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Jubail Industrial College

English Language Center

ELC 205

A microchip for saving lost pets

Name: Talal Duwaihi Abdulrahman Al-Qhtany

ID: 391900527 Section: 3

Prepared for: DR. Hussein Saeed

Semester 403
My idea is a microchip which is a small, electronic chip enclosed in a glass cylinder
that is about the same size as a grain of rice. The microchip itself does not have a
battery—it is activated by a scanner that is passed over the area, and the radio waves
put out by the scanner activate the chip. The chip transmits the identification number
to the scanner, which displays the number on the screen. The microchip itself is also
called a transponder.

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... i

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1

2. Way and materials...................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Elements ............................................................................................................... 2

2.2 The way it is injected ........................................................................................... 3

2.3 The way the device be powered ........................................................................... 3

3 The pet info be on the device ...................................................................................... 4

3.1 Storage.................................................................................................................. 4

3.2 Updating information: .......................................................................................... 4

3.3 My idea and its relation to ISO standards: ........................................................... 4

4. Conclusion: ................................................................................................................ 5

5. References: ................................................................................................................. 6

6. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 7

All pet parents are concerned about watching over their furry friends. Pets are like
family members and we try to keep them safe all the time. When researching the
different ways to do it.
Microchips are the most dependable form of identification for any pet. If lost, pet’s
collar and tags could be removed or damaged, significantly reducing chances of being
reunited. A microchip never gets lost and can be identified at almost any shelter
or veterinary office. Simple and inexpensive, microchips reunite thousands of pet
families every year.
Microchips are great for permanent identification that is tamper- proof, but nothing
replaces a collar with up-to-date identification tags. If a pet is wearing a collar with
tags when it's lost, it's often a very quick process to read the tag and contact the
owner; however, the information on the tags needs to be accurate and up-to-date. But
if a pet is not wearing a collar and tags, or if the collar is lost or removed, then the
presence of a microchip might be the only way the pet's owner can be found.

My microchip capsule is roughly the size of a grain of rice and incorporates several
components to help it do its job.
First, the glass material that encapsulates the device is biocompatible.
That means it's not toxic and doesn't hurt the Fido’s body, so the pet won't experience
an allergic reaction to the device after implantation.
It also includes a cap made of polypropylene polymer to keep the chip from
moving around once it's inside the animal. The polymer works by encouraging
connective tissue and other kinds of cells to form around the capsule to hold it in
place. It doesn’t expire or wear down. It is good for the life span of the pets.

Fig.(1) Where microchip is put.

(Trovan Multi Scanner specs (Apparently applies to models sold outside U.S.)
2.1 Elements
My chip will include three basic elements: silicon chip (integrated circuits); and
Inductor file, or internal ferrite heart wrapped in copper wire, and condenser. Silicon
chip on the identification number, as well as electronic circuits for the transfer of this
information to the scanner.
Inductor file acts as a radio antenna, ready to receive electrical power from the
scanner. Intensive work file as a tuner, Akunan LC circuit. Scanner field displays
Inductive which raises the file and intensive shipping, which in turn activates shipping
and integrated circuit. Which you move data over the file to the scanner.
These components are placed in a special envelope biocompatible made with glass
of lime and soda, and tightly sealed to prevent any moisture or liquids from entering
the unit. To prevent any complications are rare for dogs and cats not to physically or
behaviorally affected by the presence of segments in their bodies.

Fig.2 Elements of microchip
(Microchip Implantation Sites (World Small Animal Veterinary Association).

2.2 The way it is injected

It is injected under the skin using a hypodermic needle. It is no more painful than a
typical injection, although the needle is slightly larger than those used for injection.
No surgery is required. If the pet is already under anesthesia for a procedure, such as
neutering or spaying, the microchip can often be implanted while they're still under
The frequency of the microchip refers to radio wave given off by the scanner that
activates and reads the microchip. The frequency of my Microchip is 128 kiloHertz
2.3 The way the device be powered
Inside the capsule, there is the actual silicon microchip that holds the important
information, as well as a tuning capacitor and an antenna coil. The capacitor receives
power and sends it to the microchip. The microchip's information can then be picked
up through the antenna, which is a copper coil.
Because it has no internal power source, a microchip like this needs
a reader or scanner to energize it. When set to the correct frequency, the scanner the
microchip by invigorating the capacitor with electromagnetic power. When energized,
the microchip capsule sends radio signals back to the scanner with the identification
number. The scanner can then interpret the radio waves and display the identification
number on an LCD screen (liquid crystal display screen).
My Microchip will be developed to be scanned with a mobile app foe quick access
to the pet’s information.

The microchip will contain identification numbers. It is not a GPS device and
cannot track Fido and Fluffy if they get lost. Although the present technology
microchip itself does not contain pet's information, my microchip will allow you to
store that information in the database for quick reference.
3.1 Storage
A microchip only stores an identification number and small set of database. If a pet
is found, the veterinarian would retrieve the identification number and other
information via scan, and then use the information to contact the owner.
3.2 Updating information:
Registering the pet’s microchip in an international pet recovery database such as
Home Again with the contact information, so you can be contacted when your lost pet
is found. Also to keeping contact information up to date whenever moving or
changing phone numbers is very important.
By registering the pet, it is easy to update its info on the system. I mentioned
before that we the chip has two ways of info which are data set and an id and
identification number. The number on the system has also the information of the
owner that can be easily updated.
3.3 My idea and its relation to ISO standards:
The International Standards Organization, or ISO, has approved and recommended
a global standard for microchips. The global standard is intended to create an
identification system that is consistent worldwide. For example, if a dog was
implanted with an ISO standard microchip in the U.S. travels to Europe with its
owners and becomes lost, the ISO standard scanners in Europe would be able to read
the dog's microchip.
My Microchip will be standard to those criteria so it can be used inside and outside
Saudi Arabia.

Animal shelters, and owners look for microchips to return lost pets quickly to their
owners, avoiding expenses for housing, food, medical care, outplacing and
euthanasia. Many shelters place chips in all outplaced animals.
KSA requires microchips in imported animals to match vaccination
records. Microchip tagging may also be required for CITES-regulated international
trade in certain endangered animals.
My device is going to make the use of the microchips on pets as a documentation
device, which are also advantages of microchips regarding information collection.
The three major reasons for the microchip implantation are delocalization, recording,
and domestication. It agrees with 2030 vision because the vision humanities are
seeking for humans and animals.

1. Avid Announces New Scanner / 20.6.2020
2. Trovan Multi Scanner specs (Apparently applies to models sold outside U.S.) /
3. Using The AKC-CAR Multi-System Pocket Scanner (U.S. Model says "Detect
Only" on ISO chip type.) / 24.6.2020
4. Datamars Multi Scanner specs. / 26.6.2020
5. Datamars Multi Scanner specs. / 26.6.2020

Internet sites:

1. Software for Homemade Scanners- Chip Type Listing.

2. Nov. 2007 Scanner Evaluation from EID Limited.
3. Microchip Implantation Sites (World Small Animal Veterinary Association).
4. WSAVA - Australian Microchip Standard
5. Entering Japan: Dogs & Cats.

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