Borislav Pekic - Vreme Cuda

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Listen to me - he said - it's no good when the one who cleanses doesn't know why

he does that, wrongly thinking that even without these entanglements (I am using
his words) he is healthy, just like, on the contrary,it is good sometimes that a
convict doesn't know the weight of his charges, so that he wouldn't stubbornly
defend himself and cause even more anger and more severe punishment. In
order to protect us, the Lord usually doesn't tell us reasons for his draconian
punishments, which we don't learn before his death, thankful that he has enabled
us to hate him, and inevitably force him into more severe punishemnts. In these
executions, wise rulers take him as an ideal, and their convicts die in miseries,
however, curious not angry. Even ordinary people in their everyday encounters
don't tell each other the real reasons for their bad mood or unfriendly actions. I
suppose that happened to you too, and that the Lord gave you mercy so that you
don't know why he chases you.

-Yes – Egla admitted – my husband Jeroboam and I mulled over it, but couldn’t
fathom a thing.

- It’s for the better – Ismaj agreed – because It confirms that I am right when I say
that ignorance is the best protection from punishment, maybe ever more efficient
than prayers, prayers can't be overlooked, and ignorance is silent. – Ismaj waved
his hand to show Egla to move away. – Please madam – he said impatiently –
don’t breathe into my face, or if you just have to, at least put your hand over your
mouth. You are probably wondering: “What is the point of me knowing why I
repent, when I don’t know why I shoud be repenting?” And I am telling you that:
you don’t repent for the things that you have done, you do it to show that you
have done something. An act of purification proves your guilt, because if you
weren’t guilty, you wouldn’t need to repent. If acts are longer, more complicated
and more public, and as you know, some of them are turned into cheerful folk
festivities, so much so is the guilt of those subjecting to them more hideous and
irrefutable. That’s why one repent: for others, not for yourself.

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