you discusscharacteristics affecting consumer behavior, types of buying
decision behavior, the buyer decision process, and other chapter topics.

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