Materi Speaking I, II

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How could i get....?

Can you show me the way to go to...?
You had better ask..
Can you tell me where the
Let me show you the way from here to.....
A: Excuse me mis/sir, can you show me the way from here to go to market?
B: yes, my pleasure. Which market do you want to visit?
A: i want to visit central market in this city.
B: owh i see. Let me tell you from here to the market. You just go straight on and follow this street,
then you’ll find cross road and please turn left. For about 100 meters from the cross road, you can see
the police office in the right side of the street, and the central market is next to police office.
A: oke, thank a lot.
B: not at all. You had better ask the people around there if you don’t find it or if you’are

In this time, we would like to discuss about a lovely thing. We need you all to describe everything
you love in detail and specificelly.
For the example:
Today, in this good occasion, i would like to describe you about my lovely thing. It’s a phone. My
phone is Samsung. Everyone calls android generally. It was made in korea. I like my phone so much.
My phone has black color. The shape is square and about 5 inc . it’s android brand with touch screen
and face detection. We can buy phone like this in every phone shop we find. My phone is only about
one million and multifunction. I always use it for operating media sosial and also use it for calling
any body else from family, friends, partnersof work, and other people.
My phone is very useful for me. Because i can use it to communicate with all people and control my
job. In this globalitation era, if we don’t have smart phone, we will not be able to develop our selves.
So, i always keep my phone well till now. It may be enough for me. Thank you for giving me any
attention and the last i say.......

Color : warna
Shape : bentuk
Size : ukuran
Brand : jenis
Get : mendapatkan/memperoleh
Made in : dibuat di
Made of : terbuat dari
Black :hitam
White : putih
Blue : biru
Yellow : kuning
Green : hijau
Grey : abu-abu
Brown : coklat
Orange : oranye’
....ish : 4
Blackish : kehitam-hitaman
Big : besar
Small : kecil
Thin : tipis
Thick : tebal
Long : panjang
Short : pendek
Medium : sedang
Paper : kertas
Plastic : plastik
Wood : kayu
Rattan : rotan
Bamboo :bambu
Silver : perak
Steel :baja
Copper : tembaga
Brass : kuningan
Cloth : kain
Glass :kaca
Leather : kulit
Rubber : karet
Iron : besi
Clay : tanah liat
Square : persegi
Rectangle : persegi panjang
Circle/round : bundar
Trianglle : segi tiga
Cube : kubus
Cone : kerucut 5
Good afternoon everybody. How’s life today?. In this good chance, i would like to describe my best
friend. My best friend is a girl. Her name is shinta. Shinta is my best friend since in elementary
school. she is also my neighbor. She has a short body, long black-haired, and oval-faced. Shinta is
white-skinned. Becouse of it, we call her “Chinese”. But her nose is flat and her eyes are narrow
Shinta’s body is medium. It is not really fat and also thin. When she is walking, her body is well
built. She has a special sign on her face. It is a small mole around her mouth. That’s why everybody
can recognize her from it. Shinta is a kind and understanding person. She always helps me in every
single problem i get and she always wants to be a good listener for me to know everything about me
when i’m telling it. She is also a polite porson. So that, she is acceptable in every place she lives and
at present, we still have good communication and we hope never ending till the end our life. That’s
all for me. I think it’s enough. Thank for the attention. See you and the last i say.......

Face : wajah
Narrow eyes : mata sipit
Cross eyes : mata juling
Blind : buta
Long nose : mancung
Flat nose : pesek
Tiny :mungil
Harelip :sumbing
Thin : tipis
Thick : tebal
Black sweet : hitam manis
Creamy yellow: kuning langsat
Bright brown : sawo matang
Smooth : lembut
Scabies : kudisan
Stripe : belang
Straight hair : rambut lurus 6
Frizzy : kribo
Curly : keriting
Wavy : bergelombang
Short : pendek
Bald : gundul
Egg head : botak
Tall body : badan yang tinngi
Dwarf : cebol
Well built : tegap
Fat : gemuk
Cripple :pincang
Mute : bisu
Thin : kurus
Deaf : tuli
Mole : tahi lalat
Grey : uban
Round face : wajah bulat
Cute : imut5
Oval : oval
Kind : baik hati
skillful :terampil
honest :jujur
polite : sopan
impolite : tidak sopan
diligent : rajin
stingy : pelit
arrogant : sombong

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