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CISV Belgium Summer Village


Precamp 2

What is peacissimo?

Every CISV village has a theme, and the theme of our 2011 village in Brussels is: Peacissimo!

What does it mean? None of us are exactly sure. It‘s an all-purpose word that describes a way of
being and a state of mind. But what it relates to is the universal language that all people
everywhere have in common: the language of music and dance.

There‘s a reason why people salsa or breakdance

in every country on earth, and why Shakira can be
just as popular in Germany as Beethoven is in
Colombia. The reason is: music and dance
transcend culture and national boundaries.
Everyone likes a good beat, a beautiful song, or a
hot move on the dancefloor, even if they can‘t
understand the lyrics. Often, we can communicate
better through music than we can with words—
you don‘t have to speak English to understand the
joy in Bob Marley‘s reggae, the anger and passion
in Rage Against the Machine‘s protest songs, or
the energy in an Usher dance track.

So, peacissimo is about that feeling you get when

everyone is brought together to sing or dance
along with a song that they love, and the potential
that feeling has to unite us and break down
barriers. If you like to sing, rap, chant, or cheer . . .
if you like to head-spin, backflip, jive or samba . . .
you are going to like this village.

Peacissimo won‘t mean the same thing to

everyone, and it doesn‘t have to. There are no
right or wrong answers to the question:

“What is peacissimo?”

Peacissimo is also an all-purpose word for something that‘s as great as a good song or a fun
dance, and to get you practicing here are some ways you can use it:

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Having a theme enables us to give some coherence to camp activities, focus on a few
educational objectives, and come up with ridiculously creative ideas for games. The theme also
means that everyone can start preparing for camp now—more on that later. Please make sure
your delegation knows all about the theme!

Who is Gaston Lagaffe?

Gaston Lagaffe is the mascot of our village. He‘s a character from a

famous BD (comic strip) created in 1957 by the Belgian artist André
Franquin. Gaston is an accident-prone office worker, sometimes lazy
and sometimes hyperactive, who became very popular in parts of
Europe but has not been translated much into English. Gaston goes
by various names in various languages: Guust Flater in Dutch, Tomás
el Gafe in Spanish, Gastão Dabronca in Portuguese, Viggo in
Norwegian, Niilo Pielinen in Finnish, and simply Gaston in German.

Why pick a lazy, accident-prone comic book character as our mascot?

First of all, Gaston‘s days consist of slapstick comedy and running
gags, which will also fill our time at village; and his sunny outlook on
life is the sort of attitude we hope everyone will bring to Brussels. But more importantly, he
plays the gaffophone, a bizarre and magical combination of the horn and harp that Gaston
created himself. The gaffophone produces a sound so awful, so loud that it causes total chaos
wherever it‘s played. And Gaston loves it, no matter how much everyone else hates it. Gaston
symbolizes a creative love of music-making, and we will honour his example when we assemble
for the Gaffophone Orchestra at the village . . . an Orchestra that will result in total peacissimo!

. . . and a little about Belgium

Bonjour! Goeiendag! Hallo!

That‘s how you say hello in Belgium‘s three official languages (French, Dutch, and German). Ours
is a small country on the left-hand side of Europe, bordering France to the south, Netherlands to

Peacissimo! Village 2011 Precamp 2 Page 3

the north, and Germany to east. There are 11 million people in Belgium, which makes our country
about the size of Cuba or Portugal. Peacissimo! Village will take place in Wemmel, a town just
outside Brussels, the capital of Belgium and seat of the European Union.

Key facts about Belgium:

 Scientists have confirmed, there is nowhere in the world where people take chocolate more
seriously than Belgium.
 Each Belgian consumes 150 litres of beer each year.
 Belgium makes 88% of the billiards balls used in the world.
 A Belgian named Adolpe Sax invented the saxophone.
 Another Belgian, Hergé, invented the famous comic book character Tintin.



Starts Saturday July 2nd

Ends Friday July 29th
JC‘s are expected to arrive on Thursday June 30th at noon, at the very latest


The village will take place at a school in Wemmel, just outside Brussels. The address of the camp
site is CISV Summer Village c/o HISW Zijp, 14-16 1780 Wemmel Belgium. But don‘t send us any
mail there right now, we won‘t get it!

1: our building with dining hall, dormitories,

staff room, leaders‘ room, lullaby room . . .

2: sports hall

3: flagpole

4: basketball court

5: football pitch

6: huge playing field

7: swimming pool!

Peacissimo! Village 2011 Precamp 2 Page 4

How to contact us?

Skype You can add Michael on Skype (mijawara)
Facebook You can find us on Facebook – search for ―Peacissimo! Village in
Wemmel 2011‖. Leaders, JCs, kids and parents are all welcome to ―like‖
the Peacissimo! Facebook page; during camp, we‘ll use it to send out
updates, photos, and other good stuff. But beware: for reasons that
are too complicated and dumb to explain here, there are two pages on
Facebook—the other one is called ―Peacissimo! CISV Brussels Village
2011.‖ Please ignore it!
Phone +32.492.649.723 (Michael)
Fax +32.2.569.74.49 (Michel)
Mail c/o Michael James Warren 152 rue Joseph II Brussels 1000 Belgium


Your arrival

If you travel by train, we will meet you at Brussels South Station.

If you travel by plane, we will meet you at Brussels National Airport. If you
arrive at Brussels Airport South, you have to know that this airport is not in
Brussels, it‘s in Charleroi, not that far away, but we may not be able to pick you
up there. You will have to take the bus or the train to meet us.

Please wear your CISV t-shirts—they make you easier to find!

Let us know as soon as possible when (with the precise time) and where you will be arriving (station
or airport). Please mention clearly the number and departure city of your plane or train! We would
also like to know the exact date and time when you intend to leave, so that we can prepare the
organization of departures. We won't have much help at that time, because of the holidays.

Important: Do you need a visa to come to Belgium?

Most delegations will be able to come to Belgium for a maximum of 90

days without a visa, but we believe two of the delegations (Ecuador and
Egypt) will need ―C‖ visas in advance of their arrival. It takes some time to
get a Belgian visa, and we will do whatever we can to help; please contact
us as soon as possible if you think your delegates need visas.

For more information, please see:

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Travel documents you need

 Passports: All visitors to Belgium must be in possession of a passport valid for at least 3
months beyond their estimated date of departure, or a valid national ID for EU citizens. If
you require a visa to enter Belgium, your visa must in your passport.

 CISV documents: You will need to make sure that you have the required CISV forms for
the village. These forms can be found at Just type in the name
of the form in the search engine on the main page and it will show you the file you have
to download and complete.

1. ALIF 2000 (adult legal information form), for adult leaders

2. YLIF 2000 (youth legal information form), for child delegates
3. TIF (travel information form), for delegations
4. HF 2000 (health forms), for all, signed by your doctor and to be filled out within
the month before camp
5. VDIF (village delegation information form), for delegations
6. JCs should have the JC Information Form and TWAL 2000 (youth traveling alone)
7. Permission to Swim and Waiver (we will send this to you separately)
8. Proof of health / travel insurance

Please bring copies of all of your forms, as well as originals!

 A copy of your tickets and passport details is also recommended (one to leave at
home and one to bring)

If you have any questions, please contact us as soon as possible by our contact email. Thanks!

Leaders, please have one copy of the health and legal forms for each of your kids in your hand
luggage, to be given to the host family on arrival. The rest should be fine in your stowed
luggage. You should also leave copies of the forms with your parents and a chapter contact
person including photocopies of your tickets and passports, just in case.

Saturday July 2d

We‘ll organize a family weekend to start with; you will be attended to at the airport by the families
and a member of the staff or from the committee. The leaders will go to the village, leaving the
children to the care of our CISV families.

If it is impossible for you to arrive on that very day, just come one day earlier: we will try to find an
accommodation in families in Brussels or around. We would be sorry if you didn't attend the
beginning of the Village. CISV allows an outmost stay of two nights in a family before or after the

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If you wish to spend the night in a family (as a rule two families for one delegation) please tell us
before May 25th.

Your departure

We do insist on the fact that you shouldn't leave earlier than Friday July 29th: your experience
wouldn't be a complete one and you would be sorry for it. If you can't get a plane on that very day,
we will try to find an accommodation for you in families in Brussels. But in this case too, you should
tell us before June 17th.

Don't accept a flight or a train before 10 A.M.; think of the time for the trip to the airport, we‘re not
that far away, but it always takes some time!

We allow ourselves to point out to you that it isn't always easy for us to find families who are ready
to accept delegations in July, since this month is officially devoted to the holidays (workplaces and
offices are closed) and many families are staying abroad. That's why it might be better for you to
book rooms in a hotel, if you wish to do some sightseeing before or after the village. It is possible
for us to help you if you ask us in time.

Anyway, even if you spend the night in a family, the whole delegation won't necessarily stay with
the same family; you might be housed rather far away from each other.


What to bring

We cannot forecast the weather for July. It may be warm (20C), very warm (25C to 30C) or it may
be rainy and cold (5C to 15C) for a couple of days. Such is Belgium! So it's a good idea to dress
light, but with at least one jumper / hoodie, a raincoat, and waterproof shoes. At the end of the
pre-camp, we‘ve presented a packing list which we hope you will find useful.

What not to bring

 Jewellery, chains, medals, watches, bracelets and other valuables

 Mobile phones – please let the kids know that these will be taken
off them immediately
 Personal electronic devices like laptops, camcorders, iPods or MP3
players, and PSPs or GameBoys are lifesavers on the plane, but we
will ask everyone to hand theirs in as they arrive at camp; iPods
and MP3 players can be made available if needed for village

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What to prepare (1): Get ready to feel the peacissimo!

Our goal is to create as much peacissimo as possible throughout the four weeks of the village.
When the delegations arrive, staff and leaders will sit together and brainstorm ideas about how
bring the theme to life for everyone. In the meantime, we have some activities planned that you
and your kids will need to prepare for:

 Each delegation is requested to invent a new, never-seen-before musical

instrument to bring to the village. You and your kids should design this instrument, and
the only rules are (1) it must be something new, (2) it must make a lot of noise, and (3) it
should involve as many members of the delegation as possible. Give your instrument a
name, and bring all the parts you need for it to Belgium (if you need extra parts, you can
contact us and we‘ll see if we can help). What are we going to do with these amazing
new musical instruments? Two words: Gaffophone Orchestra. More on that later.

 Each delegation is requested to bring as much music as possible—songs you can

sing, or recordings of songs in any genre. Tapes, CDs, vinyl, iPods: all are welcome. We
want to hear the music that you like, the music that inspires and moves you, and we
want you to be ready to tell us about it. Music from your country that other people
probably haven‘t heard is best. More sharing = more peacissimo!

 Can you or any of your kids play a musical instrument? Guitar, trumpet, hand-drum,
bassoon? If so, and the instruments can be transported to Belgium, please bring them.
Also musical talents are welcome. Please note that it will not be possible for us to
provide instruments to delegates (though Michael has a guitar he will lend to anyone
that knows ―What‘s New Pussycat?‖).

What to prepare (2): National nights!

At every village, each delegation presents its country during an evening / day. National nights
usually involve traditional or popular costumes, dances, songs, games, and slides or other images
showing what your country looks like, the kids and their families, their pets and friends, their
homes, their schools. A national night presentation usually lasts about 1½ hours. We want to know
more about where you come from, and we want it to be as fun as possible.

Since the theme of the village is music and dance, the more music and dancing the better! Please
note that this does not necessarily mean you have to present traditional music and folk dances—
we want to hear the music kids in your country listen to and the dances that they like to do.
Contemporary music is welcome! Your national night presentation should be ready in advance of
arriving at camp, we do not want kids missing out on fun and games to practice.

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Each delegation should bring a small, typical light meal from home, such as sweets, sandwiches, or
anything that is easy to prepare and can be handed out at the end of the evening or at any other
moment. If you want to prepare something special, let us know in advance so we can try to arrange
it in the kitchen. Beware that we might not be able to find the kind of food you ask for, so it might
be better to bring it with you.

We will have the following equipment for use on national nights:

 Sound system for CDs, iPods, etc.

 PowerPoint projector and laptop with CD-ROM player

What to prepare (3): Don't forget the placemats!

Placements are a CISV tradition! Please bring an A4 sheet of paper which is a collage about you and
your delegation, laminated if possible. Make it a big mixture of pictures and photos and photos of
your family, friends and things that you do. Be colourful and creative! Booklets are also a possibility
and give you more space for priority. JCs: Please remember to come with your placemats or
booklets already finished!



The kids will sleep in small rooms with two campers in each. Bathrooms
and showers will be shared, and are located in the same building as
bedrooms. Please let your kids know that we will try to mix them up, and
they will not be able to sleep in a room with someone from the same
country. There will be sheets and blankets on the beds, but no towels!
Leaders and JCs will have the same accommodation arrangements.

Camp Shop

We will have a camp shop! It will sell snacks, postcards, stamps, and other stuff. The shop will be
opened once each day and managed by the JCs. Once a week, a ―souvenir-shop‖ will be opened,
where it will be possible for participants to buy small souvenirs of Belgium, like lacework, books,
CISV t-shirts, etc. Those items are cheaper than in other shops for we buy them in large quantities.

Communicating with the outside world: internet, phones and mail

We are still trying to confirm what kind of internet access we will have at the camp site, and will
update you in precamp 3. Delegates will not have access to the internet, but parents can email
their kids at Emails will be printed out twice each week for
delegates. Please tell parents that they should clearly indicate the name of their child and their

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country in the subject line of each email. Parents can also join our Facebook group and receive
regular updates and photos about what is happening in the village. Leaders will have access to
the internet, but parents should not expect to receive more than two or three updates from you
in the course of the village.

Kids are always happy to receive letters from home during a village; families should make sure
to write early. Parents may also wish to write letters and give these to the leaders before they
come to Belgium that can be given out during the camp. It is also nice for families at home to
receive letters and postcards from their children; we will have postcards available for you to
purchase and will arrange to buy stamps so that you can send letters and postcards home.

Leaders, please inform your delegation‘s families and your chapter that you will only be able to
access a telephone at camp in emergency situations; this is true for JCs, too. Delegates will not
be able to make or receive telephone calls at any point during the camp. We will allow leaders
to contact your delegates‘ families on arrival. Leaders can bring mobile phones with them if they
would like, although you won‘t have much time to use them! We understand that it is often
good to send a quick text message to your families during the camp.

Drugs, alcohol and smoking

So, obviously the use of narcotic and hallucinogenic drugs is not permitted at any CISV event.
We expect that everyone will respect this rule, and the laws of Belgium. Anyone who violates this
rule will be sent home immediately at their own expense.

In Belgium, it is legal to purchase and consume alcohol at the age of 16.

While it is legal to smoke cigarettes in Belgium, the camp site is a strictly non-smoking facility.
Leaders will only be able to smoke in designated smoking areas . . . far, far away from the rest of
us. It is illegal in Belgium for anyone under the age of 16 to purchase or consume tobacco and
tobacco products like cigarettes, and this will be enforced at the village.


It‘s a longstanding tradition for kids at CISV events to trade small items from their countries, such
as stamps, coins, postcards, etc. It would be worthwhile for you to inform your kids about this in
advance and discuss what sorts of items they might want to take to exchange.

Food and diet

Our food will be prepared by an excellent kitchen staff team. It might not be possible to make
everyone happy all of the time, but we will do what we can to prevent food-related rioting.

Here's what a typical Belgian meal might look like:

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 For breakfast (morning), bread and butter, jam, chocolate, coffee, juice, tea or milk
 For lunch (afternoon), a warm meal with soup, some meat and vegetables, potatoes and
 For dinner, bread, butter, jam cheese or cooked meat, warm dishes (the main meal is at

Important: If you or your delegates have special food or dietary needs—allergies to peanuts or
something else, or halal, kosher, vegetarian-vegan requirements etc.—please let us know as soon
as possible.


The health care system in Belgium is excellent; there is a hospital nearby, and a
doctor can be called very quickly if necessary. Prescription medicine for
delegates should be handed over to the leader. If one of your kids is under
medical treatment, make sure s/he will have enough medicine for the whole
stay and even more if s/he loses some or some of it is ruined. Dosage should be written down. If
your child needs glasses and cannot do without them, bring a spare pair and specify all the useful
data on the medical document. Experience taught us that replacing lost or broken glasses takes
about a whole week.


Kids will spend two weekends with a Belgian family, from Saturday July 2nd to Sunday July 3rd at
night and from Friday July 15th at night to Sunday July 17th. Delegates will go in pairs, and it would
be nice to prepare a small present, if possible typical of their country, for the host family.


In accordance with CISV rules, everyone at camp must have travel insurance and medical
insurance (that does not cover less than the official CISV Insurance Coverage from AON) for the
duration of the time they are at the village and travelling to and from the village. We request
that all leaders and delegates from EU member states bring their European insurance card or the
telephone number they must call for refunding medical costs.

If it is not possible for you to acquire insurance in your country, write or phone the International
Office. If you show up without insurance, we will inform the International Office; you will be
insured automatically, and the amount will be debited from the account of your National


Once a week, some heroic person from the CISV Belgium family will do laundry for everyone in the
village. Leaders will have an iron at their disposal.

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We suggest that you bring euro or US dollar cash from your home country if you do not think
you will be able to withdraw funds from a bank machine in Belgium. We advise you against
buying traveller‘s cheques, and to avoid bringing large bank notes.

We recommend that kids bring no more than 150 euros per person in pocket money, to spend
on stamps, sweets, souvenirs, t-shirts, etc. We will insist that parents hand over the total amount
of money for their child to the leader; the leader can give kids money as needed. This will
prevent problems if money disappears. Leaders will have the opportunity to deposit money in a
safe place, but CISV Belgium and the staff will not be responsible for loss or theft of money
during the village.

Open Day

On Saturday July 23rd, our village will host an Open Day. Members of the CISV Belgium family
and other guests from the local community will be invited to come. We will develop a
programme of activities highlighting our village theme and what we‘ve been up to so far. Open
Day will be planned by leaders and staff together once the village starts. Note that Open Day is
the only opportunity for parents and friends to enter the village.

Each delegation will have a small booth where you may exhibit info about yourselves and your
home country. Please bring items that you would like to display. You may want to bring some
food or delicacies that will give everyone a taste of your country‘s cuisine. You can also bring
some small souvenirs that you may want to give away. Posters of your country are also a good
way for others to see some of your amazing country!

Religious services

Brussels is a diverse city, with especially large populations of Catholic and Protestant Christians,
Muslims, and Jews. If you or your kids want to attend religious services during the village, please let
us know in advance so we can figure out how to accommodate your needs.

Safety and security

Brussels is one of the safest cities in Europe, with a very low level of crime (especially violent crime).
You can reassure parents that their kids will be very safe here! Still, it‘s important to let your
delegation know that petty theft targeting tourists can happen anywhere, and that when they are at
the train station or airport, or venturing around Belgium during homestays or excursions, they must
remain vigilant and keep an eye on their stuff.

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We mentioned earlier that the camp site has a pool, which is awesome. We noted earlier that
there are some rules at the pool around swimsuits. It is also important to note that all children
and youth at the village (everyone under the age of 18) must be in possession of a Permission
to Swim and Waiver, duly signed by their parent or guardian. A copy of this form will be
forwarded to you by email. Please enter the necessary data, print it out, have it signed and bring
it with you.


Peacissimo! Village will involve eleven amazing delegations from eleven fascinating countries.
Countries sending delegations are listed below, along with some music from that country that
we think is interesting. Don‘t like the music we picked? Send us weblinks for great music from
your country, and we‘ll share it on Facebook and precamp 3!


Paul van Haver, better known as Stromae, is a

Brussels singer-songwriter who became famous for
his number one hit ―Alors on danse.‖

Bebel Gilberto
The daughter of two of Brazil‘s greatest singers,

Bebel Gilberto is a successful performer known for

her pop and bossa nova styles.


The most successful all-female pop group in

Ecuadorian history, Kiruba got their start on the
Popstars TV show.
Known as ―the Lion of Egypt‖ and the king of sha‘abi

(rhythmic street music), Hakim is one of the biggest

Egyptian pop stars.

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Finland HIM
HIM is one of the best-known rock-metal bands in
Europe, with a strong fan base around the world.

Eros Ramazzotti
Over the course of a 25-year career, Eros Ramazzotti

has become one of the most popular Italian pop

stars, with a wide following internationally.

A pioneering hip-hop outfit from Mexico, Molotov‘s

music is heavily influenced by rock and metal music.


Tijs Verwest, better-known as Tiësto, is a Dutch dj in

demand around the world for his trance, electronic,
and dance music.
Sondre Lerche
Eclectic singer-songwriter Sondre Lerche is one of

many Norwegian musicians that sing in English and

have become popular outside Norway.


Mariza is one of the leading voices of the fado vocal

style that originated in Portugal in the 1820s.

Vampire Weekend
The members of Vampire Weekend met at Columbia

University in New York and formed an indie rock

band that has dominated the charts since 2008.

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There‘s no village without JCs, and we‘re delighted to have JCs coming from five countries. JCs,
send us your favourite music so we can feature it in the next precamp!


Soap&Skin is the acclaimed experimental project of

Austrian artist, singer and pianist Anja Plaschg.

Jacques Brel

Jacques Brel was an iconic Belgian singer who

performed French chansons (he came from the
Schaarbeek neighbourhood of Brussels!).
Cansei de Ser Sexy
CSS is a Sao Paulo indie-electronic band whose

name means ―Tired of Being Sexy‖ in Portuguese.


One of the top German rappers, Anis Ferchichi a.k.a.

Bushido comes from Berlin and is strongly influenced

by American gangsta rap.
Janelle Monae
Kansas City-born Janelle Monae is a R&B / dance /
soul artist who is so darn good she made two

versions of the same song that are equally good:

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Michel, Camp Director

Hi Peacissimers !

In summer 1974, I took my first delegation to Sweden. Since then, I‘ve been active
in 22 villages, summer and seminar camps, as leader, staff or camp director. So,
got already a long road behind me, between Brussels and Philadelphia, Sweden
and Tel Aviv, Sao Paulo and Austria...
During all my career as professor and school principal, CISV has always been the
red wire of my actions. I love the Amerindians and their way to respect Mother
Earth and any being. Among my favorite characters, there is Gandhi, Martin L.
King, Tenzin Gyatso (Dalaï Lama), Mandela, Steve Biko, Doris Allen, Sitting Bull,
Obama, etc.
Now, I‘m already counting the days until the beginning of our village, and I hope
to meet you very soon... Love. Peacissimo !

Favourite music: classical music, Woodstock and hard rock, Jimmy Hendrix, Led
Zeppelin, CCR, Pink Floyd, Simple Minds, U2, Emerson Lake and Palmer

Marion, Home Staff

I‘m a student who hopefully soon be graduated in contemporary History. I‘ve been
living here in Brussels for 20 years with my parents, older brother and sister.
Besides being a CISV member and supporter for 12 years now, I‘m a big huge fan
of Belgian chocolate (I might brag about it a little…don‘t hesitate to silence me),
tennis, literature and music. I‘ve playing the violin and the saxophone for years,
and even though I‘m no professional I enjoy it a lot. I also like hanging out with
friends under the Belgian sun (when we get to see it…) and elsewhere, laughing
about any stupid thing and arguing with Michael about who knows Brussels best.
Did I mention that I just LOVE chocolate?

Favourite music: Hooverphonic, Lighthouse Family, Mike and the Mechanics,

Johnny Clegg and Savuka

Vincent, Home Staff

Hello guys, I‘m Vincent, Vince for all my CISV friends. Having extra fun when
leading a delegation in a village (5 until now) and in the same time afraid but
really proud to staff now with 5 crazy M‘s from Belgium and Canada! I‘m sure I‘ll
enjoy this very new experience with you. I‘m a ‗old‘ French billiards player and a
banker (not so funny…), waiting for July to turn into a CISV fan. Then I leave my
wife, my 2 super ‗kids‘ (Jonathan 19 and Jessica 15, both active CISVer‘s and 2 cats,
loose a few years, join a village and try to store as much fun as possible for 1 year.

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Favourite music: Jacques Brel, The Beatles, Super Tramp, Nirvana, Linkin Park,
Eminem, 50 Cent, Olivia Ruiz, The Black Eyed Peas, Shakira, Amy Winehouse, The
White Stripes, Sean Paul… and all the music from your countries you‘ll bring to our
Peacissimo village!

Michael, Home Staff

Michael is a retired theme park mascot and baby photographer who presently
spends his days training to become a professional lasertag player. He comes from
a family of Canadian lumberjacks, Mounties and bears, but now lives happily in
Belgium. Michael‘s favourite things to do include karaoke and telling you about
famous people you didn‘t know were Canadian. This is the summer he will start
wearing a jaunty hat.

Favourite music: Arcade Fire, Beirut, Jónsi, Sufjan Stevens, Titus Andronicus, Tom

Michelle, International Staff

I teach grade 2 (7 & 8 year olds) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada full time by day,
and Vinyasa Yoga in the evenings. I am also attending art school in the evenings
and summer to upgrade my teaching and because I love it and wanted to try
something completely different. I LOVE TO READ!!!!!

Favourite music: Jamiroquai, Bjork, Manu Chao, Arabic music, Punjabi music, The
Beatles, Tchaikovsky


Question: What would be without kitchen staff? Answer: Extremely hungry. There‘s no village
without dedicated people to feed it, and we‘re fortunate to have a bunch of kitchen staffers with
experience equal to their dedication . . .

Jessica Mulpas Michel Poll Michelle Poll Anne Longrée

Peacissimo! Village 2011 Precamp 2 Page 17


As soon as possible, we need from you all of the forms listed below. All forms can be sent by email

Parents Leaders JCs Int. staff

ALIF 2000 X X
HF 2000 X X X X
JC Information Form X
TWAL 2000 X
YLIF 2000 X
Swimming waiver X X
(provided by staff)

Remember, CISV International forms are available from at

We are also keen to hear about any food or dietary issues, or particular equipment and supply
needs, as early as we can.

Finally: it would make us incredibly happy if you could send us a delegation photo, labelled with
names. Upload your photo to the Facebook page, or send it to us by email.

If you still have some questions to ask us after having read all of this, contact us by email, Skype, or
Facebook; we are eager to hear from you and answer your questions!

Yours in Peacissimo!

The Staff Team

Peacissimo! Village 2011 Precamp 2 Page 18

Peacissimo packing list
 Clothes, socks, and underwear – everyone needs at least 10 days' worth of clothing
 Sleeping clothes or pyjamas
 Footwear – please bring two pairs of running shoes or sneakers, a pair of sandals (flip-
flops), waterproof shoes or boots, and white-soled shoes for the sports hall
 Semi-formal clothes – at least one set, in case we decide to dress nicely for a change
 Towels – please bring 2 towels (i.e., 1 beach towel and 1 bath towel)
 Personal toiletries: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant,
hairbrush, etc.
 Hat, sunglasses, sun block (SPF 30+) and insect repellent
 Personal medicines and medications (bring enough for the whole camp), and
prescriptions for refills if these are vital
 Costume needed for your national night
 Small gifts for trading and swapping stuff, and giveaways (things to trade or to display at
open day, or swap with friends on camp); something small for your host families might
be nice as well
 Prescription glasses and spare contact lenses if you need them (with a spare prescription
in English)
 Backpack – useful for travelling and daytrips
 Waterproof raincoat
 Camera and memory card
 Flashlight
 Power adapters and chargers for all of you electronic stuff – Belgium uses 220V power
 Laundry bag
 CISV t-shirts
 Your national flag (if possible, 1m x 1.5m)
 National costume, or something that would be worn in your country (leaders and JCs,
 Some ―crazy clothes‖ or costumes for games, activities, music videos, etc.
 Musical instruments from your country
 Placemats or booklets
 All the completed forms described in the previous section
 CISV spirit!

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a swimming pool at the village site! And it is awesome. But you will
not be allowed to use it without a Speedo-type swimsuit. That means no boxers or shorts allowed.
Not everyone will be happy with this, but it's the rules of the pool and we have to live with them.
Bikinis are not allowed in the swimming pool area.

REMEMBER: All your clothes should be marked with your name and the name of your country!

Peacissimo! Village 2011 Precamp 2 Page 19

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