184 - Iin Fatimah - Translate

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Name : Iin Fatimah

Class : TBI 5-E

NIM : 181230184

Lesson : Translation

Newspaper : Radar Banten

Published : Wendesday, 20 Januari 2021, hal 9

Tittle : 375 Restoran Terancam Gulung Tikar

375 Restaurants Threatened Roll Mat

Serang, Banten restaurant business is increasingly depressed. The Covid-19 pandemic, followed by the
implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM), is considered to be the biggest cause.
The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) Banten currently has 1,500 restaurants. since
the corona pandemic hit Indonesia until now the culinary business has been sluggish.

Of that number of restaurants. PHRI chairman offering Achmad Sari Alam stated, about 30% of losses.
and if the pandemic continues, hundreds of restaurants will close.

“"For sure it is difficult. If the percentage is around 25 percent," said Achmad Sari Alam,
mentioning that the number of restaurants in Banten is threatened with bankruptcy.

if those hundreds of restaurants are completely closed, it will increase the number of
restaurants in Banten that are no longer operational. Currently, the restaurants affected by the
pandemic are Japanese restaurants. the majority went out of business.

Japanese restaurants, at Cilegon there are about ten and all are closed, in our, the Japanese are
a bit. If we are not used to it, we not eat Japanese food every day because of halal considerations, "said
Achamad Sari Alam.

Differents with korean restaurants in Banten. can still breathe even if you lose. “if korean
Restaurants, there are quite a lot, but on complaining,” he said

Indonesian restaurant entrepreneurs still feel better conditions. PHRI Banten assesses that it is
still good even though it continues to experience a decline in turnover. "Up to 50 percent more. One
month, the deficit can be Rp. 50 million. That is also due to the 20 percent seat restriction," said Acmad
Sari Alam.
Broadly speaking, the pressure on the restaurant business in Banten is that demand is much
reduced. shopping for people who have been depressed due to the pandemic has affected the culinary
business in Banten. "The main cause is a reduced supply and demand. However, the biggest cause is the
ending corona," explained Achmad Sari Alam.

he also hopes that the government will also think about restaurant entrepreneurs. the
government provides assistance so that restaurant entrepreneurs can continue to run their business.

otherwise, many restaurants will go out of business. the impact will not only increase the

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