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Carlatan, San Fernando City, La Union

Objectives Identified Problems/Concerns Activities Evaluation
Student Nurse Client/Family Member
Long term: After 3 weeks of Poor visual acuity 1. Monitors symptoms of vision 1. Provide adequate lighting Long term: Goal met.
nursing intervention the patient deterioration. for increased visibility.
will be able to understand the Patient was able to improve visual
changes that happens to the eyes Rationale: Regular monitoring and Rationale: To ensure that visual acuity within the limits of individual
as it gets older. frequent evaluation decreases risk to tasks are carried out safely and situations.
long term damage to eyes. enhance security.

2. Assist family in identifying 2. Avoid clutter on floor to

Short term: Goal met.
Short term: After 8 hours of hazards in home and modifying them. prevent tripping.
nursing intervention the patient Patient was able to verbalize
will be able to verbalize Rationale: To meet the safety needs of Rationale: Reduces the risk for understanding of individual factors that
understanding of individual factors the client and reduce risk of injury. injury and to promote clean contribute possibility of injury due to
that contribute possibility of injury environment poor visual acuity.
due to poor visual acuity. 3. Instruct patient to wear
prescription glasses when out of bed 3. Support client when
or when transferring. transferring position to avoid
Rationale: Visual aids are necessary
to enhance vision. Rationale: To promote safety of
the client
4. Established NPI to identify the
needs to enhance knowledge about
caring for the eyes.

Long term: After 3 months of Risk for impaired skin integrity 1. Assess the overall condition of 1. Clean, dry, and The patient shall be able to display
nursing interventions, the patient the skin. moisturize skin, particularly bony behaviors such as timely and
will be able to demonstrate prominences, twice daily or as systematic inspection and intervention
understanding of factors that Rationale: Provides baseline data for to the developing problems thus
indicated by incontinence or
possible interventions for the nursing reducing the progression of skin
contributes to impaired skin sweating. Avoid hot water.
diagnosis Risk for Impaired Skin breakdown.
Integrity. Rationale: Smooth, supple skin
is more resistant to injury. These
2. Assess patient’s nutritional measures prevent evaporation
Short term: After 4 hours of status, including weight, weight loss, away from skin
nursing intervention patient will be and serum albumin levels.
able to describe measures to 2. Know signs of itching
protect skin and prevent skin Rationale: An albumin level less than and scratching.
impairment. 2.5 g/dL is a grave sign, indicating
severe protein depletion and at high Rationale: The patient who
risk of skin breakdown. scratches the skin in attempts to
alleviate itching may open skin
3. Encourage adequate nutrition lesion and increase risk for
and hydration. infection.

Rationale: Sufficient hydration and 3. Keep bedclothes dry and

nutrition help maintain skin turgor, free of wrinkles, crumbs.
moisture, and suppleness, which
provide resilience to damage caused Rationale: Reduces/prevents
by pressure. skin irritation.

4. Educate patient and caregiver

about the causes of pressure.
Rationale: This information can assist
the patient or caregiver in finding
methods to prevent skin breakdown.

5. Educate patients and caregivers

about proper skin care.

Rationale: Educating patients and

caregivers methods to maintain skin
integrity enhances their sense of self
efficacy and prevents skin breakdown.

Long term: After 2 months of Risk for impaired physical 1. Monitor and record client's 1. Support and work with Long term: Goal met.
nursing interventions, the patient mobility ability to tolerate activity and use all
clients during self-care activities
Patient was able to demonstrate
will be able to demonstrate four extremities; note pulse rate, blood
such as eating, bathing,
measures to increase mobility.
measures to reduce risk of pressure, dyspnea, and skin color grooming, dressing, and
impaired physical mobility. before and after activity. transferring rather than having
client be a passive recipient of
Rationale: To provide baseline in care. Short term: Goal met.
identifying interventions.
Short term: After 8 hours of Patient was able to identify causative
Rationale: To promote
nursing intervention the patient 2. Teach client to get out of bed factors of limited activity intolerance.
will be able to identify causative independence of the client.
slowly when transferring from the bed
factors of limited activity
to the chair. 2. Utilizing the environment
to prevent injury.
Rationale: To prevent injury
Rationale: Modifying the
3. Teach client relaxation environment reduces the
techniques to use during activity. chances of falls or injury of the
Rationale: To increase efficiency of
4. Teach client to use assistive devices
such as a cane, walker or crutches

Rationale: To increase mobility.

Long term: After 2 months of Readiness for enhanced self 1. Verify client’s level of 1. Implement measures at Long term: Goal met.
nursing interventions, the patient health management understanding of therapeutic regimen. home to promote independence
Patient was able to use the information
will be able to use the information but intervene when the patient
Rationale: Provides opportunity to gained to develop an individual plan to
gained to develop an individual cannot function.
assure accuracy and completeness meet health needs and goals.
plan to meet health needs and
goals. of knowledge base for future learning. Rationale: An appropriate level
Short term: Goal met.
of assistive care can prevent
2. Acknowledge individual injury from activities without Patient was able to verbalize
efforts/capabilities to reinforce causing frustration. Nurses can willingness to perform the activities
Short term: After 3 hours of movement toward attainment be key in helping patients accept required to care for herself.
nursing intervention the patient of desired outcomes. both temporary and permanent
will be able to verbalize
willingness to perform the Rationale: Provides positive dependence.
activities required to care for reinforcement encouraging continued
herself. 2. Family and significant
progress toward desired goals.
others will promote autonomy
3. Assist in implementing and support if the patient
strategies for monitoring becomes tired and not capable
progress/responses to therapeutic of carrying out task.
regimen. Rationale: This displays caring
Rationale: Promotes proactive problem and concern but does not hinder
solving. with patient’s efforts to attain

3. At home, allow the

patient perform self-care
measures as
much as possible to promote


4. Reinstitutes feeling of
independence and promotes
self-esteem and improves
rehabilitation process.

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