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265+ GD topics for Interview 2020 (with Answers) | 1

Here is the list of latest group discussion topics for interview in 2019.

GD topics for Interview 2019:

1. Should anonymity be allowed on the internet?

2. Green Jobs are essential for sustainable development
3. National Recruitment Agency – Pros & Challenges
4. National Education Policy 2020
5. Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
6. Open book exams – Pros, Cons & Challenges
7. National Health ID – Pros, Cons & Challenges
8. How to create more jobs in rural areas?
9. How to revive Indian economy?
10. The pen is mightier than the sword
11. E-learning – Pros & Challenges
12. Do deadlines destroy creativity?
13. Private trains in India – Benefits & Challenges
14. Work from home – Pros & Cons
15. How will 2020 shape 2021?
16. Ban on Chinese Apps in India
17. Lessons for the world from COVID-19 pandemic
18. Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on Environment
19. How prepared is India to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak?
20. Impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on Global economy
21. Union Budget – 2020-21
22. Fit India Movement
23. Crisis in the Automobile Industry
24. Disaster Management in India
25. Is Technology making us less human?
26. UAPA (Amendment) Bill, 2019
27. Zero Budget Natural Farming
28. Union Budget – 2019-20
29. Doubling of Farmers’ Income by 2022 – How can India achieve this?
30. How can India become a superpower?
31. Data Localisation – Benefits & Challenges
32. Circular economy is the key to sustainable development
33. How can we utilize technology to tackle Financial crimes?
265+ GD topics for Interview 2020 (with Answers) | 2

34. Electric vehicles in India

35. Should Cricket be the National game of India?
36. Should political parties be brought under RTI Act?
37. Factors that contributed to the growth of MNCs
39. Does “NOTA” option in elections really make sense?
40. Major challenges for the Modi government 2.0
41. Are corporate jobs a new form of slavery?
42. Blood is thicker than water – Abstract GD topic
43. Should Andhra Pradesh be given Special Category Status?
44. Facebook vs LinkedIn
45. 75% attendance is too much for engineering students
46. Should Bihar be given Special category status?
47. Is cricket an overrated sport in India?
48. Higher Education in India
49. Nationalism vs Regionalism
51. Plastic ban: Economy vs Environment
52. Bad bank – Is it a good idea?
53. Placement scenario in India
54. Is nuclear disarmament mandatory to achieve World Peace?
55. Nuclear waste management
56. Should Non-IT students be allowed for IT jobs?
57. Fixed pay vs Variable pay
58. Does India need ‘National Commission for Men’?
59. Can Artificial intelligence replace Human intelligence?
60. Retirement Homes – Pros & Cons
61. Criminalization of politics
62. National Register of Citizens – Merits & Demerits
63. Money is honey
64. Which one is more important – Creativity or Knowledge?
65. Status of women in India
66. Abrogation of Article 370
67. Gender Equality in the workplace
68. Role of ethics in business
69. Knowledge based economy is important to achieve the economic boom of India
70. Mission Shakti – India’s Anti-satellite missile test
71. The menace of Eve-teasing
265+ GD topics for Interview 2020 (with Answers) | 3

72. India-US relations

73. Jet Airways Crisis
74. India’s role in its neighboring countries
75. Is internet curbing creativity?
76. Is the concept of non-violence still applicable?
77. Effects of video games on well-being
78. Ethical manager vs Effective manager
79. Are celebrities treated unfairly by media?
80. Corporate Social Responsibility – Charity or Marketing gimmick?
81. Can celebrities make good politicians?
82. Are Leaders born or made?
83. “America First” Policy : Good or bad for World Geopolitics?
84. Millennial Voters – Can they decide the future of India?
85. Coaching centers are destroying education
86. Elections in India – 2019
87. India – Pakistan relations
88. Freedom of Press in India
89. India’s foreign policy
90. Who is the true ally of India?
91. Coalition politics in India
92. The Future of Cryptocurrencies
93. Should artistic expression be monitored by law?
94. NYAY – Can it eliminate poverty?
95. Impact of News channels on society
96. India-China relations
97. Black or Grey – Abstract GD Topic
98. Sustainable development hampers industrial progress
99. Is India ready for 5G?
100. Open economy – Role of MNCs in India
101. Traffic problems in India
102. Is war the best way to solve international disputes?
103. Roots & wings – Abstract GD topic
104. EVMs vs Paper Ballots
105. Should public sector banks be privatized?
106. Mental illness in India
107. India’s fight against Terrorism | Pulwama Terror attacks
108. Plastic Money – Merits & Demerits
109. The Fall of Facebook
265+ GD topics for Interview 2020 (with Answers) | 4

110. 5 years of Modi government

111. Walls are dead – Abstract GD Topic
112. Challenges in the IT industry
113. How can we reduce wealth gap between Rich & Poor?
114. Interim Budget 2019 – Analysis
115. Brexit – Impact on India?
116. Censorship of Web series – Pros & Cons
117. Information overload – GD Topic
118. Top 30 GD Topics 2019 (with Answers)
119. Should Military training be made compulsory for all in India?
120. Famous or Important – Abstract GD Topic
121. Citizenship (Amendment) Bill
122. Might is always right
123. 10% Quota for Economically weaker people in General Category – Good or Bad?
124. Affordable Healthcare in India
125. Insolvency and bankruptcy code
126. If Third World War happens, what will be the possible reason behind it?
127. Freebie politics in India
128. Role of India in United Nations
129. Universal Basic Income – Pros & Cons
130. G20 – GD Topic
131. Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill – GD Topic
132. Should Aadhaar be made mandatory?
133. Should Fintech firms and Banks be collaborated?
134. Innovation vs Invention – What is more important?
135. Is RBI’s Autonomy Under Threat?
136. Impact of Technology on jobs
137. What is the biggest problem that India is facing?
138. Unemployment Allowance – Pros & Cons
139. Fugitive Economic Offenders Act
140. The menace of Trolling
141. Can women be in combat roles?
142. Gene-edited babies project – Pros & Cons
143. How to solve the issue of pending cases in Indian courts
144. Should organ donation be made compulsory?
145. Does India really need more big statues?
146. Industrial Revolution 4.0
147. Markets are found not created
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148. Movies encourage social evils

149. RBI Vs Govt
150. Should reservations be based on economic status?
151. Blockchain Technology – Pros & Cons
152. Pink – Abstract GD Topic
153. Success – GD Topic
154. 4 years of Modi government
155. Impact of falling rupee on Indian economy
156. Social Media – Impact on human behavior and society
157. Co-education (Mixed gender education) – Pros & Cons
158. One year of GST
159. Relevance of WTO in today’s global scenario
160. Plastic Pollution
161. Should street food be banned?
162. Flipkart-Walmart deal – Impact on India
163. High fuel prices in India – What are the causes?
164. Freedom is a myth
165. Who have more chances of winning 2019 Lok Sabha elections?
166. How can banks prevent Nirav Modi-Like scams?
167. Budget 2018-19 – Analysis
168. Door – Abstract GD Topic
169. 7th pay commission – Pros & Cons
170. Will artificial intelligence take away jobs?
171. Should the rich and wealthy in India be taxed more?
172. Impact of Brexit on Indian Economy
173. Is there a need to curb the mushrooming of private coaching institutes?
174. Light pollution – A new threat
175. Zero – Abstract GD Topic
176. Dot – Abstract GD Topic
177. Use of Renewable energy in India
178. Do small companies have more harmony?
179. Job vs Entrepreneurship
180. Rise of Patanjali – Marketing lessons to learn
181. The key to India’s prosperity is Agriculture
182. Indiscriminate Tourism will lead to environmental damage
183. Should Uniform Civil Code be implemented?
184. Red – Abstract GD Topic
185. How successful is Modi’s Mann Ki Baat campaign?
265+ GD topics for Interview 2020 (with Answers) | 6

186. Has Reliance jio changed the telecom sector of India?

187. Cauvery River Dispute
188. One Rank One Pension – Advantages and Disadvantages
189. Should Politics and Business be mixed?
190. In what way Payment Banks are useful?
191. Does corporate world promote entrepreneurship?
192. FDI in retail – Boon or Bane?
193. Money spent on space exploration can be better used on reducing poverty on earth
194. Trial by Media – Pros and Cons
195. Should mobile phones be allowed in schools & colleges?
196. How can tourism be improved?
197. Can the world economy bank upon India for growth?
198. Is Technology creating income inequalities?
199. Should Beauty pageants be banned?
200. How to handle Abstract GD Topics?
201. Impact of ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ on our lives
202. Impact of GST on Banking sector
203. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao – a success?
204. Is India safe for women?
205. Should ‘Group Discussion’ be compulsory in the hiring process?
206. Fake News – Impact on society
207. E-Commerce – Sustainable business model?
208. Impact of Technology on Banking sector
209. Unemployment in India
210. Corruption in India
211. Impact of Video games on youth
212. Digital payments in India
213. Role of engineers in disaster management
214. Challenges to Indian Banking sector
215. Donald Trump’s Presidency – Pros & Cons
216. Child labour in India
217. Climate Change – What can we do about it?
218. Artificial intelligence – Pros and Cons
219. Brexit – Pros and Cons
220. Crimes against women in India
221. Should Marital Rape be criminalized in India?
222. Hard Work vs Smart Work
223. Impact of movies on youth
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224. How to eliminate the threat of Nuclear war?

225. Jio’s business model – Sustainable or Not?
226. Drug menace – How to fight with it?
227. Can we rely on Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?
228. Impact of GST on Indian Economy
229. India’s growing population – How can it be controlled?
230. How to reduce NPA?
231. Merger of PSU banks – Is it really necessary?
232. Is GST beneficial for the common man?
233. Should Triple Talaq be abolished?
234. Privatization of ‘Air India’ – Good or Bad?
235. One Belt One Road – Impact on India
236. Can ‘One Belt One Road’ improve developing world?
237. Farm loan waivers – Good or Bad?
238. Should Paper ballot system be restored?
239. Why is Norway the world’s happiest country?
240. Why are many startups failing in India?
241. Should the Internet be censored?
242. Why is India unhappy?
243. Banks levying charges on cash transactions – Is it a good move?
244. SBI merger with associate banks – Good or Bad?
245. Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy
246. Ever growing air pollution levels – Where does the problem lie?
247. Donald Trump’s presidency – Impact on India
248. Farmer Suicides in India – What needs to be done?
249. Union Budget 2017-18 – Is it beneficial for the common man?
250. How can we deal with increasing Cyber Crimes?
251. Will GST be a success?
252. Why is molestation prevalent in India?
253. Can India turn ‘Brain Drain’ into ‘Brain Gain’?
254. Is China a threat to India?
255. Union Budget just before Assembly Elections – Is it a Fair Move?
256. Technology changing the face of education
257. Unique identification number for every Indian
258. Is it really worth to become a cashless economy?
259. Should women be encouraged to work in night shifts?
260. Should Homeschooling be encouraged in India?
261. Social networking in our lives
265+ GD topics for Interview 2020 (with Answers) | 8

262. Role of digitization in banking

263. Is India ready to be a Cashless Economy?
264. National Anthem in Theatres – Is it a good move?
265. Donald Trump Presidency – Impact on the world
266. India’s fight against ‘Black Money’
267. Is India prepared enough to handle cyber attacks?
268. Demonetization of old 500 & 1000 rupees notes – Was it a good move?
269. Should Chinese products be banned in India?
270. Impact of Social Media on youth
271. Should Environment polluters be severely punished?
272. Should there be a retirement age for politicians in India?
273. Free WiFi Spots – Beneficial or not?
274. Student Suicides – What are the deep rooted problems?
275. Will E-commerce dominate physical stores?
276. Should India be given a permanent seat in UNSC?
277. Should mother tongue be the medium of instruction in schools?
278. Is Technology rising Unemployment rates?
279. How can slums be improved?
280. India’s obsession with Gold – How it affects Indian Economy?
281. Do business and ethics go hand in hand?
282. Aadhaar Act
283. Youth in Politics
284. Smart Cities Mission – Benefits & Challenges
285. Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme – Pros and Cons
286. National Food Security Bill – Pros and Cons
287. Demographic Dividend in India
288. Depreciation of Indian Rupee
289. Present Education System in India
290. Role of NGOs in India
291. Is FDI good for India?
292. Generation Gap
293. E-waste management
294. Genetically modified products – Boon or bane?
295. How to deal with international terrorism?
296. Are we serious about saving Wildlife and Environment?
297. Is dependence on computers a good thing?
298. Voting rights to illiterates – illogical?
299. Should agricultural subsidies be stopped?
265+ GD topics for Interview 2020 (with Answers) | 9

300. Brain-Drain has to be stopped

301. What can we do to eradicate poverty?
302. Can Trade help the poor?
303. Age and Youth: Experience And Young Talent
304. Should Water Resources Be Nationalized?
305. Private Educational Institutions – Good or Bad?
306. Is WikiLeaks a bane or a boon?
307. Multinational Companies: Are they devils in disguise?
308. Nuclear Energy in India – Boon or Bane?
309. Do we need a fresh Reorganization of states?
310. E-Learning: A substitute for classroom learning?
311. Is Globalization Really Necessary?
312. Commercialization of health care : Good or Bad ?
313. Media is a mixed blessing
314. Balance between Profession and Family
315. Examination – Has it killed Education?
316. Privatization will lead to less corruption.

Note :- This list will be updated whenever there are new topics added. Do not forget to
bookmark it. Subscribe to our blog to read answers to latest GD topics.

Copyright @ Group Discussion Ideas.

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