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One row per chapter. Remember to include the Introduction and Epilogue if there is one in the book.

Name: Annette Moradel

Book Title: Charity Detox by Robert Lupton

Ch. # Big Idea—Summarize the author’s main Interaction—Remember Bloom’s Taxonomy and go
& Title idea in 2-3 well thought out sentences using for higher order thinking…. What can you affirm?
YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not quote the What must you challenge? How does this material
author. (Answer: “What?”) connect with other concepts? Why are these ideas
important? INTERACT with the material in 3-4 well
written sentences. (Answer: “So what?” & “Now
Ch. 1 The first chapter presents one of the world's As someone who has received and given charity
The Bad News most significant problems, poverty, and work, I can say that most of the time, the positive
About Good society's reaction to it, focusing on results of charity are momentary and rarely lead to
Works something that many see as the solution: long-term change. It is challenging to start a
"Charity." The reality of these things is that responsible charity, especially when society is already
both poverty and charity move through so used to doing the same things for years, but it is not
cycles that can become toxic and cause impossible.
dependency without change. We must have a new vision before others' crises and
The author resonates with each reader, with ask the Holy Spirit to help us know if our actions
real-life examples, that there are ways to do support a destructive lifestyle or doing a significant
charity effectively that go far more than change.
donations and volunteering and start
breaking poverty once at a time.
Business is one of the fundamental bases Understanding God's call to serve the needy has to
Ch.2 for an effective charity that provides a come with a mindset change to realize and understand
Partnering stable economic level that lifts people out of that we have the resources available to help and make
with Business poverty. Regardless of religion or political a radical transformation. One of those resources that
status, a business gives effective results God has given us is business. Through this,
throughout an economy built on trade. companies can employ people to create an
Business cannot be discredited by men, as it economically healthy communities ready to grow in
is something that God uses as part of His all skills and generate income that benefits everyone.
plan to bring change and progress to this However, we must maintain a balance to understand
world. that beyond income, our work is part of our purpose
in Christ; therefore, it does not have to be something
long-suffering but something productive and with
Ch.3 Social Entrepreneurs' role is a creative, effective, I agree with the author about the entrepreneurs' call in
Entrepeneurs and transformative role that affects more society, especially in the church. It is a call that
than one person and goes beyond risks and generates transformation and growth. However, in
limitations. An entrepreneur's vision and many places globally, the traditional church still needs
dreams become tangible by creating to understand this concept and be challenged by the
companies that generate positive results and fact that there must be a vision update regarding the
promising opportunities. God has raised economy. We must know that God's prosperity plan
entrepreneurs in the church, and their for wealth must be handled wisely and unselfishly and
mission, besides the saving of souls, is to be only for good deeds.
a channel of blessing to bring that economic
wholeness that He wants us to have.
Ch.4 Return The return on investment measures the The local church is called to look at the opportunities
on investment relationship between something obtained that present themselves in their area and congregation
and the investment given to it. Investing in and use them to benefit all. These opportunities
something or someone, being guided by require investing to see the fruit of that investment
God's direction, brings an impact not only later, and this function has a biblical basis. It is not
natural but also spiritual. In the social and about turning the church into a marketing/business
spiritual realm, ROI goes beyond money, place but rather a place with notable outcomes.
primarily when invested in those who are
not considered "self-sufficient."

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