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Questions for Closed Book Assessment (Unit 2)

Bhagavad-gétä Chapter 7

1.List Krsna’s eight material energies in their gross and subtle categories. (7.4)

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, sublte - mind, intelligence and false ego

2.Give the English meaning of the words parä prakåti and aparä prakåti. (7.5)

parä prakåti - Superior Energy and aparä prakåti – Inferior Energy

3.List 6 ways Kåñëa can be seen in the material world. (7.8-11)

Taste of water, Light of Sun and moon, Syllabul Om of vedic mantras, Sound of Ether, Ability of Man,
Fragrance of Earth, Heat of Fire (Vibhavasu), Life of all living being, penance of

4.Give the English meaning of the terms duñkåti and sukåti. (7.15-16)

 su-kṛtinaḥ — those who are pious; duṣkṛtinaḥ — miscreants;

5.List, in Sanskrit and English, 4 types who do and don’t surrender to Kåñëa. (7.15-16)

Dushkritnas : mudhas(Grossly foolish) , Naradhamas, Mayayapahrta jana, Asuram Bhavam Asritah

(Those of demonic)

Sukritinas: Artah, Artharthi, Jijnasu, Jnani

6.Amongst those who surrender to Kåñëa, who is most dear, and why? (7.17)

Wise (Jnani ) is the best because

1) he is free from material desires, and
2) He is in full knowledge of the absolute truth
3) Engages in pure devotional service

7.Give the English meaning of the terms: hṛta-jñānāḥ (7.20); antavat tu phalaà (7.23)

hṛta — deprived of; jñānāḥ — knowledge;

anta-vat  — perishable; tu — but;  phalam — fruit; perishable fruits

8.With what Sanskrit word does Kåñëa describe the impersonalists? (7.24)

 abuddhayaḥ — less intelligent persons; 

9.Define and briefly explain the significance of the terms icchä and dveña (7.27)

icchā  — desire; dveṣa  — and hate;

Effect/ manifestation of illusionary energy : duality of desire/hate

10.Give the English meaning of the terms anta-gataà päpaà and puëya-karmaëäm (7.28)
Questions for Closed Book Assessment (Unit 2)

anta-gataṁ pāpaṁ
janānāṁ puṇya-karmaṇām

anta-gatam  — completely eradicated; pāpam  — sin; janānām  — of the persons;  puṇya —

pious; karmaṇām — whose previous activities; (Bhakti )

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