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The Learning Centre End of Year Progress Report June 2017

Eleanor Hughes Azman

Alway Often Sometimes Not yet
s evident
Separates easily from parent/carer 
Has enough energy to accomplish activities 
Is able to pay attention/focus 
Cooperates easily/Has friendly interactions /Plays well 
with others
Shares well 
Demonstrates good fine motor development 
Is able to handle transitions/has no difficulty changing 
Is able to choose and complete an activity 
Is an independent dresser 
Articulates well 
Can follow routines 
Can follow instructions 
Demonstrates bathroom skill 
Demonstrates good gross motor development 
Able to play alone appropriately 
Able to express emotions 
Able to manage frustration 
Relates well with adults 
Handles age appropriate problems well 
Seeks help when needed 
Has adequate vocabulary for age 
Able to eat independently 
Talks in complete sentences 
Can be quiet when appropriate 

Individual/personal comments

Eleanor is a confident and enthusiastic child. She approaches learning with a great attitude
she enjoys sitting and participating during circle time and she is able to count, recognize
shapes and uses shapes for tasks, knows most of the colours and is able to sound alphabet
letters (letterland). Eleanor is able to communicate and express herself clearly she
remembers and talks about significant events that she experienced. She is still learning to
manage her frustration when someone upsets her she tend to push or fight back. Eleanor is
an independent child and has achieved most of the learning development for her age.

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