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Present Simple i Present Continuous (Vežbanja)

I Upotrebite Present Simple ili Present Continuous u sledećim rečenicama. Glagol je isti u obe rečenice:
1. I _________ from 9 am to 5 pm. 
    I _________ at the moment.

2. She _________ English this summer.

    She _________ five new words every day.

3. Michael _________ to the cinema this evening.

    Michael _________ to work by bus.

4. Where is Emma? I think she _________ dinner.

    Alison usually _________ lunch at 2pm.

5. He _________ tennis on Sunday.

    The children _________ in the garden at the moment.

II Dopunite tekst koristeći odgovarajući oblik glagola iz zagrade. U pitanju su sadašnja vremena
(Present Simple, Present Continuous):
I _________ (fly) to Madrid tomorrow afternoon. The plane _________ (leave) at 3pm, so I have to be
at the airport at one. I _________ (visit) my old friend who _________ (live) in the centre of Madrid. He
_________ (have) an apartment there that he bought after he had moved to Spain. I _________ (stay)
for two weeks. We _________ (plan) to go sightseeing around the Spain, but I _________ (not, know) if
he will have enough free time to go with me. He _________ (work) in a bank and he _________ (be)
very busy. He _________ (not, have) much free time.

III Napravite rečenice koristeći sadašnja vremena (Present Simple, Present Continuous): 

1. I / get up / at eight.

2. what / you / do / this Saturday?

3. you / like / dancing?

4. She / not / want / to help / us.

5. they / fix / the roof / as we speak.

6. he / not / travel / with us / tomorrow / because / he / hate / traveling / by plane.

7. Susan / be / not / here / because / she / have / a dance class / at the moment.

8. what time / you / go / to work / in the morning?

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