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English Literature for High School Students

Graphic Organizer Rubric

4 3 2 1

All required fields are Most fields are Many fields are More than half of the
completed. completed. missing, or thoughts page is not complete.
Ideas answer the main Ideas remain on topic are incomplete. Ideas do not answer
Organization idea. for most responses. Responses are not on main idea or are
Ideas are Ideas are in an order topic. missing.
comprehensible and in that stays on topic. Responses are not in Work is illegible.
the correct order. an order that reflects
understanding of the
All ideas reflect an Most ideas reflect an Half of the ideas The ideas are not
understanding of the understanding of the reflect understanding relevant to the topic
material. material. of the material. at all.
Content Responses are original Response is mostly Responses lack Material is not in
and show critical summarized in critical thinking for student’s own words.
thinking. student’s own words. the subject. Quotes are
Required quotes are Critical thinking was Quotes are missing inaccurately recorded
accurate and properly expressed for most page/chapter or missing altogether.
cited with the correct responses. citations.
page or chapter number Quotes have a wrong
from the text. page number.
All responses have the There are 1-2 spelling There are 3-4 spelling More than 5 spelling
correct spelling. or grammar errors on or grammar errors on or grammar mistakes
There are zero the page. the page. on the page, it is
Spelling/ grammatical errors. difficult to
Grammar understand.

This graphic organizer rubric layout/format was created by Ms. May on Microsoft Word, and the layout was inspired by

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