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Worksheet 1.

Chapter 1: Statistical analysis – fifteen summary facts
1 Statistics is a branch of mathematics which allows us to sample small portions from habitats,
communities or biological populations and draw conclusions about the larger population.
2 Error bars are a graphical representation of the variability of data in the habitat, community or
biological population. Error bars can be used to show the range of data or the standard deviation
on a graph.
3 The mean is an average of the data points.
4 You must be able to calculate the mean and standard deviation of a set of data using a calculator.
5 Standard deviation is used to summarize the spread of values around the mean; 68% of values fall
within one standard deviation of the mean.
6 Standard deviation tells us how tightly the data points are clustered around the mean. When the
data points are clustered together, the standard deviation is small. When the data points are more
variable and spread apart, the deviation is large.
7 A high standard deviation results from a wide spread of data around the mean. This data is less
trustworthy than data with a low standard deviation.
A low standard deviation results from data which is clustered around the mean. This data is more
8 If two sets of data have the same means, it may appear that there is no significant difference
between the two groups. If we only looked at the means, we may miss the variability in the data.
Looking at the standard deviation forces us to recognize the variability which exists in each set of
9 The t-test utilizes the standard deviations of both sets of data to deduce the significance of the
difference. For example, does fertilizer applied to a group of plants really make a difference when
compared with the plants that do not have fertilizer applied?
10 When comparing two sets of data, the t-test helps scientists determine if the difference between the
sets is significant (real) or not.
11 Scientists are never completely certain but they like to be 95% certain of their findings before
drawing conclusions. 95% certain indicates that there is a 95% chance that the difference between
the two sets of data is significant. It also indicates that there is only a 5% probability that chance
alone can produce this difference. For example, it is 95% certain that fertilizer makes a difference
in the growth of the plants and there is only a 5% probability that the difference in growth is due to

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12 When given a calculated value of t, use the table of t values (page 7) that you will be given to help
find the chance that the difference between the values is significant. In the table of t values, look in
the left-hand column headed ‘Degrees of freedom’. Degrees of freedom are the sum of the sample
size of each of the two groups minus 2. For example, if two groups of 10 plants each are being
looked at, then 10 plus 10 is 20 minus 2 is 18. Thus, the number to look at in the ‘Degrees of
freedom’ column is 18.
13 Since you will be given the value of t, go to the right of the Degrees of freedom (18 in this case)
and find the box with the closest number to the t value you have been given. Now look to the
bottom of the table and you will find the ‘Probability that chance alone could produce the
difference’. If the t value given to you is the same or greater than 5% or 0.05, the difference is
significant (real). Thus, there is a 95% chance that the fertilizer caused the difference in growth for
the two groups of plants.
14 Calculated value for t will always be given to you. You need only be able to use the table.
Conditions which must be met for t-test to be applied are:
a) the population sampled must have a normal distribution
b) the variable measured must be continuous
c) the sample size must be at least 10.
15 Observations without an experiment can only show a correlation between two variables. An
experiment provides a test to show cause.

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