Arsitektur Dan Bau

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Architecture and Smell *yg panjang baca merahnya aja

We see only when there is light enough, taste only when we put things into our mouths,
touch only when we make contact with someone or something, hear only sounds that are
loud enough But we smell always and with every breath.
(Ackerman 1990 p. 6)

- The really interesting thing about perfumes is not actually the scent itself, but rather the
memory that is stored with the scent. Smells and scents can evoke experiences and
images of the past, almost like photographs. For us certain smells always produce
architectural images and spatial memories—almost like an inner film. [...] We can certainly
design better or poorer, more pleasant or less pleasant architecture, but like perfume, it is
the experience associated—or not associated—with it that is decisive. There is a
difference between experiencing a victory or a defeat in a football stadium. Memories and
experiences are always individual. This element of the elusive emotions that define the
aura of a place plays a role in our perception of architecture.
(Ursprung 2002 pp. 364-365)

-bau juga dapat menciptakan suatu atmosfer yang meruang

-Masyarakat kowloon setiap hari menghirup udara yang mungkin essencenya tercampur
makanan,tanah becek, lembab akibat kurangnya sinar matahari, bau badan(karena mungkin air bersih
minim), dan segala bau-bauan telah menjadi null / numb?

-manusia memiliki batas dalam panca indera. saat sudah terekspos stimulus secara berlebihan, indera
manusia beradaptasi dan kehilangan efektivitasnya (Contoh: mencium parfum pertama kali memberi
pendeteksian bau yang sangat kuat, namun bila bau tersebut diberikan secara terus menerus bau
parfum tesebut akan menghilang, atau nama lainnya anosmia)

-Kasus ini juga berlaku pada masyarakat kowloon. bagaimana karena semua indera mereka telah
terbiasa, mereka pun juga menjadi kebal terhadap bau yang tidak menyedapkan? Pencahayaan yang
buruk? Lingkungan yang ricuh? Dll. Sehingga mereka pun tidak menyadari bahwa lingkungan yang
mereka tinggali kurang baik. Hanya karena sudah terbiasa.

-When Condillac, in his Treatise on the Sensations (1754), imagined a statue that
would be granted all the capacities of thinking and feeling one by one, smell was the first capability
he bestowed upon it, because he held smell to be the most primitive of senses and the one that
contributes least to the mind. Condillac maintained that, should his statue smell a rose, it would not
thereby gain any concept of the rose as an entity distinct from itself. When it smells a rose, it
simply exists within the sensation of the scent of a rose. Smell, this position implies, teaches us
nothing about the outside world, but produces pleasant or unpleasant sensations that go on to
determine what we desire, rather than what we know.

- Of the five senses, that of smelling is the least valued, and, as a consequence, is the least
tutored; but we must not conclude from this, our own act, that it is of insignificant
importance to our welfare and happiness. By neglecting to tutor the olfactory nerve, we
are constantly led to breathe impure air, and thus poison the body by neglecting the
warning given at the gate of the lungs. Persons who use perfumes are more sensitive to
the presence of a vitiated atmosphere than those who consider the faculty of smelling as
an almost useless gift.
(Piesse 1857 p. xi)

Piesse is here referring to the commonly held view that one could be directly poisoned by foul
smelling air: “In the medical theory and natural philosophies of the time, stench was equated with
disease” (Cowan, Steward, et al. 2007 p. 25). A correlate of this assumption was the belief that
pleasant smells had a beneficial medical effect.7 As a result, ambergris was used as an ingredient
in a 'very good perfume' (Cowan 2007 p. 35) to ward off plague. As late as the early 19th century,
doctors would still wear beaks of herbs and other fragrant materials to fight disease, (Stoddart
1990 p. 3) see figure 1.2

-Think of Traveling Through a Space With Only Your Nose

If you were to travel through your architectural built project using only your sense of smell — would
you be able to find your way?

-bagaimana bila ada ruang yang dapat memberi fragance yang berbeda? Yang bisa mengubah dan
memberi harapan kepada masyarakatnya? Bau yang bisa meng-hypnotheraphy? Bau yang bisa
memberi placebo effect?

Mungkin bau-bau yang universal & identik sama masyarakat pas masih kecil / pas kowloon masih kota
yang baik.

-Jadi dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan pikiran melalui medium panca indera manusia, mereka dapat
lebih menjalankan hidupnya dengan baik.

Contoh kasus : happy architecture, pooh town. Jdi ini ide anak bartlet dia bikin kota temanya pooh,
konteksnya abis perang dunia 1 smua org itu lagi depresi sama social exclusion. jadi dia pke konsep
pooh,karena org di kota itu smua pas kecil ntn pooh. Jdi kek secara otomatis warganya jadi keinget
masa lalu trus kebawa happy nya ke daily life.

the city is transformed from an industrial sprawl into a fictional wonderland filled with familiar
characters and friendly architectural structures, designed to appeal to human emotions.

-Karena menurut gua arsitektur yang paling kuat itu bukan sekedat visual, tpi arsitektur yang dapat
dirasakan. Di buku link ke 3 ditekenin jg bau itu menciptakan aura pada bangunan dan material

-wellbeing?happy architecture? Healing?


Ada ide 1 lgi. Ini lebih tekenin ke dark tpi, trus dystopia. Jdi idenya, kan kowloon itu padet bgt. Nah
pas di masa depan ternyata karena populasi yang ga kekontrol dan manusia gabertanggung jawab.
smua lahan itu jadi padet bgt penuh kayak kowloon. Nah tpi karena emg kayak kowloon itu gabagus
buat masyarakatnya. Pemerintah a dark side. Kek mungkin jdi seluruh orang di dunia itu disuntikin
drugs daily. Jdi mreka kehilangan consciousness dan ga aware sama lingkungan mereka. Jadi ya
output kita bukan output yang solutif, tpi kek gambaran gimana kalo manusia, arsitek ga concern
about human wellbeing ? sama goverment nya corrupt / ga mentingin orang orangnya lagi gitu

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