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Nama : Aulia Aghnia Nurilmianti

Kelas : TI-41-INT
NIM : 1201174343

1. Explain the importance of Pancasila as the basis of science?

Pancasila is the basis for the value of the development of science, meaning that the
five principles of Pancasila are the guidelines and guidelines for the development of
science and technology. Some terminology put forward by experts to describe the role
of Pancasila as a reference for the development of science and technology, including
Pancasila as intellectual bastion 241 (Sofian Effendi); Pancasila as the common
denominator values (Muladi); Pancasila as a paradigm of science The importance of
Pancasila as the basis for the value of science development for students is to
demonstrate the role of Pancasila as normative signs for the development of science in
Indonesia. In addition, the development of science and technology in Indonesia must
be rooted in the culture of the Indonesian nation itself and involve the participation of
the wider community.
Therefore. progress and development of science and technology is indispensable in an
effort to maintain all wealth owned by Indonesia and answers all the challenges of the
times. With mastery of science and technology we can maintain the unity and
integrity of the Indonesian nation in accordance with the third principle which reads
Unity of Indonesia. Therefore, science and technology and Pancasila have a cohesive
relationship with each other. Science and technology is required in the practice of
Pancasila, the third precept in maintaining Indonesian unity. On the other hand, we
must also continue to use the basic values of Pancasila as a guide in developing
Science and Technology so that we are not trapped and on target to achieve the
nation's goals.

2. Why is Pancasila considered important / necessary as the basis of science?

Pancasila have an important and useful role for basis of science. Pancasila or
citizenship education must be used and used in everyday life, so that we can see and
understand the rights and obligations as Indonesian citizens. Religion and citizenship
education, Pancasila education which is important in ordering morals, manners,
behavior and personalities that are healthy and have the spirit of nationalism.
Pancasila is a source of value in the life of society, nation and state for the Indonesian
nation. Therefore, the entire system of life of the Indonesian people and nation uses
Pancasila as a moral basis or norm and as a measure of both the bad and the right and
wrong attitudes, changes and behavior as the Indonesian nation.

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