Good Luck!: Course Page. You Are To Submit Your Answer in MS Word With The Following File Name Format

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Department Computer Science and Information Technology

Course ITE 401: IT Project Management

Semester Spring 2021
Activity Assignment #1
Instructor Dr. Murad Al-Rajab
Due Date Saturday March 13, 2021

Note: The assignment must be submitted into the designated link in the Blackboard
course page. You are to submit your answer in MS Word with the following file name
FirstStudentID_ SecondStudentID_FirstStudentName_SecondStudentName_AssignmentNumber.

You are asked to search and read some research papers, articles, or magazines for two stories; one for a
successful story of IT project management and the other for a failure story. Write down a summary of
each project and the reasons behind the success and the failure. Use proper citations.

Research articles and tools on project portfolio management (2 articles are enough). Summarize the
advantages of performing project portfolio management as well as challenges. Use proper citations.

Solution Report Structure

The report should contain the following sections
1. Title Page (Assignment No, Student Names and IDs)
2. Question 1 Answer (Your answer must not exceed 1 page)
3. Question 2 Answer (Your answer must not exceed 1 page)
4. References

• You can access and use ADU Digital Library services:
• Use IEEE referencing format (see link below).
• Avoid plagiarism, do not copy text from the Internet.
• The assignment to be solved by a group of 2 students ONLY or individually.
• All submissions must be through Blackboard ONLY. No assignments will be accepted by email
or by MS Teams.
• All assignments must be within due date and NO late assignments will be accepted.

Good Luck!
Instructor: Dr. M. Al-Rajab 1/1 Spring 2021
ITE 401 – Assignment #1

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