You Are The KING Not The SLAVE of This Body

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You are the KING not the SLAVE of this Body

When one watches porn, masturbates and feels guilty, what is really happening here? Significant time is
spent in this vicious cycle of Indulgence- shame- Guilt-regret- Giving again and again into indulgence. Is
not the Body who is supposed to be your subordinate working against you?, I call it your real home
because that is where you really live, you may be in any corner of the world , in any locality, but that
house or apartment is not where you really live. It is in this wonderful gift of God – The human body
where you really live.

So lets try to understand how can you make this body work for you? Make yourself the king of this body
and not its slave!.....make this body submit to your will and not to porn addiction.

NO FAP- what differentiates the “Men” from the “Boys”.

Ever wondered why some Men are so poised conversing with the opposite sex no matter how attractive
they appear and however enticing their demeanour? While some boys are melting away during similar
conversations the men have it under control – calm and controlled, poised like real men should carry

Boys , especially the ones in their teens are yet to understand the role of women in society and the
different crucial roles a women plays throughout her life, be it a wife, a daughter, a sister, a mother.

Boys tend to see just an object of desire. The main culprit is not the age of the male but rather their own
internal training and perspective developed (or devolved) overtime as they expose themselves to the
opposite sex.

In today’s times of sexuality and promiscuity it is all the more important for the males to be able to get a
good grasp of their sexual impulses and triggers. This is crucial if they really want to be content with life
and be able to relish the peace and tranquillity that comes from within a man’s bosom when he has
purged it of lust and vulgarity towards the opposite sex.

So where does a male begin if he has to overcome the lust and sexual impulses that today dominates
the minds of so many? Just look at the gloomy statistics- India is the 3 rd largest consumer of internet
In this short book, I share some really practical ways by which men can change not only their
perspectives about women but also about their own selves as well – No it does not mean you will be lust
free simply by reading a book but it does mean you will have a solid hold on your demeanour and
thoughts which will translate into a poise and a grace that even the opposite sex would find admirable.
If the exercises in this book are carried out with sincerity you will definitely be able to give up
masturbation, watching porn, ogling at women and maintain your manly grace even when you are
surrounded by gorgeous women.

Please be aware this book is going to be short and to the point without any extra frills and unwanted
talk. To layout the plan I will divide the content by the body parts that are relevant in your war against

So Mr King, if you really want to rule like a king, you need to have your subjects in control and
understand them and how they function so that you can put them to good use and love them not
enslave them. However these subjects will , I repeat will most certainly enslave you if you do not
command them to obey you.

Subjects of your kingdom ( your wonderful Body) are vast and complicated, however most of them
function on autopilot and need little to no directions from you, like say, The liver, heart, kidneys,
pancreas etc. So you only need to focus on the below subjects and command them to obedience
through love and understanding.

The Eyes

The Tongue

The Stomach

The Mind

The Semen

Your Eyes:

We humans are very much like computers, quality of data in means quality of data out. In our own
minds we have to be very careful of the data that goes in. And eyes are one such visual sensory organs
that can have a make or break impact on your ability to fight lust. Recall how guys masturbate, most of
the time it is either by physically watching porn or some exciting picture or by playing with their mind’s
eye i.e. imagination about the opposite sex. In either case both types need your eyes to have watched
an erotic display. The eyes are very powerful in picking up images and storing them in the brain for later
recall. It is imperative that you learn to control the eyes and what it feeds on.

This is not to say that you should blame yourself for some displays that are out of your control for
instance you’re watching a movie and suddenly a nude scene pops up. So you are excused from the first
glance but what is dangerous is to continue with the gaze even after knowing it is an erotic display. This
second glance is what is recorded and may come back to haunt you especially if you are addicted to

The eyes should be trained to not continue gazing at the opposite sex with lust. Come on now, Half the
world is made of females, so how does one not look at women especially during school or work?

I am not saying don’t look at women , I am suggesting don’t look with lustful thoughts and if you feel you
are beginning to get attracted to the person your engaging with, try to look straight into their eyes or
look elsewhere just don’t focus your gaze on women’s bodies when you are having sexual thoughts.

What will this do when you have trained your eyes ?, overtime your data input would only be pure and
non erotic. This means your temptations to masturbate will come down as you don’t have visual
stimulus except for the rubbish you watched earlier in life which will also subside as the brain only lines
up for you in your memory what you access frequently ! a simple example is YouTube. Notice that when
you watch a certain genre of videos the same types of videos keep showing up on the side panel
because like the Human brain, YouTube only keeps giving you more of what you are watching.


1) Filter everything you see, quit watching adult movies, commercials, magazines that show
attractive people of the opposite sex
2) At first this will be little annoying but you will soon be able to function normally and work with
people without gazing at the opposite sex.

Your Tongue:

Ayurveda an ancient Indian science, the collection of millenniums of research about the workings of
the human body says that for every organ which has an input there is a corresponding organ that gives
an output.

Refer chart below :Organs of Input or ”Organs of Knowledge” have corresponding Organs of Output
or “Organs of Action”
Ayurveda Simplified Body- Mind- Matrix By Nisha Manikantan, page 48

Every organ of knowledge triggers a corresponding organ of action, so if you listen to a melodious song
repeatedly with your ears, invariably you be humming it with your vocal cords, if you breathe deeply
with your nose, this stimulates the anus to eliminate. If you eat fast foods, junk foods, spicy foods these
will trigger and stimulate your genitals. Hence what goes on your tongue is very crucial for how you
want to guard your genitals. Try eating whole nutritious foods preferably uncooked in their natural
state. Avoid spiced, over cooked, fried or stale foods. You will be amazed how quickly you have more
control over your genitals just by controlling your tongue. I don’t suggest going all raw at once, your
digestive system may be too out of shape being used to cooked spicy foods, so take slowly.

You may be surprised to know that the tongue not only influences the genitals it has an impact on all of
the other senses, Mahatma Gandhi has called it “Asvada” as one of his 11 vows and suggested that the
one who can control the palate can control the other senses.

The hadith of prophet Muhammad says that each morning all the limbs of the body defer to the tongue
asking it to be upright for if it is upright so are the rest . if it goes astray so will all the limbs.


1) Plan to eat healthy natural whole foods- avoid junk, stale, deep fried foods
2) To start with keep one meal only of fruits or vegetables in raw or steamed form

Your Stomach:

Ayurveda clearly advocate that the root cause of diseases in the human body is “ama” or toxins formed
in the stomach due to indigestion. The stomach is so designed that it can hold only a limited amount of
food in order to function efficiently. Both Ayurvedic and Islamic traditions suggest eating limited
quantities of food in one sitting and to eat only when you are hungry NOT when your bored, stressed
out, anxious or depressed . You will have to learn to discern your body’s emotional hunger from its real
Hunger. One easy way is to watch and observe the hunger that arises. Real Hunger comes in waves
allows you time to get food. Emotional Hunger is like a strong craving and must be satiated as soon as
possible. Emotional hunger is often not satisfied even after giving into the craving, where as real hunger
gives you a feeling being satiated.

Islamic tradition teaches that the best way to eat is to eat 1/3 rd of your stomach only when Hungry.
Note that in the beginning you may end up eating a small amount only to feel hungry again in the next
couple of hours. And this is absolutely fine as you can eat again till 1/3 rd of your capacity. So in the
beginning you may end up having five smaller meals a day and this will come down to 3 meals a day or
even fewer as your stomach shrinks back to its normal natural size which is the size of a human fist.

Exercise :

1 )Plan to eat only when you are hungry

2) Chew your food to liquid and swallow

3) Be seated and avoid water before ( 30 min) and after meals ( 1hr gap). Water dilutes the digestive
enzymes ,impairs digestion

4) If you eat mindfully , slowly chewing well within 20 minutes you will get a burp that signals the
stomach has reached its efficient capacity and is a sign to wrap up your meal.

Your Mind :

An idol mind is a devil’s workshop !, you need to keep busy , how many times have you masturbated or
watched porn just to kill time? The mind is an amazing subject and can be very faithful if used
appropriately. The same internet that millions are using to destroy themselves by porn addiction can be
used to achieve so many things the mind is designed to do like learning new skills, languages, start a new
hobby etc I would like to bring up a connection here: Ancient science of Yoga says the breath is a door
way to the mind, notice when your anxious your breath becomes shallow, that is you breathe from your
chest not from your belly. To calm down your mind practice deep long breaths from your belly.

1)Practise deep breaths, with the spine erect inhale till count of 6 hold till the count of 12 and exhale to
the count of 4.

Your Sperm

Ayurveda describes the amazing process that the body has to complete in order to produce just a few
drops of this precious fluid called sperm. Its is also called as the “Veerya” in men and represents
courage, strength and determination. Below is the 7 stages the food ingested has to to travel before it is
made into vital reproductive fluid.

Food Chyle-BloodFleshFatBoneBone MarrowSemen

According to the writings of Swami Sivananda

“The Veerya comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones. It is found in
a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Out of food is manufactured chyle. Out of chyle comes
blood. Out of blood comes flesh. Out of flesh comes fat. Out of fat comes bone. Out of bone
comes marrow (Majja). Out of marrow comes semen. These are the Sapta Dhatus that support
this life and body. Mark here how precious semen is! It is the last essence. It is the Essence of

Semen is the quintessence of food or blood. One drop of semen is manufactured out of 40
drops of blood according to modern medical science. According to Ayurveda, it is created
out of 80 drops of blood.

Think about the it your wonderful body uses approximately 32 kgs of food to produce just a few
drops of this life giving fluid. Surely men of understanding will protect and preserve such a vital
fluid , the sperm.

Lastly as I end this book , I want to give you one more crucial analogy that if understood can set
you free from masturbation and not only that , it is applicable to ANY ADDICTION.

Vedanta teaches us that to overcome a desire such as smoking, alcohol, drugs or any addictive
desire, you must build or engage yourself in a higher desire. See its like your climbing a ladder.
When your foot is firm on the next higher step, your foot on the lower step automatically releases
its grip since your foot on the next higher step is firm you effortlessly release your lower step !

Likewise if your lower desire is say smoking or any other addiction. In order to be released
effortlessly you must develop a higher desire (may be exercise or reading spiritual texts or
meditation). Once you begin enjoying the new desire …you effortlessly release the lower desire.

My Name is Naeem Shaikh my email is

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