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In situ dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release by

submerged macrophyte–epiphyte communities in
southern Quebec lakes
M. Demarty and Y.T. Prairie

Abstract: We studied the in situ release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by growing a submerged freshwater
macrophyte–epiphyte complex. Incubations with benthic chambers in five southeastern Quebec lakes show a net DOC
production for different communities of Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton spp. Daytime DOC release rates range
from undetectable to 9.7 mg Cm–2h–1. Although DOC release was restricted to daylight hours and thus suggestive of a
photosynthesis-related process, we found no strong link between DOC release rates and concurrent illumination or temper-
ature. We found no difference in DOC release rates between the three main colonizing species of the studied region. The
overall mean DOC release rate was 4.57 mg Cm–2h–1 (standard deviation (SD), ±0.65) or 56 mg Cg dry weight–1h–1
(SD, ±8), which we suggest can be used for extrapolations at the lake scale.
Résumé : Nous étudions la libération in situ de carbone organique dissous (DOC) par un complexe submergé de macro-
phytes et d’épiphytes d’eau douce en croissance. Des incubations dans des enceintes benthiques dans cinq lacs du sud-est
du Québec indiquent des productions nettes de DOC dans différentes communautés de Myriophyllum spicatum et de Pota-
mogeton spp. Les taux de libération de DOC durant le jour varient de valeurs indécelables à 9,7 mg Cm–2h–1. Bien que
la libération de DOC soit restreinte aux heures d’éclairement et donc probablement un processus relié à la photosynthèse,
il n’existe pas de lien solide entre les taux de libération de DOC et la température et l’éclairement concomitants. Il n’y a
pas de différence entre les taux de libération de DOC des trois principales espèces colonisatrices de la région étudiée. Le
taux global moyen de libération de DOC est de 4,57 Cm–2h–1 (écart type (ET), ±0,65) ou 56 mg Cg masse sèche–1h–1
(ET, ±8), valeurs que nous croyons pouvoir être utilisées pour des extrapolations à l’échelle du lac tout entier.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction system. In such cases, net heterotrophy of the water column

would not necessarily reflect the metabolic status of the
The loading of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) whole ecosystem. Freshwater systems are among the ecosys-
can contribute significantly to the energy pathways of lake tems in which this situation is most likely to occur because
ecosystems (Pace et al. 2004; Carpenter et al. 2005; Kritz- benthic primary production often dominates the overall pro-
berg et al. 2006). The concept of net heterotrophy in lakes ductivity of the system, particularly in shallow oligotrophic
whereby ecosystem respiration exceeds gross primary pro- lakes (Vadeboncoeur et al. 2003). Indeed, studies of lake
duction has considerably changed our view of how lakes metabolism that do not consider the potential role of the
support their living biota. This pattern of excess respiration benthic zone are likely to yield a biased assessment of the
is believed to be found mostly in oligotrophic systems with overall metabolic balance. In particular, if benthic organic
DOC concentrations > 5–6 mgL–1 (del Giorgio et al. 1997; matter production is translocated in some way to the water
Prairie et al. 2002; Hanson et al. 2003) and is believed to be column and respired there, it could lead to a net heterotrophy
largely responsible for the CO2 supersaturation observed in of the pelagic zone but not necessarily of the whole ecosys-
most lakes of the world (Cole et al. 1994; del Giorgio et al. tem. To our knowledge, this hypothesis seldom has been ex-
1999; Duarte and Prairie 2005). However, recent studies plored in freshwater systems, largely because of the common
have also shown that in some lakes at least, pelagic net het- misconception that the benthic zone is not often quantita-
erotrophic metabolism can be observed simultaneously with tively significant (Vadeboncoeur et al. 2002). Yet, this situa-
CO2 undersaturation, i.e., with a net CO2 influx from the at- tion has been described in marine systems by Gazeau et al.
mosphere (Prairie et al. 2002). Such discrepant properties (2005), who argued that a benthic community dominated by
would occur if a source of organic carbon metabolized in ep- macrophytes (Posidonia oceanica) could partly balance the
ilimnetic waters originated from elsewhere within the eco- net heterotrophy of the planktonic compartment, an idea sup-
Received 3 August 2008. Accepted 11 May 2009. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 3 September 2009.
Paper handled by Associate Editor Charles Ramcharan.
M. Demarty1 and Y. Prairie. Département des Sciences Biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal, Case Postale 8888, Succursale
Centre-ville, Montréal, QC H3C 3P8, Canada.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66: 1522–1531 (2009) doi:10.1139/F09-099 Published by NRC Research Press
Demarty and Prairie 1523

ported by other studies as well (Duarte and Cebrian 1996; Materials and methods
Wetzel and Søndergaard 1998; Ziegler and Benner 1999).
Macrophyte beds represent a potential DOC source to the Study site and experimental design
open water from both plant decay (Otsuki et Wetzel 1974; The measurements were undertaken during the summers
Mann 1988; Alber et Valiela 1994) and DOC release by liv- of 2004, 2005, and 2006 in six lakes of the Eastern Town-
ing plants and their epiphytes. Dissolved organic matter re- ship region ~100 km east of Montréal, Québec (Table 1).
lease by macrophytes was demonstrated several decades ago These lakes are of glacial origin and are influenced by the
by Khailov and Burlakova (1969), who worked with five alluvial sedimentary geology of the Saint Lawrence River.
marine species of macroalgae. Further studies confirmed the To test our hypothesis, we used in situ benthic chambers
release of DOC on both marine (Brylinsky 1977) and fresh- inserted in the sediments. Chambers were made with a poly-
water (Wetzel and Manny 1972; Godmaire and Nalewajko vinyl chloride (PVC) cylinder (height, 20 cm; diameter,
1989) species. Reported rates of DOC vary enormously, 20 cm) covered hermetically with a polyethylene transparent
ranging from 0.006 to 9.1 mg Cg(dry weight)–1h–1, and plastic bag equipped with a sampling port (Barrón et al.
this release can represent a non-negligible part of aquatic 2003). At each study site, we randomly selected monospe-
plant production (1.1% to 67%). Some studies described cific macrophyte beds coupled with a nearby unvegetated
higher levels of DOC release in the light than in the dark sediment location as control (except in shallow lac Trois
(Sieburth 1969; Pregnall 1983; Nalewajko et Godmaire Lacs where Potamogeton richardsonii covered the entire
1993), thus underlying a possible link between the release benthic surface). A list of the macrophyte species studied is
and the photoperiod. Similarly, DOC release has been provided (Table 2). Depending on the experiment, two,
described in marine phytoplankton and was viewed as an three, or four replicate transparent benthic chambers were
overflow mechanism linked to the photosynthesis in placed on macrophytes (TM) and two were placed on unve-
nutrient-limiting conditions (Jensen 1984). It therefore getated sediments (TS). Testing the effect of light on DOC
seems that DOC release is a phenomenon shared by aquatic release first implied a comparison between daily and nightly
photosynthetic organisms. In vivo, macrophytes are closely rates. Therefore, all in situ incubations lasted 24 or 36 h
linked with epiphytic algae (hereafter referred as epiphytes), from sunrise or sunset (T0). Water samples from chambers
which also potentially release DOC. However, removing ep- were taken in duplicates for DOC at the beginning (T0),
iphytes from macrophytes to study the process on separate then just before sunset (or just after sunrise; T1), and finally
organisms is known to modify the response (Godmaire and just after the following sunrise (or just before sunset; T2) for
Nalewajko 1986). In this in situ study, we therefore consider the 24 h incubations; one more sampling was made 12 h
the macrophyte–epiphyte complex as one photosynthetic after (before sunset or just after sunrise; T3) for the 36 h in-
unit. Our main objective was to quantify DOC release by cubations made in lac Stukely. Samples were kept refriger-
the macrophyte–epiphyte complex in a series of natural ated in the dark at 4 8C until analysis in the following week.
lakes to explore whether DOC release is as an overflow We also tested the effect of mean light and temperature
mechanism for photosynthate in nutrient-limiting conditions. received during the daytime on concurrent DOC release
This hypothesis supposes that when CO2 and light are not rates. To obtain a wider and more continuous range in light
limiting factors, photosynthesis of the macrophyte–epiphyte and temperature conditions, we carried out additional ex-
complex will produce carbohydrates even if nutrient-limiting periments with transparent benthic chambers containing
conditions prevent the production of biomass from these macrophytes covered with one or two neutral screens (noted
simple molecules. According to this hypothesis, DOC re- TM + screen). Daytime averaged temperature in TM cham-
lease occurs only during photosynthesis and the rate of bers ranged between 17.09 and 28.01 8C, and daytime aver-
DOC release should be related to factors such as light and aged light received ranged between 612 and 19 523 lux.
temperature, which are known to influence positively macro- Taking TM + screen chambers into account, the lowest tem-
phyte and epiphyte photosynthetic rates (Kirk 1994; Madsen perature and the lowest light received became 16.68 8C and
and Brix 1997). We assume that both macrophytes and epi- 78 lux, respectively.
phytes behave in the same way (i.e., they release DOC) and According to our hypothesis, we should observe the max-
that the processes occurring by both of them are added, thus imum release at the highest photosynthesis, i.e., at maximum
leading to the observation of the release. The effect of epi- light and temperature. To further explore this prediction, we
phytic bacteria cannot be tested and is therefore assumed to followed DOC concentrations over a 24 h cycle at a much
be part of the unexplained variance of the responses ob- higher time resolution by taking samples every 1 or 2 h dur-
served. As photosynthetic capacity differs among macro- ing the day for 2 TM chambers in lac Stukely. Light inten-
phyte species (Nielsen and Sand-Jensen 1989), we also sity and temperature were measured in each transparent
tested whether DOC release rates vary consistently among benthic chamber with HOBO Temperature / Light Pendant
four different species (Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton Data Logger (Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, Mass.) every
amplifolius, Potamogeton richardsonii, Potamogeton robin- 10 s but averaged for every minute.
sii). The hypotheses were tested both as rates per unit area Water samples for DOC measurements were drawn
(in milligrams of carbon per square metre per hour, mg through the sampling ports with 60 mL (polyethylene)
Cm–2h–1) and as per unit plant biomass (in milligrams of acid-washed (HCl 10%) syringes, filtered on 0.45 mm Fil-
carbon per gram of dry weight per hour, mg Cg dw–1h–1), tropur filters (Starstedt, Nümbrecht, Germany), and kept re-
respectively, representing responses at the community and frigerated (4 8C) in 40 mL acid-washed tubes with
plant levels. Finally, we examined the temporal variability silicone–Teflon caps to prevent gas exchange during analy-
in DOC release over the growing season. sis. The sampling led to a volume reduction inside the

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1524 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 66, 2009

chambers of around 1%. DOC analysis were made with a

1010 TIC–TOC analyser (O.I. Analytical, College Station,




Texas) by high temperature wet oxidation (sodium persul-
fate; 100 gL–1) after dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)

Note: MB, macrophyte biomass; dw, dry weight; TP, total phosphorus; TN, total nitrogen; Chl a, chlorophyll a; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; SD, standard deviation; ND, not determined.
MB (g dwm–2)

elimination by acidification (sulphuric acid 5%) and sparg-


ing; analytical samples were taken in triplicate in 2004 but
only in duplicate in 2005 and 2006, given the high repro-
ducibility observed. Analytical replicates had a coefficient

of variation of 0.7%, and sample replicates had a coeffi-


cient of variation of 1%.
At the end of the 24 h incubation, the water volume
DOC (mgL–1)

within each benthic chamber was estimated by injecting a

10 mL weak fluorescein solution (absorption peak at
7.7 (1.5)
2.6 (0.3)
6.9 (1.0)
4.6 (0.3)
9.9 (1.8)
7.3 (1.4)

552 nm) and drawing two samples after mixing for 5 min.

Calculated volumes ranged between 4 and 11 L. At the end

of each experiment, macrophyte shoots within the PVC ring
were harvested to measure their aboveground biomass after
Chl a (mgL–1)

rinsing and drying at 55 8C for 24 h to 36 h.

16.8 (10.4)
3.4 (1.6)
0.9 (0.3)
3.2 (1.5)
1.7 (0.6)
4.4 (2.4)

Macrophyte biomass was also quantified at the whole-lake

scale. Random quadrat samples were taken during the sec-

ond week of August in 2004 and the first week of August

in 2005 and 2006 within the zone confined by the maximum
depth for macrophytes colonization estimated from the Sec-
TN (mgL–1)

chi depth (Chambers and Kalff 1985). For each lake except
0.4 (0.1)
0.2 (0.0)
0.3 (0.0)
0.3 (0.0)
0.7 (0.1)
0.6 (0.2)

lac Trois Lacs, where macrophytes colonized the entire

benthic surface, we randomly choose sampling points in the

colonization zone from digital bathymetric map; in the field,

these sampling points were reached with a GPS. We used a
25  25 cm quadrat and estimated the number of replicates
TP (mgL–1)

30.9 (17.4)
34.1 (14.4)
12.4 (4.4)
4.9 (3.0)
10.5 (6.4)
7.4 (6.2)

needed after Downing and Anderson (1985). Between 10

and 22 replicates were taken in each lake. Macrophyte

shoots inside the quadrat were harvested to measure their

aboveground biomass after rinsing and drying at 55 8C for
24 h to 36 h.
Mean Secchi
depth (m)

DOC release by macrophyte–epiphyte communities

Diurnal and nocturnal DOC variations were calculated

as the simple difference in DOC concentrations between

sunrise and sunset (photoperiod) and sunset and sunrise,
respectively, in both TM and TS chambers. DOC
depth (m)

changes with time within each chamber were expressed



both per unit area (mg Cm–2h–1) and per unit plant bio-


mass (mg Cg dw–1h–1), hereafter referred as DOC re-

Table 1. Summertime characteristics of studied lakes.

lease rates. Standard error of each calculated rate was

estimated. For each sampling date, rates obtained for the

same incubations (TM for example) were compiled to



obtain mean rates and standard errors (see Table 2).

The presence of macrophytes is known to alter their own
environments by increasing the sedimentation rate (Barko


and James 1998; Rooney and Kalff 2003; Schulz and Köhler

2006) and the nature of the sedimenting material (Duarte

and Chiscano 1999; Barrón et al. 2006) and by providing ef-
ficient mechanisms for solute transport within the sediment

or at the interface (Carpenter and Lodge 1986). Thus, basic


calculations of DOC production or consumption from DOC


concentration changes in chambers containing both water

and sediments provide estimates of the net effect of the
Trois Lacs

presence of macrophytes on DOC release patterns (termed



net bulk DOC release). Indeed, daily and nightly DOC var-

iations measured in transparent chambers containing macro-

phytes (TM) are the sum of several processes occurring

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Demarty and Prairie
Table 2. Mean daily and nightly dissolved organic carbon release rates (DOCr) for five studied lakes with corresponding daily temperature and received light inside the benthic

Day Night
Mean DOCr Mean DOCr Mean DOCr Mean DOCr Temperature Light (lux)
Lake Sampling date Species n (mgm–2h–1) (SE) (mgg dw–1h–1) (SE) (mgm–2h–1) (SE) (mgg dw–1h–1) (SE) (8C) (SE) (SE)
Bowker 7 July 2004 P. rob 2 9.7 (1.1) 92 (7) –0.8 (0.1) –8 (1)
D’Argent 28 June 2004 P. amp 2 3.2 (0.9) 49 (12) –2.1 (0.5) –33 (10)
6 June 2005 Myrio 4 0.4 (0.2) 4 (3) 0.6 (0.3) 6 (4) 21.11 (0.05) 10 673 (2352)
8 June 2005 P. amp 4 0.4 (0.3) 22 (20) –0.7 (0.3) –74 (51) 21.00 (0.07) 3 090 (57)
27 June 2006 Myrio 3 3.8 (1.7) 50 (32) –3.3 (0.8) –26 (3) 22.04 (0.05) 7 000 (350)
28 June 2006 Myrio 3 4.5 (1.3) 36 (10) 1.5 (0.9) 10 (6) 21.58 (0.11) 3 140 (1087)
3 August 2006 P. amp 3 1.0 (1.4) 6 (12) –1.5 (2.2) –10 (19) 22.49 (0.07) 1 746 (263)
5 September 2006 P. amp 3 –0.4 (1.4) –6 (23) –0.4 (0.2) –6 (3) 18.27 (0.05) 1 076 (233)
Peasley 11 July 2006 P. amp 3 5.5 (2.0) 47 (17) –0.6 (0.2) –5 (1) 24.72 (0.04) 5 578 (589)
7 August 2006 P. amp 3 0.1 (2.0) 7 (19) –0.8 (1.2) –8 (15) 24.85 (0.06) 9 731 (1694)
Stukely 22 June 2005 Myrio 4 1.7 (0.5) 48 (11) –1.7 (0.3) –63 (23) 19.00 (0.10) 9 412 (1670)
28 June 2005 P. amp 3 8.1 (1.0) 157 (32) –2.3 (0.8) –46 (19) 27.93 (0.04) 17 528 (658)
6 July 2005 Myrio 2 3.4 (0.6) 75 (36) –0.1 (2.0) –15 (41) 21.44 (0.01) 11 322 (1146)
9 August 2005 P. amp 3 5.8 (1.7) 75 (24) –0.3 (0.6) –4 (8)
12 June 2006 P. amp 3 2.6 (1.3) 47 (23) –2.2 (0.9) –42 (19) 17.16 (0.07) 12 312 (182)
21 June 2006 P. amp 3 9.1 (0.9) 75 (11) 0.1 (2.7) –2 (18) 21.62 (0.07) 2 661 (377)
17 July 2006 P. amp 3 7.8 (0.4) 68 (8) 1.5 (0.8) 12 (5) 27.24 (0.05) 14 830 (1486)
20 July 2006 Myrio 2 8.0 (0.6) 79 (13) –2.8 (3.4) –36 (41) 26.69 (0.06) 19 446 (77)
18 August 2006 P. amp 3 3.6 (0.4) 43 (9) 1.5 (1.6) 13 (16) 22.47 (0.03) 16 198 (776)
Trois Lacs 19 July 2005 P. rich 2 5.3 (1.1) 87 (32) –1.9 (1.5) –33 (28) 27.16 (0.08) 7 791 (1598)
28 July 2005 P. rich 3 2.8 (0.4) 25 (2) –1.9 (0.5) –18 (5) 24.82 (0.04) 5 079 (1609)
20 June 2006 P. rich 3 8.1 (0.3) 47 (3) –3.8 (1.4) –20 (7) 22.89 (0.01) 2 899 (213)
1 August 2006 P. rich 3 2.1 (0.8) 16 (11) 0.6 (1.3) 9 (11) 24.41 (0.04) 3 339 (664)
Waterloo 6 July 2004 Myrio 2 9.7 (2.6) 112 (56) –0.6 (1.8) –26 (32)
15 June 2005 Myrio 3 8.0 (3.2) 141 (54) –0.5 (0.3) –16 (14) 20.81 (0.04) 5 021 (362)
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Note: Myrio, P. amp, P. rich, and P. rob represent Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogetton amplifollius, Potamogetton richardsonii, and Potamogetton robinsii, respectively.

1526 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 66, 2009

Fig. 1. Trends in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration Fig. 2. Daytime and nighttime general mean dissolved organic car-
(left axis; dotted lines) and light intensity (right axis; shaded lines) bon (DOC) rates (with data from all years, in mg Cm–2h–1) for
during 36 h in two transparent chambers (* and ~, respectively) transparent chambers containing macrophytes at lac d’Argent
containing P. amplifolius in lac Stukely in 2005. Bars represent (P. amplifolius and M. spicatum), lac Bowker (P. robinsii), lac
standard error (n = 4). Peasley (P. amplifolius), lac Stukely (P. amplifolius and M. spica-
5.2 100 000 tum), lac Trois Lacs (P. richardsonii; *, lac Trois Lacs data for
20 June 2005 are presented separately), and lac Waterloo (M. spi-
catum). Bars represent standard error.
DOC concentration (mg C·L–1)

5.0 80 000

Light intensity ( lux )

4.8 60 000

4.6 40 000

4.4 20 000

4.2 0
0500 1300 2100 0500 1300
28 June 2005 29 June 2005
Time of the day (h)

simultaneously. In an attempt to further disentangle these

processes, we made additional measurements with benthic
chambers on bare sediments near the macrophyte bed, thus
providing the closest control in terms of sediments, as well
as phytoplanktonic and heterotrophic communities of the
surrounding water. The production and consumption of
DOC can be derived from several potential compartments:
macrophyte–epiphyte complex (me), phytoplankton (J), het-
erotrophic community (h), and the sediments (sed). In trans-
parent chambers placed on sediments (TS), the same
processes are present except for the contribution of the ð6Þ DOCme ðdÞ  DOCme ðnÞ ¼ DOCme
macrophyte–epiphyte complex. Although an imperfect con-
trol, these experiments provide valuable clues by estimat- both expressed in mg Cm–2h–1 and in mg Cg dw–1h–1. Un-
ing, by subtraction, the net DOC release attributable to certainty estimates for these compound calculations were
the macrophyte–epiphyte complex itself (termed DOCme). derived from classical error propagation formulas.
Equations 1 to 4 describe the processes occurring in trans-
parent macrophytes (TM) and sediments (TS) chambers: Results
ð1Þ DDOCðTMÞday ¼ DOCme ðdÞ þ DOCJ ðdÞ Macrophyte biomass data
þ DOCh ðdÞ þ DOCsed ðdÞ  R In the benthic chambers, areal macrophytes biomass var-
ied between 6 and 336 g dwm–2, with a mean of 95 g
ð2Þ DDOCðTMÞnight ¼ DOCme ðnÞ þ DOCJ ðnÞ dwm–2 (standard error (SE), ±3.4; n = 246), which is in the
same range as other reported macrophyte biomasses in
þ DOCh ðnÞ þ DOCsed ðnÞ  R southeastern Quebec lakes (Chambers and Kalff 1985; Roo-
ney and Kalff 2000; Duarte and Kalff 1990). We naturally
ð3Þ DDOCðTSÞday ¼ DOCJ ðdÞ þ DOCh ðdÞ observed significant increases in mean biomass through the
þ DOCsed ðdÞ  R0 summertime (analysis of variance (ANOVA), p < 0.05),
with average growth rates of 37 g dwmonth–1 in June–July
and 10 g dwmonth–1 in July–August. Estimated macro-
ð4Þ DDOCðTSÞnight ¼ DOCJ ðnÞ þ DOCh ðnÞ
phytes biomasses at the whole-lake scale for the sampling
þ DOCsed ðnÞ  R0 period are given for each lake (Table 1).
where R is the DOC respired in TM chambers, R’ is the
DOC respired in TS chambers, and d and n refer to day Day–night comparison in DOC release rates
and night, respectively. By successive subtractions, we ob- Our macrophyte incubations clearly showed that the DOC
tained net DOCme: release is linked to the photoperiod as it occurred during day
but stopped at night (Fig. 1; Table 2). This was the case
ð5Þ DDOCðTMÞday  DDOCðTMÞnight whether experiments were begun in the evening or in the
 DDOCðTSÞday þ DDOCðTSÞnight morning, showing that the observed DOC release was tied
¼ DOCme ðdÞ  DOCme ðnÞ to the photoperiod and not to the initiation time of the incu-
and bations. In all cases, we observed an increase in DOC con-

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Demarty and Prairie 1527

centration during the day but not during the night in benthic Fig. 3. Trends in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration
chambers containing macrophyte (Fig. 2; one-way ANOVA (left axis; dotted lines) and light intensity (right axis; shaded lines)
for each lake, p < 0.05), except for one of the sampling for benthic chambers containing macrophytes during time course
dates in lac Trois Lacs (20 June 2005) where DOC was ap- experiments in lac Stukely in (a) 2005 and (b) 2006. Bars represent
parently consumed faster than it was produced. Considering standard error.
different TM chambers used for each experiment (per date
and lake) as replicates, we obtained mean daily DOC accu-
mulation rates (considered as release rates by macrophyte–
epiphyte complex) varying from undetectable to 9.7 mg
Cm–2h–1 (SE, ±1.1; n = 2) in lac Waterloo or from
undetectable to 157 mg Cg dw–1h–1 (SE, ±32; n = 3)
in lac Stukely. Nightly variations in DOC were mostly
negative, thus representing DOC consumption. They var-
ied from –3.8 mg Cm–2h–1 (SE, ±1.4; n = 3) in lac
Trois Lacs to 1.5 mg Cm–2h–1 (SE, ±0.8; n = 3) or
from –63 mg Cg dw–1h–1 (SE, ±23; n = 4) to 12 mg
Cg dw–1h–1 (SE, ±5; n = 3) both in lac Stukely. In
chambers without macrophyte (TS), we observed no sig-
nificant DOC changes in all our experiments (ANOVA,
p > 0.05), meaning that the planktonic community of
the benthic zone and naked sediments do not release
DOC and therefore changes in DOC concentration ob-
served in TM chambers are attributable to the presence
of the macrophyte–epiphyte community.

Estimation of net DOC release rates by the macrophyte–

epiphyte communities (DOCme)
As we explained earlier, daytime DOC rates obtained
from direct measurements in chambers containing macro-
phytes take into account not only the effect of the
macrophyte–epiphyte complex, but also the effect of the
overall metabolic activity occurring within the chamber, in-
cluding DOC consumption occurring simultaneously with
the release. In some cases (e.g., lac Trois Lacs, 20 June
2005), this consumption can be strong enough to totally
mask the diurnal DOC release. Equation 5, developed ear- tainty of our measurements and therefore decreased the statis-
lier, allows the estimation of the DOC release rate more tical power of our analysis. Nevertheless, we performed the
closely attributable to the macrophyte–epiphyte complex it- two sets of calculations to examine both the robustness of our
self, rather than by the entire community found in the conclusions and the potential importance of these corrections.
benthic chambers. Because there were no significant DOC We therefore will be able to conclude on the implication of the
variations in the chambers devoid of macrophytes (TS, re- pelagic and sedimentary community versus the macrophyte–
sults not shown), we considered the DOC release by phyto- epiphyte complex on the DOC release.
plankton and (or) sediments to be quantitatively negligible.
As a result, calculation of the net DOC release from macro- Short-term daytime evolution of DOC concentration in
phytes (DOCme, eq. 6) can be simplified to macrophyte–epiphyte communities
ð7Þ DOCme ¼ DDOCðTMÞday  DDOCðTMÞnight In 2005 and 2006, we followed diurnal DOC concentra-
tions more intensively in lac Stukely on P. amplifolius incu-
From individual DOC release rates, we calculated corrected bations: DOC measurements were taken at sunrise and then
rates of DOC release by the macrophyte–epiphyte complex every 2.5 h on average. We observed an increase in DOC
(DOCme) using eq. 7. Uncertainty estimates for these com- from the first hours and occurring all day through (Figs. 3a
pound calculations were derived from classical error propa- and 3b for 2005 and 2006, respectively). In each replicate
gation formulas. benthic chamber, rates of DOC changes were not statisti-
Once averaged (per date and lake), obtained rates varied cally different between sampling steps (analysis of cova-
from undetectable to 11.9 mg Cm–2h–1 (SE, ±1.72; n = 3) for riance (ANCOVA) time  step: p > 0.05, data not shown).
lac Trois Lacs and from undetectable to 203 mg Cg dw–1h–1 It therefore suggests that DOC release is a continuous proc-
(SE, ±50; n = 3) for lac Stukely. For the following analysis, ess that begins at sunrise but is not clearly related to the rate
we excluded the data obtained on 20 June 2005 in lac Trois of photosynthesis. Taking the two sampling years separately,
Lacs, which still pointed to a strong net consumption even we found no relationship between the increase in DOC con-
after correction (mean DOCme of –8.7 mg Cm–2h–1 centration for each step and temperature or the amount of
(SD, ±2.5) or –218 mg Cg dw–1h–1 (SD, ±154)). In all cases, light received during that same period. Thus, at this short
these corrections (from subtractions) compounded the uncer- temporal scale, DOC release is independent of temperature

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1528 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 66, 2009

and light, pointing to a decoupling between the rates of re- These corrections make several assumptions regarding the
lease and the main factors regulating photosynthesis. metabolism of the heterotrophic community, e.g., the simi-
larity between daytime and nighttime respiration, both in
Influence of light and temperature and temporal patterns water column and sediments. It also assumes that the pres-
in DOC release rates ence of macrophytes does not alter the rates of these back-
Combining all our measurements (2004, 2005, 2006; TM ground metabolic processes. Naturally, respiration is
and TM + screen, n = 108), we found no temporal pattern enhanced by warmer temperature in these compartments
through summertime in the mean daily illumination in the (see review in Pace and Prairie 2005) and can therefore be
benthic chambers, whereas temperature clearly increased higher during the day than at night. Thus, the amount of
from early June to the middle of July and then decreased un- DOC consumed by the heterotrophic community during the
til the end of our experiments at the beginning of Septem- day may be higher than we assumed, leading to conservative
ber. Similarly, it was clear that DOC release rates were not DOCme rates. However, we observed that the corrections did
constant over the growing season (ANOVA, p < 0.05): for not lead to changes in relationships between release rate and
temperature, rates reached a peak in late June – early July light or temperature. As well, the global release rates pro-
and declined to minimal values in late August. Once the posed to upscale our result at the lake scale were not statisti-
seasonality effect was extracted using sampling day as a cally different with or without correction. Finally, this
fixed factor, we found that temperature had a weak positive exercise allowed us to underline the dominant role of the
effect on DOC release rates (when expressed per unit plant macrophyte–epiphyte complex in DOC release and the fact
biomass), explaining 7% of the variation, whereas light did that variations in environmental factors do not induce a shift
not (ANCOVA: sampling time  mean daily temperature  from DOC production by the macrophyte–epiphyte complex
mean illumination; model R2 = 0.56, p < 0.05). Expressed to production by the rest of the community (planktonic and
on areal basis, neither light nor temperature had a significant (or) heterotrophic communities or sediments).
effect on DOC release rates. Seasonality in corrected DOC
release rates was less clear, and tests showed no effect of Patterns in DOC release by the macrophyte–epiphyte
combined sampling time, mean daily temperature, and mean complex
illumination (ANCOVA, p > 0.05). The weak association To our knowledge, this study is the first to provide in situ
between release rates and physical factors does not point to evidence of a substantial DOC release by living freshwater
a strong coupling between photosynthesis and release rates. macrophytes together with their epiphytes. DOC release has
been reported for macrophytes and epiphytes separately in
Variation in release rates among macrophyte species laboratory experiments (e.g., Penhale and Smith 1977), but
According to our hypothesis and because photosynthetic these results have been discussed later because of the effect
capacity differs among macrophyte species, mean DOC re- of removing epiphytes from their substrate (Godmaire and
lease rate should also differ among species. Given the tem- Nalewajko 1986). However, because we were more inter-
poral trend noted above, we tested a possible difference ested in quantifying this release in natural conditions, we
among species by using the residuals of the polynomial could not separate these two components and therefore at-
function. An ANOVA detected no difference in the tempo- tribute the release to the macrophyte–epiphyte complex. Be-
rally detrended mean DOC rates (with uncorrected or cor- cause we did not measure epiphyte biomass or diversity, it is
rected rates) between species (p > 0.05, n = 25). DOC hazardous to conclude on the possible different impacts of
release measurements grouped by genera instead of species epiphytic communities. The studied macrophyte commun-
also showed no difference in mean DOC release rates ities presented weak visible epiphytes, so our conclusions
(ANOVA p > 0.05). could be questionable in case of high epiphyte density.
Based on this lack of difference from results presented in As previously shown in laboratory experiments for macro-
Table 2, the overall mean DOC release rates of 4.57 mg phytes (Nalewajko and Godmaire 1993) and for marine phy-
Cm–2h–1 (SD, ±0.65) or 56 mg Cg dw–1h–1 (SD, ±8) can toplankton (Marañón et al. 2004), DOC release occurred
be used as a general estimate of DOC release, which may during the daytime only and is thus closely associated with
be useful for extrapolations to the lake scale. the photosynthetic process. As the same patterns were ob-
served for incubations beginning at sunset or sunrise, it rules
Discussion out the possibility that the release was due to the initial ex-
perimental stress associated with plant manipulation.
Relevance of correcting rates The DOC release rates that we measured (from undetect-
Water column heterotrophic organisms can be efficient at able to 9.7 mg Cm–2h–1 or from undetectable to 157 mg Cg
controlling the pool of DOC compounds and therefore may dw–1h–1 for macrophyte biomass varying between 6 and
obscure actual rates of DOC release by the macrophyte– 336 g dwm–2) are lower to those of Barrón et al. (2003) for
epiphyte complex. The corrections increased or reduced the marine macrophyte–epiphyte communities. This is likely at-
observed DOC released rates ranging from undetectable to tributable to the much higher macrophyte biomass in their
9.7 mg Cm–2h–1 before corrections to ranging from unde- systems (0.14 to 0.6 g Cm–2day–1 for macrophyte biomass
tectable to 11.9 mg Cm–2h–1 after corrections. Although varying between 242 and 4841 g dwm–2). Ziegler and Ben-
the correction rate was 2.55 on average (i.e., corrected rates ner (1999) also found net daily DOC flux from seagrass
are on average 2.55 higher than uncorrected), it was highly higher than our DOC release rates. Qualitatively, these com-
variable (SD, ±12.67), suggesting that it was quite impor- parisons show that freshwater macrophyte–epiphyte com-
tant in individual measurements. munities act as their marine equivalent and that the release

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Demarty and Prairie 1529

is likely not associated with osmotic stresses induced by the scale, particularly for lac Stukely. Two explanations can be
environment. However, to allow future comparisons of DOC proposed for this relationship. Firstly and according to the
release rates from various ecosystems and species, we hypothesis of an overflow mechanism, higher temperature
clearly see the importance of expressing DOC release rate could induce a higher DOC release because of a higher pho-
not only as a function of the colonized surface (per square tosynthesis efficacy (light being constant; Madsen and Brix
metre, reflecting the phenomenon at the community scale), 1997) leading to higher accumulation of photosynthates,
but also per unit of macrophyte biomass (per gram dry considering that environment could be nutrient-limiting.
weight, reflecting the role of the organism itself). This explanation is acceptable but we do not support it as
To examine the relative importance of macrophyte DOC our study of light effect just rejected the hypothesis of an
release to other internal DOC sources to the ecosystem, we overflow mechanism. The second explanation is suggested
compared our rates with those obtained for phytoplankton by the work of Madsen and Brix (1997), who observed that
DOC release. Because phytoplankton and macrophyte proc- in inorganic-carbon-limiting conditions, E. canadensis and
esses operate in different dimensional setting, we integrated R. aquatilis increased their carboxylation efficiency when
our observed areal rates over the water column above the temperature increased (higher Q10 than if CO2 diffusion rate
macrophyte to yield commensurable volumetric rates. For was the only implicated factor). To increase this carboxyla-
marine phytoplankton, Marañón et al. (2005) obtained DOC tion efficiency, enzymatic, morphologic, or anatomic
production rates varying between 1 and 3 mgm–3day–1 in changes could be implied. Therefore, we can suggest that
an oligotrophic environment. From rates obtained in our DOC release could be partly implied in increasing carboxy-
benthic chambers and the water column depth at the sam- lation efficiency of the macrophyte–epiphyte complex in re-
pling site, we calculated volumetric DOC production rates sponse to increased temperature in inorganic-carbon-limiting
by the macrophyte–epiphyte complex ranging between 0.4 conditions, as would an increase in extracellular carbonic
and 98 mg Cm–3day–1 in the oligotrophic lac Stukely. anhydrase. This hypothesis therefore implies that in non-
Thus, a living macrophyte–epiphyte complex can constitute limiting inorganic carbon conditions, DOC release rates
a major internal source of organic carbon, even in oligotro- would be lower. This proposition, as well as the link be-
phic systems. Therefore, we can hypothesize that the propor- tween nutrient availability and DOC release, has to be tested
tion of DOC contributed by a macrophyte–epiphyte complex to surely reject the hypothesis viewing the DOC release as
in relation to that released by phytoplankton should vary, an overflow mechanism.
along a trophic gradient, simply as a function of the predict-
able switch of the major source of primary production from
the benthic to the pelagic zone (Vadeboncoeur et al. 2003). Implication to the whole ecosystem
To our knowledge, our study is the first one comparing in
Light and temperature effects: do they confirm our situ DOC release rates, and we found no differences be-
hypothesis? tween species or among lakes. Perhaps such differences ex-
ist but are too weak to be measured with our technique.
Because both light and temperature are known to univer-
However, until these estimates can be further refined, we
sally affect photosynthetic rates, we expected that if DOC
suggest that the use of our overall average DOC release rate
release can be viewed as an overflow mechanism when an
(4.57 mg Cm–2h–1 (SD, ±0.65) or 56 mg Cg dw–1h–1
important element is limiting (such as nutrients), DOC re-
(SD, ±8)) constitutes the best approximation to estimate the
lease rates should increase with both light intensity and tem-
ecosystem implication of a submerged macrophyte–epiphyte
perature. We conducted two follow-up experiments to test
complex in lake DOC dynamics. Estimation of the potential
the effects of light and temperature on DOC release rates,
contribution of a macrophyte–epiphyte complex to the DOC
one at a short time scale in one chosen lake (lac Stukely)
budget of the whole ecosystem can thus be calculated as the
with samples taken every 2.5 h and the other at the summer-
simple product of the average release rate and the average
time scale in the six studied lakes, using rates calculated on
macrophyte biomass in the colonisable zone of lakes.
a daily basis. Neither showed a strong relationship between
mean light received and concurrent DOC release rates. This In conclusion, we demonstrated the occurrence of daytime
leads to a rejection of the link between DOC release and DOC release by a macrophyte–epiphyte complex in south-
photosynthesis because release rates would have increased eastern Quebec lakes. We reject the hypothesis presenting
with increasing light if it was the case. Moreover, we ob- DOC release as an overflow mechanism for recent photo-
served that DOC release began with sunrise, which means synthates produced in limited environments as we demon-
that according to the overflow mechanism hypothesis, nu- strated no link between physical factors influencing
trients are limiting to biomass production even at low light. photosynthesis and DOC release rates. Finally, because we
This observation therefore supports the critique of this hy- observed no difference in averaged DOC release rates be-
pothesis as it would not be evolutionary advantageous for a tween the three main colonizing macrophyte–epiphyte com-
macrophyte–epiphyte complex to maintain high photosyn- plexes of our lakes, we proposed a mean DOC release rate
thetic capacity in an environment that cannot lead to maxi- useful for quantitative extrapolation of the process at the
mum growth efficiency (the DOC release being a loss for whole-lake scale.
the macrophyte–epiphyte complex).
For temperature effect, even if the short time scale study Acknowledgements
concludes that there was no relationship between tempera- We thank R. Gravel, V. Gauvin, and C. Blain for field as-
ture and DOC release, the longer time scale study showed a sistance and C. Beauchemin for DOC analysis. This project
general weak positive effect of temperature, stronger at lake was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-

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