S.M.A.R.T Mid Term

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Being an FTU’s student is simply an honor of my life that I shall never forget.

However, in order
to actually be an integral part of FTU’s environment, it is necessary for me to apply myself to
working harder and achieving more personal goals throughout the process of learning at FTU.
With a view to sharpening my skills, I have recently contemplated and just come up with a
thorough plan encompassing three major targets in the following year of university, which all
contributes to the development of my ideal career as a travel vlogger. Those three objectives
that I’m aiming for are enhancing designing and graphic-related skills, improving overall musical
ability and getting in shape; I will deploy the S.M.A.R.T goal setting method to streamline the
process of attaining my purposes.
The first objective that I have set my heart on accomplishing is the overall enhancement of
designing and graphic-related skills. Specifically, I aspire to be capable of designing 2D
artworks used for social media posts and handling the entire process of making a comedy
video. Delving deeper into the two aforementioned targets, it is important for me to accumulate
graphic knowledge slowly but surely to be well-versed in the most fundamental parts of
graphics. This gathering of knowledge can be completed by watching tutorial videos on
Youtube, consulting senior students in FTUNEWS - FTU’s largest media club and finally
practising such theories myself to get the deepest insight into this field. The KPIs I have set to
attain will be creating at least 10 artworks for my class, FTUCLC3 in contests that we partake in,
and producing about 5 videos specialising in comedy and uploading them on Facebook, which I
aspire to receive no less than 500 reactions from my friend lists. Challenging as they may
sound, such targets lie within my realm of capabilities owing to the fact that in highschool I had
the invaluable experience of producing a short slapstick that attracted nearly 800 reactions on
Facebook and a short span when I took charge of designing social posts for an English center.
Also, I have sufficient top-notch, state-of-the-art devices such as Macbook and Ipad to harness
the limitless resource of information on the Internet to strengthen my background knowledge. In
this day of constant exchanging of information, it is highly realistic and timely for me to possess
and hone such graphic skills to assist me along my university years; not only can they secure
me a profitable job but I can also help my friends whose aptitude for designing is substandard.
In the long run, when I become a travel vlogger I do not need to hire any videographers to tweak
my videos, as I am capable of making it myself, saving a great deal of money. To strike a
balance between studying and designing, I will apportion around 2 hours daily, starting at 7pm
after classes, to learn and apply graphic skills, with a view to reaching half of the
aforementioned KPIs in no more than 12 months before 2022. My second year at university will
be devoted to working a part-time job at a media corporation.
The second ambition that I will go to great lengths to materialise is brushing up my overall
musical comprehension. In particular, I intend to reach mastery in playing guitar, my favourite
musical instrument and more importantly, be able to comprehend basic musical theories at first
glance. Specifically, I set my sights on arranging and playing fingerstyle songs without having to
read music sheets and making tweaks to diversify songs. Strenuous as it is, with the generous
help and consulting from senior members of The Glam, FTU’s largest music club, I am confident
that I will amass a tremendous amount of knowledge, broadening my horizon of music. My KPIs
for the aforementioned targets will be rather flexible, but they will range from 50-100 fingerstyle
covers of songs that top music charts, and when I upload my fingerstyle guitar covers on
Facebook, the target number of reactions will be no less than 500 shares. Moreover, a
milestone I also want to reach is changing the chords of my guitar to add more color to the
songs; I aim at creating at least 5 rock versions of 5 ballad songs. These goals are achievable
on the ground that I have already possessed a myriad of fingerstyle covers since highschool.
Another advantage I can utilise is that I own two high-end Fender guitars that offer the most
authentic and natural sounds from the strings, which makes my learning even more
encapsulating and motivating. As these guitars are bestowed on me by my father, it literally
costs me nothing to learn and enhance my guitar skills, through seniors’ help and the sublime
Internet. Reaching mastery of guitar playing is an advantage, as it shows my versatility and flair
for music, rendering my image in other people’s perception more appealing and admirable.
Personally, I reckon the next year at university will be the perfect time for me to amass such
musical techniques, as there is no pressure from working for livelihoods. All these KPIs will be
completed in the course of 1 year until I finish the second year at FTU, with the last months
being able to perform at live concerts in rooftop cafes. Each day, I will allocate about 2 hours for
practising guitar and listening to rock covers of celebrated guitarists on the globe. My first
ballad-to-rock cover will be composed no later than summer 2021.
The final goal I intend to accomplish is getting in shape by virtue of working out in a gymnastic,
coupled with nutritional meals and proper hibernation. To be more specific, my ideal weight will
range from 70-75 kg, with around 16% body fat and the same height as I’m having (185cm).
Moreover, I also expect to possess muscles and a 6-pack ab. Health is an alarming issue in this
day of ubiquitous fast food and packaged can, sparking heated debates about the deleterious
repercussions of fitness-related diseases such as obesity. Therefore, it is totally worthwhile and
realistic for me to invest time and effort in getting fit, not only to enhance my visual image but
also to grant myself a shield that guards off inimical ailments. Given my ultimate dream of
becoming a travel vlogger, which requires incessant commuting from places to places with
dynamic weather conditions, superb fitness is a prerequisite that will support me mentally and
physically. Time-consuming as it is, I believe I can make salient improvements to my body due
to the fact that I am a highly ambitious and aspiring youth who will do everything in his power to
attain his purpose. In order to work out effectively, I will devise a detailed plan encompassing
each and every set of workout, including the duration as well as specific techniques to get the
highest efficiency. In terms of time, I feel an hour a day will be sufficient for me to be devoted to
training my body. In August 2020, my KPIs will be reaching 73 kg and 20% body fat with a 4-
pack ab, before reaching the final target as mentioned no later than December 2020.
In conclusion, all three objectives I set will be completed with the help of the miraculous
S.M.A.R.T goal setting method, which categorises goals into small groups to streamline the
process of attaining targets.

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