Roll No.: 2521 Title: HEX To BCD and BCD To HEX Conversion

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;Roll No.

: 2521
;Title : HEX to BCD and BCD to HEX conversion

.model small
msg1 db 10,13,"Enter HEX No. : $"
msg2 db 10,13,"Enter BCD No. : $"
msg3 db 10,13,"BCD of Entered No. : $"
msg4 db 10,13,"HEX of Entered No. : $"
msg5 db 10,13,"Press : $"
msg6 db 10,13,"1 - HEX to BCD$"
msg7 db 10,13,"2 - BCD to HEX$"
msg71 db 10,13,"3 - Exit$"
msg8 db 10,13,"Enter your choice : $"
msg9 db 10,13,"Invalid Choice!$"
arr dw 2710h,03e8H,0064h,000Ah,0001h
cnt db ?
stkb dw ?
c db ?
stcc dw 10h dup(00h)

mov ax,@data ;Data Initialization
mov ds,ax

mov ax,stack ;Stack Initialization

mov ss,ax

disp macro msg ;Message display Macro

mov ah,09h
lea dx,msg
int 21h

disp msg5 ;Display The Menu and Choices

disp msg6
disp msg7
disp msg71
disp msg8

mov ah,01h ;Accept the choice

int 21h

cmp al,31h
jne case2
call hextobcd ;Call HEX_to_BCD if choice is 1
jmp endd

cmp al,32h
jne case3
call bcdtohex ;Call BCD_to_HEX if choice is 2
jmp endd

cmp al,33h
jne invld
jmp endd ;Exit if choice is 3

disp msg9 ;Display Invalid Choice

;=============== END OF PROGRAM ========================

mov ah,4ch
int 21h

;========= HEX to BCD Procedure ================

hextobcd proc near

;------------- READ HEX NO. --------------

disp msg1
mov bx,0000h
mov cx,0404h
rol bx,cl
mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,39h
jbe downn
sub al,07h
sub al,30h
add bl,al
dec ch
jnz upp
mov ax,bx

;--------- CONVERT HEX to BCD --------------

mov bx,000Ah
mov cl,00h
pop dx ;Store the existing contents of stack
mov stkb,dx ;in some temporary variable
mov dx,0000h
div bx
add dl,30h
push dx
inc cl
cmp ax,0000h
jne up

;------------- DISPLAY BCD ------------------

disp msg3
pop dx
mov ah,02h
int 21h
dec cl
cmp cl,00h
jne up2

mov dx,stkb ;Restore the previous contents

push dx ;of stack
;=============== BCD to HEX Procedure ======================

bcdtohex proc near

;------------- READ BCD ---------------
disp msg2
mov cnt,05h
lea si,arr
xor bx,bx
xor dx,dx
mov ah,01h
int 21h
sub al,30h
mov ah,00h
mov cx,[si]
mul cx ;Multiply the accepted digit with
;HEX powers of 10
cmp dl,00h
je dwn
mov c,dl
inc si
inc si
add bx,ax ;Add the product to BX register
dec cnt
jnz uppp

;-------------- DISPLAY HEX ---------------

disp msg4
mov dl,c
add dl,30h
mov ah,02h
int 21h
xor dx,dx
mov cx,0404h
rol bx,cl
mov dx,bx
and dx,000fh

cmp dl,09h
jbe down1
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov ah,02h
int 21h

dec ch
jnz upp2
;================ END OF PROCEDURE ===============

end start

Press :
1 - HEX to BCD
2 - BCD to HEX
3 - Exit
Enter your choice : 1
Enter HEX No. : FFFF
BCD of Entered No. : 65535

Press :
1 - HEX to BCD
2 - BCD to HEX
3 - Exit
Enter your choice : 2
Enter BCD No. : 65535
HEX of Entered No. : 0FFFF

Press :
1 - HEX to BCD
2 - BCD to HEX
3 - Exit
Enter your choice : 2
Enter BCD No. : 99999
HEX of Entered No. : 1869F

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