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University of Turkish Aeronautical Association

Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education

Department of Foreign Languages


UNITS 6-10 & TN2 UNITS 1-2

2018-2019 Spring
University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Ex. 1: For questions 1-5, complete the blanks with “can”, “cannot” and the verbs in parantheses.

1. Frank is very hardworking so he ____can finish____ (finish) it on time.

1. Alice is very little but she ___________________ (swim).

2. Susan is working now so she_______________ (go out).

3. Emilie works hard; I think, she _______________ (pass) the exam.

4. Sally lives in Ankara so she _______________ (walk) on the shore whenever she wants.

5. _______________ Camaron _______________ (ride ) bicycle?

Ex. 2: For questions 1-5, complete the blanks with “have to”, “has to” and the verbs in

1. Drivers ____have to stop____ (stop) when the light is red.

1. We _______________ (find) a painkiller for Wilma because she has got a terrible headache.

2. Bill _______________ (be) silent when he is studying in the library.

3. Susan _______________ (do) everything by herself because there is no one to help her.

4. _______________ Alan _______________ (clean) the room today?

5. _______________ you _______________ (wake up) early in the mornings?

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Ex. 3: For questions 1-10, read the sentences below and look carefully at each line. Some of the
lines are correct, and some have ONE word which is incorrect. If a line is correct write “OK” in the
blank provided next to each line. If a line has an incorrect word, write the word in the blank
provided next to each line. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

0. I have spare time today so I can go for a walk. ___OK___

00. I have a driving license and I can to drive a car. ___to___

1. She looks pale so she cannot to go on working. _________

2. William is a rich man; he can lend you some money. _________

3. I cannot understand the subject, I have has to study more. _________

4. Samantha and Jenny are home mates so Jenny can give the book to her. _________

5. Gisel cannot finish the report because there is a problem with her P.C. _________

6. I am allergic to peanut butter, I can have to avoid eating it. _________

7. Wendy is a very beautiful girl; she does can win the beauty contest. _________

8. Can you give me a piece of paper, please? _________

9. They want to be pilot so they have to be good at English. _________

10. Bianca can’t to solve these difficult problems. _________

Ex. 4: For questions 1- 10, answer the questions according to the information in parentheses.

1. Where can you send your letter? (company)

I can send my letter to the company.

2. Where can you go for holiday this summer? (Antalya)

___________________________________________________________ .

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
3. What can you play as an instrument? (piano)
___________________________________________________________ .

4. What kind of books can you read for this assignment? (classic novel)
___________________________________________________________ .

5. How often can you go to the cinema? (once a week)

___________________________________________________________ .

6. Who can help me with my homework? (Ellen)

___________________________________________________________ .

7. What time do you have to get up in the morning? (at 6 o’clock)

___________________________________________________________ .

8. Where does Sally have to wait for the shuttle? (at the corner of the street)
___________________________________________________________ .

9. What do Eddy and Edward have to do after school? (work in an office)

___________________________________________________________ .

10. When do they have to deliver the orders? ( at 7 pm tomorrow)

___________________________________________________________ .

11. Who has to teach flying to pilots? (the professionals)

___________________________________________________________ .

Ex. 5: For questions 1-10, put the words into correct order and make questions.

1. what time / have your lunch / have to / you

_______What time do you have to have your lunch________ ?

2. who / your room / tidy / has to

___________________________________________________________ ?

3. can / watch TV / when / we

___________________________________________________________ ?

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
4. can / listen to the radio / we
___________________________________________________________ ?

5. today / do / finish the report / have to / you

___________________________________________________________ ?

6. I / throw the litter / where / can

___________________________________________________________ ?

7. tomorrow / what time / wake up / we / have to / do

___________________________________________________________ ?

8. have to / does / she / go abroad / how often

___________________________________________________________ ?

9. can / go to the park / you

___________________________________________________________ ?

10. answer the phone / who / can

___________________________________________________________ ?

11. have to / you / tomorrow before 2 pm / do / arrive in New York

___________________________________________________________ ?

Ex. 6: For questions 1-9, complete the blanks with “can”, “can’t” or “could”, “couldn’t”.

When I was two years old, I (0) ___couldn’t___ write even my name. Now, I’m a university student
so I (1) _____________ write even an essay. I also like listening to music. I (2) _____________ reach
the button to turn the radio on when I was little and I broke it accidentally. I (3) _____________ fix
anything but now, I (4) _____________ fix the broken Tvs , radios or computers. When I was
young, I (5) ____________ run very fast, but now I am a smoker so I (6) ___________ run fast and I
(7) __________ walk very long distances. Two years ago, I went a trekking tour and I (8) _________
catch the other tourists. So, I don’t go trekking tours anymore; I (9) _____________ watch all the
scene on TV.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Ex. 7: For questions 1-8, circle the correct answer.

1. We have / are having dinner at the moment.

2. I’m not eating all the yoghurt! I taste / am tasting it to see if it’s still OK.

3. Do you see / Are you seeing that blue car over there? It’s Ben’s.

4. I’m all right. I think / am thinking about what I have to do tomorrow.

5. This soup tastes / is tasting awful!

6. I love this shampoo. It smells / is smelling of coconuts.

7. Sophie thinks / is thinking I watch too much television.

8. My collage has /is having some very good sports facilities.

9. I took this photo last week. This is me and this is Kim. She smells / is smelling the flowers.

Ex. 8: For questions 1-5, read the sentences and choose the best answer.

1. I live in Ankara so I ______________ live in a sea view house.

(A) can (B) can’t (C) could (D) couldn’t

1. She was late for school because she______________ get up early.

(A) can (B) can’t (C) could (D) couldn’t

2. You______________ watch TV tonight. You have finished studying.

(A) can (B) can’t (C) could (D) couldn’t

3. I have to finish my homework but I think I ______________ finish it on time.

(A) can (B) can’t (C) could (D) couldn’t

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
4. He ______________ drive car well last year but now he knows how to drive fast and well.
(A) can (B) can’t (C) could (D) couldn’t

5. I ______________ play chess well at the age of ten. I was the champion so they gave me an

(A) can (B) can’t (C) could (D) couldn’t

Ex. 9: For questions 1-10, unscramble the sentences using The Simple Present Tense.

1. she / letter / write / to her parents / often

She often writes letter to her parents.

1. I / always/ do / my homework / on time

___________________________________________________________ .

2. the little girl / usually / ride bicycle / in the garden

___________________________________________________________ .

3. I / rarely / play soccer / at weekends

___________________________________________________________ .

4. I / am / never / late for school

___________________________________________________________ .

5. she / sometimes / play / basketball

___________________________________________________________ .

6. Sarah /often / listen to music / on the bus

___________________________________________________________ .

7. Jasmine / sometimes / visit / her grandparents

___________________________________________________________ .

8. Adam / never / drive / fast

___________________________________________________________ .

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

9. I /don’t / usually / go to the gym

___________________________________________________________ .

10. Angelina / does / eat / too much junk food

___________________________________________________________ ?

Ex. 10: For questions 1-10, unscramble the sentences using The Present Continuous Tense.

1. do exercises / Sally / in gym / now

Sally is doing exercises in gym now.

1. newspaper / I / now / read

___________________________________________________________ .

2. Sue / watch TV
___________________________________________________________ ?

3. play / Mary / now / soccer

___________________________________________________________ .

4. Tarkan / now / at the stage/ dance

___________________________________________________________ .

5. to go to school / leave home / Derek / at the moment

___________________________________________________________ .

6. play /computer games / still / they

___________________________________________________________ .

7. run / the athlete / right now / in the stadium

___________________________________________________________ .

8. help their mother / now / the children

___________________________________________________________ .

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

9. exercises / do / the students / now

___________________________________________________________ ?

10. in the gym / you / aerobics / do

___________________________________________________________ ?

Ex. 11: For questions 1-20, complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

A: Hello, Sarah! How are you? We (0) ____are_____( be) together with friends.
S: Fine. How nice! What (1) ________________ you ________________ (do) now?
A: We (2) ________________ (sit) in the living room. Sally and Bella (3) ________________
(gossip) now. David (4) ________________ (watch) TV. Adam (5) ________________ (talk) on the
phone. You (6) ________________ (know), Anthony (7) ________________ (hate) crowded places
so he (8) ________________ (sit) lonely on the sofa and he (9) ________________ (talk) with
nobody. Sam (10) ________________ (listen) to music with Ashley. Jasmine and Bill (11)
________________ (play) table tennis. I (12) ________________ (see) them through the door’s
S: Oh I (13) ________________ (see)! You (14) ________________ (have) a lot of fun. I (15)
________________ (have) my dinner now. Unfortunately I (16) ________________ (be) alone. I
(17) ________________ (want )to go to cinema. I (18) ________________ (think), I can watch
“Xmen”. I usually (19) ________________ (watch) movie when I (20) ________________ (feel)


University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Revision 1: For questions 1-8, circle the correct word or phrase.

1. Smoking isn’t allowed in the airport.

You mustn’t / don’t have to smoke in the airport.

2. It’s not necessary to come to the station to meet me.

You have to / don’t have to meet her at the train station.

3. We were forced to wait for over two hours in the rain!

They had to / didn’t need to wait for over two hours in the rain!

4. The instructions tell you to write in pencil.

You must / needn’t write in pencil.

5. You can contact us by either phone or e-mail.

You mustn’t /don’t have to phone them.

6. In my country, you can carry passport with you if you want, but it isn’t necessary.
In her country, you don’t need to / mustn’t carry your passport with you.

7. My grandfather was made to start work when he was just fourteen years old.
He had to / must start work when he was just fourteen years old.

8. It’s not necessary to book a hotel; you can stay in our spare room.
You mustn’t / don’t have to stay in a hotel.

Revision 2: Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
1. You are expecting David to ring. The phone rings. must
__________________________________________________________ .

2. Anna is a better runner than Rula. You think Anna will probably win the race tomorrow. should
__________________________________________________________ .

3. A letter arrives. It’s possible that it’s from your cousin, Janice. could
__________________________________________________________ .

4. There is a knock at the door. Your mum says it might be Colin, but you know Colin is on holiday.
__________________________________________________________ .

5. You see someone wearing a costume. You think there’s a strong probability that she’s going to
a fancy–dress party. must
__________________________________________________________ .

6. Your sister is looking for her hairbrush. You think it’s possible that it’s in the living room. might
__________________________________________________________ .

7. You ‘re waiting for Harriet to arrive. You think she’ll probably be there in half an hour. should
__________________________________________________________ .

8. You ‘re talking about why James seems to be sad. You think it’s possible he’s in trouble at
school. could
__________________________________________________________ .

Revision 3: For questions 1-8, choose the correct answer.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
2. I couldn’t _________________ the programme so I turned to the TV up.
(A) hear (B) heard (C) hearing (D) to hear

3. My brother _________________ write when he was just three years old.

(A) can (B) could (C) Might (D) should

4. _________________ I use your computer to check my e-mail?

(A) Will (B) Ought (C) May (D) Would

5. My teacher thinks I _________________ to pay more attention in class.

(A) might (B) may (C) ought (D) would

6. All compositions_________________ be handed in to me by Friday at the latest.

(A) must (B) need (C) have (D) ought

7. That_________________ be my mobile – mine is silver and that one is black.

(A) mustn’t (B) shouldn’t (C) wouldn’t (D) can’t

8. I sent the letter yesterday, so it _________________ get there tomorrow.

(A) can (B) need (C) should (D) ought

9. Did you _________________ to pay to send the package back?

(A) must (B) should (C) ought (D) have


University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Ex. 1: For questions 1-15, complete the blanks with “am”, “is”, “are”, “was” or “were”.

1. The test ____was____ very difficult yesterday.

2. The weather ___________ beautiful today. It ___________ terrible yesterday.

3. Hello, friends! I ___________ sorry I ___________ late!

4. A: Where ___________ you born?

B: I ___________ born in Italy.

5. A: Where ___________ your brother born?

B: He ___________ born in Italy, too.

6. The children ___________ very tired today. They ___________ at a party yesterday evening.

7. We ___________ married when I ___________ twenty and Jim ___________ twenty-five.

8. Karen ___________ late for school yesterday.

9. Gary ___________ a student four years ago. He ___________ a doctor now.

10. I ___________ a teacher and I work at a big school.

11. ___________ your mother at home now?

12. My parents ___________ at a restaurant on Sunday because it ___________ my mother’s

13. I ___________ five years old in 1997.

14. Tom ___________ a student at my school. We go to school together.

15. They ___________ at the hospital three hours ago.

16. There ___________ a lot of guests in my house last night.

Ex. 2: For questions 1-17, complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Last summer I (0) ____went____ (go) to Bodrum. I (1) ____________ (do) a lot of interesting
things. I (2) __________ (swim) a lot in the sea and I (3) _____________ (see) a lot of famous
people there. I (4) ___________ (buy) a lot of souvenirs for my parents and I (5) ___________ (see)
some historical places like Ephesus and the temple of Apollo. I (6) _____________ (take) more than
fifty photos. I (7) ____________ (learn) some Turkish words. I (8) ___________ (stay) two weeks in
Bodrum and I (9) ___________ (put) on weight because the food (10) __________ (be) delicious at
the hotel. (11) I ___________ (meet) my friends Chris and Susan there. They (12) __________ (be)
also in Bodrum for their honeymoon. I (13) ____________ (be) in front of them on the plane. Chris
(14) _______________ (make) so many jokes that we (15) _______________ (not / know) how the
journey passed. Susan (16) _______________ (be) angry with Chris as she doesn’t like listening to
his jokes. She (17) _______________ (have) a book and a CD player with her. She was busy with
them, so she (18) _______________ (not / hear) us.

Ex. 3: For questions 1-20, complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

Amelia Mary Earhart (0) ___was___ the first woman to fly solo across
the Atlantic Ocean. She set many records, (1) _____________
(write) books about flying, and helped form a female pilots’
organization. She (2) _______________ (disappear) in 1937
during an around-the-world flight.
Amelia Earhart (3) _______________ (be) born in Atchison, Kansas
on July 24, 1897. Amelia (4) _______________ (see) her first plane at
a state fair when she was ten. She (5) _______________ (not / be) impressed. "It was a thing of
rusty wire and wood and (6) _______________ (look) not at all interesting," she said. In fact, her
interest in aviation (7) _______________ (not / take) off until December 28, 1920, when she (8)
_______________ (ride) in an airplane. "By the time I had got two or three hundred feet off the
ground, I knew I had to fly," she said.
Earhart took her first flying lesson on January 3, 1921, and (9) _______________ (buy) her first
plane six months later. She (10) _______________ (use) it to set her first women's record by rising
to an altitude of 14,000 feet. In August 1928, she (11) _______________ (become) the first woman
to make a solo, roundtrip flight across North America. She (12) _______________ (compete) in an
air race and (13) _______________ (set) a world altitude record of 18,415 feet. She became
involved with the Ninety-Nines, an organization of female pilots that worked to help women in
On May 20, 1932, she made a solo trans-Atlantic flight. She succeeded and became famous around
the world. President Herbert Hoover (14) _______________ (give) her a gold medal. Earhart’s final

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
dream was to be the first woman to fly around the world. Her first attempt in March 1937
(15) _______________ (fail). On June 1st that same year, she (16) _______________ (try) again. On
July, 1937 her small plane (17) _______________ (leave) the island of Lae exactly 12:00 midnight.
She was not alone on the flight but she and Fred Noonan, her navigator, (18) _______________ (be)
very tired. She (19) _______________ (report) her last position at 8:14 pm. After that, she
(20) _______________ (not / make) radio contact again. Her plane vanished.

Ex. 4: For questions 1-8, complete the blanks with a suitable information question for the
underlined part.

1. A: When did she cross the Atlantic Ocean?

B: She crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1928.

2. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: She studied at Columbia University.

3. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: She was a social worker for two years.

4. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: Her last flight left from New Guinea.

5. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: She wrote three books.

6. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: She was American.

7. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: She disappeared in 1937.

8. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: Yes, she was married.

9. A: _____________________________________ ?
B: No, she didn’t have any children.
Ex. 5: For questions 1-15, read the sentences below and look carefully at each line. Some of the
lines are correct, and some have ONE word which should not be there. If a line is correct write
“OK” in the space provided next to each line. If a line has a word which should NOT be there,

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
write the word in the blank provided next to each line. There are two examples at the beginning.
(0 and 00)

0. She always gets up at 7 o’clock. ____OK____

00. The doctor he examined the patient. _____he____

1. I was have two children. ____________

2. The sky is was full of stars last night. ____________

3. He went to France to learn French. ____________

4. It didn’t rain a lot during our holiday. ____________

5. She was tired, so she went to bed early. ____________

6. He were wrote many poems about nature. ____________

7. We did had great time at the camp. ____________

8. I went to the supermarket to buy some any cheese. ____________

9. We didn’t spent the weekend at a hotel. ____________

10. There were many restaurants there. ____________

11. We always go dancing on the last weekends. ____________

12. Our bus trip could was very bumpy. ____________

13. The service was great, and the waiters were nice. ____________

14. The university sent me a letter of acceptance. ____________

15. He was be very happy with his new family. ____________


University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Revision 1: For questions 1-23, read the sentences carefully and circle the letter of the correct

1. She _____________ my teacher, she was my friend.

(A) didn’t (B) wasn’t (C) did (D) weren’t

2. Identical twins often appear exactly _____________ .

(A) alike (B) same (C) like (D) both

3. I _____________ for the exam but I failed.

(A) studies (B) study (C) didn’t study (D) studied

4. _____________ the summer I plan to go to Spain for the holiday.

(A) On (B) At (C) In (D) With

5. During the winter, Ankara is usually very cold especially _____________ night.
(A) on (B) at (C) in (D) with

6. _____________ your friends play any musical instruments?

(A) Does (B) Do (C) Are (D) Have

7. Sam and his mother _____________ in France.

(A) lives (B) didn’t lived (C) doesn’t live (D) live

8. _____________ is the man standing next to the wall?

(A) What (B) Who (C) How many (D) When

9. The manager _____________ on the phone at the moment.

(A) is talking (B) talks (C) are talking (D) talked

10. _____________ your class at nine o’clock yesterday?

(A) Is (B) Are (C) Were (D) Was

11. How many hours _____________ the flight?

(A) were (B) are (C) was (D) isn’t

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
12. _____________ you visiting your uncle tomorrow?
(A) Are (B) Were (C) When (D) Where

13. The students are studying English _____________ now.

(A) right (B) on (C) at (D) of

14. Who _____________ the answer to this question?

(A) is (B) was (C) knows (D) know

15. A: _____________ city are you from?

B: We are from Chicago.
(A) What (B) Where (C) When (D) Whose

16. She is originally from _____________ .

(A) Canadian (B) Chinese (C) Argentina (D) British

17. How _____________ bread do we need?

(A) many (B) are (C) is (D) much

18. There isn’t _____________ cheese in the fridge.

(A) a (B) any (C) some (D) many

19. _____________ Luke watching TV right now?

(A) Is (B) Do (C) Did (D) Can

20. A: Where _____________ I ride my skateboard around here?

B: Try the park
(A) am (B) can (C) did (D) does

21. She doesn’t have to _____________ late tomorrow.

(A) work (B) worked (C) working (D) works

22. When _____________ he have to call the office?

(A) is (B) can (C) does (D) has

23. How long _____________ your vacation?

(A) were (B) did (C) are (D) was

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
24. A: Could you please help me clean the kitchen?
B: I am afraid I can’t help you because I _____________ to finish my homework.
(A) try (B) tried (C) am trying (D) can try

Revision 2: For questions 1-18, choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is
not correct.

1. These are my friends and their names is Susan and Bill.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. My uncle and his wife live here and their house are next to our house.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. This’s my friend Nick. He is a pilot.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

4. Mr Johnson and his wife are at the shopping centre in Sunday mornings at twelve.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. Janes birthday party is at noon on Saturday and she is very excited about it.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. His last name is Wilson and his parent’s are from Canada but they are in Italy now.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

7. My sister and I am at home now but our parents are on holiday in Spain.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

8. How many brothers and sisters does she has?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

9. How many child do Chinese families usually have?

(A) (B) (C) (D)
10. She goes to jazz concerts and has lots of CD of jazz musicians.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
11. Next week our boss is travel to Germany for a trip.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

12. The children are have great time at the fun fair right now.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

13. There are milk and oil in the fridge.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

14. Tina and Jack are able to speak French before they were eight.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

15. Mr Davis couldn’t was there yesterday because he had an appointment.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

16. I am knowing you are working very hard these days.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

17. I see the kids through the window at there moment.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

18. The little child breaking the vase in the living room.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

19. I didn’t saw the bin in front of me and I fell over.

(A) (B) (C) (D)


University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Ex. 1: For questions 1-5, rewrite the sentences. Use object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, or

1. I didn’t see Carlos. _____I didn’t see him_____ .

2. Katy bought a car last year. _________________________________ .

3. I talked to Bill and Carlos. _________________________________ .

4. I didn’t see Carlos’s wife _________________________________ .

5. Bill loves chocolate. _________________________________ .

6. Bill talked to me and my friend. _________________________________ .

Ex. 2: For questions 1-7, complete the conversations. Use object pronouns (me, you,him her, it,
us, or them).

1. A: Here, Bill. This gift is for ______you______ .

B: Thanks a lot.

2. A: Is this gift appropriate for Bill?

B: Yes, I think it is OK to give _____________ chocolate.

3. A: How did you get there? Did Kathy give _____________ a ride?
B: No, Carlos brought _____________ .

4. A: You walked all the way here? You’re kidding! I don’t believe _____________ .
B: It’s true. Walking is nice. I love _____________ .

5. A: Carlos, can I use your cell phone?

B: I don’t have _____________ here.

6. A: Does Carlos know your wife?

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
B: Yes, He’s talking to _____________ right now.

7. A: Tomiko, do you like these earrings?

B: Yes, I like _____________ very much.

8. A: You and your girlfriend did not come to the party.

B: That’s because nobody invited _____________ .

Ex. 3: Read the letter below and correct the mistakes. There are seven mistakes. The first mistake
has already been corrected.

Dear Anne,

Thank you for inviting we us to the party. The children and me had a great time. The games were
great. The kids loved they.

Did Bob and Sally find the gifts? They left it in their room. Did Bob like the tennis racket? I bought it
from the Central Sports for he. I got Sally’s soccer ball there too. Does her still play soccer? (I know
you said “No gifts”, but what’s a birthday without gifts?)

Why don’t us meet one day for lunch? Give me a call.

Talk to you soon,


Ex. 4: For questions 1-8, complete the conversation. Use the pronouns in the box.

Him her I you he me (X2) them your

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Carlos: Kathy, you’re an American. What is a good gift?
Kathy: For what?
Carlos: For the party at Bill’s house on Saturday. I want to get (0) _____him______ a gift.
Kathy: Right. Let (1) _____________ think.
Carlos: How about flowers?
Kathy: Well, I suppose so. But you don’t usually give flowers to a man.
Carlos: (2) _____________ has a wife. Can I give them to (3) _____________ ?
Kathy: Hımm. I’m not sure.
Carlos: What about a CD of some cool Latin music? I know he likes music.
Kathy: No. Not Appropriate. You don’t give (4) _____________ boss a CD.
Carlos: Well, what do you suggest?
Kathy: Why don’t you give them some chocolates? He’s always eating (5) ___________ at his desk.
Carlos: OK, good idea. A box of chocolates. Now, another question.
Kathy: What?
Carlos: Tomiko and (6) _____________ need a ride to the party.
Kathy: For a price.
Carlos: For a price? What do you mean?
Kathy: Get (7) _____________ a box of chocolates too.
Carlos: I don’t believe you. You’re no serious, are you?
Kathy: No, just kidding! I’ll pick (8) _____________ up at 6:30 on Saturday.

Ex. 5: For questions 1-10, fill in the blanks with comparative form of the adjectives in

1. Laura is _____taller_____ than Lisa. (tall)

2. Paul is _____________ than his sister. (clever)

3. My friends are _____________ than me. (extrovert)

4. I‘m _____________ today than I was yesterday. (happy)

5. Laura is _____________ at maths than me. (good)

6. Martin is much _____________ than his father. (handsome)

7. This car is _____________ than yours. (fast)

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

8. This dress is _____________ than the one we saw yesterday. (expensive)

9. Mark lives _____________ from the school than me. (far)

10. Thomas is much _____________ than his wife. (old)

11. It is _____________ today than it was yesterday. (hot)

Ex. 6: Read the conversation below and find and correct the eight mistakes. The first mistake has
already been corrected.

Barney: So how’s your new apartment? Is it more good (better) than your old one?
Robin: Yes, it is. It’s biger and more cheap.
Barney: And where is it? Is the location good?
Robin: Oh, yeah. It’s near the train station, so it’s more easy for me to get to work. And I like the
neighborhood too. It has a lot of trees and is beautifuler. It’s also more cleaner.
Barney: How many bedrooms are there in your apartment?
Robin: Well, there are three bedrooms. One bedroom is smaller from the other two. It’s noisyer
too. But the rest of the apartment is perfect. Why don’t you come and see this weekend?
Barney: That sounds like a good idea.

Ex. 7: For questions 1-17, circle the correct option.

1. Which boy is _____________ ? Henry or Frank?

(A) young (B) the young (C) younger

2. Paul isn’t _____________ than Jimmy.

(A) the strong (B) stronger (C) strong

3. The River Nile is _____________ than Missisipi.

(A) long (B) very long (C) longer

4. February is _____________ than January.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
(A) short (B) the short (C) shorter

5. Shakespeare was _____________ than Bernard Shaw as a play writer.

(A) good (B) better (C) very good

6. Tea is _____________ than coffee in Turkey.

(A) popular (B) the popular (C) more popular

7. The continent of Australia is _____________ than any other continent around the world.
(A) the small (B) small (C) smaller

8. Don’t you think boxing is _____________ than wrestling?

(A) exciting (B) more exciting (C) excited

9. Chess is _____________ than backgammon.

(A) more difficult (B) difficult (C) very difficult

10. My car is _____________ thanyour car.

(A) faster (B) fast (C) very fast

11. Jupiter is _____________ than other planets in the solar system.

(A) very big (B) big (C) bigger

12. I think Physics is _____________ than Maths.

(A) boring (B) more boring (C) bored

13. His computer is _____________ than my computer.

(A) very bad (B) bad (C) worse

14. İstanbul is _____________ than Ankara.

(A) crowded (B) less crowded (C) more crowded

15. Isabelle is _____________ than the other students in class.

(A) successful (B) the successful (C) more successful
16. My grandfather is _____________ than my grandmother.
(A) very old (B) older (C) old

17. A dolphin is _____________ than a whale.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
(A) more intelligent (B) intelligent (C) very intelligent

Ex. 8: Read the conversation below and find 6 mistakes and correct them. The first mistake has
already been corrected.

Lily: Did you guys buy anything nice on the trip?

Robin: Well, Ted bought a new stamp for his collection. And I found these three blouses in an open
air market. This pink one was cheapest one the cheapest one I saw, and it was also prettier

Lily: Yes, it is pretty. Actually I think that red one is the beautifulest.

Robin: Really? It was also the expensive one they had.

Lily: Oh! Wait! This white one is really beautiful too! Hımm, it is also the smaller one. It looks too
small for you.

Robin: You’re right I bought it for you. I had to bring something home for best friend.

Lily: Oh Robin! That’s so kind of you. I love it. Thanks!

Robin: You’re welcome.


Revision 1: For the sentences 1-6, match each of them with the sentences a-f which expresses a

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Department of Foreign Languages
similar idea.

1. She’s far lazier than anyone else. ______ a. She doesn’t work nearly as much as she
2. She works a lot less than she ought to. would.
______ b. She has fewer difficulties than before.
3. She’s not quite as lazy as she used to be. c. Everyone works much harder than her.
______ d. She is more successful when she works
4. She doesn’t have as many problems as harder.
she used to. ______ e. She is slightly more hardworking than
5. She’s the least successful student in the before.
class. ______ f. No one does as badly as she does.
6. The more she works, the more success
she has. ______

Revision 2: For questions 1-5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word in bold.

10. The film wasn’t nearly as good as I thought it would be. far
The film _____________________________________ I thought it would be.

11. She’s happier than she used to be. sad

She isn’t _____________________________________ was before.

12. I have never had such a boring time on holiday! enjoyable

This is _____________________________________ holiday I’ve ever had.

13. If you work harder now, you won’t have to do so much later. the
The harder _____________________________________ you will have to do later.

14. Kate has slightly more experience than the others. quite
The others don’t have _____________________________________ Kate.

Ex. 1: For questions 1-10, rewrite the sentences using “can”, “could”, “should”, or “have to”, as in

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Department of Foreign Languages
the example.

1. It’s her fault that she always loses her watch. She doesn’t look after it.
________She should look after her watch_________ .

2. Don’t call me when I’m at work. My boss gets angry with me.
You _____________________________________________________________________ .

3. Our school has rules. It is students’ responsibility to respect the teachers.

Students _________________________________________________________________ .

4. It is wrong of you to take some money from my purse without asking.

You _____________________________________________________________________ .

5. You don’t have to walk all the way from home. There are cabs around.
You _____________________________________________________________________ .

6. Don’t expect someone to wash your dishes. Do it yourself.

You _____________________________________________________________________ .

7. Students aren’t allowed to smoke in the canteen.

Students _________________________________________________________________ .

8. If you know something about the new place, you’re free to share it with the group.
If you know something about the new place, ____________________________________ .

9. You seem unhappy with your job. You are free to leave whenever you want.
You _____________________________________________________________________ .

10. I think she’s wrong to make promises which she doesn’t keep.
She _____________________________________________________________________ .

11. There is some evidence against him. It is possible that he is the killer.
He ______________________________________________________________________ .
Ex. 2: For questions 1-10, rewrite the sentences using the words in bold.

1. What are your plans for tomorrow? doing

_______What are you doing tomorrow_________ ?

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Department of Foreign Languages
2. Who do you think will win the competition? going
__________________________________________________________________________ ?

3. Don’t worry! You aren’t going to work tomorrow. will

__________________________________________________________________________ .

4. I arranged to take the day off tomorrow. taking

__________________________________________________________________________ .

5. The flight will leave Naples at 18.30 and arrive in London at 20:25. leaves
__________________________________________________________________________ .

6. Do you intend to sell your bike at the end of the summer? going
__________________________________________________________________________ ?

7. It’s going to be really difficult to get there by nine. will

__________________________________________________________________________ ?

8. The exam will start at 9.00 and the doors to the exam room will close at 8:50. starts
__________________________________________________________________________ .

9. Finally, we found a nice trip to Beijing. We leave next week at 12.00 on Monday. going
__________________________________________________________________________ .

10. I’m really excited. We will get married tomorrow! getting

__________________________________________________________________________ .

11. Do you know that Ajda Pekkan will have another aesthetic surgery to look younger? having
__________________________________________________________________________ ?

Ex. 3: What can you say for these situations. Use “can” or “could”.

1. You are carrying a heavy box and you can’t open the door. There’s somebody at the door.
You say:
_______________Could you open the door, please__________________ ? (open)

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Department of Foreign Languages

2. While you are studying Science, your mother is listening to the radio loudly so you can’t
concentrate on it:
__________________________________________________________________ ? (turn down)

3. You’re eating lunch, but your meal isn’t salty enough, so ask someone for the salt on the table.
______________________________________________________________________ ? (pass)

4. Your friend can’t solve a math problem and you think you can do it:
_______________________________________________________________________ ? (help)

5. You need to phone your friend, Henry, but don’t have his phone number. You know Anne has
_______________________________________________________________________ ? (give)

6. You are looking at the menu in a restaurant. You want some tomato soup, so you say to the
______________________________________________________________________ ? (have)


Revision 1: For questions 1-20, read the questions and circle the correct answer.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
1. Victoria: “I ___________ my hand (C) is going to
yesterday.” (D) should
Albert: How did you do that?
(A) cut 6. They ___________ animals. They have a
(B) am going to cut dog, three cats and two birds.
(C) was cut (A) like
(D) am cut (B) are liking
(C) liked
2. This program isn’t for children. You (D) are going to like
___________ turn off the TV.
(A) are going to 7. They ___________ to the cinema three
(B) X times last week.
(C) should (A) went
(D) could go (B) were going
(C) go
3. We ___________ to the concert (D) are going
tomorrow night. I bought the tickets
yesterday. 8. “Are you hungry?” “No, but I
(A) are going ___________ thirsty. Can I have a glass of
(B) go water?”
(C) went (A) am
(D) could (B) am going to be
(C) was
4. My cousin is a captain, and he travels a (D) were
lot. Every year, he ___________ many
around the world.
(A) is going to visit 9. She can’t come with us now. She
(B) visited ___________ at home.
(C) visits (A) studies
(D) is visiting (B) studied
(C) is studying
5. Kate: It’s raining heavily outside. I think (D) was studied
we should stay at home.
Jack: Let’s wait a while. It ___________ 10. What time ___________ your father
stop. ___________ his work in the evenings?
(A) could (A) is / finishing
(B) is able to (B) did / finish

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Department of Foreign Languages
(C) is / going to finish (D) any
(D) does / finish
16. Blair: There are many cameras at CNBC
11. Fernando: Who ___________ milkshake studio.
after dinner? Serena: ___________ camera do they use
Rosalinda: Of course, I ___________ . to record us?
(A) is going to want / am going to want (A) Where
(B) wanted / did (B) Which
(C) wants / do (C) What
(D) is wanting / am (D) Who

12. This tree is very beautiful. ___________ 17. ___________ day is today?
leaves are very attractive, aren’t they? (A) Which
(A) Her (B) When
(B) Their (C) Where
(C) Its (D) What
(D) They
18. It was a very cold day yesterday. It was
13. I saw Paul in the morning; he got ___________ than any day of the year.
___________ the car and drove away. (A) colder
(A) on (B) the cold
(B) in (C) very cold
(C) at (D) cold
(D) off

19. Do you think money is ___________

14. Did they invite you to ___________ important than health?
wedding? (A) the
(A) Lily and Marshalls’ (B) more
(B) Lilly and Marshall (C) very
(C) Lily and Marshall’s (D) the same
(D) Lily and Marshalls
20. Doctor: ___________ coffee do you have
15. Hey listen to me! I learned ___________ every day?
good news. We are getting richer! Ashley: I have ___________ coffee in a
(A) a day.
(B) an (A) how long / three cans of
(C) some (B) how many /a tube of

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Department of Foreign Languages
(C) how far / two glasses of
(D) how much / five cups of

21. There are some ___________ flowers in

your garden.
(A) the beautiful
(B) more beautiful
(C) beautiful
(D) beauty

Revision 2: For questions 1-5, start the sentences with “I think, you should” or “I don’t think, you

1. It’s getting late. (we / go home now)

_________I think we should go home now__________ .

1. This hat is too large for you. (buy / it)

________I don’t think you should buy it___________.

1. My father has the flu. (work today)

_____________________________________________________________________ .

2. You work too hard and need a rest. (have a holiday)

_____________________________________________________________________ .

3. The hotel is very expensive for them and it is not comfortable. (stay there)
_____________________________________________________________________ .

4. Elizabeth doesn’t feel well today. (see her doctor)

_____________________________________________________________________ .

5. Mary is quickly putting on weight. (eat less junk food)

_____________________________________________________________________ .

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Department of Foreign Languages

Revision 3: For questions 1-8, read the text below and circle the correct answer.

Choosing a Gym

Going to a gym regularly (0) ____B____ your life for the better. Don’t let it be a wrong decision!
Good gyms have many opportunities. They (1) __________ have exercise equipment that is very
expensive to buy. You (2) __________ work with professionals who give you useful information
about how to stay fit. They also provide you (3) __________ fitness and health advice.
It is always good to look at the facilities of the gym. Before becoming a member of a gym, you
(4) __________ look around and try to find the best one. Another important point is the money!
You should ask (5) __________ they want for a month.
Gyms usually (6) __________ until 20.00, but it is not fixed. So you should be careful about your
work hours and the closing time of the gym. You (7) __________ to pay for a gym that you cannot
go because of your work!
It is hard to spare time for gym, but it is necessary for a healthy life. It is certain that gym is a
(8) __________ option than TV for your body than gym!

1. (A) changed (B) changes (C) was changed (D) did change
1. (A) usually (B) never (C) hardly ever (D) occasionally
2. (A) X (B) can (C) have to (D) had better
3. (A) some (B) any (C) many (D) a
4. (A) have to (B) are able to (C) could (D) should
5. (A) how long (B) how much (C) how many (D) what
6. (A) are working (B) are going to work (C) work (D) worked
7. (A) can’t want (B) don’t want (C) shouldn’t want (D) didn’t want
8. (A) worse (B) better (C) more good (D) X

Revision 4: For questions 1-10, circle the letter of the underlined word or group of words which is
not correct. Write “OK” if the sentence is correct.

1. My uncle’s house is more larger than our house is.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
2. Getting a visa to a European country is more difficult than before.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. The Sheraton is the most comfortable hotel than in the town.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

4. Judy works harder than of anyone in the office.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. Living in the country is much more peaceful that living in the city.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. The teacher could give us further information about the test.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

7. I’m sorry that I had to leave the party early last night.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

8. He is teaching at this school at least fifteen years ago.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

9. We are taking three exams this week, and we are going to take five more next week.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

10. He says he isn’t understanding what I am trying to explain to him.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

11. Brain is never punctual. He usually is late for the school.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Revision 5: For questions 1-20, unscramble the sentences. Pay attention to the correct usage of
The Simple Present Tense and The Adverbs of Frequency.

1. brother / watch / my / rarely / cartoons.

_______My brother rarely watches cartoons_________ .

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Department of Foreign Languages
2. Joe / chess / and / Tom / always / play
_______________________________________________________________________ .

3. have / ice cream and milk shake / always / we / when / go / we / shopping / in / the same café
_______________________________________________________________________ .

4. be / Mark / at home / in the mornings / sometimes // read/ he / always / newspaper / rest/and

_______________________________________________________________________ .

5. late / work / be / Sally / never / for // on time / always / she / be

_______________________________________________________________________ .

6. boyfriend / be / always / my / polite / very

_______________________________________________________________________ .

7. usually / have / Ben / for / toast / breakfast / big / a

_______________________________________________________________________ .

8. often / I / dinner / my / cook / for / husband

_______________________________________________________________________ .

9. here / rarely / it / rain

_______________________________________________________________________ .

10. late / the / always / be / bus

_______________________________________________________________________ .

11. swimming / Stuart / often / weekends / at / go / the

_______________________________________________________________________ .

12. neighbour / to / car / our / always / by / work / go

_______________________________________________________________________ .

13. have / dinner / usually / six / they / at / o’clock

_______________________________________________________________________ .

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Department of Foreign Languages
14. Sam / after / twelve / go to bed / rarely / o’clock
_______________________________________________________________________ .

15. usually / be / cold / it / winter / in / here / very

_______________________________________________________________________ .

16. forget / never / they / their / wedding / anniversary

_______________________________________________________________________ .

17. elevator / be / full / this / occasionally

_______________________________________________________________________ .

18. dinner / Dorothy / sweet / eat / generally / after

_______________________________________________________________________ .

19. Doctor Who / in /once / travel/time/ a week

_______________________________________________________________________ .

20. every/ soldiers/ camping/ week/ other/ go

_______________________________________________________________________ .

21. fail/ he/ hardly ever/ study/ he / because / all the courses
_______________________________________________________________________ .

Revision 6: For questions 1-10, complete the conversation with “can”, “could”, “will”, “be going
to” and “the simple present tense”. For some questions, more than one answer is possible.

Rose:We’re making colorful cards. We (0) ____are going to send___ (send) them to the
competition and we can use them for charity.
Jack: I love the idea of making cards. Whose idea was it?

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Rose:It was mine and Fernando’s. We think we (1) ________________________ (win) the class
Jack: And then I’m sure the local newspaper (2) ________________________ (print) our card!
What (3) ______________ you ______________ (draw) on your card?
Rose:We (4) ________________________ (draw) flamenco dancers so it (5) __________________
(look) very Spanish.
Jack: This charity sale (6) ________________________ (be) a good idea!
Rose:Yes. We think we (7) ________________________ (raise) a lot of money. And we are not
going to stop there! We (8) ________________________ (collect) toys for poor children.
Jack: Well done! I’m sure the children (9) ________________________ (enjoy) playing with them.
Rose:Thank you! You (10) ________________________ (join) us if you want!

Revision 7: For questions 1-12, use the words in the box only once to complete the sentences.
The meaning of the sentences will help you.

able can’t could had have might

must needn’t mustn’t ought should will

1. I ______________ have left my bag on the bus. Expressing certainty

2. In a few months, I’ll be ______________ to buy a car. Expressing future ability

3. I ______________ drive when I was thirteen years old! Expressing past ability

4. No, you ______________ have any more pocket money! Refusing a request

5. I think you ______________ consider a career in armed forces. Giving advice

6. I ______________ forget to phone Julie tonight! Expressing personal obligation

7. I _____________ to have a filling at the dentist’s. Expressing external obligation in the past

8. You don’t ______________ to do Exercise D for homework. Expressing a lack of obligation

9. You ______________ have to work a lot harder if you want to get a good report.
Expressing future obligation

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Department of Foreign Languages
10. They ______________ to arrive at about 8. Expressing probability

11. Sean ______________ have got stuck in traffic. Expressing possibility

12. I ______________ have worried so much about Jan’s present. She loved it!
Expressing a lack of past obligation

Revision 8: For question 1-8, choose the correct answer.

1.I ______________ around the world one day.

(A)travel (C)am travelling
(B)am going to travel (D)travelled

2.Do you think Curtis ______________ the car race tomorrow?

(A)will win (C)am travelling
(B)wins (D)won

3.What’s the weather like ______________ Russia at the moment?

(A) on (C) in
(B) at (D) to

4.I can’t come to your party because I ______________ my cousin that week.
(A)visit (C)visited
(B)will visit (D)am visiting

5.I think there is a picture of the hotel ______________ the first page.
(A)on (C) in
(B) at (D) to
6.We usually go away somewhere on holiday ______________ New Year.
(A)on (C) in
(B) at (D) to

7.Watch out, or you ______________ of the boat.

(A)fall (C)are falling
(B)are going to fall (D)fell

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Department of Foreign Languages

8.It’s my birthday ______________ Friday, so we‘re spending the weekend in London.

(A)on (C) in
(B) at (D) to


Ex. 1: For questions1-15, complete the blanks on the chart with the correct form of the adjectives.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Adjective Comparative form Superlative form

much / many

Ex. 2: For questions 1-9, complete the blanks with comparative form of the adjectives in
parenthesis. Use “than” if necessary.

0. Paris is _____more beautiful than_____ (beautiful) Tokyo.

00. Alice’s hair is _____longer than_____ (long) Sam’s.

1. Eiffel Tower is _____________________ (high) than Pizza tower.

2. Sally is ________________________ (hardworking) than Alice.

3. Frank can run ________________________ (fast) than Cameron.

4. Camping is ________________________ (good) than going to the cinema.

5. Aisha has got ________________________ (much) money than Fatima.

6. Going to Hawaii is ________________________ (easy) going to Bahamas.

7. Japan technology is ________________________ (developed) Greek technology.

8. Porsche is ________________________ (expensive) than BMW.

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Department of Foreign Languages

9. O’Neil is ________________________ (tall) Johnson.

10. Angeline Jolie is ________________________ (beautiful) Julia Roberts.

Ex. 3: For questions 1-10, complete the blanks with superlative form of the adjectives in

1. Ellen is _______the most beautiful______ (beautiful) girl in the class.

1. David is ________________________ (handsome) boy at school.

2. Susan’s grades are ________________________ (bad) in the class.

3. Of all the students’ in the class, Mike’s house is ________________________ (far).

4. Freddy can solve ________________________ (difficult) question of the exam.

5. Rebecca’s meals are ________________________ (delicious) ones of all.

6. Husain Bold is ________________________ (fast) athlete in the races.

7. Our teacher knows ________________________ (good).

8. This dress is ________________________ (expensive) one of the collection.

9. William is ________________________ (conservative) person of loyal family.

10. Derek is ________________________ (careful) driver among the drivers of the company.

Ex. 4: For questions 1-14, complete the blanks with comparative or superlative forms of the
adjectives in parentheses.

Dear Diary,

Today is (0) _____the most wonderful______ (wonderful) day of my life. I met with a beautiful girl
in the company. Her name is Jasmine. It is the name I like the (1) __________________ (much). Her

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
eyes are (2) __________________ (beautiful) ones in the world. She is (3) __________________
(nice) woman of the company. She is also (4) __________________ (popular) than the others.
Everyone loves her. She is (5) __________________ (tall) girl in her office and also (6)
__________________ (slim) one. She is also (7) __________________ (practical) than the others. I
think, I terribly fell in love with her. I spend time thinking of her (8) __________________ (much)
than anyone else. I find her number and I call her (9) __________________ (frequently) than my
friends. Talking with her is (10) __________________ (exciting) than flying to the moon. I started to
think (11) __________________ (positively). I can wake up (12) ___________________ (early) in
the mornings. I fell myself as I am (13) __________________ (happy) creature on the Earth. Days
pass (14) __________________ (quickly) than ever. Oh my old friend, my dearie diary, how
beautiful the life is!

Ex. 5: For questions 1-9, complete the conversation between a waiter and a customer using “too”
or “enough”.

W: Welcome Sir. Would you like to have something?

C: Yes, I want to drink a glass of orange juice. The weather is (0) _____too_____hot to drink
something hot.
W: Of course sir! After a while…..

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
W: Here you are Sir, your orange juice.
C: Iggh! It is not cold (1) _______________ It tastes (2) _______________ terrible. Isn’t it fresh?
W: No Sir, there must be a mistake. We squeezed it almost 5 minutes ago.
C: I taste it and it isn’t tasty (3) _______________ to drink.
W: Take it and give me a portion of baklava.
C: Well sir, I’ll be right back. And …
W: Here you are Sir. Good Appetite!
C: Waiteeeer!
W: Yes Sir! Would you like to give any other order?
C: Of course not! Baklava is (4) _______________ sweet .I cannot eat it so take it! I want the
W: OK, Sir! It is 10 TL.
C: Excuse me! It is (5) _______________ expensive.
W: Sorry Sir, but enough! Orange juice was good (6) __________ . I was patient (7) __________
so the service was fast (8) _______________ . But, you were (9) _______________ rude and
malcontent. Then, pay the check and go out please. Right now!

Ex. 6: For questions 1-7,complete the answers to the questions. Use too or enough + word(s) in
2. A: Are they going to get married?
B: No, they are not ______old enough to get married______. (old)

1. A: I need to talk to you about something.

B: Well, I am afraid I ‘m _______________________________ to you now. (busy)

2. A: Let’s go to the cinema.

B: No, It’s _______________________________ to the cinema. (late)

3. A: Why don’t we sit outside?

B: It’s not _______________________________ outside. (warm)
4. A: Would you like to be a politician?
B: No, I’m _______________________________ a politician. (shy)

5. A: Would you like to be a teacher?

B: No, I haven’t got _______________________________ a teacher. (patience)

6. A: Did you hear what he was saying?

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
B: No, we were_______________________________ what he was saying. (far away)

7. A: Can he read a newspaper in English?

B: No, he doesn’t know_______________________________ a newspaper.(English)

Ex. 7: For questions 1-7, make one sentence from two. Complete the sentence using “too” or

1. We couldn’t carry the boxes. They were too heavy.

_______The boxes are too heavy to carry_______ .

1. I can’t drink this coffee. It is too hot.

This coffee is ______________________________________________________________ .

2. Nobody could move the piano. It was too heavy.

The piano _________________________________________________________________ .

3. Don’t eat these apples. They are not ripe enough.

These apples ______________________________________________________________ .

4. I can’t explain the situation. It is too complicated.

The situation ______________________________________________________________ .

5. We couldn’t climb over the wall. It was too high.

The wall __________________________________________________________________ .

6. Three people can’t sit on this sofa. It isn’t big enough.

This sofa ______________________________________________________________ .

7. You cannot see some things without a microscope. They are too small.
Some ______________________________________________________________ .
Ex. 8: For questions 1-15, complete the blanks with “very” or “too”.

1. The skirt is ______too______ short to wear in an job interview.

2. USA is ____________________ far to reach at 2 hours even by airway.

3. This book is ____________________ good , I recommend you to read.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

4. Writing fast on computer is ____________________ difficult but I can write 100 words per a

5. Sun is ____________________ bright to look at it with naked eyes.

6. She is speaking ____________________ fluently so I can listen her nonstop forever.

7. Poverty is a ____________________ serious problem in Africa.

8. My mother makes ____________________ good cakes.

9. He is dancing ____________________ well I admire at him.

10. The screen is ____________________ blurred to watch the film.

11. Sam is ____________________ precise to go camping.

12. Harry is ____________________ handsome. I think Julia will fall in love with him.

13. Samantha plays her role ____________________ persuasively.

14. Alice is ____________________ clever;he may even be a genius.

15. Jacob solves problems ____________________ fast so he makes a lot of mistakes.

16. Freddy is ____________________ scary to choose as a mascot for a nursery school.

Ex. 9: For questions 1-10, read the sentences and look carefully at each line. There is a mistake in
each sentence. Find the mistake and write the correct sentences into the space provided.

1. We are crowded enough too to give a party.

__________We are crowded enough to give a party__________ .

2. My hair dresser is enough busy to cut my hair.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
________________________________________________________________________ .

3. Angel is too hardworking. She won’t fail the exam.

________________________________________________________________________ .

4. Merry is enough friendly, everyone loves her.

________________________________________________________________________ .

5. My office assistant is too practical, she can manage everything in the office quickly.
________________________________________________________________________ .

6. Taxi driver was too careful so we felt ourselves safe.

________________________________________________________________________ .

7. Our customers are too kind.

________________________________________________________________________ .
8. The meal was disgusting enough to eat.
________________________________________________________________________ .

9. Flowers were too beautiful and I bought for my mum.

________________________________________________________________________ .

10. Drawing money from ATM sometimes can be enough difficult for old people.
________________________________________________________________________ .

11. Nelly was very impatient to wait for the next buss so she went by taxi.
________________________________________________________________________ .


Revision 1: For questions 1-9, circle the correct word.

Crime Does Pay, the (1) later / latest comedy from director Sam Martin, has to be one of the (2)
little / least interesting films I have ever seen. The acting is terrible and the story is much (3) worse /

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
worst than Martin’s other flop, Escape. Crime Does Pay was apparently (4) more / most expensive
than any other film this year, but it’s hard to see where the money went. The plot concerns a gang of
burglars who decide to steal the (5) more / most valuable painting in the world. Fine, except these
criminals are far (6) less / least amusing than they should be. There isn’t a single real laugh in the
whole movie. when I saw it, even (7) younger / youngest members of the audience thought it was
stupidly childish. Dean Richards, playing Scarnose, does a slightly (8) better / best job than the
others, but there isn’t much in it. When will Hollywood realize that as ticket prices get (9) higher /
highest, more people are finding that the (10) well / best form of entertainment is to spend an
evening at home with a DVD?

Revision 2: For questions 1-10, complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1. I have never read a better book than this one. ever

This is the ______________________________________________________________ read.

2. Nobody has ever been this far into the jungle. the
This is _______________________________________________ has ever been into the jungle.

3. I have never worked so hard in my whole life. ever

It was the _______________________________________________________ in my whole life.

4. Liam is the tallest boy in the class. than

Every other boy in the class __________________________________________________ Liam.

5. This is the nicest beach along this part of the coast. than
This __________________________________________ the others along this part of the coast.

6. I read that Mount Everest is the highest mountain. no

I read that ________________________________________________________ Mount Everest.
7. Has anyone ever been this far north before? the
Is ______________________________________________________________ has ever been?

8. The painting Ed did is the ugliest one you can imagine. than
You can’t imagine __________________________________________________ the one Ed did.

9. This stamp is rarer than any other in my collection. more

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
The other stamps in my collection __________________________________________ this one.

10. Nobody in the class runs as fast as Pedro. runner

Pedro ______________________________________________________________ in the class.

Revision 3: For questions 1-10, circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I don’t think there’s enough pizza / pizza enough for everyone.

2. I’m afraid you’re not enough old / old enough to see this film.

3. Luckily, we got to the box office enough early / early enough and got the tickets.

4. Anne’s enough sensible / sensible enough to realize she needs to work hard this year.

5. If you don’t train enough hard / hard enough, you will never win the race.

6. Have you enough credits / credits enough to call Yiota on your mobile?

7. It should be enough warm / warm enough for a picnic this weekend.

8. I don’t think I’m good enough for getting / to get into the swimming team.

9. Are you sure you’ve got enough chairs for us all to sit down / we all sit down?

10. In mountaineering, you have to be strong enough for pull / to pull yourself up with your

Revision 4: For questions 1-10, choose the correct answer.

1. It was _________________ windy that I couldn’t stand up!

(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
2. Everyone had _________________ a good time when we went bowling that we agreed to go
(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

3. Emma and Karen used to be _________________ good friends that I’m surprised they don’t get
on now.
(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

4. I hope I’ve got _________________ money to pay for this meal!

(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

5. I’m sorry, but I’ve got _________________ much work to do to come to the beach today.
(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

6. My mum was _________________ angry that I knew I’d better disappear for a while.
(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

7. They were _________________ beautiful shoes that I decided I had to get them.
(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

8. The earthquake was _________________ powerful that the town was destroyed.
(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

9. The shot was _________________ quick for the goalkeeper and the ball hit the back of the net.
(A) so (C) enough
(B) such (D) too

10. I had _________________ a bad headache that I went to lie down for a while.
(A) so (B) such

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
(C) enough (D) too

Revision 5: For question 1-9, complete the paragraph using “so”, “such”, or “too”.

Crime Stoppers

Hello, and welcome to Crimestoppers, the show that lets you, the viewer, help the police. We’ve
had (1) _________________ a lot of letters this week that it’s difficult to know where to begin.
We’ll start with the story of Mrs. Pat Williams, of Cambridge. Last Friday, Pat decided to go into
town with her baby daughter. It’s (2) _________________ far to walk so they went to the bus stop.
They waited (3) _________________ a long time that baby Caroline started to cry. Pat picked the
Baby up out of the pram and she was (4) _________________ busy she didn’t notice the man
beside her until it was (5) _________________ late. He grabbed her handbag and ran off (6)
_________________ quickly for her to catch him. It all happened (7) _________________
fast that there was nothing anyone could do. Police are appealing for witnesses. Maybe you were in
the area. Maybe you think that what you saw is (8) _________________ unimportant the police
won’t be interested. Remember that no detail is (9) _________________ small to be useful to the
police. Call us here at Crimestoppers now.

Revision 6.: For questions 1-9, complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1. Police said there hadn’t been a crime as bad as this in over ten years. the
Police described it __________________________________________________ over ten years.

2. Some people don’t respect the law. have

Some people __________________________________________________ the law.

3. The laws in some countries are so strict that people have very little freedom. such
Some countries ______________________________________ people have very little freedom.

4. The girl was too young to go to prison. old

The girl __________________________________________________ to go to prison.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
5. The witness thought I was the thief, but realized that she was wrong. for
The witness ________________________________________, but realized that she was wrong.

6. Nobody in the country knows the law as well as Mr. Parkhurst. than
Mr Parkhurst knows the law __________________________________________ in the country.

7. There have been so many robberies lately that people are afraid. such
There have been _______________________________ robberies lately that people are afraid.

8. Even though we weren’t old enough, we managed to get into the night club. too
Even though we _______________________________, we managed to get into the night club.

9. The judge told the jury to consider the man’s past life. account
The judge told the jury to ________________________________________ the man’s past life.

Revision 7: For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer.

1. I had __________________ a bad time in prison that I never want to go there again.
(A) too (C) such
(B) so (D) quite
2. One problem is that we don’t have __________________ officers on the streets.
(A) so a lot of (C) enough
(B) too many (D) such many

3. I can’t get a car yet because I’m not __________________ to drive.

(A) enough old (C) so old
(B) quite old (D) old enough

4. some crimes seem to be __________________ in this country than in others.

(A) much less common (C) too little common
(B) at least common (D) little common enough
5. Police blamed the robberies __________________ a local gang.
(A) with (C) for
(B) on (D) to

6. My grandma says there was __________________ a lot of crime when she was young that
nobody trusted anybody else.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
(A) too (C) such
(B) so (D) quite

7. It became __________________ as I walked home and I began to get slightly nervous.

(A) enough dark (C) quite dark
(B) such dark (D) so dark enough


Ex. 1: For questions 1-16, complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in parentheses.
Use the Simple Present Tense or Present Continuous Tense.

1. Usually, I _____work_____ (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I __am studying__
(study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.
1. Look! Junko _______________ (jump) into the water.

2. I _______________ (have) lunch in the cafeteria every day.

3. I _______________ (go) to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come?

4. Don't give Jan any cheese. She _______________ (hate) it!

5. You won't find Jerry at home right now. He _______________ (study) in the library.

6. Once a week, I _______________ (go) to an art class at the college.

7. I _______________ (think) you're crazy!

8. It _______________ (snow) quite hard - perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight.

9. Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I _______________ (believe) she comes from France.

10. Every Monday, Sally _______________ (drive) her kids to football practice.

11. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John _______________ (sleep).

12. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It _______________ (rain).

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

13. I hate living in Seattle because it _______________ always _______________ (rain).

14. I'm sorry I can't hear what you _________ (say) because everybody ________ (talk) so loudly.

15. Justin _____________ currently _____________ (write) a book about his adventures in Tibet.

16. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I _______________ (go) to a movie tonight with some friends.

Ex. 2: For questions 1-5, complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in parentheses
using “be going to”.

1. Look at those clouds! It _____is going to rain_____ . Don’t forget to take your umbrella.

2. Where is the bathroom? My hands are too dirty. I ________________________ (wash) them.

3. My father _________________________ (fly) London to attend a conference next week.

4. Sue _________________________ (study) engineering. She wants to be an engineer.

5. Patrick _________________________ (quit) smoking because he wants to be healthy.

6. My friends _________________________ (move) to another city next week.

Ex.3: For questions 1-21, complete the text with the simple past form of the verbs given in the

be begin come drink eat explain feed

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
find (X2) get give go have know learn
meet read seem speak spread tie write

The Mystery of Caspar House

The mystery of Caspar Hause (0) ___began___ in Nuremberg, Germany, about 200 years ago. One
morning, the people of the town (1) ___________ a young man standing alone in the square. He
was holding a piece of paper in his hand. The paper (2) __________ only that he (3) _________ the
son of a soldier. Caspar (4) _____________ how to say a few words and when given a paper and
pencil he (5) _____________ his name, but he (6) _____________ completely ignorant about
everyday life. At first he (7) _____________ only bread and (8) _____________ only water, but he
gradually (9) _____________ used to ordinary meals. He also (10) ____________ to talk properly.
No one ever (11) _____________ out the real truth about his birth, but it is probable that his father
kept him in one small room for the whole of his early life. He (12) ____________ him on bread and
(13) _____________ him water to drink. He (14) _____________ Caspar up and Caspar never (15)
_____________ out, he never (16) ____________ to anyone or (17) ____________ other children.
In spite of this extraordinary childhood, Caspar was not stupid. He (18) _____________ books and
(19) ____________ discussions with teachers and philosophers. News about Caspar (20)
____________ through Europe and visitors (21) ____________ from abroad to meet him.
Unfortunately, he lived only a few years, but his strange life story still fascinates many people.

Ex. 4: For questions 1-15, complete the dialogues with the correct form of the words in
parenthesis. Use the Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous, Will and Simple Past Tense.

A: Why did you (0) ____go____ (go) to the seaside last weekend?
B: Because we like (00) ____sailing_____ (sail) .
A: (1) _____________ you _____________ (know) Brian Bailey?
B: Yes, I (2) _____________ (meet) him two years ago when I was in Germany. (3) ___________
he still _____________ (live) there?
A: Yes, he does. He (4) _____________ (live) in Frankfurt. He (5) _____________ (have got) a
good job there but at the moment he (6) _____________ (work) in London. He’s here for a few
days and I’d like (7) _____________ (invite) him and you for dinner. Can you (8)
_____________ (come)?
B: Yes, I hope so. I’d love (9) _____________ (see) Brian again! When I was in Germany we (10)
_____________ (see) each other quite often because his office was near the school where I
was teaching and so we sometimes (11) _____________ (have) lunch together.
A: Well, what about dinner on Friday?
B: That’s fine. What time?
A: Is 7 o’clock OK? I (12) _____________ (ring) Brian yesterday to check the day, and I (13)
_____________ (ring) him tomorrow to check the time.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
B: Well, 7 o’clock is a bit early for me. I (14) _____________ (have) a staff meeting at 6 o’clock on
Friday. The meeting (15) _____________ (finish) at 7.30. So, I can meet you at 8 o’clock.
A: Fine. See you on Friday then!

Ex. 5: For questions 1-8, choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not
1. Our school have a lot of students this term.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1. I arrive at the airport at ten o’clock last night.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Did you watched the football match on TV last evening?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. I was to the theatre with my friends last weekend.

(A) (B) (C) (D)
4. How many languages does your brother speaks?
(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. The weather forecast says it is going rain tomorrow.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. We are going to had dinner out tonight.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

7. He works at the home because he is a writer.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

8. Our boss went to the United States and he is going return next Tuesday.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Ex. 6: For questions 1-23, complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in parenthesis.

1. I ______haven’t attended_____ (not / attend) any parties since I came here.

2. Al ___________________ (go) to a party at Sally’s apartment last Saturday night.

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
3. Bill ___________________ (arrive) here three days ago.

4. Bill ___________________ (be) here since the 22nd.

5. So far this week, I ___________________ (have) two tests and a quiz.

6. Alex is an artist. He ___________________ (draw) many beautiful pictures in his lifetime. Last
week, he ___________________ (draw) a beautiful mountain scene.

7. Jack really needs to get in touch with you. Since this morning, he ___________________ (call)
here four times trying to reach you.

8. Janet ___________________ (wear) her new blue dress only once since she bought it. She
___________________ (wear) it to her brother’s wedding last month.

9. The night has ended, and it’s daylight now. The sun ___________________ (rise). It
___________________ (rise) at 6:08.

10. Last January, I ___________________ (see) snow for the first time in my life.

11. Fatima ___________________ (never / see) snow in her entire lifetime.

12. I ___________________ (know) Greg Adams for ten years.

13. A: Is Ahmed here yet?

B: Yes. He ___________________ (just / arrive).

14. Last year we ___________________ (go) to Spain for our holiday.

15. John is still doing his homework. He ___________________ (not / finish) it yet.

16. A: Could I speak with Sue please?

B: I’m afraid she isn’t in. She ___________________ (leave) at about nine-thirty.

17. Lately, the prices of everything ___________________ (increase) dramatically.

18. I ___________________ (have) this jacket since I started school two years ago and it still looks

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Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

19. Jack ___________________ (be) in Stockholm for almost two years now.

20. Ever since Tony ___________________ (start) working in a bank, he ___________________

(be) late home every day.

21. Roberto ___________________ (increase) both production and sales since he

___________________ (become) the manager of the company.

22. How many exams ___________________ you ___________________ (take) since the
beginning of this term?

23. Nobody ___________________ (smoke) in my car up till now.

24. We ___________________ (go) to a party at Bob’s place the day before yesterday.

Ex. 7: For questions 1-11, read the sentences carefully and fill in letter of the best answer.

1.Kris Allen’s wife always __________ to his

shows. She knows he will be the next
American Idol. 3.A: We __________ to Simon Cowell and he
(A)go says that you’re going to Hollywood.
(B)has gone B: I can’t believe it!
(C)has went (A)just talked
(D)goes (B)have just talked
(C)just have been talking
(D)talked just

2.A: Quiet, please. The singer __________ a 4.A: Ever since I got the recording contract,
song at the moment. my life __________ mental.
B: Sorry. I didn’t know. B: I’m not surprised.
(A)records (A)is being
(B)record (B)is
(C)has recorded (C)has been being
(D)is recording (D)has been

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Department of Foreign Languages
9. A: She __________ a lot of really good
5.Sherry __________ for an audition and it shows in the past.
seems she will get a part on the B: Yes, and she’s still only twenty-five.
programme. (A) presents
(A)has already been (B) presented
(B)has been already (C) has presented
(C)is already been (D) is presenting
(D)already has been
10. A: The band __________ two of the
6.A: I __________ I want to be a famous songs so far.
record producer when I grow up. B: So that means they have six more to
B: You’ll have to work very hard then. go.
(A)think (A)record
(B)thinks (B)is recording
(C)am thinking (C)are recording
(D)have thought (D)has recorded
7.The tenants living in the oldest buildings in
the downtown district __________ their 11.A: __________ to any music last night?
rents for 5 months now. B: No. I was too busy studying.
(A)aren’t paying (A) Did you listen
(B)don’t pay (B) Do you listen
(C)didn’t pay (C) Have you listened
(D)haven’t paid (D) Are you listening
8.My brother __________ a singer for five
years but he has never performed at a
really big gig.
(A)has been
(D)is being


University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Revision 1: For questions 1-9, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given.

1 When the meaning was over, they went out for a drink. had
As ______________________________________________ finished,they went out for a drink.

2 When we eventually arrived at the party, all the food had been eaten. got
By __________________________________________ the party, all the food had been eaten.

3 Immediately after he went,we started to relax. once

We started to relax ______________________________________________ gone.

4 He put everything back in its place before he left. until

He didn’t _____________________________________________ everything back in its place.

5 They decided against employing him because of his age. take

They decided ______________________________________________ because of his age.

6 She is proud of her achievements. pride

She ______________________________________________ her achievements.

7 She isn’t very interested in my work. in

She doesn’t ______________________________________________ my work.

8 His exam mark was such a disappointment. so

He ______________________________________________ with his exam mark.

9 I was so tired after that walk. such

It ______________________________________________ walk.


University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Ex. 1: For questions 1-10, read the sentences and fill in the blanks using “for” or “since”.

1.It has been cold ______________ the last two months.

2.We haven’t heard about him ______________ he disappeared.

3.She has been very nervous ______________ last month.

4.He has had this car ______________ 1994.

5.They have known me ______________ I came here in 1980.

6.We have been working ______________ 8:30 in the morning.

7.I haven’t seen her ______________ we separated.

8.The baby has been crying ______________ half an hour.

9.My car has never broken down ______________ I bought it.

10.Bill has been teaching English ______________ four years.

Ex. 2: For question 1-5, complete the biography of Spanish actor Antonio Banderas. Use “for” or

Banderas has acted (0) ____for____ more than 20 years. He has worked in the theater
(1) ______________ 1982, and he has acted in films (2) ______________ 1992. The Mambo Sing
Songs of Love was his first film in English, but Banderas didn’t speak English at that time, and he had
to read his script phonetically. Banderas has had an international reputation (3) ___________ 1988,
when he appeared in Women on the Verge of Nervous Breakdown. Banderas met his wife, Melanie
Griffith, on the set of Two Much, and they have been married (4) ______________ over eight years.
(5) ______________ their daughter, Stella, was born, they have lived in Los angeles and Spain.

Ex. 3: For questions 1-8, read the questions and circle the letter of the correct answer.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Since the first story tellers (1) _______________ down in the market place or beside a camp fire,
people (2) _______________ interested in their stories.

2. (A) sat (B) have sat (C) have been sitting (D) are sitting

3. (A) were (B) have been (C) are (D) be

Dr. Fletcher has had this office in clampton (3) _______________ he graduated from medical
school, and he has been working as a general practitioner (4) _______________ For the last three
years he (5) _______________ the small shop by the corner.

4. (A) for (B) since (C) when (D) before

5. (A) twenty years ago (B) twenty years later (C) for twenty years (D) after twenty years

6. (A) used (B) is using (C) is going to use (D) has been using

Maria’s new apartment is like a palace. Everyone knows she (6) _______________ it recently.

7. (A) is decorating (B) decorates (C) decorated (D) has


The little girl is dirty from head to foot because she (7) _______________ in the mud.

8. (A) is playing (B) has played (C) has been playing (D) played

My understanding of the country (8) _______________ a lot since I arrived here.

9. (A) has changed (B) changed (C) has been changing (D) is going to

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages
Ex. 4: For questions 1-8, read this conversation between two people and underline the most
suitable word form.

Anna: Excuse me. We (0) have waited / have been waiting to play tennis since 10:30. It must be
our turn now. How long (1) have you played / have you been playing?
Tim: Since about 9:30. We (2) have played / have been playing two matches so far this morning
and we (3) haven’t finished / haven’t been finishing the third yet. You’ll have to wait or do
something else.
Anna: But you (4) have played / have been playing for more than two hours and it’s our turn now.
Tim: I said you’ll have to wait.
Anna: We’re tired of waiting and we haven’t got anything to do. We (5) have read / have been
reading the magazines we brought with us.
Tim: Why don’t you do something else? (6) Have you tried / Have you been trying the swimming
Anna: We don’t want to swim, we want to play tennis.
Tim: Well, I always play on Saturday mornings. Anyway, we (7) have already started / have
already been starting the third match.
Anna: Oh well, it looks like we’ve got no choice, but we (8) have booked/ have been booking for
next Saturday so you’ll be unlucky then.

Ex. 5: For questions 1-6, fill in the blanks using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I’m exhausted. I ____have been working____ (work) all day, and I _____haven’t finished____
(finish) yet.
1. I ______________________ (visit) many countries in the last five years.
2. Someone ______________________ (take) my books. I ______________________ (look) for
them, but I can’t find them anywhere.
3. I ______________________ (shop) all morning but I ______________________ (buy) anything
yet because I ______________________ (see) anything I liked.
4. The best book I ______________ ever ______________ (read) is One Hundred Years of
Solitude by Gabriel Marquez.
5. A: You’re filthy! What ______________ you ________________ (do)?
B: I ______________________ (work) in the garden. I ______________________ (plant) all the
vegetables for next year, but I haven’t finished all the work yet.
6. I ___________________ (wait) for two hours, but nobody ___________________ (arrive) yet.

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Ex. 6: For questions 1-5, fill in the blanks with the correct tense. Use Present Perfect, Present
Perfect Continuous, Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. I _____have been learning_____ (learn) Italian for the past three years, but there’s still a lot I
____don’t understand____ (not understand).

2. A: Oh dear! Look out of the window. It ______________________ (rain).

B: Oh no. I ______________________ (not bring) my umbrella.

3. My uncle ___________________ (know) everything about roses. He _____________________

(grow) them for 35 years. Now he ______________________ (try) to produce a blue one.

4. I ______________________ (listen) to you for the past half an hour, but I’m afraid I
______________________ (not understand) a word.

5. A: What’s the matter Jane?

B: I ______________________ (read) in my room and the light isn’t very good, so I
______________________ (have) a headache. It’s really hurting.

6. A: What are you doing?

B: I ______________________ (write) a letter.
A: You ______________________ (sit) at the desk for hours. Is it a difficult letter?
B: Yes, I ______________________ (decide) to resign from my job.
A: You ______________________ only ______________________ (do) it for a week so how do
you know you don’t like it?

Ex. 7. For questions 1-5, complete each conversation with “would rather” or “would rather not”.

1.“I’d love to see a good movie tonight.”

You: _______Actually, I’d rather stay at home_______ .

2.“I’m in the mood for a comedy film.”

You: Actually, __________________________________________ .

3.“Why don’t we get tickets for the late show?”

You: Actually, __________________________________________ .

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

4.“Ben told me you wanted to rent a movie.”

You: Actually, __________________________________________ .

5.“Would you like to see a horror movie?”

You: Actually, __________________________________________ .

6.“How about some Italian food after the movie?

You: Actually, __________________________________________ .

Ex. 8: For questions 1-10, read the sentences below and choose the best answer.

2.He 'd like to go to Canada whereas his wife
________ go to Mexico. 7.My wife would like to visit a museum, but I
(A)would prefer would ________ to go to Ayers Rock.
(B)would rather (A)rather
3.Her husband ________ rent a house. 8.I would ________ become a scubadiver.
(A)would like (A)like
(B)would rather (B)rather

4.Mrs. Martin ________ to stay in hotel. 9.I would ________ not to become a
(A)would prefer computer programmer.
(B)would rather (A)rather

5.My sister would like to have fun on Bondi 10.I would ________ buy this lipop because I
Beach but I would ________ to go on a prefer the taste.
cruise. (A)like
(A)rather (B)rather
11.I would ________ not rent a house in the
6.My wife would like to rent a house in New Outback.
York but I would ________ camp in the (A)rather
desert. (B)prefer

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Ankara Aeronautical Vocational School of Higher Education
Department of Foreign Languages

Ex. 9: For questions 1-10, read the sentences carefully. Some of the sentences are correct, and
some have ONE word which should not be there. If a sentence is correct write “OK” in the blank
provided next to each line. If a sentence has a word which should NOT be there, write the word
in the blank provided next to each line, as in the examples.

0. The children would rather play in the garden than play in the house. ____OK___
00. Since I came to Ankara, I prefer have made so many friends. __prefer___
1.We have to been working since 8:30 in the morning. __________
2.I would rather to lie on the beach than do this exercise. __________
3.I haven’t already tried Indian food before. __________
4.I’d like to talk to the executive manager of the company. __________
5.Recently, the manager has been working overtime to increase production yet.__________
6.She would rather not go out late at night. __________
7.Would you prefer to a cup of coffee or a cup of tea? __________
8.She has been digging up the garden for the next last two weeks. __________
9.I would prefer not to watch anything too violent on TV. __________
10.He would rather sew his clothes and than buy them from a store. __________


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