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Cultural identity

The cultural identity of a person is formed based on values, pride, tradition symbols beliefs and
modes of behavior that involves a social group in this case i have chonen the emo culture
whose objetive is to acquire a depresive personality to see a denigrating world and whithout a
good reason to be happyt, are people who are disappointed in life and aare looking for a
couple of similar characteristics.

The differences that i bring with this culture is that i do not have a negative view of life and i do
not usually show myself to the world as a pesimist and victim of a society orcated thinking
more about capital and private interests to that people are forgotten and their true heeds, but
i see the world as an opportunity to achieve a change an a similarity with which i feel identified
with this culture is about music and i like to heart bands like " My chemical romance"," blink
182"; " All american reject; " Silverstein".

The aspect that has surprise me most of this culture is the way it is worn since it has the
characteristics of having hair comled, piercings, converse shoes, wristlands, plates, hoodies,
tight 6 - shirt (usually black) and underwear. Which in my opinion is tasteless but you have to
respect what they think.

To know if are differences and culture similarities an example is the most obvios to do it in case
the punk culture and the emo culture is taken, the firs one is basically a search for the
liberation of social stigmas while the second are mentally susceptible, while a similarity they
have is that the two culture try to break with the schene of doting so there are similarities and
differences to acheve rules that are aclope to culture taking as an example many more.

In conclusion tje objetive of the culture where he lived is to promete all types of culture
without discrimating and segretating any of these, since it would be breaking a social scheme
that promote the book thought.

Number of words: 344

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