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Name : Iin Fatimah

Class : TBI 5E

ID : 181230184

Lesson : Final Test Research on ELT

Analyze of Teach English using listening skills.

1.1 Background of Research

English is the second language after the mother tongue, and English is also the second
language of the learning context, how to improve understanding of English, the contents of this
study of qualitative data as a school and a course. Listening is part of Four Basic English
language skills. It seems like the other skills such as writing, reading, and speaking. These basic
skills are divided into receptive skill-listening and reading- and productive skill, speaking and
writing. Music and songs are crucial parts of growing and learning. There are many advantages
to using songs in the classroom. According to Brown (2001:24), “Listening is the major
component in language learning and teaching because in the classroom learners do more
listening than speaking.” It means that listening is an important thing in daily life.

listening is the first skill students must have in learning, especially learning English,
Listening is an active and creative process that requires mastery of skills, listening is the
dominant way of understanding the senses, because in listening, the listener plays a very active
role in connecting the overall message that is usually exchanged between the listener and

In this proposal will discuss the listening skill to using the song method at the elementry
level. Students realize that learning to use listening is very easy to learn besides they also enjoy
learning English because learning English using that song makes them feel relaxed and not
stressful sometimes the tense lessons make students bored and dislike the lessons,when a student
listens and memorizes a song involved in the class, the lyrics are embedded in his long-term
memory. Songs are one kind of listening activity that has broad potential, Music and Songs are
crucial parts of growing and learning. Some of the significant characteristics of songs are that
they are fun and can keep the students excited. There are many advantages to using songs in the
classroom, especially when there is a new song in English that is viral or crowded in the
discussion automatically students will be curious and listen to the contents of the song.

Song is a language package that combine culture, vocabulary, listening, grammar and
also as a moderator for other language skills in just few rhymes. Moreover song is a good tool
that can be used in lesson. because song can provide relax learning and it can makes the learning
process be more fun for students. By learning vocabulary through song, it can make students
easier in remembering new vocabulary. Practice listening through song can make the learning
process more interesting. With this, students will be more motivated to practicing their listening
without any pressure. Song will always be connected with music. Music can be an important tool
to achieve relaxation and harmony to improve effectivity of learning.

In the context of a listening class, one can take the following approach. Let's assume the
topic works. The aim is to give students the practice of listening to work titles. Even if students
don't work, they have spent most of their lives listening to the work people do. They certainly
know the names of many jobs in their first language. They might even know some public
positions in English (such as doctors and teachers). May not know how to say other work in
English. The pre-listening task must have two parts. Students must have the opportunity to learn
vocabulary items (and perhaps structures) that they do not know but must successfully complete.
But it is equally important to give students the opportunity to use what they already know - their
prior knowledge - to help them do their work.

1.2 Research Questions

Based on the Background of Research, the writer formulates the following questions :
a. How to Develop students’ listening skills using song?
b. How far is the significant difference student Listening sills before and after they were
using song?
c. How far is to motivated to practicing their listening?

1.3 Purpose of Research

The purpose from this research is to see Effectiveness of integrative active and teaching
English using the Method of Song to Improve listening skills. The purpose of the research
can be stated as follows:
a. To find out How to Develop students’ listening skills using song
b. To find out How far is the significant difference student Listening sills before and
after they were using song
c. To find out How far is to motivated to practicing their listening

1.4 Scope of Research

To teach Listening Skill

Effective language teachers show students how they can adjust them listening behavior to
deal with various situations, types of input, and purpose of listening. They help students
develop a set of listening strategies and match strategies that are appropriate for each
listening situation. The aim of the study was to found out the problems encountered the
students in listening comprehension, There were some difficulties faced by the student such
as the lack of vocabulary, understanding structure, unable to comprehend natural spoken,
lose confidence, maintaining concentration, bad recording.
1.5 Significance of Research

Listening is the first skill students must have in learning, especially learning English,
Listening is an active and creative process that requires mastery of skills, listening is the
dominant way of understanding the senses, because in listening, the listener plays a very
active role in connecting the overall message that is usually exchanged between the listener
and speaker. It is clear that listening is thought and memory. Using songs in the learning
process especially in listening to the lesson creates a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom
and makes the teacher explain the topic or material easily. Students can also improve their
listening skills into one meaningful strategies for overcoming their listening problems skill.
English songs can make students become active in class, they are interesting, so they can do
their listening tasks well.
1.6 State of the Arts

According to Brown (2001:24), “Listening is the major component in language learning

and teaching because in the classroom learners do more listening than speaking.” It means
that listening is an important thing in daily life. The English teacher in this research uses
several techniques in teaching listening using facilities in the language laboratory such as
cassettes and VCD / DVD.
Utilizing songs in the listening process has challenges, such as; pop songs are not
scientific, sound is inefficient the system at school can cause problems when listening to
songs, the type of music students like may not suit each other, etc. Finally, we must
remember that every day our profession is more demanding and we must be prepared to face
challenges that arise, find solutions or various alternatives, This method is very effective for
improving the English language skills of high school students, from teaching using by song
that can be the students understand whats mean that

1.7 Methodology

The method in this research is to use qualitative data collection. To collect data, several
techniques such as interviews and documentaries are used. Then all data were analyzed using
qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods, with inductive conclusions. Students can
produce languages such as speaking and writing with the vocabulary they get from listening.
In teaching make sure to have a syllabus to be teaching materials, and in teaching English for
listening material must prepare the material and the media, in teaching for elemantry level
students listening material delivered by listening to English songs and for students to write
what they hear,and answer the questions, we make groups for each group with different
songs and of course different vocabulary, here students will get lots of vocabulary because
they catch the explanation of what is delivered by friends who present in front using either a
laptop or improvised media.

1.8 Reference

Brown, Steven (2006). Teaching Listening. Cambridge University Press.

Nunan, David 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York.

Yusnida Dara,Muslem Asnawi,&Manan Abdul,(2017). A Study of Teaching Listening, Syiah

Kuala University, Banda Aceh.

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