2501 Imposes A Tax On "The Transfer of Property by Gift."

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Recipient Child Spouse Relative 3P Trust

Is there a transfer? transfer = any transaction in which an interest in property is gratuitously passed or conferred upon another; regardless
of means or device employed. §2511-1(c)(1)

Was there a gift? §2501 imposes a tax on “the transfer of property by gift.”
The combination of §§2501 and 2512(b) create the basic definition of a gift as:
(1) a transfer

(2) of property

(3) without adequate and full consideration

(a) donative intent is not relevant. §2511-1(g)
(b) marriage is consideration. Wemyss
(c) specifically, not a gift: (i) personal consumption and economic waste; (ii) arm’s length transactions; (iii) political
contributions; (iv) transfers mandated by law; (v) divorce-related transfers; (vi) direct payments for education and
Medicare care
(d) buy-sell agreements/option agreement effect on valuation ignored unless: (i) bona fide business arrangement; (ii)
not a device to transfer to members of decedent’s family for less than full and adequate consideration; and (iii) terms
are comparable to similar arrangements entered into by persons at arms length. §2703
(e) valuation for purpose of consideration = the price at which such property would change hands between a willing
buyer and willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell, and both having reasonable knowledge
of relevant facts. Reg. §2512-1

(4) in money or money’s worth.

What form is the gift The gift tax applies to transfers whether indirect or direct, in trust or otherwise §2511
in? -transfers in trust
-indirect gifts through a strawman
-gifts by corps
-discharge of indebtedness
-below market interest rate loans §7872—two imputed transfers: (1) lender = gift (difference between stated interest
and AFR) (2) borrower = discharge of indebtedness income
-use of money (without interest) = gift Dickman
-providing services without charge ≠ gift Hodges
Is it complete?
Donor must
relinquish dominion
and control over the
trust property—as to
leave him no power
to change its
disposition. §2511-
What is the value of
the property
Any exclusions or
Type of Property Includability into gross Value Deductions
Property Life estate
owned Life estate
entirely by for life of
D another

by D
not owned
by D

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