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Circle the correct preposition.

He’s going into / out of the cave. He’s riding toward / past the mountain.

He’s getting on / off the plane. He’s riding toward / away from the mountain.

He’s going away from / out of the cave. He’s swimming over / around the shark.

He’s riding over / out of the mountain. She’s running along / through the forest.

He’s running away from / toward the dragon. He’s getting off / on the plane.

Write the opposite.

e.g. up – down

into - ________________, toward - _________________, onto - ___________,

under - _______________, through - ________________, away from - ____________,

out of - _______________, over - ___________________, off - _______________,

past - ________________.
Write the correct preposition.

The Snowball forest ghost.

Are you afraid of ghosts? I’m not. I can tell you why.
It happened some years ago. I was driving home after tiring working day. It was
getting dark. The road was going 1 _____________ a small forest. People
believed that the forest was haunted. The locals told different stories about the
ghosts that usually came 2 _____________ when it was dark.

“Just like now”, I thought. “But the road is short. I will go 3 ___________
it quickly”.
Suddenly my car engine stopped. I got angry because I was hungry and
exhausted. I came 4 __________ my car and looked at the forest. Right at

this moment I heard a sound. I looked up and saw a strange object running 5

_____________ me. I quickly jumped 6

_____________ the car and

closed the door. The object jumped 7

_______ and 8

_______________, 10 ___________ and 11 ______________________ my

car, was going 12 _________________ and coming 13 _________________.

I couldn’t understand what it was. It looked like a ghost but very fast and noisy.
At last it disappeared. Everything was quiet again. I opened my car carefully and
slowly came 14 _____________. Suddenly the white noisy ghost ran quickly

_____________ me and jumped 16 ____________ the driver’s seat.
Was it going to drive?? A ghost-driver?? I pulled all my courage together and

looked 17 __________ the car. To my great relief it wasn’t a ghost. It was

my neighbors’ dog Snowball. Snowball got lost a week ago when my neighbors,
the Browns, went to the forest for a picnic. He ran after a squirrel and couldn’t
find the way back. He had his funny name because of his color, he was
absolutely white. Well, I fixed the car and drove Snowball home. Polly Brown, a
ten years old girl, was so happy to have her pet back. Snowball was her 7 th
birthday present. Now every time I drive 18 _______________ that forest I
remember this story. I even called that place Snowball forest. So, don’t be afraid
of ghosts. Maybe they are friendly, funny, fluffy and lost.

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