Name: Joel Fuertes Course: 3 BI "F": English Essay

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English essay

Name: Joel Fuertes

course: 3 BI "F"

To carry out this essay, school uniforms will be taken as the main idea, since it
has a great social meaning in the area of distinguishing institutions from others,
in this case there are several colleges with different uniforms, but there is social
segregation on the part of The same students since several of these, having no
economic possibilities to wear the same garment as the others, makes it feel
like the rest, besides that uniforms in this century promote good discipline is
understood in the way that the authorities of that institution Promote dress rules
and the student knows to abide by that, besides that if that is not fulfilled, there
will be a sanction and that makes them react and be more disciplined.

Other arguments that are considered important is that in this century the
uniform is not seen well since some parents say that cuts freedom of
expression, which can be understood to be dressed, but I share the opinion of
wearing the uniform Since it promotes the joint thinking of several students and
that they feel identified as an institution, since in the case that the school feels
offended its students go out to defend the ideals of its institution and apply the
thought together.

In addition to wearing other clothes I think it is wrong because the student pays
more attention to his classmates for the clothes he wears, for the very fact of
learning or vice versa only cares how other people see him, so that every time
Is being arranged and does not pay attention in class.

Another point in favor is that school uniforms in most cases is more economical
than clothes sold in stores, and taken as an example a uniform is bought but the
student already graduates then if he has siblings he will be able to inherit that
uniform Already very apart from that they are updating the uniform, the
institution will always be the same.

Besides that even the teachers use the uniform of the school and feel identified,
some people will claim the use of uniform but it is a society that thinks together,
since when leaving the institution and in their later studies no longer use the
Uniform, feel that they identify with the university where they go and make as if
they were wearing the uniform.

In conclusion the uniform in this century is relevant because several people

think that it is wrong or wrong to use the uniform, since it segregates the
students but in my opinion the uniform serves to unite the students through the
appreciation that Have to the institution and not only after graduating forget the
uniform of that institution but when adults remember with more impetus that it
was to belong to that institution.

To come to think that the uniform marks on the student's life is true, because he
felt that at some point in our life we knew how to value what the teachers taught
and that you were part of something, that makes the uniform unite people with
the same ideal

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