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Nama : Aulia Aghnia Nurilmianti

Kelas : TI-41-INT
NIM : 1201174343

Assignment - Week 10

1. First Precepts
Examples of cases of deviation of the first precepts:

Bali Bombing I: An example of a case of deviation from the first precepts is the well-
known act of terrorism that took place in 2002 in Bali. The act of terrorism, which is
used as the biggest terrorism event in Indonesia's history, occurred on 3 incidents at
once. Killed about hundreds of people, mostly foreigners who were on vacation, and
the Bali bombing was based on religion, thus violating Pancasila.

2. Second Precepts
Examples of cases of deviation of the second precept:

Injustice due to debts for the people of the lower classes: One of the cases that have
existed and become one of the violations in this second principle is the government's
attempt to fulfill the obligation of tax payment. This has created injustice for the
community, especially those from the lower classes because they feel they are being
pushed to pay and it is the same as making the people subsidize rich businessmen who
are now abandoning BLBI. This creates injustice.

3. Third Precepts
Examples of cases of deviation from the third precept:

OPM (Free Papua Organization): This Free Papua Organization has been around since
1965 and is still standing even today. This movement is one of the organizations that
insists on separating West Papua from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and
wants to be independent because they feel that their area has nothing to do with the
Indonesian nation. This is a violation of the third precept for wanting to separate from
the Indonesian nation.
4. Fourth Precepts
Examples of cases of deviation from the fourth precept:

Legal injustice: Deviation in cases from the fourth principle is when legal injustice for
officials and the lower class. The proof is that several years ago the person who was
said to have stolen fruit such as watermelon and cocoa had to languish behind bars
from a threat of 1 to 5 years, just for stealing cocoa worth 2000 rupiah. Meanwhile,
officials who have swallowed billions of rupiah in state funds have only been detained
for 1-2 years and are not even investigated. This is ironic, but it does exist in
Indonesia, it is one of the serious violations of Pancasila.

5. Fifth Precepts
Examples of cases of deviation from the fifth precept:

Differences in the lives of citizens of the capital and Papua: Violation of the fifth
precept can be seen from the differences in life between the people of Jakarta and
Papua. Even though they may be both Indonesian citizens, Jakarta and Papua
residents are different, in Jakarta all infrastructure is built evenly, while in Papua
development is not evenly distributed and many still use koteka.

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