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If you have Issues in the morning or throughout the day,

please list them on ​this SPREADSHEET

IF you have robotic calls, calls dropping, please run this test again and send to Lindsay and

Logging In/Out:
1. Verify your Microphone & Listen settings are correctly tied to your headset. Press the 3
bars at the top left of your Callbar to access and change those.
2. Make sure you manually move your Status to ​Available​ to take calls. Your default status
will be ​OFFLINE​ which means you have not started your shift.
3. It’s Recommended you Pin Talkdesk to your computer taskbar. You can Right Click on
the Talk Desk icon in your Windows Ribbon on the bottom of your screen, then select
Pin to Task Bar.
4. When ending your shift, do not only go to the offline status. Fully sign out of TalkDesk.

Changing Status & After Call Worktime

1. Call Wrap Up-​ Will now count upwards and you will not be able to take another call until
you change this. This is the only status that should be used after your call for that
specific call. You should stay in this status for all things related to your current call
(emailing, control site scheduling, research, printing invoices, etc).
2. Call Avoidance-​ ​This is now your new “After Call Work Time”. You will use this when
you need to follow up on something unrelated to your current call.
a. Calling another client back
b. Fixing a coaching
c. Following up on an issue from earlier that morning or previous day
d. Any follow up activity that is not related to your current call, where you need to
prevent yourself from receiving a call
Viewing/Customizing Dashboards:
You can access live status of calls, agents, ring groups via the Reporting section in the ​WEB

1. You will not know that you are receiving a callback call until you have answered the call
with the green phone button.
2. As soon as you answer the call a male voice will notify you that the call is a callback
request. You will hear “this is a callback, please hold the customer will be connected to
this call shortly” on repeat until either the client or a Voicemail picks up.
3. If a customer has not picked up within 3 minutes, you may disconnect the callback.
4. If you receive a voicemail, you ​MUST ALWAYS leave a message​.
5. If you accidentally hang up the call before the customer answers, you should look in your
web version ​Calls​ page to find the number, and manually call the client back.
Supervisors will be running reports to find disconnected callbacks and these will count
against your stats.

VM Message for Technical Support :

Hello, This is Mood Media returning your call from your save your place in line request. Please
call us back at 1-800-345-5000 when you are available to speak with us further about the issue
you are experiencing. If you are currently having technical support issue we recommend you
power cycle your player by turning off your player and unplugging it for 30 seconds. You can
also visit our website for further troubleshooting support.

VM Message for Billing:

Hello, This is Mood Media returning your call from your save your place in line request. Please
call us back at 1-800-345-5000 when you are available to speak with us further about the issue
you are experiencing. If you have a question about your bill or need to make a payment, you
can also visit our website and log into our billing portal to review your

How to reach Other Departments Employees, Department

Queues, and Vendors:
***NOTE: Do not transfer to ring groups during the last 1 hour before closing***
1. Internal Employees
a. Until all employees move to talkdesk, you’ll need to direct dial their phone
number if they have one. Use this ​INTERNAL PHONE NUMBERS MASTER
LIST​ for employee phone numbers. Otherwise you’ll need to contact them via
google hangouts or email. Always try to Warm transfer.
2. Internal Department Queues
a. Press on your Phone Book and use your Favorites tab.
b. Type in MOOD
c. All internal MOOD departments will be listed there
3. Agents (eachother)
a. Press on your Phone Book and use your Agents tab. If an agent is in a Yellow
status, you will not be able to transfer or reach them.
4. Vendors
a. Press on your Phone Book and use your Favorites tab.
b. Type a vendor name, most frequently used vendors have been preprogrammed.
c. Use OSVC for IA/Dealer information - Contacts>IA & Dealer Directory

Transferring, Conferencing, Call Parking:

● Blind Transfer- (back and forth arrows icon)​Sends the client instantly to the
destination without you on the call. You will receive another call immediately after
transferring. You can blind transfer to another ring group.

● Warm Transfer-​ ​(back and forth arrows icon) ​Allows you to call the other party and
speak with them first, then bring in the customer into the call. You can also cancel the
transfer if you no longer want to transfer the customer to that destination and resume
speaking with the customer directly. Please note, clients hear nothing while holding
during this option. Please let them know they will hear silence. You will receive another
call immediately after transferring. You can try multiple warm transfers as long as the 3rd
person (example: collector) hangs up on the 1st transfer.

*You cannot warm transfer to another Ring Group if no agents are available. In this case,
you would need to dial the 1-800 of the ring group in order to wait in Queue for someone
to be available.
● Call Parking-​ (found under the “+ Guest” icon) Cannot be used with ring groups or
agents in Talkdesk. PHONE NUMBERS AND FAVORITES ONLY. ​Allows you to go
back and forth between the client call and a vendor. You can only call another
department or Department Employee if you dial their full number (does not work with a
ring group or agent within Talkdesk). You will not be able to join these 2 calls together,
only put 1 or the other on hold at a time. *this feature is currently in Beta and has the
possibility to freeze up*

● Hold-​ (Pause button)​ ​Puts the client on hold with background music.

● Mute-​ ​(Microphone button)​Client only hears silence (not recommended, unless you are
coughing or have loud noises in the background.

When to Warm Transfer ​vs​ Blind Transfer ​vs​ Call Parking:

“I need to put the Customer on Hold to ask another Department or Agent a question.”
Use Warm Transfer Option ​OR​ Call Parking Option (if no chance you’ll need to transfer
the customer to the other department)

“I want to put the customer on hold while I speak with a vendor (example calling Dish
Use Call Parking

“Customer called the wrong Department/Ring Group, I need to transfer them.”

-Use Warm or Blind Transfer depending on OSVC KB
-Call the phone number of the ringgroup or transfer to ring group if we are not close to
-Dial by typing in Mood into your Favorites for other Departments

Leaving a Note & Disposition Code

You can leave helpful notes during your Wrap Up- These are not mandatory.
You can view notes & dispositions for each call made via contact by searching for their name or
phone number Contacts Section of the ​WEB UI​.

Each agent will be getting an extension. If you need a customer to get back to you directly, you
can tell them to dial the main 800 number and use option 8 to enter in your extension.

Ring Groups & Phone Numbers:

There are 2 ways to identify what type of call you are getting.
1. Phone number (Will display which phone number you received the call on)
a. Acquired IA Support (This is the old Focus 4, SCAV queue)
2. Ring Group (Will let you know what type of call you are getting Technical support, Billing,
a. Premier Platinum Mainline will all go to Technical Support Level 1, but Premier
and Platinum will be identified in the Phone Number area

Receiving a Call:
We have an Oracle Integration with Talkdesk. If the phone number is linked to an account in
Oracle, you will be presented with Screenpop information about the client. If the client is linked
to multiple accounts, it will pull up the most recent information about the account they were last
linked to.

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