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Makalah Ini Disusun Guna Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah

Dosen Pengampu : Nur Aliyah Nur,S.Pd.I.,M.pd

Risma Dwi Saputri (20400119017)
Canita Mahfuzah Rostlank (20400119012)
Maemunah (20400119036)
Shifany Shalshabila Putri K. (20400119042)


TAHUN 2020
What is Conditional Sentences ?
In Indonesian, a conditional sentence is a presupposition sentence. Conditional sentences
have two parts, namely if-clause and main clause. Look at the following sentence:

"If I study hard, I will pass the exam."

If I study hard is if-clause, and

I will pass the exam is the main clause.

The position of the if-clause and the main clause can be reversed and does not change its
meaning, for example:

"If I study hard, I will pass the exam."

"I will pass the exam if I study hard."

"if clause" is used to describe conditions that if it will cause something or produce a
consequence, while "main clause" is used to explain the consequences themselves. The
meaning contained in a conditional sentence will be greatly influenced by the forms of time,
and this is what ultimately forms the conditional sentence into several types.

What are the types of conditional sentences and formulas ?

The meaning contained in a conditional sentence is strongly influenced by the form of time,
and this is what ultimately forms conditional sentences into several types. There are many
opinions about the type or type of Conditional Sentences in English. But in general, there
are four types of conditional sentences based on formulas and their intended use; i.e.
starting from conditional sentences type 0 to conditional sentences type 3 .

Conditional Sentence Type 0

In conditional sentence type 0, the relationship between conditions that are a
condition with the impact created is very close, or we can say that Conditional
Sentence Type 0 is used to talk about something that is certain to happen. This is
why, one of the things that is often expressed using Conditional Sentence Type 0 is
scientific facts (for example, when you mix yellow and blue, the result is definitely
green). Formula: If + simple present, simple present. Example: if we pour
water to soil, it becomes wet. Quick Tips: if this thing happens, that thing happens (if
this happens, it will definitely happen). For Conditional Sentence Type 0, we just
need to use a simple formula to arrange the sentence.
Conditional Sentence Type 1
In conditional sentence type 1 the impact or the result caused by the conditions in
the "if clause" section is likely to occur in the future. Slightly different from the
concept of Conditional Sentence Type 0 that we discussed above, friend, where in
Zero Conditional the impact is "certain", whereas in Conditional Sentence Type 1 the
impact "may" occur. This means, we use Conditional Sentence Type 1 to talk about
things that might be realized or done. Formula: If + simple present, simple
future. Example: if you don't hurry, you will miss the train. Quick Tips: if this thing
happens, that thing will happen. For Conditional Sentence Type 1, the formula used
is very easy to remember.

Conditional Sentence Type 2

In conditional sentence type 2, the condition that appears in "if clause" is difficult to
be realized because it is contrary to the reality or facts at the time, so the impact or
the result of the statement becomes impossible to happen. This type of Conditional
Sentence is often referred to as "presupposition", because what is being discussed is
only wishful thinking or fantasy, even though the speaker or the person making the
sentence knows with certainty that it is difficult or impossible .
Formula: If + Simple Past Tense, would+verb 1. Example: if I saw Putri, I
would speak to her. Quick Tips: if this thing happened, that thing would happen.

Conditional Sentence Type 3

When someone uses the Conditional Sentence Type 3 pattern in his sentence, then
what he really wants to express is that if something different has happened in the
past, and feel the situation or condition to this day. That is why this Conditional
Sentence Type is often called as "regret", because the content in question is
deplored of something that has happened in the past because it doesn't match "what
should be". Formula: If + Past Perfect Tense, would + have + verb 3.
Example: If I had finished my study, I would have worked at big company.Quick Tips:
if this thing had happened, that thing would have happened.
 Example of Complete Conditional Sentence
The following are some examples of conditional sentences type 0, 1, 2, and 3.
Example Conditional Sentence Type 0
If you heat butter, it melts.
If it rains, the bag gets wet.

Example of Conditional Sentence Type 1

If Dudung is late again, Mr. Budi will be mad.
If you don't hurry, you will miss the train.

Example of Conditional Sentence Type 2

If I were you, I would keep the money for myself.
If it didn't rain, Marisa would go to the market.

Example Conditional Sentence Type 3

If it had been rained, the bike would have gotten wet.
If Sari has worked harder, she would have passed her exam.
What is the differences between ‘wish’ and ‘hope’?
Verb "wish" and "hope" both mean hope, but their use in sentences is very different. Hope
is used to express something that might or might happen. Instead, wish is used to declare
something that definitely does not happen or will not be possible.

Note the different uses of wish and hope in the examples below:

1. We hope that they can come. (kita berharap bahwa mereka bisa datang). Dalam kalimat ini
subject we tidak tahu apakah they bisa datang atau tidak. Tetapi, ada kemungkinan bahwa
they bisa datang.
2. We wish that they could come. (kita berharap bahwa mereka bisa datang). Di sini, we sudah
tahu bahwa they tidak bisa datang. Faktanya adalah: they can’t come.
3. I hope that they came yesterday. (saya berharap kamu datang kemarin). Di sini, I tidak tahu
apakah they datang atau tidak kemarin.
4. I wish that they had come yesterday. (saya berharap bahwa mereka datang kemarin). Di
sini, I sudah tahu bahwa they didn’t come yesterday. Faktanya adalah: they didn’t come
How to use Wish in sentences ?
Wish is followed by simple past to state that the desired situation is not possible at
present , whereas wish is followed past perfect to declare that it might not have happened
in the past. Wish can also be followed by past future (would+ Verb1) to express an
uncertain desire.
Some examples of sentences are as follows.

Contoh Kalimat
Expressing wishes

wish(es) +Subject 2+ simple past

Raisa wishes but Raisa can’t …

she could drive a car. (Raisa tidak dapat menyetir mobil.)
(Raisa berharap dia
dapat menyetir mobil.)

wish(es) +Subject 2+ past perfect ( had+V3)

Wira wishes he had but Wira didn’t …

finished the task (Wira tidak menyelesaikan tugas tersebut sebelum …)
before the deadline.
(Wira berharap dia
telah menyelesaikan
tugas tersebut
sebelum tenggat

wish(es) +Subject 2+Past Future (would+V1)

Defi wishes her her friends might, but her friends might not come
friends would (teman-temannya mungkin datang tapi mungkin tidak datang)
come to her house
(Defi berharap teman-
temannya datang ke
rumahnya besok.)

contohnya/ (10th April 2020)
(12th April 2020)
3. Puri Viera’s channel on youtube about conditional sentences ( 7 April 2020)

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