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Self-study 3: Preparing for learning

Session overview
In this session the learner will be preparing for Self-study. This will include listening
for specific information including a radio interview and days of the week. The
learner will be able to read about daily routines and be able to answer questions
on what they have read. The session includes spelling and punctuation. By the end
of the session the learner will be able to describe daily routines.

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14


Activity 1 Reading task

Do you know the days of the week?
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Answer the questions below:

Tuesday is the day after Monday. Wednesday is the day before Thursday.

1. How many days are there in a week?

a. 5
b. 7
c. 8

2. The day after Sunday is?

a. Wednesday
b. Saturday
c. Monday

3. The day before Friday is?

a. Tuesday
b. Thursday
c. Saturday

4. Wednesday is the day after?

a. Tuesday
b. Thursday
c. Monday

5. The day after Friday is?

a. Sunday
b. Thursday
c. Saturday

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 2 Reading task
Chose the correct answer:

Hi everyone!
This is a typical week in my life:

Of course I _______ to college every day and that’s really great. But I do lots of
other things too!
1. a. do b. go c. eat

On Sundays I _______ shopping in the mall with my girlfriends. I love that!

2. a. study b. do c. go

On Mondays I _______ in MacDonalds with my sister. Wow!

3. a. eat b. cook c. go

On Tuesdays I _______ exercises at the gym. That’s important!

4. a. eat b. go c. do

On Wednesdays I ________ music. I love the piano!

5. a. cook b. study c. do

On Thursdays I _____ a special meal with my mother. Family time is good!

6. a. do b. pray c. cook

On Fridays I _______ with my sisters and mother at home. Allah is great!

7. a. pray b. go c. study

On Saturdays I _______ for my college classes. I love English!

8. a. do b. study c. go

What do you think of my week?

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 3 Listening script
Radio interview with famous film star

Interviewer: Malika, Welcome!

Interviewee: Thank you!

Interviewer: Malika you are very famous. Tell us about a typical day in
your life!

Interviewee: I usually get up early and exercise in my gym.

Then I always have a good breakfast. That’s important!
I have a shower.
Then I drive to the studio.
I usually film all day.
I never eat lunch.
I come home and spend time with my family.
I watch TV.
I go to bed early. I need my sleep!
I am famous but you see my life is very normal!

Interviewer: Thank you Malika. That’s really interesting!

Interviewee: Thank you. It’s my pleasure.

Activity 4 Listening task

Choose whether the answers to these questions are true or false.

The film star in the interview is called Fatima.

1. Malika usually gets up early.


2. Malika never eats breakfast.


3. Malika has a shower before going to the studio.


4. She usually eats lunch.


5. Malika goes to bed early.


A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 5 Reading/writing task
Fill in the sentences using the following words:
never always day usually

1. Tell us about a typical _______ in your life!

a. day

2. I __________________ get up early.

a. usually

3. I __________________ have a good breakfast.

a. always

4. I __________________ eat lunch.

a. never

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 6 Reading/listening script
1. On + day of the week e.g.

On Wednesdays I play tennis.

On Fridays I go to the park.

In English we use the word ‘on’ with days of the week when we do something
on a regular basis e.g.

We add ‘s’ to the day of the week.

2. How often do you do something?

I usually get up early.

I sometimes play tennis.

I always eat breakfast.

I never drink tea.

I use the present simple tense when I talk about activities that I do everyday.
For example;

I usually get up early.

I sometimes play tennis.

I always eat breakfast.

I never drink tea.

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 7 Listening/speaking task
Listen and repeat

These are the days of the week.

[pause for repeat]

[pause for repeat]

[pause for repeat]

[pause for repeat]

[pause for repeat]

[pause for repeat]

[pause for repeat]

[pause for repeat]

Activity 8 Listening/speaking task

Listen and repeat

I study everyday at college.

[pause for repeat]

I usually eat breakfast very early.

[pause for repeat]

I sometimes watch TV.

[pause for repeat]

I always go to the mall on Saturdays.

[pause for repeat]

I never drink coffee.

[pause for repeat]

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 9 Reading/listening task
Are the following statements about you true or false?

1. I never get up early.

a. true
b. false

2. I usually eat breakfast.

a. true
b. false

3. I sometimes do my homework.
a. true
b. false

4. I always eat lunch in the evening.

a. true
b. false

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 10 Listening/speaking task
Complete the sentences using the pictures:

[picture of a calendar highlighting Monday and a basketball]

1. On Mondays I
[pause for repeat and completion]

[picture of a calendar highlighting Tuesday and a picture of department store]

2. On Tuesdays I
[pause for repeat and completion]

[picture of a TV]
3. On Wednesdays I
[pause for repeat and completion]

[picture of a beef burger]

4. On Thursdays I
[pause for repeat and completion]

[picture of a praying carpet]

5. On Fridays I
[pause for repeat and completion]

[picture of a pile of English text books]

6. On Saturdays I
[pause for repeat and completion]

[picture of an exercise bicycle]

7. On Sundays I
[pause for repeat and completion]

1. On Mondays I play basketball.
2. On Tuesdays I go to the mall.
3. On Wednesdays I watch TV.
4. On Thursday I eat a beef burger
5. On Fridays I pray.
6. On Saturdays I study English.
7. On Sundays I go to the gym.

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 11 Writing task
Complete the words for the days of the week.

1. W__________________

2. F__________________

3. Sa__________________

4. Th__________________

5. Su__________________

6. Tu__________________

7. M__________________

Activity 12 Writing task

Write in your notebook:

Punctuate the following sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Example: In my free time I have many things I like to do.

in my free time i have many things i like to do i like to paint and draw i also like
playing games on the internet i love to watch films and i like to listen to music my
favourite hobby is reading

In my free time I have many things I like to do. I like to paint and draw. I also like
playing games on the internet. I love to watch films and I like to listen to music.
My favourite hobby is reading.

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

Activity 13 Self-assessment
Read and tick ✓

I can recognise the course Self-study activity types.

I can read and understand a short text about daily activities.

I can read and recognise the days of the week.

I can listen and recognise different daily activities.

I can understand the meaning of usually, sometimes, never, always.

I can spell correctly the days of the weekend.

I can write short sentences correctly about daily activities.

A1_English 2.3_SS3 Version 1 29.09.14

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