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Analysis of contact mechanics in ceramic-on-ceramic

hip joint replacements

M M Mak and Z M Jin*

Department of Mechanical and Medical Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK

Abstract: The contact mechanics in ceramic-on-ceramic hip implants has been analysed in this study
using the nite element method. Only the ideal conditions where the contact occurs within the
acetabular cup were considered. It has been shown that the contact pressure distribution and the
contact area at the main articulating bearing surfaces depend largely on design parameters such as
the radial clearance between the femoral head and the acetabular cup, as well as the thickness of the
ceramic insert. For the ceramic-on-ceramic hip implants used in clinics today, with a minimum 5-mm-
thick ceramic insert, it has been shown that the radius of the contact area between the femoral head
and the acetabular cup is relatively small compared with that of the femoral head and the ceramic
insert thickness. Consequently, Hertz contact theory can be used to estimate the contact parameters
such as the maximum contact pressure and the contact area.

Keywords: contact mechanics, ceramic-on-ceramic hip implant, nite element method

NOTATION being highly wettable, hard, smooth and inert [1]. The
alumina-on-alumina bearing couple was introduced in
a contact radius 1970 [2], while zirconia-on-zirconia or zirconia-on-
c radial clearance, R R alumina combinations have recently received signicant
2 1 attention [3, 4]. The alumina-on-alumina combination
E modulus of elasticity for the ceramic bearing
surface has been shown to produce extremely low friction [5, 6 ]
p pressure and low wear in articial hip joint replacements under
p maximum contact pressure normal conditions from both clinical [2] and simulator
0 studies [7, 8]. Furthermore, it has been shown that the
R equivalent radius
R femoral head radius ceramic wear particles can also cause osteolysis, but
1 cause less systemic eVects than the metallic wear particles
R acetabular socket radius
2 [9, 10]. Therefore, minimizing wear and the number of
w applied load in the vertical direction
x, y horizontal and vertical coordinates respectively ceramic wear debris particles in ceramic-on-ceramic hip
implants is critical. Extensive research and testing have
î Poisson’s ratio for the ceramic bearing surface been conducted in the literature to demonstrate the
intrinsically low wear and abrasion resistance of ceramic
1 INTRODUCTION In the meantime, a number of nite element studies
have been carried out to examine the stresses with the
Long-term concerns over ultra-high molecular weight ceramic components in order to reduce the likelihood of
polyethylene ( UHMWPE ) wear debris and the resulting fracture failure, in particular the xation of the ceramic
osteolysis have promoted renewed interest in alternative femoral head to the metallic stem employing a taper
bearing couples for total hip implants. Medical grade connection [11]. The importance of the design param-
ceramics such as alumina and zirconia have been used eters for the bearing surfaces such as the radial clearance
in ceramic-on-ceramic hip implants because of their between the femoral head and the acetabular cup, as
attractive tribological and biological features such as well as the bearing surface construct, has not been
adequately addressed. For example, matched pairs with
The MS was received on 19 October 2001 and was accepted after revision clearances of 7–10 ím were used from 1977 to 1993
for publication on 28 March 2002.
* Corresponding author: Department of Mechanical and Medical [12, 13]. However, relatively large clearances have been
Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, UK. introduced recently in order to reduce manufacturing
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costs and to allow unmatched components to be used,

for example, radial clearances between 5 and 35 ím were
specied by Kyocera [14] and a nominal radial clearance
of 40 ím by CeramTec (between 15 and 35 ím [7]). It
is well-known that these geometric parameters, together
with the mechanical properties of the ceramic materials,
also inuence the tribological conditions at the bearing
surfaces and hence wear. This is particularly important
if new ceramic materials are introduced in the future
with diVerent mechanical properties [15].
Contact mechanics also plays an important role in the
wear of the bearing components under adverse con-
ditions, such as the edge contact between the femoral
head and the cup, resulting from excessive tilting of the Fig. 1 A simple schematic model for contact mechanics
acetabular cup and microseparation between the femoral analysis of a ceramic-on-ceramic hip prosthesis
head and the acetabular cup [16 ]. The consequence of
these adverse conditions is the generation of the stripe
wear observed on both clinically retrieved and simulator-
tested femoral heads [16 ]. The purpose of this study was
to investigate the contact mechanics in ceramic-on-
ceramic bearing couples for hip joint replacements using
the nite element method. The simplied ball-on-plane
Hertzian contact theory was also used and the corre-
sponding results were compared with those obtained
from the nite element method for a more realistic ball-
in-socket geometrical conguration. Only ideal con-
ditions where the contact occurs within the acetabular
cup were considered; the eVect of adverse conditions will
be considered in a further study.


The hip prosthesis considered in this study consisted of

an alumina ceramic femoral head, articulating with an
alumina ceramic bearing insert attached to a polyethyl-
ene backing. The polyethylene backing was then secured
in a metallic shell for the purpose of xation. The radius
of the femoral head was 14 mm. The nominal radial
clearance between the femoral head and the acetabular
cup was assumed to be 0.04 mm. The total thickness of
the ceramic bearing insert and the polyethylene backing
was xed at 10 mm, with nominal values of 5 mm for
each component. Both the radial clearance and the thick- Fig. 2 Axisymmetric nite element model for contact
ness of the ceramic insert were varied for the contact mechanics analysis of a ceramic-on-ceramic hip
mechanics analysis. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram prosthesis
of the ceramic-on-ceramic hip prosthesis considered in
this study. ling because of symmetry, and consequently all the nodes
A simple axisymmetric nite element model was devel- on the axis of the symmetry were constrained in the
oped to simulate the contact between the two articulating horizontal direction (x). Both bonded and unbonded
surfaces as shown in Fig. 2. The metallic xation shell conditions were assumed at the interface between the
was neglected in Fig. 1 and also in the nite element ceramic insert and the polyethylene backing, as well as
model, since the elastic modulus for the metallic material between the ceramic femoral head and the metallic stem.
is at least two orders of magnitude of that of polyethyl- In the unbonded case, coeYcients of friction of 0.1 and
ene, and consequently the outside of the polyethylene 0.2 were assumed at the ceramic/UHMWPE and
backing was fully constrained. Only half a cross- ceramic/metal interfaces respectively, while the contact
sectional area was required for the nite element model- at the main bearing surfaces was assumed to be fric-
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tionless to represent the well-lubricated condition. a, were transformed into the angular coordinate and the
Bilinear axisymmetric nite elements with four nodes contact half-angle, using the femoral head radius R as
were used to mesh all the components. A xed load of shown Fig. 3.
2500 N was applied through the pole of both the cup
and the head. The elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio
were chosen to be 380 GPa and 0.26, 1 GPa and 0.4 and 3 RESULTS
210 GPa and 0.3 for alumina, the polyethylene backing
and the metallic stem respectively. The nite element
The eVect of mesh sensitivity was rstly examined on
model thus formulated was solved using ABAQUS
the predicted contact parameters at the bearing surface.
( Version 5.8–9). Both the contact area and the contact
For the nominal case, with a ceramic insert and an
stresses were readily obtained from the nite element
model. The Hertz contact theory, based on the assump- UHMWPE inlay, both of 5 mm thickness, it was found
tion of semi-innite solids for the ceramic bearing sur- that 36 and 8 elements, in the circumferential and the
radial directions respectively, for each component were
faces, was also used to predict the contact pressure
adequate. This also resulted in a satisfactory element
distribution, p, and the contact radius, a. This was done
aspect ratio of about unity for the majority of the
by means of an equivalent ball-on-plane model using the
elements, as shown in Fig. 2. The boundary conditions
equivalent radius R determined from the radii of the
femoral head and the cup, R and R , and the radial at the interface between the UHMWPE inlay and the
1 2 ceramic insert, as well as at the taper connection between
clearance, c:
the ceramic femoral head and the metallic stem, were
R R found to have a negligible eVect on the predicted contact
R= 1 2 (1)
c parameters at the articulating surfaces. Therefore, only
the results for the fully bonded condition at these
This enabled the contact radius, a, and the maximum interfaces are presented in this study.
contact pressure, p , to be determined under a given
0 Figure 4a shows the predicted contact pressure distri-
load, w: bution at the bearing surfaces for the nominal con-
[3wR(1 î2)] 1/3
ditions, with a ceramic insert and an UHMWPE inlay,
(2) both of 5 mm thickness, and a radial clearance of 40 ím.
The contact pressure distribution predicted from Hertz
3w contact theory is also superimposed for the purpose of
p = (3)
0 2ða2 comparison. Figures 4b and c show the contour plot of
the von Mises and the larger principal stresses within
The corresponding contact pressure distribution was both the ceramic and the UHMWPE components.
given as follows: The eVect of varying the radial clearance between 20
and 80 ím on the predicted contact pressure distribution
x 2 1/2
p=p 1 (4) is shown in Fig. 5 for a given ceramic insert and an
0 a
UHMWPE inlay, both of 5 mm thickness. Figure 6
For the purpose of comparison with the ball-in-socket shows the eVect of varying the thickness of the ceramic
geometry, the horizontal axis, x, and the contact radius, insert for a xed radial clearance of 40 ím, while the

Fig. 3 Denition of angular coordinates for the ball-in-socket conguration

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Fig. 4a Comparison of the predicted contact pressure

distribution between the present nite element model
and the Hertz contact theory (ceramic insert thick-
ness, 5 mm; UHMWPE inlay thickness, 5 mm; radial
clearance, 40 ím)

Fig. 4c Prediction of the larger principal stress within various

components (ceramic insert thickness, 5 mm;
UHMWPE inlay thickness, 5 mm; radial clearance,
40 ím)

Fig. 4b Prediction of the von Mises stress distribution within Fig. 5 EVect of the radial clearance on the predicted contact
various components (ceramic insert thickness, 5 mm; pressure distribution (ceramic insert thickness, 5 mm;
UHMWPE inlay thickness, 5 mm; radial clearance, UHMWPE inlay thickness, 5 mm)
40 ím)

total thickness of the acetabular cup including the cer- design parameters such as the radial clearance between
amic insert and the polyethylene backing was xed at the femoral head and the acetabular cup, and the thick-
10 mm. Table 1 compares the predicted maximum con- ness of the acetabular insert. For the nominal conditions
tact pressure and the contact half-angle from the present considered, the predicted contact pressure distribution is
nite element model with the Hertz contact theory. only slightly less than that from the corresponding Hertz
contact theory as shown in Fig. 4a; the diVerence in the
predicted maximum value being less than 15 per cent.
4 DISCUSSION This is expected since the contact half-angle predicted
from the nite element model is approximately 17.5°,
It is clear from the results presented in Section 3 that corresponding to a contact radius of 4 mm, which is less
the contact pressure distributions depend largely on the than the thickness of the ceramic insert of 5 mm. This
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signicant eVect on the predicted contact pressure distri-

bution, as shown in Fig. 6, particularly when the thick-
ness of the ceramic insert is reduced to below 5 mm. For
example, for a ceramic insert thickness of 2.5 mm, a large
diVerence is observed between the present nite element
model and the Hertz contact theory, as shown in Fig. 6.
Although the contact stress is signicantly reduced at
the main bearing surfaces, the tensile stress on the out-
side of the ceramic insert is signicantly increased to
96.1 MPa; this may increase the likelihood of the ceramic
insert fracturing.
It is clear from the present nite element model
that under nominal conditions currently employed in
ceramic-on-ceramic hip implants, the ceramic insert
Fig. 6 EVect of the ceramic insert thickness on the predicted essentially behaves like a semi-innite solid and the
contact pressure distribution (total thickness of both thickness of the insert above 5 mm has a small eVect on
ceramic insert and UHMWPE inlay, 10 mm; radial the predicted contact parameters, such as the maximum
clearance, 40 ím) contact pressure and the contact area, as shown in
Table 1. Consequently, Hertz contact theory can be used
to predict these contact parameters. This also implies
Table 1 Comparison of the predicted maximum contact press- that the uid lm lubrication, which is not considered
ure and the contact half-angle between the present
in this study, can be analysed by the use of the Hamrock
nite element study and the Hertz contact theory
and Dowson formula [18], as carried out by Jin et al.
Contact half-angle Maximum contact [19] and Scholes and Unsworth [5].
Ceramic (deg) pressure (MPa) Only the sandwiched ceramic insert has been con-
Radial insert
clearance thickness Finite Finite
sidered in this study. However, the conclusions obtained
(ím) (mm) element Hertz element Hertz can also be expected to be applicable to the taper-
connected ceramic insert provided that the insert thick-
40 2.5 20 14.6 40 94.1
40 5.0 17.5 14.6 80 94.1
ness is above 5 mm. Contact mechanics should be a key
40 7.5 15 14.6 90 94.1 design consideration when new ceramic materials are
20 5 22.5 18.4 50 59.3 introduced for ceramic-on-ceramic hip implants [15].
80 5 12.5 11.6 140 149.0
The diVerence in the mechanical properties of these cer-
amic materials from alumina means that the optimum
geometrical parameters designed for the alumina-on-
is also reected in Fig. 4b where the maximum von Mises alumina, such as the radial clearance, may have to be
stresses can be seen to be located below the surface and modied.
within the ceramic components. It is also interesting to The main assumption adopted in the present study is
note that a small tensile principal stress is developed on the two-dimensional axisymmetric model where the load
the outside of the ceramic insert mainly due to bending, goes through the pole in the vertical direction. In reality,
but the magnitude of 49.3 MPa is very small. Meanwhile the acetabular cup is generally inserted with a 45° incli-
on the bearing surfaces, the principal stress is mainly nation, under a load approximately 10–16° medially
compressive, with a magnitude of 70.9 MPa. A small from the vertical direction [20]. The contact half-angle
tensile stress can be developed on the bearing surface predicted from the present nite element model is less
near the edge of the contact area in the classical Hertz than 25° for all the cases considered, as compared with
contact [17] and its magnitude can be estimated as at least 55° available for contact within the acetabular
1/3(12î)p =15 MPa for this particular example. cup. Therefore the assumption of the axisymmetric
It is generally noted from Fig. 5 that a decrease in the model is reasonable, since the contact occurs well within
radial clearance results in an increase in the predicted the acetabular cup. In addition to these ideal contact
contact area, and consequently a decrease in the maxi- conditions, contact mechanics can be expected to play a
mum contact pressure. It is interesting to note that as more important role under adverse conditions such as
the radial clearance is decreased to 20 ím, the contact the edge contact between the acetabular cup and the
half-angle extends to beyond 20°, and yet the diVerence femoral head. To do this a three-dimensional nite
in the predicted maximum contact pressure between the element model will be required, rather than the two-
present nite element model and the Hertz contact dimensional axisymmetric model considered in this
theory is still about 15 per cent, as shown in Table 1. study. The eVect of microseparation and the edge con-
Variation of the thickness of the ceramic insert, while tact, as well as validating the simple axisymmetric model,
keeping the total thickness xed at 10 mm, also has a will be considered in a further study.
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